提交 20acd4ae 编写于 作者: Y YikeZhou

backend, freelist: remove unused log & assertions

上级 8949e3b0
......@@ -271,71 +271,4 @@ class MEFreeList(implicit val p: config.Parameters) extends MultiIOModule with M
archRefCounter(i) := Mux(clearArchRefCounter(i), 0.U, Mux(updateArchRefCounter(i), archRefCounterNext(i), archRefCounter(i) ))
cmtCounter(i) := Mux(clearCmtCounter(i), 0.U, Mux(updateCmtCounter(i), cmtCounterNext(i), cmtCounter(i) ))
Re-direct: restore by walking, handled by rename using `dec` port
Debug Info
for (i <- 0 until NRPhyRegs) {
XSDebug(specRefCounter(i) =/= 0.U || archRefCounter(i) =/= 0.U || cmtCounter(i) =/= 0.U,
p"preg[$i] specRefCounter:${specRefCounter(i)} archRefCounter:${archRefCounter(i)} cmtCounter:${cmtCounter(i)}\n")
XSDebug(specRefCounter(i) =/= 0.U || archRefCounter(i) =/= 0.U || cmtCounter(i) =/= 0.U,
p"preg[$i] specRefCounterNext:${specRefCounterNext(i)} archRefCounterNext:${archRefCounterNext(i)} cmtCounterNext:${cmtCounterNext(i)}\n")
// specRefCounter(i) must >= cmtCounter(i)
XSError(specRefCounter(i) < cmtCounter(i), p"Commits Overflow of preg${i}")
XSDebug(Array.range(0, MEFreeListSize).map(x => x.toString()).mkString("Free List (idx): ", "\t", "\n"))
XSDebug(p"Free List (val): " + Array.range(0, MEFreeListSize).map(x => p"${freeList(x)}\t").reduceLeft(_ + _) + "\n")
XSDebug(p"head:$headPtr tail:$tailPtr headPtrNext:$headPtrNext tailPtrNext:$tailPtrNext freeRegCnt:$freeRegCnt\n")
XSDebug(p"flush ${flush} redirect ${redirect} walk ${walk}\n")
XSDebug(PopCount(freeReq) =/= PopCount(freeVec), p"WARNING: Please check DEC requirement\n")
XSDebug(PopCount(allocateReq) =/= PopCount(needAllocatingVec), p"WARNING: Please check INC requirement\n")
val enableFreeListCheck = false
if (enableFreeListCheck) {
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
for (j <- (i + 1) until RenameWidth) {
XSError(needAllocatingVec(i) && needAllocatingVec(j) && allocatePhyReg(i) === allocatePhyReg(j),
p"Duplicate INC requirements detected!" + allocatePhyReg.zipWithIndex.map{case (p, idx) => p" ($idx):$p"}.reduceLeft(_ + _) + "\n")
XSError(allocateReq(i) && allocateReq(j) && canAllocate && doAllocate && psrcOfMove(i).valid && psrcOfMove(j).valid && psrcOfMove(i).bits === psrcOfMove(j).bits,
p"Duplicate ME requirements detected! Cannot inc same specRefCount in 1 cycle!\n")
// also, we cannot count ref numbers more than 3 (which is very rare)
XSError(needAllocatingVec(i) && !psrcOfMove(i).valid && specRefCounter(allocatePhyReg(i)).andR(), p"(norm) Exceeding specRefCounter Max Value: preg[${allocatePhyReg(i)}]\n")
XSError(allocateReq(i) && canAllocate && doAllocate && psrcOfMove(i).valid && specRefCounter(psrcOfMove(i).bits).andR(), p"(move) Exceeding specRefCounter Max Value: preg[${psrcOfMove(i).bits}]\n")
for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) {
// we cannot handle duplicate inc/dec requirements on a preg in 1 cycle for now
for (j <- (i + 1) until CommitWidth) {
XSInfo(freeReq(i) && freeReq(j) && freePhyReg(i) === freePhyReg(j),
p"Duplicate DEC requirements detected!" + freePhyReg.zipWithIndex.map{case (p, idx) => p" ($idx):$p"}.reduceLeft(_ + _) + "\n")
XSInfo(freeReq(i) && freeReq(j) && eliminatedMove(i) && eliminatedMove(j) && multiRefPhyReg(i) === multiRefPhyReg(j),
p"Duplicate INC requirements on archRefCount detected!" + multiRefPhyReg.zipWithIndex.map{case (p, idx) => p" ($idx):$p"}.reduceLeft(_ + _) + "\n")
XSError(freeVec(i) && freeVec(j) && freePhyReg(i) === freePhyReg(j), "Fatal Error: free 1 reg 2 times in 1 cycle!\n")
// not inc and dec same reg in 1 cycle
for (j <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
XSDebug(allocateReq(j) && canAllocate && doAllocate && psrcOfMove(j).valid && !redirect && !walk &&
freeReq(i) && freePhyReg(i) === allocatePhyReg(j), p"INC and DEC Conflict Detected! inc($j): preg ${allocatePhyReg(j)}, dec($i): preg ${freePhyReg(i)}\n")
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