1. 08 9月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      add support for `NOT VALID` check constraints in PostgreSQL · 368da3ef
      Alex Robbin 提交于
      Active Record already supports adding `NOT VALID` foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL, but back in #31323 when check constraint support was initially added, the ability to add a check constraint and validate it separately was not included. This adds that functionality!
  2. 04 9月, 2020 1 次提交
    • E
      Default db_config should be primary or first · ee9e308f
      eileencodes 提交于
      The handling for single database applications has always set a schema.rb
      or structure.sql files for loading the database schema. When we first
      implemented multiple database support we intended to keep this for the
      original, default database. Afterall Rails _has_ to connect to something
      on boot. In development only one connection is connected on boot since
      we don't eager load the app.
      Originally we had thought that all applications should be required to
      add a `primary` entry in the database configurations file. However,
      this hasn't worked in practice and we have some code now that does not
      assume there's a primary. The schema dumping/loading code however,
      still assumed there was a "primary" in the configurations file.
      We want the "default" database in any application to use the original
      files even when converted to a multiple database application as this
      reduces the need to make changes when implementing this functionality on
      an existing application.
      The changes here update Rails to ensure that we treat either "primary"
      or the first database configuration for an environment as "default".
      If there is a "primary" that will be used as the default configuration.
      If there is no primary the configuration that is first for an
      environment will be used as the default. For schema dump/load this means
      that the default configuration (primary or first) will use `schema.rb`
      as the filename and other configurations will use
      This should also help us finish the pull request to infer migrations
      paths since now we can say the first configuration is the default. This
      is a natural assumption for application developers.
      Followup to #39536
  3. 01 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  4. 23 8月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Support storing demodulized class name for polymorphic type · 62cfbdf3
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      This is an alternative of #29722.
      Before Rails 6.1, storing demodulized class name is supported only for
      STI type by `store_full_sti_class` class attribute.
      Now `store_full_class_name` class attribute can handle both STI and
      polymorphic types.
      Closes #29722.
      See also #29601, #32048, #32148.
  5. 17 8月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Fix eager loading that non-select columns will be loaded · 46393182
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Related to #35210.
      We sometimes use `select` to limit unused columns for performance.
      For example, `GET /posts/1` (post detail) usually use (almost) all
      columns, but `GET /posts` (post list) does not always use all columns
      (e.g. use `id` and `title` for the list view, but `body` is not used).
      If an association is eager loaded, the limited `select` doesn't works as
      expected, eager loading will load all columns on the model, plus also
      load the `select` columns additionally. It works differently with
      natural load and preload. It means that changing natural load or preload
      to eager load (or vice versa) is unsafe.
      This fixes eager loading that always load all columns (plus extra
      `select` columns), to respect the `select` columns like as others.
      post = Post.select("UPPER(title) AS title").first
      post.title # => "WELCOME TO THE WEBLOG"
      post.body  # => ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError
      # Rails 6.0 (ignore the `select` values)
      post = Post.select("UPPER(title) AS title").eager_load(:comments).first
      post.title # => "Welcome to the weblog"
      post.body  # => "Such a lovely day"
      # Rails 6.1 (respect the `select` values)
      post = Post.select("UPPER(title) AS title").eager_load(:comments).first
      post.title # => "WELCOME TO THE WEBLOG"
      post.body  # => ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError
  6. 04 8月, 2020 1 次提交
  7. 17 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 14 7月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Allow attribute's default to be configured but keeping its own type · 8c793aa8
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
        attribute :written_at, default: -> { Time.now.utc }
      # Rails 6.0
      Post.type_for_attribute(:written_at) # => #<Type::Value ... precision: nil, ...>
      # Rails 6.1
      Post.type_for_attribute(:written_at) # => #<Type::DateTime ... precision: 6, ...>
      This is an alternative of #39797.
      Context https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/39797#issuecomment-655191817.
      If people intend to override the existing type on the attribute, usually
      an overriding type is explicitly specified, so I agree that the current
      behavior (drop existing type information if type is omitted) is
      practically quite useless, and it is almost like a bug in that there is
      no way to override just the default.
      So I'd like to change the current behavior on existing attributes
      without a deprecation as a fix.
      Closes #39797.
      See also https://github.com/kufu/activerecord-bitemporal/pull/57.
  9. 10 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  10. 07 7月, 2020 1 次提交
  11. 06 7月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Support `where` with comparison operators (`>`, `>=`, `<`, and `<=`) · 6d6ec6f9
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      posts = Post.order(:id)
      posts.where("id >": 9).pluck(:id)  # => [10, 11]
      posts.where("id >=": 9).pluck(:id) # => [9, 10, 11]
      posts.where("id <": 3).pluck(:id)  # => [1, 2]
      posts.where("id <=": 3).pluck(:id) # => [1, 2, 3]
      From type casting and table/column name resolution's point of view,
      `where("create_at >=": time)` is better alternative than `where("create_at >= ?", time)`.
      class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
        attribute :created_at, :datetime, precision: 3
      time = Time.now.utc # => 2020-06-24 10:11:12.123456 UTC
      Post.create!(created_at: time) # => #<Post id: 1, created_at: "2020-06-24 10:11:12.123000">
      # SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE (created_at >= '2020-06-24 10:11:12.123456')
      Post.where("created_at >= ?", time) # => []
      # SELECT `posts`.* FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`created_at` >= '2020-06-24 10:11:12.123000'
      Post.where("created_at >=": time) # => [#<Post id: 1, created_at: "2020-06-24 10:11:12.123000">]
  12. 15 6月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Deprecate YAML loading from legacy format older than Rails 5.0 · cccf6c31
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      `LegacyYamlAdapter` was added at afc124c3 (and 4e721702), to be able to
      load the previous version formatted YAML.
      Now, that has became quite useless, since we sometimes removed/added
      dedicated type classes which are referred in the legacy format (e.g.
      `MysqlDateTime`, `MysqlString`, `SQLite3Integer`), so it is unlikely
      that is able to load it correctly any longer.
  13. 11 6月, 2020 1 次提交
    • S
      Add a setting to specify that all string columns should be immutable · 332c3364
      Sean Griffin 提交于
      In Rails 4.2 we introduced mutation detection, to remove the need to
      call `attribute_will_change!` after modifying a field. One side effect
      of that change was that we needed to enforce that the
      `_before_type_cast` form of a value is a different object than the post
      type cast value, if the value is mutable. That contract is really only
      relevant for strings, but it meant we needed to dup them.
      In Rails 5 we added the `ImmutableString` type, to allow people to opt
      out of this duping in places where the memory usage was causing
      problems, and they don't need to mutate that field.
      This takes that a step further, and adds a class-level setting to
      specify whether strings should be frozen by default or not. The default
      value of this setting is `false` (strings are mutable), and I do not
      plan on changing that.
      While I think that immutable strings by default would be a reasonable
      default for new applications, I do not think that we would be able to
      document the value of this setting in a place that people will be
      looking when they can't figure out why some string is frozen.
      Realistically, the number of applications where this setting is relevant
      is fairly small, so I don't think it would make sense to ever enable it
      by default.
  14. 10 6月, 2020 1 次提交
  15. 07 6月, 2020 3 次提交
    • R
      Fixup CHANGELOGs [ci skip] · cfb7c16a
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
    • R
      Support `relation.and` for intersection as Set theory · 7219eb2c
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      As described at #39328, `relation.merge` behaves inspired as Hash-like
      merge for where clause. In other words, currently there is no official
      way to intersect the result by both relation conditions (i.e. there is
      no official way to maintain both relation conditions).
      To resolve that issue, I'd like to support a way to intersect relations
      as `relation.and`.
      david_and_mary = Author.where(id: [david, mary])
      mary_and_bob   = Author.where(id: [mary, bob]) # => [bob]
      david_and_mary.merge(mary_and_bob) # => [mary, bob]
      david_and_mary.and(mary_and_bob) # => [mary]
      david_and_mary.or(mary_and_bob)  # => [david, mary, bob]
      Fixes #39232.
    • R
      Deprecate inconsistent behavior that merging conditions on the same column · 930bfb93
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Related to #39250 and #39236.
      The purpose of the change here is to unify inconsistent behavior on the
      For now, mergee side condition is replaced by merger side condition only
      if both arel nodes are Equality or In clauses.
      In other words, if mergee side condition is not Equality or In clauses
      (e.g. `between`, `or`, `gt`, `lt`, etc), those conditions will be kept
      even on the same column.
      This behavior is harder to predict unless people are familiar with the
      merging behavior.
      Originally I suppose this behavior is just an implementation issue
      rather than an intended one, since `unscope` and `rewhere`, which were
      introduced later than `merge`, works more consistently.
      Since most of the conditions are usually Equality and In clauses, I
      don't suppose most people have encountered this merging issue, but I'd
      like to deprecate the inconsistent behavior and will completely unify
      that to improve a future UX.
      # Rails 6.1 (IN clause is replaced by merger side equality condition)
      Author.where(id: [david.id, mary.id]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
      # Rails 6.1 (both conflict conditions exists, deprecated)
      Author.where(id: david.id..mary.id).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => []
      # Rails 6.1 with rewhere to migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior
      Author.where(id: david.id..mary.id).merge(Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true) # => [bob]
      # Rails 6.2 (same behavior with IN clause, mergee side condition is consistently replaced)
      Author.where(id: [david.id, mary.id]).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
      Author.where(id: david.id..mary.id).merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => [bob]
  16. 04 6月, 2020 1 次提交
  17. 03 6月, 2020 2 次提交
    • A
      Fix issue with expression index in insert_all · 3315cc76
      Austen Madden 提交于
      Based on the docs which state unique_by option of insert_all can use the
      index name if desired, one would expect the method to work normally and
      use the `unique_by` option to determine duplicates.
      However, there's an issue where the insert_all expects a Set instead
      of the string representing the index expression it is given. This causes
      an error. Returning the string expression instead of attempting to
      format it works perfectly though.
    • F
  18. 01 6月, 2020 1 次提交
  19. 31 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Deprecate passing an Active Record object to `quote`/`type_cast` directly · 87886c93
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Follow up to #27962.
      #27962 only deprecated `quoted_id`, but still conservatively allowed
      passing an Active Record object.
      Since the quoting methods on a `connection` are low-level API and
      querying API does not rely on that ability, so people should pass casted
      value instead of an Active Record object if using the quoting methods
  20. 28 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  21. 24 5月, 2020 3 次提交
    • R
      Default engine `ENGINE=InnoDB` is no longer dumped to make schema more agnostic · 3c6be5e5
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      5 years ago, I made dumping full table options at #17569, especially to
      dump `ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC` to use utf8mb4 with large key
      In that time, omitting the default engine `ENGINE=InnoDB` was not useful
      since `ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC` always remains as long as using utf8mb4 with
      large key prefix.
      But now, MySQL 5.7.9 has finally changed the default row format to
      DYNAMIC, utf8mb4 with large key prefix can be used without dumping the
      default engine and the row format explicitly.
      So now is a good time to make the default engine is omitted.
      create_table "accounts", options: "ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci", force: :cascade do |t|
      create_table "accounts", charset: "utf8mb4", collation: "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci", force: :cascade do |t|
      To entirely omit `:options` option to make schema agnostic, I've added
      `:charset` and `:collation` table options to exclude `CHARSET` and
      `COLLATE` from `:options`.
      Fixes #26209.
      Closes #29472.
      See also #33608, #33853, and #34742.
    • D
    • R
      Deprecate aggregations with group by duplicated fields · 2580b83f
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      We've learned that `merge` causes duplicated multiple values easily, so
      if we missed to deduplicate the values, it will cause weird behavior
      like #38052, #39171.
      I've investigated the deduplication for the values, at least that had
      existed since Rails 3.0.
      Aggregations with group by multiple fields was introduced at Rails 3.1,
      but we missed the deduplication for the aggregation result, unlike the
      generated SQL.
      While the investigation, I've found that `annotate` is also missed the
      I don't suppose this weird behavior is intended for both.
      So I'd like to deprecate the duplicated behavior in Rails 6.1, and will
      be deduplicated all multiple values in Rails 6.2.
      To migrate to Rails 6.2's behavior, use `uniq!(:group)` to deduplicate
      group fields.
      accounts = Account.group(:firm_id)
      # duplicated group fields, deprecated.
      accounts.merge(accounts.where.not(credit_limit: nil)).sum(:credit_limit)
      # => {
      #   [1, 1] => 50,
      #   [2, 2] => 60
      # }
      # use `uniq!(:group)` to deduplicate group fields.
      accounts.merge(accounts.where.not(credit_limit: nil)).uniq!(:group).sum(:credit_limit)
      # => {
      #   1 => 50,
      #   2 => 60
      # }
  22. 20 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • A
      Resolve conflict between counter cache and optimistic locking · cb554457
      Aaron Lipman 提交于
      Bump an Active Record instance's lock version after updating its counter
      cache. This avoids raising an unnecessary ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError
      upon subsequent transactions by maintaining parity with the
      corresponding database record's lock_version column.
  23. 18 5月, 2020 3 次提交
    • R
      Support merging option `:rewhere` to allow mergee side condition to be replaced exactly · f6fb3271
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Related #39236.
      `relation.merge` method sometimes replaces mergee side condition, but
      sometimes maintain both conditions unless `relation.rewhere` is used.
      It is very hard to predict merging result whether mergee side condition
      will be replaced or not.
      One existing way is to use `relation.rewhere` for merger side relation,
      but it is also hard to predict a relation will be used for `merge` in
      advance, except one-time relation for `merge`.
      To address that issue, I propose to support merging option `:rewhere`,
      to allow mergee side condition to be replaced exactly.
      That option will allow non-`rewhere` relation behaves as `rewhere`d
      david_and_mary = Author.where(id: david.id..mary.id)
      # both conflict conditions exists
      david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob)) # => []
      # mergee side condition is replaced by rewhere
      david_and_mary.merge(Author.rewhere(id: bob)) # => [bob]
      # mergee side condition is replaced by rewhere option
      david_and_mary.merge(Author.where(id: bob), rewhere: true) # => [bob]
    • R
      trailing spaces [ci skip] · a2a861d3
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
    • D
      Add signed ids to Active Record (#39313) · 1a3dc42c
      David Heinemeier Hansson 提交于
      Add support for finding records based on signed ids, which are tamper-proof, verified ids that can be set to expire and scoped with a purpose. This is particularly useful for things like password reset or email verification, where you want the bearer of the signed id to be able to interact with the underlying record, but usually only within a certain time period.
  24. 13 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Fix `minimum` and `maximum` on time zone aware attributes · 11751b2e
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      This is the opposite direction of #39039.
      #39111 fixes `minimum` and `maximum` on date columns with type casting
      by column type on the database. But column type has no information for
      time zone aware attributes, it means that attribute type should always
      be precedence over column type. I've realized that fact in the related
      issue report #39248.
      I've reverted the expectation of #39039, to make time zone aware
      attributes works.
  25. 10 5月, 2020 2 次提交
  26. 07 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Allow `unscope` to be aware of table name qualified values · 5136277f
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      It is possible to unscope only the column in the specified table.
      posts = Post.joins(:comments).group(:"posts.hidden")
      posts = posts.where("posts.hidden": false, "comments.hidden": false)
      # => { false => 10 }
      # unscope both hidden columns
      posts.unscope(where: :hidden).count
      # => { false => 11, true => 1 }
      # unscope only comments.hidden column
      posts.unscope(where: :"comments.hidden").count
      # => { false => 11 }
      Co-authored-by: NSlava Korolev <korolvs@gmail.com>
  27. 05 5月, 2020 2 次提交
    • R
      Fix `rewhere` to truly overwrite collided where clause by new where clause · 6187b713
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      steve = Person.find_by(name: "Steve")
      david = Author.find_by(name: "David")
      relation = Essay.where(writer: steve)
      # Before
      relation.rewhere(writer: david).to_a # => []
      # After
      relation.rewhere(writer: david).to_a # => [david]
      For now `rewhere` only works for truly column names, doesn't work for
      alias attributes, nested conditions, associations.
      To fix that, need to build new where clause first, and then get
      attribute names from new where clause.
    • A
      Inspect time attributes with subsec · a3f4202c
      akinomaeni 提交于
      p Knot.create
      => #<Knot id: 1, created_at: "2016-05-05 01:29:47">
      p Knot.create
      => #<Knot id: 1, created_at: "2016-05-05 01:29:47.116928000">
  28. 02 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  29. 30 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Deprecate `allowed_index_name_length` in `DatabaseLimits` · ab2d859e
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      `allowed_index_name_length` was used for internal temporary operations
      in SQLite3, since index name in SQLite3 must be globally unique and
      SQLite3 doesn't have ALTER TABLE feature (so it is emulated by creating
      temporary table with prefix).
      `allowed_index_name_length` was to reserve the margin for the prefix,
      but actually SQLite3 doesn't have a limitation for identifier name
      length, so the margin has removed at 36901e6e.
      Now `allowed_index_name_length` is no longer relied on by any adapter,
      so I'd like to remove the internal specific method which is no longer
  30. 27 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Deprecate `in_clause_length` in `DatabaseLimits` · c0ca7625
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      `in_clause_length` was added at c5a284f8 to address to Oracle IN clause
      length limitation.
      Now `in_clause_length` is entirely integrated in Arel visitor since
      #35838 and #36074.
      Since Oracle visitors are the only code that rely on `in_clause_length`.
      so I'd like to remove that from Rails code base, like has removed Oracle
      visitors (#38946).
  31. 25 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Fix aggregate functions to return numeric value consistently even on custom attribute type · 89e1dd61
      Ryuta Kamizono 提交于
      Currently, `count` and `average` always returns numeric value, but
      `sum`, `maximum`, and `minimum` not always return numeric value if
      aggregated on custom attribute type.
      I think that inconsistent behavior is surprising:
      # All adapters except postgresql adapter are affected
      # by custom type casting.
      # => { "proposed" => "proposed", "published" => nil }
      That is caused by fallback looking up cast type to `type_for(column)`.
      Now all supported adapters can return numeric value without that
      fallback, so I think we can remove that, it will also fix aggregate
      functions to return numeric value consistently.