未验证 提交 1545277a 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

top: enable fpga option for simulation emu (#1213)

* disable log as default
* code clean up
上级 3c473edf
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ jobs:
- name: check verilog
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/.github/workflows/check_verilog.py build/XSTop.v
- name: build MinimalConfig emu
- name: build MinimalConfig Release emu
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --build \
--disable-log --threads 4 --config MinimalConfig
--threads 4 --config MinimalConfig --release
- name: run MinimalConfig - Linux
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --wave-dump $WAVE_HOME --threads 4 --numa --ci linux-hello 2> perf.log
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ jobs:
mkdir -p /bigdata/xs-wave/${HEAD_SHA}
- name: Build EMU
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --wave-dump $WAVE_HOME --build --disable-log --threads 8
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --wave-dump $WAVE_HOME --build --threads 8
- name: Basic Test - cputest
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --wave-dump $WAVE_HOME --threads 8 --ci cputest 2> /dev/zero
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --build \
--dramsim3 /home/ci-runner/xsenv/DRAMsim3 \
--disable-log --with-dramsim3 --threads 16
--with-dramsim3 --threads 16
- name: SPEC06 Test - mcf
run: |
python3 $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scripts/xiangshan.py --wave-dump $WAVE_HOME --threads 16 --max-instr 5000000 --numa --ci mcf 2> perf.log
......@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ endif
override SIM_ARGS += --with-dramsim3
# emu for the release version
RELEASE_ARGS = --disable-all --remove-assert --fpga-platform
DEBUG_ARGS = --enable-difftest
ifeq ($(RELEASE),1)
override SIM_ARGS += $(RELEASE_ARGS)
TIMELOG = $(BUILD_DIR)/time.log
TIME_CMD = time -a -o $(TIMELOG)
......@@ -45,12 +52,11 @@ help:
mkdir -p $(@D)
mill -i XiangShan.runMain $(FPGATOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) \
--disable-all --remove-assert --infer-rw \
--repl-seq-mem -c:$(FPGATOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf \
--gen-mem-verilog full $(SIM_ARGS) \
--num-cores $(NUM_CORES)
mill -i XiangShan.runMain $(FPGATOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) \
--repl-seq-mem -c:$(FPGATOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf --infer-rw \
--gen-mem-verilog full --num-cores $(NUM_CORES) \
sed -i -e 's/_\(aw\|ar\|w\|r\|b\)_\(\|bits_\)/_\1/g' $@
@git log -n 1 >> .__head__
@git diff >> .__diff__
......@@ -68,11 +74,11 @@ $(SIM_TOP_V): $(SCALA_FILE) $(TEST_FILE)
mkdir -p $(@D)
@echo "\n[mill] Generating Verilog files..." > $(TIMELOG)
@date -R | tee -a $(TIMELOG)
$(TIME_CMD) mill -i XiangShan.test.runMain $(SIMTOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) \
--num-cores $(NUM_CORES) $(SIM_ARGS) --infer-rw \
--repl-seq-mem -c:$(SIMTOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf \
--gen-mem-verilog full
$(TIME_CMD) mill -i XiangShan.test.runMain $(SIMTOP) -td $(@D) \
--config $(CONFIG) --full-stacktrace --output-file $(@F) \
--repl-seq-mem -c:$(SIMTOP):-o:$(@D)/$(@F).conf --infer-rw \
--gen-mem-verilog full --num-cores $(NUM_CORES) \
@git log -n 1 >> .__head__
@git diff >> .__diff__
@sed -i 's/^/\/\// ' .__head__
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Some of the key directories are shown below.
make emu CONFIG=MinimalConfig SIM_ARGS=--disable-log EMU_THREADS=2 -j10
make emu CONFIG=MinimalConfig EMU_THREADS=2 -j10
./build/emu -b 0 -e 0 -i ./ready-to-run/coremark-2-iteration.bin --diff ./ready-to-run/riscv64-nemu-interpreter-so
Subproject commit ccc5d73381c4e3a1bf79d8f51aa068dc118b6963
Subproject commit fb00a5a7b020a1d66f854322c862c8cdaf2fb5a9
# 香山
香山是一款开源的高性能 RISC-V 处理器。采用 Chisel 硬件设计语言开发,支持 RV64GC 指令集。
English Readme is [here](README.md).
©2020-2021 中国科学院计算技术研究所版权所有。
## 文档和报告
在 2021 年 6 月的 RISC-V 中国峰会上,我们给出了超过 20 个技术报告。报告已经更新到[我们的文档仓库](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan-doc)
## 关注我们
<div align=left><img width="340" height="117" src="images/wechat.png"/></div>
## 处理器架构
自 2020 年 6 月开始开发的[雁栖湖](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan/tree/yanqihu)为香山处理器的首个稳定的微架构。目前版本的香山(即南湖)正在 master 分支上不断开发中。
## 目录概览
├── fpga # 支持的 FPGA 开发板、用于构建 Vivado 项目的文件
├── read-to-run # 预建的仿真镜像文件
├── scripts # 用于敏捷开发的脚本文件
└── src
├── test # 测试文件(包括差异测试(diff-test)和模块测试(module-test) 等)
└── main/scala # 设计文件
├── bus/tilelink # tilelink 实用工具
├── device # 用于仿真的虚拟设备
├── difftest # chisel 差异测试接口
├── system # SoC 封装
├── top # 顶层模块
├── utils # 复用封装
├── xiangshan # 主体设计代码
└── xstransforms # 一些实用的 firrtl 变换代码
## 生成 Verilog
* 运行 `make verilog` 以生成 verilog 代码。输出文件为 `build/XSTop.v`
* 更多信息详见 `Makefile`
## 仿真运行
### 环境搭建
* 设定环境变量 `NEMU_HOME`[香山 NEMU](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/NEMU) 在您机器上的绝对路径。
* 设定环境变量 `NOOP_HOME` 为香山工程文件夹的绝对路径。
* 设定环境变量 `AM_HOME`[香山 AM](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/nexus-am) 的绝对路径。
* 项目使用 `mill` 进行 scala 编译,因此需要安装 `mill`,详见 [mill 手动安装指南](https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/mill/mill/Intro_to_Mill.html#_installation)(目前仅英文版本)。
* 克隆本项目,运行 `make init` 以初始化本项目引用的开源子模块。
### 运行仿真
* 安装开源 verilog 仿真器 [Verilator](https://verilator.org/guide/latest/)
* 运行 `make emu` 以利用 Verilator 构建 C++ 仿真器 `./build/emu`
* 运行 `./build/emu --help` 可以获得仿真器的各种运行时参数。
* 更多细节详见 `Makefile``verilator.mk`
make emu CONFIG=MinimalConfig SIM_ARGS=--disable-log EMU_THREADS=2 -j10
./build/emu -b 0 -e 0 -i ./ready-to-run/coremark-2-iteration.bin --diff ./ready-to-run/riscv64-nemu-interpreter-so
## 致谢
| 子模块 | 来源 | 详细用途 |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| L2 Cache/LLC | [Sifive block-inclusivecache](https://github.com/ucb-bar/block-inclusivecache-sifive) | 我们增强了原模块的功能和时序,最终使之能胜任 L2/LLC 任务的缓存生成器 |
| Diplomacy/TileLink | [Rocket-chip](https://github.com/chipsalliance/rocket-chip) | 我们复用了来自 rocket-chip 的外接框架和链接,来调度总线 |
| FPU | [Berkeley hardfloat](https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat) | 我们使用了 Barkeley-hardfloat 作为浮点运算器并为之设计了 SRT-4 除法/开方运算单元。此外我们分割了 FMA 流水线以优化时序 |
# 香山
香山是一款开源的高性能 RISC-V 处理器。采用 Chisel 硬件设计语言开发,支持 RV64GC 指令集。
English Readme is [here](README.md).
©2020-2021 中国科学院计算技术研究所版权所有。
## 文档和报告
在 2021 年 6 月的 RISC-V 中国峰会上,我们给出了超过 20 个技术报告。报告已经更新到[我们的文档仓库](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan-doc)
## 关注我们
<div align=left><img width="340" height="117" src="images/wechat.png"/></div>
## 处理器架构
自 2020 年 6 月开始开发的[雁栖湖](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan/tree/yanqihu)为香山处理器的首个稳定的微架构。目前版本的香山(即南湖)正在 master 分支上不断开发中。
## 目录概览
├── fpga # 支持的 FPGA 开发板、用于构建 Vivado 项目的文件
├── read-to-run # 预建的仿真镜像文件
├── scripts # 用于敏捷开发的脚本文件
└── src
├── test # 测试文件(包括差异测试(diff-test)和模块测试(module-test) 等)
└── main/scala # 设计文件
├── bus/tilelink # tilelink 实用工具
├── device # 用于仿真的虚拟设备
├── difftest # chisel 差异测试接口
├── system # SoC 封装
├── top # 顶层模块
├── utils # 复用封装
├── xiangshan # 主体设计代码
└── xstransforms # 一些实用的 firrtl 变换代码
## 生成 Verilog
* 运行 `make verilog` 以生成 verilog 代码。输出文件为 `build/XSTop.v`
* 更多信息详见 `Makefile`
## 仿真运行
### 环境搭建
* 设定环境变量 `NEMU_HOME`[香山 NEMU](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/NEMU) 在您机器上的绝对路径。
* 设定环境变量 `NOOP_HOME` 为香山工程文件夹的绝对路径。
* 设定环境变量 `AM_HOME`[香山 AM](https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/nexus-am) 的绝对路径。
* 项目使用 `mill` 进行 scala 编译,因此需要安装 `mill`,详见 [mill 手动安装指南](https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/mill/mill/Intro_to_Mill.html#_installation)(目前仅英文版本)。
* 克隆本项目,运行 `make init` 以初始化本项目引用的开源子模块。
### 运行仿真
* 安装开源 verilog 仿真器 [Verilator](https://verilator.org/guide/latest/)
* 运行 `make emu` 以利用 Verilator 构建 C++ 仿真器 `./build/emu`
* 运行 `./build/emu --help` 可以获得仿真器的各种运行时参数。
* 更多细节详见 `Makefile``verilator.mk`
make emu CONFIG=MinimalConfig EMU_THREADS=2 -j10
./build/emu -b 0 -e 0 -i ./ready-to-run/coremark-2-iteration.bin --diff ./ready-to-run/riscv64-nemu-interpreter-so
## 致谢
| 子模块 | 来源 | 详细用途 |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| L2 Cache/LLC | [Sifive block-inclusivecache](https://github.com/ucb-bar/block-inclusivecache-sifive) | 我们增强了原模块的功能和时序,最终使之能胜任 L2/LLC 任务的缓存生成器 |
| Diplomacy/TileLink | [Rocket-chip](https://github.com/chipsalliance/rocket-chip) | 我们复用了来自 rocket-chip 的外接框架和链接,来调度总线 |
| FPU | [Berkeley hardfloat](https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat) | 我们使用了 Barkeley-hardfloat 作为浮点运算器并为之设计了 SRT-4 除法/开方运算单元。此外我们分割了 FMA 流水线以优化时序 |
......@@ -48,11 +48,12 @@ class XSArgs(object):
for (arg_in, env, default, set_func) in all_path:
set_func(self.__extract_path(arg_in, env, default))
# Chisel arguments
self.disable_log = args.disable_log
self.enable_log = args.enable_log
self.num_cores = args.num_cores
# Makefile arguments
self.threads = args.threads
self.with_dramsim3 = 1 if args.with_dramsim3 else None
self.is_release = 1 if args.release else None
self.trace = 1 if args.trace or not args.disable_fork else None
self.config = args.config
# emu arguments
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ class XSArgs(object):
def get_chisel_args(self, prefix=None):
chisel_args = [
(self.disable_log, "disable-log")
(self.enable_log, "enable-log")
args = map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda arg: arg[0], chisel_args))
if prefix is not None:
......@@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ class XSArgs(object):
makefile_args = [
(self.threads, "EMU_THREADS"),
(self.with_dramsim3, "WITH_DRAMSIM3"),
(self.is_release, "RELEASE"),
(self.trace, "EMU_TRACE"),
(self.config, "CONFIG"),
(self.num_cores, "NUM_CORES")
......@@ -300,9 +302,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument('--rvtest', nargs='?', type=str, help='path to riscv-tests')
parser.add_argument('--wave-dump', nargs='?', type=str , help='path to dump wave')
# chisel arguments
parser.add_argument('--disable-log', action='store_true', help='disable log')
parser.add_argument('--enable-log', action='store_true', help='enable log')
parser.add_argument('--num-cores', type=int, help='number of cores')
# makefile arguments
parser.add_argument('--release', action='store_true', help='enable release')
parser.add_argument('--with-dramsim3', action='store_true', help='enable dramsim3')
parser.add_argument('--threads', nargs='?', type=int, help='number of emu threads')
parser.add_argument('--trace', action='store_true', help='enable waveform')
......@@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ object ArgParser {
|--xs-help print this help message
|--config <ConfigClassName>
|--num-cores <Int>
|--dual-core same as '--num-cores 2'
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ object ArgParser {
val c = Class.forName(prefix + confString).getConstructor(Integer.TYPE)
def parse(args: Array[String], fpga: Boolean = true): (Parameters, Array[String]) = {
def parse(args: Array[String]): (Parameters, Array[String]) = {
val default = new DefaultConfig(1)
var firrtlOpts = Array[String]()
......@@ -64,15 +65,21 @@ object ArgParser {
up(XSTileKey).head.copy(HartId = i)
}), tail)
case "--dual-core" :: tail =>
nextOption(config, "--num-cores" :: "2" :: tail)
case "--with-dramsim3" :: tail =>
nextOption(config.alter((site, here, up) => {
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(UseDRAMSim = true)
}), tail)
case "--disable-log" :: tail =>
case "--fpga-platform" :: tail =>
nextOption(config.alter((site, here, up) => {
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(EnableDebug = false)
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(FPGAPlatform = true)
}), tail)
case "--enable-difftest" :: tail =>
nextOption(config.alter((site, here, up) => {
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(EnableDifftest = true)
}), tail)
case "--enable-log" :: tail =>
nextOption(config.alter((site, here, up) => {
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(EnableDebug = true)
}), tail)
case "--disable-perf" :: tail =>
nextOption(config.alter((site, here, up) => {
......@@ -85,11 +92,6 @@ object ArgParser {
var config = nextOption(default, args.toList)
config = config.alter((site, here, up) => {
case DebugOptionsKey => up(DebugOptionsKey).copy(FPGAPlatform = false)
(config, firrtlOpts)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ object XSLog {
val logTimestamp = WireInit(0.U(64.W))
val enableDebug = debugOpts.EnableDebug && debugLevel != XSLogLevel.PERF
val enablePerf = debugOpts.EnablePerfDebug && debugLevel == XSLogLevel.PERF
if (enableDebug || enablePerf || debugLevel == XSLogLevel.ERROR) {
if (!debugOpts.FPGAPlatform && (enableDebug || enablePerf || debugLevel == XSLogLevel.ERROR)) {
ExcitingUtils.addSink(logEnable, "DISPLAY_LOG_ENABLE")
ExcitingUtils.addSink(logTimestamp, "logTimestamp")
val check_cond = (if (debugLevel == XSLogLevel.ERROR) true.B else logEnable) && cond
......@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ object XSLog {
def displayLog(implicit p: Parameters): Bool = {
val logEnable = WireInit(false.B)
val debugOpts = p(DebugOptionsKey)
val ret = WireInit(false.B)
if(p(DebugOptionsKey).EnableDebug) {
if (!debugOpts.FPGAPlatform && debugOpts.EnableDebug) {
val logEnable = WireInit(false.B)
ExcitingUtils.addSink(logEnable, "DISPLAY_LOG_ENABLE")
ret := logEnable
......@@ -226,8 +226,9 @@ case object DebugOptionsKey extends Field[DebugOptions]
case class DebugOptions
FPGAPlatform: Boolean = true,
EnableDebug: Boolean = true,
FPGAPlatform: Boolean = false,
EnableDifftest: Boolean = false,
EnableDebug: Boolean = false,
EnablePerfDebug: Boolean = true,
UseDRAMSim: Boolean = false
......@@ -52,14 +52,6 @@ trait NeedImpl {
abstract class XSBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Bundle
with HasXSParameter
case class EnviromentParameters
FPGAPlatform: Boolean = true,
EnableDebug: Boolean = false,
EnablePerfDebug: Boolean = true,
DualCore: Boolean = false
abstract class XSCoreBase()(implicit p: config.Parameters) extends LazyModule
with HasXSParameter with HasExuWbMappingHelper
......@@ -448,13 +448,13 @@ class SchedulerImp(outer: Scheduler) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasXSPara
if (!env.FPGAPlatform && intRfConfig._1) {
if (env.EnableDifftest && intRfConfig._1) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestArchIntRegState)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
difftest.io.gpr := intRfReadData.takeRight(32)
if (!env.FPGAPlatform && fpRfConfig._1) {
if (env.EnableDifftest && fpRfConfig._1) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestArchFpRegState)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class Dispatch(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasExceptionNO {
// update singleStep
updatedUop(i).ctrl.singleStep := io.singleStep && (if (i == 0) singleStepStatus else true.B)
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
// debug runahead hint
val debug_runahead_checkpoint_id = Wire(checkpoint_id.cloneType)
if(i == 0){
......@@ -517,18 +517,6 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
// Hart Priviledge Mode
val priviledgeMode = RegInit(UInt(2.W), ModeM)
// Emu perfcnt
val hasEmuPerfCnt = !env.FPGAPlatform
val nrEmuPerfCnts = if (hasEmuPerfCnt) 0x80 else 0x3
val emuPerfCnts = List.fill(nrEmuPerfCnts)(RegInit(0.U(XLEN.W)))
val emuPerfCntCond = List.fill(nrEmuPerfCnts)(WireInit(false.B))
(emuPerfCnts zip emuPerfCntCond).map { case (c, e) => when (e) { c := c + 1.U } }
val emuPerfCntsLoMapping = (0 until nrEmuPerfCnts).map(i => MaskedRegMap(0x1000 + i, emuPerfCnts(i)))
val emuPerfCntsHiMapping = (0 until nrEmuPerfCnts).map(i => MaskedRegMap(0x1080 + i, emuPerfCnts(i)(63, 32)))
println(s"CSR: hasEmuPerfCnt:${hasEmuPerfCnt}")
//val perfEventscounten = List.fill(nrPerfCnts)(RegInit(false(Bool())))
// Perf Counter
val nrPerfCnts = 29 // 3...31
......@@ -746,8 +734,6 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
perfCntMapping ++
pmpMapping ++
pmaMapping ++
emuPerfCntsLoMapping ++
(if (XLEN == 32) emuPerfCntsHiMapping else Nil) ++
(if (HasFPU) fcsrMapping else Nil) ++
(if (HasCustomCSRCacheOp) cacheopMapping else Nil)
......@@ -1094,7 +1080,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
val difftestIntrNO = Mux(raiseIntr, causeNO, 0.U)
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestArchEvent)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -1103,7 +1089,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
difftest.io.exceptionPC := RegNext(SignExt(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, XLEN))
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestCSRState)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -1127,6 +1113,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
difftest.io.medeleg := medeleg
class PFEvent(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCSRConst {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val distribute_csr = Flipped(new DistributedCSRIO())
......@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
io.commits.info.map(info => dontTouch(info.pc))
......@@ -905,11 +905,6 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
XSPerfAccumulate(s"${fuName}_latency_execute_fma", ifCommit(latencySum(commitIsFma, executeLatency)))
val l1Miss = Wire(Bool())
l1Miss := false.B
ExcitingUtils.addSink(l1Miss, "TMA_l1miss")
XSPerfAccumulate("TMA_L1miss", deqNotWritebacked && deqUopCommitType === CommitType.LOAD && l1Miss)
//difftest signals
val firstValidCommit = (deqPtr + PriorityMux(io.commits.valid, VecInit(List.tabulate(CommitWidth)(_.U)))).value
......@@ -931,7 +926,7 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
val trapCode = PriorityMux(wdata.zip(trapVec).map(x => x._2 -> x._1))
val trapPC = SignExt(PriorityMux(wpc.zip(trapVec).map(x => x._2 ->x._1)), XLEN)
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestInstrCommit)
difftest.io.clock := clock
......@@ -957,8 +952,6 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
difftest.io.wdata := RegNext(exuData)
difftest.io.wdest := RegNext(uop.ctrl.ldest)
// XSDebug(p"[difftest-instr-commit]valid:${difftest.io.valid},pc:${difftest.io.pc},instr:${difftest.io.instr},skip:${difftest.io.skip},isRVC:${difftest.io.isRVC},scFailed:${difftest.io.scFailed},wen:${difftest.io.wen},wdata:${difftest.io.wdata},wdest:${difftest.io.wdest}\n")
// runahead commit hint
val runahead_commit = Module(new DifftestRunaheadCommitEvent)
runahead_commit.io.clock := clock
......@@ -971,7 +964,7 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
for (i <- 0 until CommitWidth) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestLoadEvent)
difftest.io.clock := clock
......@@ -988,7 +981,7 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestTrapEvent)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -998,6 +991,7 @@ class Rob(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
difftest.io.cycleCnt := timer
difftest.io.instrCnt := instrCnt
val perfinfo = IO(new Bundle(){
val perfEvents = Output(new PerfEventsBundle(18))
......@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ class MissQueue(edge: TLEdgeOut)(implicit p: Parameters) extends DCacheModule {
io.full := ~Cat(entries.map(_.io.primary_ready)).andR
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestRefillEvent)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ class StoreQueue(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasDCacheParamete
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
for (i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
val storeCommit = io.sbuffer(i).fire()
val waddr = SignExt(io.sbuffer(i).bits.addr, 64)
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ class AtomicsUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with MemoryOpConstant
atom_override_xtval := false.B
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestAtomicEvent)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := hardId.U
......@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ class Sbuffer(implicit p: Parameters) extends DCacheModule with HasSbufferConst
// val num_valids = PopCount(entries.map(e => !e.io.lsu.req.ready))
// XSPerfHistogram("num_valids", num_valids, true.B, 0, cfg.nStoreReplayEntries, 1)
if (!env.FPGAPlatform) {
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
// hit resp
io.dcache.hit_resps.zipWithIndex.map{case (resp, index) => {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestSbufferEvent)
......@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ class SimTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
io.memAXI <> soc.memory
if (debugOpts.EnableDebug || debugOpts.EnablePerfDebug) {
if (!debugOpts.FPGAPlatform && (debugOpts.EnableDebug || debugOpts.EnablePerfDebug)) {
val timer = GTimer()
val logEnable = (timer >= io.logCtrl.log_begin) && (timer < io.logCtrl.log_end)
ExcitingUtils.addSource(logEnable, "DISPLAY_LOG_ENABLE")
ExcitingUtils.addSource(timer, "logTimestamp")
if (debugOpts.EnablePerfDebug) {
if (!debugOpts.FPGAPlatform && debugOpts.EnablePerfDebug) {
val clean = io.perfInfo.clean
val dump = io.perfInfo.dump
ExcitingUtils.addSource(clean, "XSPERF_CLEAN")
......@@ -94,15 +94,13 @@ class SimTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
object SimTop extends App {
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val (config, firrtlOpts) = ArgParser.parse(args, fpga = false)
// generate verilog
ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(() => DisableMonitors(p => new SimTop()(p))(config))
// Keep this the same as TopMain except that SimTop is used here instead of XSTop
val (config, firrtlOpts) = ArgParser.parse(args)
XiangShanStage.execute(firrtlOpts, Seq(
ChiselGeneratorAnnotation(() => {
DisableMonitors(p => new SimTop()(p))(config)
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