未验证 提交 384e7d13 编写于 作者: E eileencodes

Add support for horizontal sharding

Applications can now connect to multiple shards and switch between
their shards in an application. Note that the shard swapping is
still a manual process as this change does not include an API for
automatic shard swapping.


Given the following configuration:

    database: my_database
    database: my_database_shard_one

Connect to multiple shards:

class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true

  connects_to shards: {
    default: { writing: :primary },
    shard_one: { writing: :primary_shard_one }

Swap between shards in your controller / model code:

  ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :shard_one) do
    # Read from shard one

The horizontal sharding API also supports read replicas. See
guides for more details.

This PR also moves some no-doc'd methods into the private namespace as
they were unnecessarily public. We've updated some error messages and
Co-authored-by: NJohn Crepezzi <john.crepezzi@gmail.com>
上级 541ec328
* Add support for horizontal sharding to `connects_to` and `connected_to`.
Applications can now connect to multiple shards and switch between their shards in an application. Note that the shard swapping is still a manual process as this change does not include an API for automatic shard swapping.
Given the following configuration:
# config/database.yml
database: my_database
database: my_database_shard_one
Connect to multiple shards:
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
connects_to shards: {
default: { writing: :primary },
shard_one: { writing: :primary_shard_one }
Swap between shards in your controller / model code:
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :shard_one) do
# Read from shard one
The horizontal sharding API also supports read replicas. See guides for more details.
*Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*
* Deprecate `spec_name` in favor of `name` on database configurations
The accessors for `spec_name` on `configs_for` and `DatabaseConfig` are deprecated. Please use `name` instead.
......@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ def connection_pool_list
alias :connection_pools :connection_pool_list
def establish_connection(config, pool_key = :default)
def establish_connection(config, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
pool_config = resolve_pool_config(config)
db_config = pool_config.db_config
......@@ -1100,16 +1100,19 @@ def flush_idle_connections!
# active or defined connection: if it is the latter, it will be
# opened and set as the active connection for the class it was defined
# for (not necessarily the current class).
def retrieve_connection(spec_name) # :nodoc:
pool = retrieve_connection_pool(spec_name)
def retrieve_connection(spec_name, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key) # :nodoc:
pool = retrieve_connection_pool(spec_name, pool_key)
unless pool
# multiple database application
if ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler != ActiveRecord::Base.default_connection_handler
raise ConnectionNotEstablished, "No connection pool for '#{spec_name}' found for the '#{ActiveRecord::Base.current_role}' role."
if pool_key != ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key
message = "No connection pool for '#{spec_name}' found for the '#{pool_key}' shard."
elsif ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler != ActiveRecord::Base.default_connection_handler
message = "No connection pool for '#{spec_name}' found for the '#{ActiveRecord::Base.current_role}' role."
raise ConnectionNotEstablished, "No connection pool for '#{spec_name}' found."
message = "No connection pool for '#{spec_name}' found."
raise ConnectionNotEstablished, message
......@@ -1117,7 +1120,7 @@ def retrieve_connection(spec_name) # :nodoc:
# Returns true if a connection that's accessible to this class has
# already been opened.
def connected?(spec_name, pool_key = :default)
def connected?(spec_name, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
pool = retrieve_connection_pool(spec_name, pool_key)
pool && pool.connected?
......@@ -1126,12 +1129,12 @@ def connected?(spec_name, pool_key = :default)
# connection and the defined connection (if they exist). The result
# can be used as an argument for #establish_connection, for easily
# re-establishing the connection.
def remove_connection(owner, pool_key = :default)
def remove_connection(owner, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
remove_connection_pool(owner, pool_key)&.configuration_hash
deprecate remove_connection: "Use #remove_connection_pool, which now returns a DatabaseConfig object instead of a Hash"
def remove_connection_pool(owner, pool_key = :default)
def remove_connection_pool(owner, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
if pool_manager = get_pool_manager(owner)
pool_config = pool_manager.remove_pool_config(pool_key)
......@@ -1145,7 +1148,7 @@ def remove_connection_pool(owner, pool_key = :default)
# Retrieving the connection pool happens a lot, so we cache it in @owner_to_pool_manager.
# This makes retrieving the connection pool O(1) once the process is warm.
# When a connection is established or removed, we invalidate the cache.
def retrieve_connection_pool(owner, pool_key = :default)
def retrieve_connection_pool(owner, pool_key = ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
pool_config = get_pool_manager(owner)&.get_pool_config(pool_key)
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module ConnectionHandling
# may be returned on an error.
def establish_connection(config_or_env = nil)
db_config = resolve_config_for_connection(config_or_env)
connection_handler.establish_connection(db_config, current_pool_key)
# Connects a model to the databases specified. The +database+ keyword
......@@ -64,8 +64,24 @@ def establish_connection(config_or_env = nil)
# connects_to database: { writing: :primary, reading: :primary_replica }
# end
# Returns an array of established connections.
def connects_to(database: {})
# +connects_to+ also supports horizontal sharding. The horizontal sharding API
# also supports read replicas. Connect a model to a list of shards like this:
# class AnimalsModel < ApplicationRecord
# self.abstract_class = true
# connects_to shards: {
# default: { writing: :primary, reading: :primary_replica },
# shard_two: { writing: :primary_shard_two, reading: :primary_shard_replica_two }
# }
# end
# Returns an array of database connections.
def connects_to(database: {}, shards: {})
if database.present? && shards.present?
raise ArgumentError, "connects_to can only accept a `database` or `shards` argument, but not both arguments."
connections = []
database.each do |role, database_key|
......@@ -75,14 +91,25 @@ def connects_to(database: {})
connections << handler.establish_connection(db_config)
shards.each do |pool_key, database_keys|
database_keys.each do |role, database_key|
db_config = resolve_config_for_connection(database_key)
handler = lookup_connection_handler(role.to_sym)
connections << handler.establish_connection(db_config, pool_key.to_sym)
# Connects to a database or role (ex writing, reading, or another
# custom role) for the duration of the block.
# Connects to a role (ex writing, reading or a custom role) and/or
# shard for the duration of the block. At the end of the block the
# connection will be returned to the original role / shard.
# If a role is passed, Active Record will look up the connection
# based on the requested role:
# If only a role is passed, Active Record will look up the connection
# based on the requested role. If a non-established role is requested
# an `ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished` error will be raised:
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :writing) do
# Dog.create! # creates dog using dog writing connection
......@@ -92,16 +119,29 @@ def connects_to(database: {})
# Dog.create! # throws exception because we're on a replica
# end
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :unknown_role) do
# # raises exception due to non-existent role
# If only a shard is passed, Active Record will look up the shard on the
# current role. If a non-existent shard is passed, an
# `ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished` error will be raised.
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :default) do
# # Dog.create! # creates dog in shard with the default key
# end
def connected_to(database: nil, role: nil, prevent_writes: false, &blk)
# If a shard and role is passed, Active Record will first lookup the role,
# and then look up the connection by shard key.
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading, shard: :shard_one_replica) do
# # Dog.create! # would raise as we're on a readonly connection
# end
# The database kwarg is deprecated and will be removed in 6.2.0 without replacement.
def connected_to(database: nil, role: nil, shard: nil, prevent_writes: false, &blk)
if database
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The database key in `connected_to` is deprecated. It will be removed in Rails 6.2.0 without replacement.")
if database && role
raise ArgumentError, "connected_to can only accept a `database` or a `role` argument, but not both arguments."
if database && (role || shard)
raise ArgumentError, "`connected_to` cannot accept a `database` argument with any other arguments."
elsif database
if database.is_a?(Hash)
role, database = database.first
......@@ -114,14 +154,12 @@ def connected_to(database: nil, role: nil, prevent_writes: false, &blk)
with_handler(role, &blk)
elsif shard
with_shard(connection_specification_name, shard, role || current_role, prevent_writes, &blk)
elsif role
prevent_writes = true if role == reading_role
with_handler(role.to_sym) do
connection_handler.while_preventing_writes(prevent_writes, &blk)
with_role(role, prevent_writes, &blk)
raise ArgumentError, "must provide a `database` or a `role`."
raise ArgumentError, "must provide a `shard` and/or `role`."
......@@ -131,8 +169,8 @@ def connected_to(database: nil, role: nil, prevent_writes: false, &blk)
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to?(role: :writing) #=> true
# ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to?(role: :reading) #=> false
# end
def connected_to?(role:)
current_role == role.to_sym
def connected_to?(role:, shard: ActiveRecord::Base.default_pool_key)
current_role == role.to_sym && current_pool_key == shard.to_sym
# Returns the symbol representing the current connected role.
......@@ -153,11 +191,6 @@ def lookup_connection_handler(handler_key) # :nodoc:
connection_handlers[handler_key] ||= ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler.new
def with_handler(handler_key, &blk) # :nodoc:
handler = lookup_connection_handler(handler_key)
swap_connection_handler(handler, &blk)
# Clears the query cache for all connections associated with the current thread.
def clear_query_caches_for_current_thread
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handlers.each_value do |handler|
......@@ -211,16 +244,16 @@ def connection_db_config
def connection_pool
connection_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(connection_specification_name) || raise(ConnectionNotEstablished)
connection_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(connection_specification_name, current_pool_key) || raise(ConnectionNotEstablished)
def retrieve_connection
connection_handler.retrieve_connection(connection_specification_name, current_pool_key)
# Returns +true+ if Active Record is connected.
def connected?
connection_handler.connected?(connection_specification_name, current_pool_key)
def remove_connection(name = nil)
......@@ -228,11 +261,11 @@ def remove_connection(name = nil)
# if removing a connection that has a pool, we reset the
# connection_specification_name so it will use the parent
# pool.
if connection_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(name)
if connection_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(name, current_pool_key)
self.connection_specification_name = nil
connection_handler.remove_connection_pool(name, current_pool_key)
def clear_cache! # :nodoc:
......@@ -255,6 +288,30 @@ def resolve_config_for_connection(config_or_env)
def with_handler(handler_key, &blk)
handler = lookup_connection_handler(handler_key)
swap_connection_handler(handler, &blk)
def with_role(role, prevent_writes, &blk)
prevent_writes = true if role == reading_role
with_handler(role.to_sym) do
connection_handler.while_preventing_writes(prevent_writes, &blk)
def with_shard(connection_specification_name, pool_key, role, prevent_writes)
old_pool_key = current_pool_key
with_role(role, prevent_writes) do
self.current_pool_key = pool_key
self.current_pool_key = old_pool_key
def swap_connection_handler(handler, &blk) # :nodoc:
old_handler, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler, handler
return_value = yield
......@@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ def self.configurations
class_attribute :default_connection_handler, instance_writer: false
class_attribute :default_pool_key, instance_writer: false
self.filter_attributes = []
def self.connection_handler
......@@ -142,7 +144,16 @@ def self.connection_handler=(handler)
Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:ar_connection_handler, handler)
def self.current_pool_key
Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:ar_pool_key) || default_pool_key
def self.current_pool_key=(pool_key)
Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:ar_pool_key, pool_key)
self.default_connection_handler = ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionHandler.new
self.default_pool_key = :default
module ClassMethods
......@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ def test_switching_connections_with_database_and_role_raises
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(database: :readonly, role: :writing) { }
assert_equal "connected_to can only accept a `database` or a `role` argument, but not both arguments.", error.message
assert_equal "`connected_to` cannot accept a `database` argument with any other arguments.", error.message
def test_switching_connections_without_database_and_role_raises
error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to { }
assert_equal "must provide a `database` or a `role`.", error.message
assert_equal "must provide a `shard` and/or `role`.", error.message
def test_switching_connections_with_database_symbol_uses_default_role
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ def test_connection_handlers_are_per_thread_and_not_per_fiber
reading_handler = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handlers[:reading]
reading = ActiveRecord::Base.with_handler(:reading) do
reading = ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ def test_connection_handlers_swapping_connections_in_fiber
r << ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler
reading = ActiveRecord::Base.with_handler(:reading) do
reading = ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading) do
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ After reading this guide you will know:
* How to set up your application for multiple databases.
* How automatic connection switching works.
* How to use horizontal sharding for multiple databases.
* What features are supported and what's still a work in progress.
......@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ databases
The following features are not (yet) supported:
* Sharding
* Automatic swapping for horizontal sharding
* Joining across clusters
* Load balancing replicas
* Dumping schema caches for multiple databases
......@@ -259,15 +260,75 @@ like `connected_to(role: :nonexistent)` you will get an error that says
`ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished (No connection pool with 'AnimalsBase' found
for the 'nonexistent' role.)`
## Horizontal sharding
Horizontal sharding is when you split up your database to reduce the number of rows on each
database server, but maintain the same schema across "shards". This is commonly called "multi-tenant"
The API for supporting horizontal sharding in Rails is similar to the multiple database / vertical
sharding API that's existed since Rails 6.0.
Shards are declared in the three-tier config like this:
database: my_primary_database
adapter: mysql
database: my_primary_database
adapter: mysql
replica: true
database: my_primary_shard_one
adapter: mysql
database: my_primary_shard_one
adapter: mysql
replica: true
Models are then connected with the `connects_to` API via the `shards` key:
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
connects_to shards: {
default: { writing: :primary, reading: :primary_replica },
shard_one: { writing: :primary_shard_one, reading: :primary_shard_one_replica }
Then models can swap connections manually via the `connected_to` API:
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :default) do
@id = Record.create! # creates a record in shard one
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :shard_one) do
Record.find(@id) # can't find record, doesn't exist
The horizontal sharding API also supports read replicas. You can swap the
role and the shard with the `connected_to` API.
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :reading, shard: :shard_one) do
Record.first # lookup record from read replica of shard one
## Caveats
### Sharding
### Automatic swapping for horizontal sharding
As noted at the top, Rails doesn't (yet) support sharding. We had to do a lot of work
to support multiple databases for Rails 6.0. The lack of support for sharding isn't
an oversight, but does require additional work that didn't make it in for 6.0. For now
if you need sharding it may be advisable to continue using one of the many gems
that supports this.
While Rails now supports an API for connecting to and swapping connections of shards, it does
not yet support an automatic swapping strategy. Any shard swapping will need to be done manually
in your app via a middleware or `around_action`.
### Load Balancing Replicas
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