
Soft Q imitation learning (SQIL) is an off-policy maximum entropy Q learning algorithm together with imitation learning. SQIL was first proposed in SQIL: Imitation Learning via Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Rewards, which combines soft Q-learning with imitation learning. In the domain of discrete action spaces, soft Q learning proposed in <https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.08165>` learns stochastic (maximum entropy) policies instead of determistic policies comparing to the deep Q learning algorithm. SQIL and SQL can be easily generalised to continuous action spaces

Quick Facts

  1. SQIL is a model-free and value-based RL algorithm.

  2. SQIL is SQL incorporated with Imitation learning

  3. SQIL supports both discrete and continuous action spaces.

  4. SQIL is an off-policy algorithm.

  5. In DI-engine, SQIL uses eps-greedy for exploration.

  6. The DI-engine implementation of SQIL only supports discrete action spaces for now.

  7. The advantages for SQIL include more robustness in the face of uncertain dynamics and Naturally incorporation with exploration.

Key Equations or Key Graphs

SQL considers a more general maximum entropy policy, such that the optimal policy aims to maximize its entropy at each visited state:


where \({\alpha}\) is an optional but convenient parameter that can be used to determine the relative importance of entropy and reward. In practice, \({\alpha}\) is a hyperparameter that has to be tuned (This is not a parameter to learn).

With respect to discrete action spaces, one can write down the Bellman’s equation for action-value function:


Therefore, the value function is given by:


By defining policy to be proportional to a exponential function of some energy function (In this context, the energy function is Q), one can write down the (normalised) optimal policy in the form of Boltzmann distribution over actions,:


Therefore, the Q values with the best action is of the following form:


SQIL performs SQL with three small but important, modifications:

  1. It initially fills the agent’s experience replay buffer with demonstrations, where the rewards are set to a constant r = +1.

  2. As the agent interacts with the environment and accumulates new experiences, it adds them to the replay buffer, and sets the rewards for these new experiences to a constant r = 0

  3. It balances the number of demonstration experiences and new experiences (50% each) in each sample from the replay buffer

BC is a simple approach that seeks to imitate the expert’s actions using supervised learning – in particular, greedily maximizing the conditional likelihood of the demonstrated actions given the demonstrated states, without reasoning about the consequences of actions. Theoretically, It can be shown that SQIL is equivalent to augmenting BC with a regularization term that incorporates information about the state transition dynamics into the imitation policy, and thus enables long-horizon imitation.


SQIL = SQL + Imitation learning. The pseudo code is as follows:



The default config is defined as follows:

class ding.policy.sql.SQLPolicy(cfg: dict, model: Optional[Union[type, torch.nn.modules.module.Module]] = None, enable_field: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]

Policy class of SQL algorithm.

The bellman updates of SQIL/SQL and the Q-value function updates are defined in the function q_nstep_sql_td_error of ding/rl_utils/td.py:

def q_nstep_sql_td_error(
      data: namedtuple,
      gamma: float,
      alpha: float,
      nstep: int = 1,
      cum_reward: bool = False,
      value_gamma: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
      criterion: torch.nn.modules = nn.MSELoss(reduction='none'),
) -> torch.Tensor:
      Multistep (1 step or n step) td_error for q-learning based algorithm
      - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the input data, q_nstep_sql_td_data to calculate loss
      - gamma (:obj:`float`): discount factor
      - alpha (:obj:`float`): A parameter to weight entropy term in a policy equation
      - cum_reward (:obj:`bool`): whether to use cumulative nstep reward, which is figured out when collecting data
      - value_gamma (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): gamma discount value for target soft_q_value
      - criterion (:obj:`torch.nn.modules`): loss function criterion
      - nstep (:obj:`int`): nstep num, default set to 1
      - loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 0-dim tensor
      - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): nstep td error, 1-dim tensor
      - data (:obj:`q_nstep_td_data`): the q_nstep_td_data containing\
            ['q', 'next_n_q', 'action', 'reward', 'done']
      - q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)` i.e. [batch_size, action_dim]
      - next_n_q (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, N)`
      - action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )`
      - next_n_action (:obj:`torch.LongTensor`): :math:`(B, )`
      - reward (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(T, B)`, where T is timestep(nstep)
      - done (:obj:`torch.BoolTensor`) :math:`(B, )`, whether done in last timestep
      - td_error_per_sample (:obj:`torch.FloatTensor`): :math:`(B, )`
   q, next_n_q, action, next_n_action, reward, done, weight = data
   assert len(action.shape) == 1, action.shape
   if weight is None:
      weight = torch.ones_like(action)

   batch_range = torch.arange(action.shape[0])
   q_s_a = q[batch_range, action]
   target_v = alpha * torch.log(torch.sum(torch.exp(next_n_q / alpha), 1))
   target_v[target_v == float("Inf")] = 20
   target_v[target_v == float("-Inf")] = -20
   # For an appropriate hyper-parameter alpha, these hardcodes can be removed.
   # However, algorithms may face the danger of explosion for other alphas.
   # The hardcodes above are to prevent this situation from happening
   record_target_v = copy.deepcopy(target_v) #add the value function into tensorboard
   if cum_reward:
      if value_gamma is None:
            target_v = reward + (gamma ** nstep) * target_v * (1 - done)
            target_v = reward + value_gamma * target_v * (1 - done)
      target_v = nstep_return(nstep_return_data(reward, target_v, done), gamma, nstep, value_gamma)
   td_error_per_sample = criterion(q_s_a, target_v.detach())
   return (td_error_per_sample * weight).mean(), td_error_per_sample, record_target_v

We use an epsilon-greedy strategy when implementing the SQIL/SQL policy. How we pick actions is implemented in EpsGreedySampleWrapper_sql of ding/model/wrappers/model_wrappers.py

class EpsGreedySampleWrapperSql(IModelWrapper):

   def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
      eps = kwargs.pop('eps')
      alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha')
      output = self._model.forward(*args, **kwargs)
      assert isinstance(output, dict), "model output must be dict, but find {}".format(type(output))
      logit = output['logit']
      assert isinstance(logit, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(logit, list)
      if isinstance(logit, torch.Tensor):
            logit = [logit]
      if 'action_mask' in output:
            mask = output['action_mask']
            if isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor):
               mask = [mask]
            logit = [l.sub_(1e8 * (1 - m)) for l, m in zip(logit, mask)]
            mask = None
      action = []
      for i, l in enumerate(logit):
            if np.random.random() > eps:
               prob = torch.softmax(output['logit'] / alpha, dim=-1)
               prob = prob / torch.sum(prob, 1, keepdims=True)
               pi_action = torch.zeros(prob.shape)
               pi_action = Categorical(prob)
               pi_action = pi_action.sample()
               if mask:
                  action.append(torch.randint(0, l.shape[-1], size=l.shape[:-1]))
      if len(action) == 1:
            action, logit = action[0], logit[0]
      output['action'] = action
      return output

We have two buffers: one buffer is for new data by interacting with the environment and the other one is for demonstration data. We obtain the demonstration data online. That is, we use a well-trained model to generate data in the collecting stage and push them into the demonstration buffer. In learning process, we sample from these two buffers separately shown as follows:

# During the learning stage
for i in range(cfg.policy.learn.update_per_collect):
   train_data_new = replay_buffer_new.sample(
         (learner.policy.get_attribute('batch_size') // 2), learner.train_iter
   train_data_demonstration = replay_buffer_demonstration.sample(
         (learner.policy.get_attribute('batch_size') // 2), learner.train_iter
   if train_data_new is None and train_data_demonstration is None:
         train_data = None
         train_data = train_data_new + train_data_demonstration
   if train_data is not None:
         learner.train(train_data, collector.envstep)

We also need to modify rewards for new data and demonstration data. Taking the CartPole environment as an example:

new_data = collector.collect_data(learner.train_iter, policy_kwargs={'eps': eps})
for i in range(len(new_data)):
    device = new_data[i]['obs'].device
    new_data[i].reward = torch.tensor([0.]).to(device)

Regrading the demonstration data, we can leave these rewards as they were. For a general reward modification, please refer to ding//entry/serial_entry_sqil.py.

Regrading its performance, we drew a table below to compare with DQN, SQL in lunarlander and pong environments

env / method






153392 / 277 / 23900 (both off) 83016 / 155 / 12950 (both on)

693664 / 1017 / 32436 (both off) 1149592 / 1388/ 53805 (both on)

35856 / 238 / 1683 (both off) 31376 / 197 / 1479 (both on)



765848 / 482 / 80000 (both on)

2682144 / 1750 / 278250 (both on)

2390608 / 1665 / 247700 (both on)



*The stopping values for Lunarlander and Pong are 200 and 20 respectively.
*both on:cuda = True; base env manger = subprocess
*both off:cuda = False; base env manager = base

The above tensorboard diagram corresponds to the convergence of SQIL in the pong environment when alpha = 0.12, as shown in the above table.


Siddharth Reddy, Anca D. Dragan, Sergey Levine: “SQIL: Imitation Learning via Reinforcement Learning with Sparse Rewards”, 2019; [https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.11108 arXiv:1905.11108].