提交 7c658794 编写于 作者: Y YikeZhou

Dispatch2: slightly changed readPortIndex calculating process

ReservationStation: change width of srcRegValue into (XLEN+1)
上级 2b36ef19
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package xiangshan.backend
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.backend.regfile.Regfile
import xiangshan.backend.exu._
import xiangshan.backend.issue.{ReservationStationCtrl, ReservationStationData}
......@@ -89,10 +90,10 @@ class FloatBlock
rsCtrl.io.enqCtrl <> io.fromCtrlBlock.enqIqCtrl(i)
rsData.io.srcRegValue := DontCare
val startIndex = readPortIndex(i) * 3.U
rsData.io.srcRegValue(0) := fpRf.io.readPorts(startIndex).data
rsData.io.srcRegValue(1) := fpRf.io.readPorts(startIndex + 1.U).data
rsData.io.srcRegValue(2) := fpRf.io.readPorts(startIndex + 2.U).data
val srcIndex = (0 until 3).map(Range(_, 12, 3).map(_.U))
rsData.io.srcRegValue(0) := fpRf.io.readPorts(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(0)))).data
rsData.io.srcRegValue(1) := fpRf.io.readPorts(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(1)))).data
rsData.io.srcRegValue(2) := fpRf.io.readPorts(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(2)))).data
rsData.io.redirect <> redirect
rsData.io.writeBackedData <> writeBackData
......@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ class Dispatch2Fp extends XSModule {
io.readRf(3*i+1).addr := io.fromDq(index(fpReadPortSrc(i))).bits.psrc2
io.readRf(3*i+2).addr := io.fromDq(index(fpReadPortSrc(i))).bits.psrc3
val readPortIndex = Wire(Vec(exuParameters.FpExuCnt, UInt(log2Ceil(NRFpReadPorts - exuParameters.StuCnt).W)))
fpStaticIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := (3*i).U})
fpDynamicIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := 3.U * fpDynamicExuSrc(i)})
val readPortIndex = Wire(Vec(exuParameters.FpExuCnt, UInt(2.W)))
fpStaticIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := i.U})
fpDynamicIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := fpDynamicExuSrc(i)})
* Part 3: dispatch to reservation stations
......@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ class Dispatch2Fp extends XSModule {
val enq = io.enqIQCtrl(i)
enq.valid := validVec(i)
enq.bits := io.fromDq(indexVec(i)).bits
enq.bits.src1State := io.regRdy(readPortIndex(i))
enq.bits.src2State := io.regRdy(readPortIndex(i) + 1.U)
enq.bits.src3State := io.regRdy(readPortIndex(i) + 2.U)
val srcIndex = (0 until 3).map(Range(_, 12, 3).map(_.U))
enq.bits.src1State := io.regRdy(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(0))))
enq.bits.src2State := io.regRdy(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(1))))
enq.bits.src3State := io.regRdy(ParallelLookUp(readPortIndex(i), (0 until 4).map(_.U).zip(srcIndex(2))))
XSInfo(enq.fire(), p"pc 0x${Hexadecimal(enq.bits.cf.pc)} with type ${enq.bits.ctrl.fuType} " +
p"srcState(${enq.bits.src1State} ${enq.bits.src2State} ${enq.bits.src3State}) " +
......@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class Dispatch2Fp extends XSModule {
* Part 5: send read port index of register file to reservation station
io.readPortIndex := readPortIndex.map(_ / 3.U)
io.readPortIndex := readPortIndex
// val readPortIndexReg = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.FpExuCnt, UInt(log2Ceil(NRFpReadPorts - exuParameters.StuCnt).W)))
// val uopReg = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.FpExuCnt, new MicroOp))
// val dataValidRegDebug = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.FpExuCnt, Bool()))
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ class Dispatch2Int extends XSModule {
io.readRf(2*i+1).addr := io.fromDq(index(intReadPortSrc(i))).bits.psrc2
val readPortIndex = Wire(Vec(exuParameters.IntExuCnt, UInt(log2Ceil(NRIntReadPorts).W)))
intStaticIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := (2*i).U})
intDynamicIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := 2.U * intDynamicExuSrc(i)})
intStaticIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := i.U})
intDynamicIndex.zipWithIndex.map({case (index, i) => readPortIndex(index) := intDynamicExuSrc(i)})
* Part 3: dispatch to reservation stations
......@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ class Dispatch2Int extends XSModule {
val enq = io.enqIQCtrl(i)
enq.valid := validVec(i)
enq.bits := io.fromDq(indexVec(i)).bits
enq.bits.src1State := io.regRdy(readPortIndex(i))
enq.bits.src2State := io.regRdy(readPortIndex(i) + 1.U)
enq.bits.src1State := io.regRdy(Cat(readPortIndex(i), 0.U(1.W)))
enq.bits.src2State := io.regRdy(Cat(readPortIndex(i), 1.U(1.W)))
XSInfo(enq.fire(), p"pc 0x${Hexadecimal(enq.bits.cf.pc)} with type ${enq.bits.ctrl.fuType} " +
p"srcState(${enq.bits.src1State} ${enq.bits.src2State}) " +
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class Dispatch2Int extends XSModule {
* Part 5: send read port index of register file to reservation station
io.readPortIndex := readPortIndex.map(_(2, 1))
io.readPortIndex := readPortIndex
// val readPortIndexReg = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.IntExuCnt, UInt(log2Ceil(NRIntReadPorts).W)))
// val uopReg = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.IntExuCnt, new MicroOp))
// val dataValidRegDebug = Reg(Vec(exuParameters.IntExuCnt, Bool()))
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class ReservationStationData
val ctrl = Flipped(new RSCtrlDataIO)
// read src op value
val srcRegValue = Vec(srcNum, Input(UInt(XLEN.W)))
val srcRegValue = Vec(srcNum, Input(UInt((XLEN + 1).W)))
// broadcast selected uop to other issue queues
val selectedUop = ValidIO(new MicroOp)
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