op_version.yaml 8.3 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- op : affine_grid
  version :
    - checkpoint : Compatible upgrade of affine_grid, add a new attribute [align_corners].
      action :
        - add_attr : align_corners
          comment : Whether to align the corners of input and output.
          default : "true"

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
- op : allclose
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade allclose, add two new inputs [Rtol] and [Atol].
        - add_input : Rtol
          comment : The added input 'Rtol' is not dispensable.
        - add_input : Atol
          comment : The added input 'Atol' is not dispensable.
    - checkpoint : Delete two float attributes [rtol] and [atol],
        then add 2 string attributes [atol, rtol]. Don't be surprised.
        This is because float cannot represent hight-precision
        floating-point values, and our framework doesn't support
        the use of double attributes. As a result, string instead
        of double is used here to represent high-precision
        floating-point values.
      action :
        - add_attr : rtol
          comment : The relative tolerance. Default::math:`1e-5` .
          default : std::string("1e-5")
        - delete_attr : rtol
          comment : The attribute 'rtol' is deleted. The reason why it is deleted is that
                    attributes do not support a float64 value and it is changed to a tensor.
        - add_attr : atol
          comment : (string) The absolute tolerance. Default::math:`1e-8` .
          default : std::string("1e-5")
        - delete_attr : atol
          comment : The attribute 'atol' is deleted. The reason why it is deleted is that
                    attributes do not support a float64 value and it is changed to a tensor.

38 39 40 41 42 43 44
- op : auc
  version :
    - checkpoint :  Upgrade auc, add a new input [InsTagWeight].
      action :
        - add_input : ValueTensor
          comment : In order to support multi-tag task.

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
- op : clip
  version :
    - checkpoint :  Upgrade clip add a new input [Min]
      action :
        - add_input : Min
          comment : Pass the mix, min value as input, not attribute. Min is dispensable.
        - add_input : Max
          comment : Pass the mix, min value as input, not attribute. Max is dispensable.

54 55 56 57 58 59 60
- op : embedding
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade flip, add new attr [axis] and delete attr [dims]
      action :
        - fix_bug : fix_bug
          comment : lookup_table_v2 support input type `int64`; after support input type `int32/int64`

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
- op : equal
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
- op : flip
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade flip, add new attr [axis] and delete attr [dims]
      action :
        - add_attr : axis
          comment : The added attr 'axis' doesn't set default value
          default : paddle::none
        - delete_attr : dims
          comment : The attr 'dims' is deleted.

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
- op : gaussian_random
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade gaussian_random add new inputs [ShapeTensor] and [ShapeTensorList]
               and modify the attribute of [shape]
      action :
        - add_input : ShapeTensor
          comment : The output shape supports Tensor type. ShapeTensor is dispensable.
        - add_input : ShapeTensorList
          comment : The output shape supports list filled with Tensor. ShapeTensorList is dispensable.
        - modify_attr : shape
          comment : "The arg 'default_value' of attr 'shape' is changed: from 'None' to '{}'."
          default : std::vector<int64_t>{}

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
- op : greater_equal
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

- op : greater_than
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
- op : grid_sample
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade grid_sampler add a new attribute [mode]
      action :
        - add_attr : mode
          comment : In order to specify interpolation mode
          default : std::string("bilinear")

116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
- op : lamb
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade lamb, add two new outputs [Beta1PowOut] and [Beta2PowOut].
      action :
        - add_output : Beta1PowOut
          comment : The Output beta1 power accumulator. 'Beta1PowOut' is dispensable.
        - add_output : Beta2PowOut
          comment : The Output beta2 power accumulator. 'Beta2PowOut' is dispensable.

125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
- op : less_equal
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

- op : less_than
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
- op : linspace
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade linspace to add a new attribute [dtype]
      action :
        - add_attr : dtype
          comment : In order to change output data type
          default : 5

149 150 151 152 153 154 155
- op : matrix_nms
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade matrix_nms, add a new output [RoisNum].
      action :
        - add_output : RoisNum
          comment : The number of RoIs in each image.

156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
- op : not_equal
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade compare ops, add a new attribute [force_cpu]
      action :
        - modify_attr : force_cpu
          comment : In order to force fill output variable to gpu memory.
          default : "false"

164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
- op : p_norm
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade p_norm, add 1 attribute [asvector].
      action :
        - add_attr : asvector
          comment : Compute as vector when axis is None and input is matrix.
          default : "false"

172 173 174 175
- op : pixel_shuffle
  version :
    - checkpoint : Compatible upgrade of pixel_shuffle, add a new attribute [data_format]
      action :
        - add_attr : data_format
177 178 179
          comment : Specify the data format of the input data
          default : "true"

180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
- op : roll
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade roll add 1 attribute [axis], delete 1 attribute[dims].
      action :
        - add_attr : axis
          comment : Axis along which to roll. It must have the same size with shifts, or size = 0.
          default : std::vector<float>()
        - delete_attr : dims
          comment : Dims along which to roll. It must have the same size with shifts, or size = 0
    - checkpoint : Upgrade roll add a dispensable input "ShiftsTensor"
      action :
        - add_input : ShiftsTensor
          comment : The number of places by which the elements of the tensor are shifted.

- op : trace
195 196 197 198 199 200
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade trace add a new attribute [axis2]
      action :
        - add_attr : axis1
          comment : The added attribute 'axis1' is not yet registered.
          default : std::vector<float>{0.0f}
        - add_attr : axis2
202 203 204 205 206 207
          comment : The added attribute 'axis2' is not yet registered.
          default : std::vector<float>{1.0f}
        - delete_attr : dim1
          comment : The attribute 'dim1' is not recommend according to the specification 2.0.
        - delete_attr : dim2
          comment : The attribute 'dim2' is not recommend according to the specification 2.0.
208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223

- op : unique_consecutive
  version :
    - checkpoint : Upgrade unique_consecutive, add 2 outputs [Indices, Counts] and 3 attribute [return_inverse, return_counts, axis].
      action :
        - add_output : Counts
          comment : The counts for each unique element.
        - add_attr : return_inverse
          comment : If True, also return the indices for where elements in the original input ended up in the returned unique tensor.
          default : "false"
        - add_attr : return_counts
          comment : If True, also return the counts for each unique element.
          default : "false"
        - add_attr : axis
          comment : The axis to apply unique. If None, the input will be flattened.
          default : std::vector<int>{}