2.3 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4
*   Stop trying to read yaml file fixtures when loading Active Record fixtures.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

5 6 7 8 9 10
*   Deprecate `.reorder(nil)` with `.first` / `.first!` taking non-deterministic result.

    To continue taking non-deterministic result, use `.take` / `.take!` instead.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

11 12 13 14
*   Ensure custom PK types are casted in through reflection queries.

    *Gannon McGibbon*

15 16 17 18 19 20
*   Preserve user supplied joins order as much as possible.

    Fixes #36761, #34328, #24281, #12953.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

*   Allow `matches_regex` and `does_not_match_regexp` on the MySQL Arel visitor.
James Pearson 已提交
22 23

    *James Pearson*

25 26 27 28
*   Allow specifying fixtures to be ignored by setting `ignore` in YAML file's '_fixture' section.

    *Tongfei Gao*

29 30 31 32
*   Make the DATABASE_URL env variable only affect the primary connection. Add new env variables for multiple databases.

    *John Crepezzi*, *Eileen Uchitelle*

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
*   Add a warning for enum elements with 'not_' prefix.

        class Foo
          enum status: [:sent, :not_sent]

    *Edu Depetris*

41 42 43 44
*   Make currency symbols optional for money column type in PostgreSQL

    *Joel Schneider*

45 46 47 48
*   Add support for beginless ranges, introduced in Ruby 2.7.

    *Josh Goodall*

49 50
*   Add database_exists? method to connection adapters to check if a database exists.

Roberto Miranda 已提交
    *Guilherme Mansur*

53 54 55 56
*   Loading the schema for a model that has no `table_name` raises a `TableNotSpecified` error.

    *Guilherme Mansur*, *Eugene Kenny*

57 58 59 60 61 62
*   PostgreSQL: Fix GROUP BY with ORDER BY virtual count attribute.

    Fixes #36022.

    *Ryuta Kamizono*

63 64 65 66 67 68
*   Make ActiveRecord `ConnectionPool.connections` method thread-safe.

    Fixes #36465.

    *Jeff Doering*

69 70 71 72
*   Add support for multiple databases to `rails db:abort_if_pending_migrations`.

    *Mark Lee*

73 74 75 76
*   Fix sqlite3 collation parsing when using decimal columns.

    *Martin R. Schuster*

*   Fix invalid schema when primary key column has a comment.

    Fixes #29966.
80 81 82

    *Guilherme Goettems Schneider*

*   Fix table comment also being applied to the primary key column.
84 85 86

    *Guilherme Goettems Schneider*

*   Allow generated `create_table` migrations to include or skip timestamps.

89 90
    *Michael Duchemin*


Please check [6-0-stable]( for previous changes.