提交 a9058a0d 编写于 作者: L LinJiawei

Implement Float Point RVC Instructions and Compare FP-Regs in Diff-test

上级 bf16ffe4
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package noop
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util.experimental.BoringUtils
import noop.isa.{RVFInstr, RVDInstr}
import noop.isa.{RVDInstr, RVFInstr, RVF_LSUInstr, RVD_LSUInstr}
import utils._
class IDU2(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasInstrType {
......@@ -25,8 +25,29 @@ class IDU2(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasInstrType {
val fpExtraDecodeTable = RVFInstr.extraTable ++ RVDInstr.extraTable
val isFp :: fpSrc1Type :: fpSrc2Type :: fpSrc3Type :: fpRfWen :: fpWen :: fpFuOpType :: fpInputFunc :: fpOutputFunc :: Nil =
if(HasFPU) ListLookup(instr, RVFInstr.extraTableDefault, fpExtraDecodeTable) else RVFInstr.extraTableDefault
// flw/fsw/fld/fsd
val isFloatLdSd = if(HasFPU) instr(6,0)==="b0000111".U || instr(6,0)==="b0100111".U else false.B
val floatLdStInstrs = List(
def treeCmp(key: UInt, cmpList: List[BitPat]): Bool = {
cmpList.size match {
case 1 =>
key === cmpList.head
case n =>
treeCmp(key, cmpList take n/2) || treeCmp(key, cmpList drop n/2)
val isFloatLdSd = if(HasFPU) treeCmp(instr, floatLdStInstrs) else false.B
val isRVFD = isFp.asBool()
val instrType = Mux(hasIntrOrExceptino,
......@@ -111,7 +132,7 @@ class IDU2(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasInstrType {
// TODO: refactor decode logic
// make non-register addressing to zero, since isu.sb.isBusy(0) === false.B
io.out.bits.ctrl.rfSrc1 := Mux(src1Type === SrcType.pc, 0.U, rfSrc1)
io.out.bits.ctrl.rfSrc2 := Mux(src2Type === SrcType.reg, rfSrc2, 0.U)
io.out.bits.ctrl.rfSrc2 := Mux(src2Type === SrcType.imm, 0.U, rfSrc2)
io.out.bits.ctrl.rfWen := rfWen
io.out.bits.ctrl.fpWen := fpWen.asBool()
io.out.bits.ctrl.rfDest := Mux(fpWen.asBool() || rfWen, rfDest, 0.U)
......@@ -62,17 +62,14 @@ class ISU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasRegFileParamete
val src1Ready = !sb.isBusy(rfSrc1) || src1ForwardNextCycle || src1Forward
val src2Ready = !sb.isBusy(rfSrc2) || src2ForwardNextCycle || src2Forward
val fpr = new RegFile(width = XLEN, hasZero = false)
val (fprSrcReady,fprSrcData):(Bool,Array[UInt]) = if(HasFPU){
val fpr = new RegFile(width = XLEN, hasZero = false)
val fsb = new ScoreBoard(hasZero = false)
val forwardFpWen = io.forward.wb.fpWen && io.forward.valid
when (io.wb.fpWen) {
fpr.write(io.wb.rfDest, io.wb.rfData)
printf(p"[isu] write fpr:${io.wb.rfDest} value=${Hexadecimal(io.wb.rfData)} " +
p"at pc=${Hexadecimal(io.in.bits.cf.pc)}\n")
val fsbClearMask = Mux(io.wb.fpWen && !isDepend(io.wb.rfDest, io.forward.wb.rfDest, forwardFpWen),
......@@ -82,7 +79,8 @@ class ISU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasRegFileParamete
.otherwise { fsb.update(fsbSetMask, fsbClearMask) }
val instr = io.in.bits.cf.instr
val (fpSrc1,fpSrc2,fpSrc3) = (instr(19, 15), instr(24, 20), instr(31, 27))
val (fpSrc1,fpSrc2,fpSrc3) = (rfSrc1, rfSrc2, instr(31, 27))
val srcs = Seq(fpSrc1, fpSrc2, fpSrc3).zip(Seq(
......@@ -154,6 +152,8 @@ class ISU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule with HasRegFileParamete
BoringUtils.addSource(io.out.valid && !io.out.fire(), "perfCntCondMexuBusy")
if (!p.FPGAPlatform) {
BoringUtils.addSource(VecInit((0 until NRReg).map(i => rf.read(i.U))), "difftestRegs")
val gRegs = (0 until NRReg).map(i => rf.read(i.U))
val fRegs = (0 until NRReg).map(i => if(HasFPU) fpr.read(i.U) else 0.U)
BoringUtils.addSource(VecInit(gRegs ++ fRegs), "difftestRegs")
......@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
def C_FLD = BitPat("b????????????????_001_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_LQ = BitPat("b????????????????_001_?_??_???_??_???_00")
def C_LW = BitPat("b????????????????_010_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_FLW = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_FLW = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_00") // RV32FC Only
def C_LD = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_LI = BitPat("b????????????????_100_?_??_???_??_???_00") //reserved
def C_FSD = BitPat("b????????????????_101_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_SQ = BitPat("b????????????????_101_?_??_???_??_???_00")
def C_SW = BitPat("b????????????????_110_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_FSW = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// def C_FSW = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_00") // RV32FC Only
def C_SD = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_00")
// RVC 01
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
def C_FLDSP = BitPat("b????????????????_001_?_??_???_??_???_10")
// def C_LQSP = BitPat("b????????????????_001_?_??_???_??_???_10")
def C_LWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_010_?_??_???_??_???_10")
def C_FLWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_10")
// def C_FLWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_10") // RV32FC Only
def C_LDSP = BitPat("b????????????????_011_?_??_???_??_???_10")
def C_JR = BitPat("b????????????????_100_0_??_???_00_000_10")
def C_MV = BitPat("b????????????????_100_0_??_???_??_???_10")
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
def C_FSDSP = BitPat("b????????????????_101_?_??_???_??_???_10")
// def C_SQSP = BitPat("b????????????????_101_?_??_???_??_???_10")
def C_SWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_110_?_??_???_??_???_10")
def C_FSWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_10")
// def C_FSWSP = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_10") // RV32FC Only
def C_SDSP = BitPat("b????????????????_111_?_??_???_??_???_10")
......@@ -121,10 +121,8 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
val table = Array(
C_ILLEGAL -> List(InstrN, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp),
C_ADDI4SPN -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
// C_FLD -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_LW -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.lw),
C_LD -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.ld),
// C_FSD -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_SW -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sw),
C_SD -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd),
C_NOP -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
......@@ -147,27 +145,23 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
C_BEQZ -> List(InstrB, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.beq),
C_BNEZ -> List(InstrB, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.bne),
C_SLLI -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.sll),
// C_FLDSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_LWSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.lw),
// C_FLWSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_LDSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.ld),
C_JR -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.jalr),
C_MV -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_EBREAK -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_JALR -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.jalr),
C_ADD -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
// C_FSDSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_SWSP -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sw),
// C_FSWSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add),
C_SDSP -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd)
val cExtraTable = Array(
C_ADDI4SPN -> List(ImmADD4SPN, REGx2, DtCare, REGrs2p),
// C_FLD -> List(),
C_FLD -> List(ImmLD, REGrs1p, DtCare, REGrs2p),
C_LW -> List(ImmLW, REGrs1p, DtCare, REGrs2p),
C_LD -> List(ImmLD, REGrs1p, DtCare, REGrs2p),
// C_FSD -> List(),
C_FSD -> List(ImmSD, REGrs1p, REGrs2p, DtCare),
C_SW -> List(ImmSW, REGrs1p, REGrs2p, DtCare),
C_SD -> List(ImmSD, REGrs1p, REGrs2p, DtCare),
C_NOP -> List(ImmNone, DtCare, DtCare, DtCare),
......@@ -190,20 +184,18 @@ object RVCInstr extends HasInstrType with HasRVCConst {
C_BEQZ -> List(ImmB, REGrs1p, DtCare, DtCare), // rd: x0
C_BNEZ -> List(ImmB, REGrs1p, DtCare, DtCare), // rd: x0
C_SLLI -> List(ImmLI, REGrd, DtCare, REGrd),
// C_FLDSP -> List(),
C_FLDSP -> List(ImmLDSP, REGx2, DtCare, REGrd),
// C_LQSP -> List(),
C_LWSP -> List(ImmLWSP, REGx2, DtCare, REGrd),
// C_FLWSP -> List(),
C_LDSP -> List(ImmLDSP, REGx2, DtCare, REGrd),
C_JR -> List(ImmNone, REGrs1, DtCare, DtCare),
C_MV -> List(ImmNone, REGrs2, DtCare, REGrd),
C_EBREAK -> List(ImmNone, DtCare, DtCare, DtCare), //not implemented
C_JALR -> List(ImmNone, REGrs1, DtCare, REGx1),
C_ADD -> List(ImmNone, REGrd, REGrs2, REGrd),
// C_FSDSP -> List(),
C_FSDSP -> List(ImmSDSP, REGx2, REGrs2, DtCare),
// C_SQSP -> List(),
C_SWSP -> List(ImmSWSP, REGx2, REGrs2, DtCare),
// C_FSWSP -> List(),
C_SDSP -> List(ImmSDSP, REGx2, REGrs2, DtCare)
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Chisel.BitPat
import noop._
import noop.SrcType.{fp, imm, reg}
import RVF_FPUInstr.{Y, N}
import RVCInstr._
import fpu.FPUIOFunc._
import fpu.FPUOpType._
......@@ -12,7 +13,11 @@ object RVD_LSUInstr extends HasInstrType{
def FSD = BitPat("b?????????????????011?????0100111")
val table = Array(
FLD -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.ld),
FSD -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd)
C_FLD -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.ld),
C_FLDSP -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.ld),
FSD -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd),
C_FSD -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd),
C_FSDSP -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd)
......@@ -52,7 +57,11 @@ object RVD_FPUInstr extends HasNOOPParameter {
// (isFp, src1Type, src2Type, src3Type, rfWen, fpWen, fuOpType, inputFunc, outputFunc)
val table = Array(
FLD -> List(Y, reg, imm, imm, N, Y, LSUOpType.ld, in_raw, out_raw),
C_FLD -> List(Y, reg, imm, imm, N, Y, LSUOpType.ld, in_raw, out_raw),
C_FLDSP -> List(Y, reg, imm, imm, N, Y, LSUOpType.ld, in_raw, out_raw),
FSD -> List(Y, reg, fp, imm, N, N, LSUOpType.sd, in_raw, out_raw),
C_FSD -> List(Y, reg, fp, imm, N, N, LSUOpType.sd, in_raw, out_raw),
C_FSDSP -> List(Y, reg, fp, imm, N, N, LSUOpType.sd, in_raw, out_raw),
// fp fp -> fp
FADD_D -> List(Y, fp, fp, imm, N, Y, fadd, in_raw, out_raw),
FSUB_D -> List(Y, fp, fp, imm, N, Y, fsub, in_raw, out_raw),
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package noop.isa
import Chisel.BitPat
import chisel3._
import fpu.FPUIOFunc
import noop._
import noop.SrcType._
import fpu.FPUOpType._
......@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ static const char *reg_name[DIFFTEST_NR_REG] = {
"s0", "s1", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5",
"a6", "a7", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7",
"s8", "s9", "s10", "s11", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6",
"ft0", "ft1", "ft2", "ft3", "ft4", "ft5", "ft6", "ft7",
"fs0", "fs1", "fa0", "fa1", "fa2", "fa3", "fa4", "fa5",
"fa6", "fa7", "fs2", "fs3", "fs4", "fs5", "fs6", "fs7",
"fs8", "fs9", "fs10", "fs11", "ft8", "ft9", "ft10", "ft11",
"mstatus", "mcause", "mepc",
"sstatus", "scause", "sepc"
......@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ int difftest_step(uint64_t *reg_scala, uint32_t this_inst,
uint64_t next_pc = ref_r[32];
uint64_t next_pc = ref_r[DIFFTEST_THIS_PC];
pc_retire_pointer = (pc_retire_pointer+1) % DEBUG_RETIRE_TRACE_SIZE;
pc_retire_queue[pc_retire_pointer] = this_pc;
inst_retire_queue[pc_retire_pointer] = this_inst;
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ typedef uint16_t ioaddr_t;
#include "macro.h"
// 0~31: GPRs
// 0~31: GPRs, 32~63 FPRs
enum {
......@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ class Emulator {
macro(8); macro(9); macro(10); macro(11); macro(12); macro(13); macro(14); macro(15);
macro(16); macro(17); macro(18); macro(19); macro(20); macro(21); macro(22); macro(23);
macro(24); macro(25); macro(26); macro(27); macro(28); macro(29); macro(30); macro(31);
macro(32); macro(33); macro(34); macro(35); macro(36); macro(37); macro(38); macro(39);
macro(40); macro(41); macro(42); macro(43); macro(44); macro(45); macro(46); macro(47);
macro(48); macro(49); macro(50); macro(51); macro(52); macro(53); macro(54); macro(55);
macro(56); macro(57); macro(58); macro(59); macro(60); macro(61); macro(62); macro(63);
r[DIFFTEST_THIS_PC] = dut_ptr->io_difftest_thisPC;
r[DIFFTEST_MSTATUS] = dut_ptr->io_difftest_mstatus;
r[DIFFTEST_SSTATUS] = dut_ptr->io_difftest_sstatus;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import bus.axi4._
import device.AXI4RAM
class DiffTestIO extends Bundle {
val r = Output(Vec(32, UInt(64.W)))
val r = Output(Vec(64, UInt(64.W)))
val commit = Output(Bool())
val thisPC = Output(UInt(64.W))
val thisINST = Output(UInt(32.W))
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