19.7 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4
*   Deprecate passing a column to `type_cast`.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

*   Deprecate `in_clause_length` and `allowed_index_name_length` in `DatabaseLimits`.
6 7 8

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

9 10 11 12
*   Fix aggregate functions to return numeric value consistently even on custom attribute type.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

13 14 15 16
*   Support bulk insert/upsert on relation to preserve scope values.

    *Josef Šimánek*, *Ryuta Kamizono*

17 18 19 20
*   Preserve column comment value on changing column name on MySQL.

    *Islam Taha*

21 22 23 24 25 26
*   Add support for `if_exists` option for removing an index.

    The `remove_index` method can take an `if_exists` option. If this is set to true an error won't be raised if the index doesn't exist.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

27 28 29 30
*   Remove ibm_db, informix, mssql, oracle, and oracle12 Arel visitors which are not used in the code base.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

31 32
*   Prevent `build_association` from `touching` a parent record if the record isn't persisted for `has_one` associations.

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
    Fixes #38219.
34 35

    *Josh Brody*

37 38 39 40 41 42 43
*   Add support for `if_not_exists` option for adding index.

    The `add_index` method respects `if_not_exists` option. If it is set to true
    index won't be added.


Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
45 46 47
      add_index :users, :account_id, if_not_exists: true

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
    The `if_not_exists` option passed to `create_table` also gets propagated to indexes
49 50 51 52 53
    created within that migration so that if table and its indexes exist then there is no
    attempt to create them again.

    *Prathamesh Sonpatki*

54 55 56 57
*   Add `ActiveRecord::Base#previously_new_record?` to show if a record was new before the last save.

    *Tom Ward*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Support descending order for `find_each`, `find_in_batches`, and `in_batches`.
59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

    Batch processing methods allow you to work with the records in batches, greatly reducing memory consumption, but records are always batched from oldest id to newest.

    This change allows reversing the order, batching from newest to oldest. This is useful when you need to process newer batches of records first.

    Pass `order: :desc` to yield batches in descending order. The default remains `order: :asc`.

    Person.find_each(order: :desc) do |person|

    *Alexey Vasiliev*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Fix `insert_all` with enum values.
75 76 77 78

    Fixes #38716.

    *Joel Blum*

80 81 82 83 84 85
*   Add support for `db:rollback:name` for multiple database applications.

    Multiple database applications will now raise if `db:rollback` is call and recommend using the `db:rollback:[NAME]` to rollback migrations.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

86 87 88 89
*   `Relation#pick` now uses already loaded results instead of making another query.

    *Eugene Kenny*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Deprecate using `return`, `break` or `throw` to exit a transaction block.
91 92 93

    *Dylan Thacker-Smith*

*   Dump the schema or structure of a database when calling `db:migrate:name`.
95 96 97 98 99 100 101

    In previous versions of Rails, `rails db:migrate` would dump the schema of the database. In Rails 6, that holds true (`rails db:migrate` dumps all databases' schemas), but `rails db:migrate:name` does not share that behavior.

    Going forward, calls to `rails db:migrate:name` will dump the schema (or structure) of the database being migrated.

    *Kyle Thompson*

*   Reset the `ActiveRecord::Base` connection after `rails db:migrate:name`.
103 104 105 106 107

    When `rails db:migrate` has finished, it ensures the `ActiveRecord::Base` connection is reset to its original configuration. Going forward, `rails db:migrate:name` will have the same behavior.

    *Kyle Thompson*

108 109 110 111 112 113
*   Disallow calling `connected_to` on subclasses of `ActiveRecord::Base`.

    Behavior has not changed here but the previous API could be misleading to people who thought it would switch connections for only that class. `connected_to` switches the context from which we are getting connections, not the connections themselves.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
*   Add support for horizontal sharding to `connects_to` and `connected_to`.

    Applications can now connect to multiple shards and switch between their shards in an application. Note that the shard swapping is still a manual process as this change does not include an API for automatic shard swapping.


    Given the following configuration:

    # config/database.yml
        database: my_database
        database: my_database_shard_one

    Connect to multiple shards:

    class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
      self.abstract_class = true

      connects_to shards: {
        default: { writing: :primary },
        shard_one: { writing: :primary_shard_one }

    Swap between shards in your controller / model code:

    ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :shard_one) do
      # Read from shard one

    The horizontal sharding API also supports read replicas. See guides for more details.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*
Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
154 155

*   Deprecate `spec_name` in favor of `name` on database configurations.
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

    The accessors for `spec_name` on `configs_for` and `DatabaseConfig` are deprecated. Please use `name` instead.

    Deprecated behavior:

    db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configs_for(env_name: "development", spec_name: "primary")

    New behavior:

    db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configs_for(env_name: "development", name: "primary")

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Add additional database-specific rake tasks for multi-database users.
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214

    Previously, `rails db:create`, `rails db:drop`, and `rails db:migrate` were the only rails tasks that could operate on a single
    database. For example:

    rails db:create
    rails db:create:primary
    rails db:create:animals
    rails db:drop
    rails db:drop:primary
    rails db:drop:animals
    rails db:migrate
    rails db:migrate:primary
    rails db:migrate:animals

    With these changes, `rails db:schema:dump`, `rails db:schema:load`, `rails db:structure:dump`, `rails db:structure:load` and
    `rails db:test:prepare` can additionally operate on a single database. For example:

    rails db:schema:dump
    rails db:schema:dump:primary
    rails db:schema:dump:animals
    rails db:schema:load
    rails db:schema:load:primary
    rails db:schema:load:animals
    rails db:structure:dump
    rails db:structure:dump:primary
    rails db:structure:dump:animals
    rails db:structure:load
    rails db:structure:load:primary
    rails db:structure:load:animals
    rails db:test:prepare
    rails db:test:prepare:primary
    rails db:test:prepare:animals

    *Kyle Thompson*

215 216 217 218 219 220
*   Add support for `strict_loading` mode on association declarations.

    Raise an error if attempting to load a record from an association that has been marked as `strict_loading` unless it was explicitly eager loaded.


Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
    class Developer < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :projects, strict_loading: true

    dev = Developer.first
    # => ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError: The projects association is marked as strict_loading and cannot be lazily loaded.
229 230 231 232

    *Kevin Deisz*

233 234 235 236 237 238
*   Add support for `strict_loading` mode to prevent lazy loading of records.

    Raise an error if a parent record is marked as `strict_loading` and attempts to lazily load its associations. This is useful for finding places you may want to preload an association and avoid additional queries.


Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
239 240 241 242
    dev = Developer.strict_loading.first
    # => ActiveRecord::StrictLoadingViolationError: Developer is marked as strict_loading and AuditLog cannot be lazily loaded.
243 244 245 246

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *Aaron Patterson*

247 248 249 250
*   Add support for PostgreSQL 11+ partitioned indexes when using `upsert_all`.

    *Sebastián Palma*

*   Adds support for `if_not_exists` to `add_column` and `if_exists` to `remove_column`.
252 253 254 255 256

    Applications can set their migrations to ignore exceptions raised when adding a column that already exists or when removing a column that does not exist.

    Example Usage:

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
258 259 260 261 262 263 264
    class AddColumnTitle < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
      def change
        add_column :posts, :title, :string, if_not_exists: true

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
    class RemoveColumnTitle < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.1]
      def change
        remove_column :posts, :title, if_exists: true

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Regexp-escape table name for MS SQL Server.
Larry Reid 已提交
276 277 278 279 280

    Add `Regexp.escape` to one method in ActiveRecord, so that table names with regular expression characters in them work as expected. Since MS SQL Server uses "[" and "]" to quote table and column names, and those characters are regular expression characters, methods like `pluck` and `select` fail in certain cases when used with the MS SQL Server adapter.

    *Larry Reid*

281 282 283 284
*   Store advisory locks on their own named connection.

    Previously advisory locks were taken out against a connection when a migration started. This works fine in single database applications but doesn't work well when migrations need to open new connections which results in the lock getting dropped.

    In order to fix this we are storing the advisory lock on a new connection with the connection specification name `AdvisoryLockBase`. The caveat is that we need to maintain at least 2 connections to a database while migrations are running in order to do this.
286 287 288

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

289 290 291 292
*   Allow schema cache path to be defined in the database configuration file.

    For example:

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
      adapter: postgresql
      database: blog_development
      pool: 5
      schema_cache_path: tmp/schema/main.yml

    *Katrina Owen*

303 304 305 306 307 308
*   Deprecate `#remove_connection` in favor of `#remove_connection_pool` when called on the handler.

    `#remove_connection` is deprecated in order to support returning a `DatabaseConfig` object instead of a `Hash`. Use `#remove_connection_pool`, `#remove_connection` will be removed in 6.2.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Deprecate `#default_hash` and it's alias `#[]` on database configurations.
310 311

    Applications should use `configs_for`. `#default_hash` and `#[]` will be removed in 6.2.
312 313

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

315 316 317 318
*   Add scale support to `ActiveRecord::Validations::NumericalityValidator`.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
*   Find orphans by looking for missing relations through chaining `where.missing`:


    Post.left_joins(:author).where(authors: { id: nil })



    *Tom Rossi*

335 336 337 338 339 340
*   Ensure `:reading` connections always raise if a write is attempted.

    Now Rails will raise an `ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyError` if any connection on the reading handler attempts to make a write. If your reading role needs to write you should name the role something other than `:reading`.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Deprecate `"primary"` as the `connection_specification_name` for `ActiveRecord::Base`.
342 343 344 345 346

    `"primary"` has been deprecated as the `connection_specification_name` for `ActiveRecord::Base` in favor of using `"ActiveRecord::Base"`. This change affects calls to `ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.retrieve_connection` and `ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.remove_connection`. If you're calling these methods with `"primary"`, please switch to `"ActiveRecord::Base"`.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

347 348 349 350 351
*   Add `ActiveRecord::Validations::NumericalityValidator` with
    support for casting floats using a database columns' precision value.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

352 353 354 355
*   Enforce fresh ETag header after a collection's contents change by adding
    ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_key_with_version. This method will be used by
    ActionController::ConditionalGet to ensure that when collection cache versioning
    is enabled, requests using ConditionalGet don't return the same ETag header
Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
356 357 358
    after a collection is modified.

    Fixes #38078.
359 360 361

    *Aaron Lipman*

362 363 364 365 366
*   Skip test database when running `db:create` or `db:drop` in development
    with `DATABASE_URL` set.

    *Brian Buchalter*

*   Don't allow mutations on the database configurations hash.
eileencodes 已提交

    Freeze the configurations hash to disallow directly changing it. If applications need to change the hash, for example to create databases for parallelization, they should use the `DatabaseConfig` object directly.
eileencodes 已提交
370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387


    @db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: "test", spec_name: "primary")
    @db_config.configuration_hash.merge!(idle_timeout: "0.02")


    @db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: "test", spec_name: "primary")
    config = @db_config.configuration_hash.merge(idle_timeout: "0.02")
    db_config =, @db_config.spec_name, config)

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

388 389 390 391
*   Remove `:connection_id` from the `sql.active_record` notification.

    *Aaron Patterson*, *Rafael Mendonça França*

392 393 394 395
*   The `:name` key will no longer be returned as part of `DatabaseConfig#configuration_hash`. Please use `DatabaseConfig#owner_name` instead.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

396 397 398 399
*   ActiveRecord's `belongs_to_required_by_default` flag can now be set per model.

    You can now opt-out/opt-in specific models from having their associations required
    by default.

401 402 403 404 405
    This change is meant to ease the process of migrating all your models to have
    their association required.

    *Edouard Chin*

John Crepezzi 已提交
406 407 408 409
*   The `connection_config` method has been deprecated, please use `connection_db_config` instead which will return a `DatabaseConfigurations::DatabaseConfig` instead of a `Hash`.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

410 411 412 413 414 415
*   Retain explicit selections on the base model after applying `includes` and `joins`.

    Resolves #34889.

    *Patrick Rebsch*

416 417 418 419
*   The `database` kwarg is deprecated without replacement because it can't be used for sharding and creates an issue if it's used during a request. Applications that need to create new connections should use `connects_to` instead.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

Gannon McGibbon 已提交
420 421 422 423
*   Allow attributes to be fetched from Arel node groupings.

    *Jeff Emminger*, *Gannon McGibbon*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   A database URL can now contain a querystring value that contains an equal sign. This is needed to support passing PostgreSQL `options`.
425 426 427

    *Joshua Flanagan*

428 429 430 431
*   Calling methods like `establish_connection` with a `Hash` which is invalid (eg: no `adapter`) will now raise an error the same way as connections defined in `config/database.yml`.

    *John Crepezzi*

432 433 434 435
*   Specifying `implicit_order_column` now subsorts the records by primary key if available to ensure deterministic results.

    *Paweł Urbanek*

John Hawthorn 已提交
436 437 438 439
*   `where(attr => [])` now loads an empty result without making a query.

    *John Hawthorn*

440 441 442 443
*   Fixed the performance regression for `primary_keys` introduced MySQL 8.0.

    *Hiroyuki Ishii*

444 445 446 447
*   Add support for `belongs_to` to `has_many` inversing.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466
*   Allow length configuration for `has_secure_token` method. The minimum length
    is set at 24 characters.


    has_secure_token :auth_token


    has_secure_token :default_token             # 24 characters
    has_secure_token :auth_token, length: 36    # 36 characters
    has_secure_token :invalid_token, length: 12 # => ActiveRecord::SecureToken::MinimumLengthError

    *Bernardo de Araujo*

467 468 469 470
*   Deprecate `DatabaseConfigurations#to_h`. These connection hashes are still available via `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for`.

    *Eileen Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*

471 472 473 474
*   Add `DatabaseConfig#configuration_hash` to return database configuration hashes with symbol keys, and use all symbol-key configuration hashes internally. Deprecate `DatabaseConfig#config` which returns a String-keyed `Hash` with the same values.

    *John Crepezzi*, *Eileen Uchitelle*

475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491
*   Allow column names to be passed to `remove_index` positionally along with other options.

    Passing other options can be necessary to make `remove_index` correctly reversible.


        add_index    :reports, :report_id               # => works
        add_index    :reports, :report_id, unique: true # => works
        remove_index :reports, :report_id               # => works
        remove_index :reports, :report_id, unique: true # => ArgumentError


        remove_index :reports, :report_id, unique: true # => works

    *Eugene Kenny*

492 493 494 495
*   Allow bulk `ALTER` statements to drop and recreate indexes with the same name.

    *Eugene Kenny*

496 497 498 499
*   `insert`, `insert_all`, `upsert`, and `upsert_all` now clear the query cache.

    *Eugene Kenny*

*   Call `while_preventing_writes` directly from `connected_to`.

    In some cases application authors want to use the database switching middleware and make explicit calls with `connected_to`. It's possible for an app to turn off writes and not turn them back on by the time we call `connected_to(role: :writing)`.
503 504 505 506 507

    This change allows apps to fix this by assuming if a role is writing we want to allow writes, except in the case it's explicitly turned off.

    *Eileen M. Uchitelle*

508 509 510 511
*   Improve detection of ActiveRecord::StatementTimeout with mysql2 adapter in the edge case when the query is terminated during filesort.

    *Kir Shatrov*

512 513 514 515
*   Stop trying to read yaml file fixtures when loading Active Record fixtures.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

516 517 518 519 520 521
*   Deprecate `.reorder(nil)` with `.first` / `.first!` taking non-deterministic result.

    To continue taking non-deterministic result, use `.take` / `.take!` instead.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

522 523 524 525
*   Ensure custom PK types are casted in through reflection queries.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

526 527 528 529 530 531
*   Preserve user supplied joins order as much as possible.

    Fixes #36761, #34328, #24281, #12953.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

*   Allow `matches_regex` and `does_not_match_regexp` on the MySQL Arel visitor.
James Pearson 已提交
533 534

    *James Pearson*

536 537 538 539
*   Allow specifying fixtures to be ignored by setting `ignore` in YAML file's '_fixture' section.

    *Tongfei Gao*

540 541 542 543
*   Make the DATABASE_URL env variable only affect the primary connection. Add new env variables for multiple databases.

    *John Crepezzi*, *Eileen Uchitelle*

544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551
*   Add a warning for enum elements with 'not_' prefix.

        class Foo
          enum status: [:sent, :not_sent]

    *Edu Depetris*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Make currency symbols optional for money column type in PostgreSQL.
553 554 555

    *Joel Schneider*

556 557 558 559
*   Add support for beginless ranges, introduced in Ruby 2.7.

    *Josh Goodall*

Ryuta Kamizono 已提交
*   Add `database_exists?` method to connection adapters to check if a database exists.

Roberto Miranda 已提交
    *Guilherme Mansur*

564 565 566 567
*   Loading the schema for a model that has no `table_name` raises a `TableNotSpecified` error.

    *Guilherme Mansur*, *Eugene Kenny*

568 569 570 571 572 573
*   PostgreSQL: Fix GROUP BY with ORDER BY virtual count attribute.

    Fixes #36022.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

574 575 576 577 578 579
*   Make ActiveRecord `ConnectionPool.connections` method thread-safe.

    Fixes #36465.

    *Jeff Doering*

580 581 582 583
*   Add support for multiple databases to `rails db:abort_if_pending_migrations`.

    *Mark Lee*

584 585 586 587
*   Fix sqlite3 collation parsing when using decimal columns.

    *Martin R. Schuster*

*   Fix invalid schema when primary key column has a comment.

    Fixes #29966.
591 592 593

    *Guilherme Goettems Schneider*

*   Fix table comment also being applied to the primary key column.
595 596 597

    *Guilherme Goettems Schneider*

*   Allow generated `create_table` migrations to include or skip timestamps.

    *Michael Duchemin*


Please check [6-0-stable]( for previous changes.