27.7 KB
Newer Older
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*   Unify boolean type casting for `MysqlAdapter` and `Mysql2Adapter`.
    `type_cast` will return `1` for `true` and `0` for `false`.

    Fixes #11119.

    *Adam Williams*, *Yves Senn*

8 9 10 11 12 13
*   Fix bug where has_one associaton record update result in crash, when replaced with itself.

    Fixes #12834.

    *Denis Redozubov*, *Sergio Cambra*

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
*   Log bind variables after they are type casted. This makes it more
    transparent what values are actually sent to the database.

        irb(main):002:0> Event.find("im-no-integer")
        # Before: ... WHERE "events"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", "im-no-integer"]]
        # After: ... WHERE "events"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 0]]

    *Yves Senn*

*   Fix uninitialized constant `TransactionState` error when `Marshall.load` is used on an Active Record result.
24 25

    Fixes #12790.
26 27 28

    *Jason Ayre*

29 30 31 32
*   `.unscope` now removes conditions specified in `default_scope`.

    *Jon Leighton*

*   Added `ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#rewhere` which will overwrite an existing, named where condition.


37 38 39 40 41
        Post.where(trashed: true).where(trashed: false)                       #=> WHERE `trashed` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0
        Post.where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false)                     #=> WHERE `trashed` = 0
        Post.where(active: true).where(trashed: true).rewhere(trashed: false) #=> WHERE `active` = 1 AND `trashed` = 0


*   Extend `ActiveRecord::Base#cache_key` to take an optional list of timestamp attributes of which the highest will be used.


47 48
        # last_reviewed_at will be used, if that's more recent than updated_at, or vice versa
        Person.find(5).cache_key(:updated_at, :last_reviewed_at)


*   Added `ActiveRecord::Base#enum` for declaring enum attributes where the values map to integers in the database, but can be queried by name.

54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

        class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
          enum status: [:active, :archived]

        Conversation::STATUS # => { active: 0, archived: 1 }

        # conversation.update! status: 0! # => true
        conversation.status  # => "active"
66 67 68 69

        # conversation.update! status: 1
        conversation.archived? # => true
        conversation.status    # => "archived"
71 72 73 74 75

        # conversation.update! status: 1
        conversation.status = :archived


*   `ActiveRecord::Base#attribute_for_inspect` now truncates long arrays (more than 10 elements).
Jan Bernacki 已提交
78 79 80

    *Jan Bernacki*

*   Allow for the name of the `schema_migrations` table to be configured.
82 83 84

    *Jerad Phelps*

85 86 87 88
*   Do not add to scope includes values from through associations.
    Fixed bug when providing `includes` in through association scope, and fetching targets.


90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
        class Vendor < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_many :relationships, -> { includes(:user) }
          has_many :users, through: :relationships

        vendor = Vendor.first

        # Before

        vendor.users.to_a # => Raises exception: not found `:user` for `User`

        # After

        vendor.users.to_a # => No exception is raised

    Fixes #12242, #9517, #10240.
106 107 108

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
*   Type cast json values on write, so that the value is consistent
    with reading from the database.


        x = tags: {"string" => "foo", :symbol => :bar}

        # Before:
        x.tags # => {"string" => "foo", :symbol => :bar}

        # After:
        x.tags # => {"string" => "foo", "symbol" => "bar"}

    *Severin Schoepke*

*   `ActiveRecord::Store` works together with PG `hstore` columns.

126 127 128 129
    Fixes #12452.

    *Yves Senn*

130 131 132 133 134 135
*   Fix bug where `ActiveRecord::Store` used a global `Hash` to keep track of
    all registered `stored_attributes`. Now every subclass of
    `ActiveRecord::Base` has it's own `Hash`.

    *Yves Senn*

136 137
*   Save `has_one` association when primary key is manually set.

    Fixes #12302.
139 140 141

    *Lauro Caetano*

David Heinemeier Hansson 已提交
*    Allow any version of BCrypt when using `has_secure_password`.
143 144 145

     *Mike Perham*

146 147 148 149 150
*    Sub-query generated for `Relation` passed as array condition did not take in account
     bind values and have invalid syntax.

     Generate sub-query with inline bind values.

     Fixes #12586.
152 153 154

     *Paul Nikitochkin*

155 156 157 158 159
*   Fix a bug where rake db:structure:load crashed when the path contained

    *Kevin Mook*

160 161
*   `ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#unscope` unscopes negative equality

    Allows you to call `#unscope` on a relation with negative equality
163 164
    operators, i.e. `Arel::Nodes::NotIn` and `Arel::Nodes::NotEqual` that have
    been generated through the use of `where.not`.

    *Eric Hankins*

168 169 170 171
*   Raise an exception when model without primary key calls `.find_with_ids`.

    *Shimpei Makimoto*

172 173 174 175
*   Make `Relation#empty?` use `exists?` instead of `count`.

    *Szymon Nowak*

176 177 178 179
*   `rake db:structure:dump` no longer crashes when the port was specified as `Fixnum`.

    *Kenta Okamoto*

180 181 182 183 184 185 186
*   `NullRelation#pluck` takes a list of columns

    The method signature in `NullRelation` was updated to mimic that in

    *Derek Prior*

187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
*   `scope_chain` should not be mutated for other reflections.

    Currently `scope_chain` uses same array for building different
    `scope_chain` for different associations. During processing
    these arrays are sometimes mutated and because of in-place
    mutation the changed `scope_chain` impacts other reflections.

    Fix is to dup the value before adding to the `scope_chain`.

    Fixes #3882.

    *Neeraj Singh*

200 201 202 203 204 205
*   Prevent the inversed association from being reloaded on save.

    Fixes #9499.

    *Dmitry Polushkin*

206 207
*   Generate subquery for `Relation` if it passed as array condition for `where`
208 209


211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
        # Before
        Blog.where('id in (?)', Blog.where(id: 1))
        # =>  SELECT "blogs".* FROM "blogs"  WHERE "blogs"."id" = 1
        # =>  SELECT "blogs".* FROM "blogs"  WHERE (id IN (1))

        # After
        Blog.where('id in (?)', Blog.where(id: 1).select(:id))
        # =>  SELECT "blogs".* FROM "blogs"
        #     WHERE "blogs"."id" IN (SELECT "blogs"."id" FROM "blogs"  WHERE "blogs"."id" = 1)

    Fixes #12415.
222 223 224

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

225 226 227 228 229 230
*   For missed association exception message
    which is raised in `ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader` class
    added owner record class name in order to simplify to find problem code.

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

Aaron Patterson 已提交
231 232 233
*   `has_and_belongs_to_many` is now transparently implemented in terms of
    `has_many :through`.  Behavior should remain the same, if not, it is a bug.

234 235 236 237 238
*   `create_savepoint`, `rollback_to_savepoint` and `release_savepoint` accept
    a savepoint name.

    *Yves Senn*

239 240 241 242
*   Make `next_migration_number` accessible for third party generators.

    *Yves Senn*

*   Objects instantiated using a null relationship will now retain the
244 245
    attributes of the where clause.

    Fixes #11676, #11675, #11376.
247 248 249

    *Paul Nikitochkin*, *Peter Brown*, *Nthalk*

Arthur Neves 已提交
250 251 252 253 254 255
*   Fixed `ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionAssociation#find`
    when using `has_many` association with `:inverse_of` and finding an array of one element,
    it should return an array of one element too.


Arthur Neves 已提交
256 257 258 259
*   Callbacks on has_many should access the in memory parent if a inverse_of is set.


260 261
*   `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters.string_to_time` respects
    string with timezone (e.g. Wed, 04 Sep 2013 20:30:00 JST).
Arthur Neves 已提交

    Fixes #12278.
264 265 266


267 268 269 270
*   Calling `update_attributes` will now throw an `ArgumentError` whenever it
    gets a `nil` argument. More specifically, it will throw an error if the
    argument that it gets passed does not respond to to `stringify_keys`.


        @my_comment.update_attributes(nil)  # => raises ArgumentError
274 275 276

    *John Wang*

277 278 279 280
*   Deprecate `quoted_locking_column` method, which isn't used anywhere.


*   Migration dump UUID default functions to schema.rb.

283 284 285 286
    Fixes #10751.


287 288 289
*   Fixed a bug in `ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionAssociation#find_by_scan`
    when using `has_many` association with `:inverse_of` option and UUID primary key.

290 291 292 293
    Fixes #10450.


294 295 296 297
*   Fix: joins association, with defined in the scope block constraints by using several
    where constraints and at least of them is not `Arel::Nodes::Equality`,
    generates invalid SQL expression.

    Fixes #11963.
299 300 301

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

*   Deprecate the delegation of Array bang methods for associations.
    To use them, instead first call `#to_a` on the association to access the
304 305 306 307
    array to be acted on.

    *Ben Woosley*

308 309 310 311 312
*   `CollectionAssociation#first`/`#last` (e.g. `has_many`) use a `LIMIT`ed
    query to fetch results rather than loading the entire collection.

    *Lann Martin*

313 314 315 316
*   Make possible to run SQLite rake tasks without the `Rails` constant defined.

    *Damien Mathieu*

317 318 319 320
*   Allow Relation#from to accept other relations with bind values.

    *Ryan Wallace*

321 322 323 324 325 326
*   Fix inserts with prepared statements disabled.

    Fixes #12023.

    *Rafael Mendonça França*

327 328 329 330 331
*   Setting a has_one association on a new record no longer causes an empty

    *Dylan Thacker-Smith*

332 333 334 335
*   Fix `AR::Relation#merge` sometimes failing to preserve `readonly(false)` flag.


336 337 338 339
*   Re-use `order` argument pre-processing for `reorder`.

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

Ryan Wallace 已提交
340 341
*   Fix PredicateBuilder so polymorphic association keys in `where` clause can
    accept objects other than direct descendants of `ActiveRecord::Base` (decorated
342 343 344 345
    models, for example).

    *Mikhail Dieterle*

346 347 348 349
*   PostgreSQL adapter recognizes negative money values formatted with
    parentheses (eg. `($1.25) # => -1.25`)).
    Fixes #11899.

    *Yves Senn*

352 353 354 355 356
*   Stop interpreting SQL 'string' columns as :string type because there is no
    common STRING datatype in SQL.

    *Ben Woosley*

357 358 359 360
*   `ActiveRecord::FinderMethods#exists?` returns `true`/`false` in all cases.

    *Xavier Noria*

361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377
*   Assign inet/cidr attribute with `nil` value for invalid address.


        record =
        record.logged_in_from_ip # is type of an inet or a cidr

        # Before:
        record.logged_in_from_ip = 'bad ip address' # raise exception

        # After:
        record.logged_in_from_ip = 'bad ip address' # do not raise exception
        record.logged_in_from_ip # => nil
        record.logged_in_from_ip_before_type_cast # => 'bad ip address'

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

378 379 380 381 382 383
*   `add_to_target` now accepts a second optional `skip_callbacks` argument

    If truthy, it will skip the :before_add and :after_add callbacks.

    *Ben Woosley*

384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396
*   Fix interactions between `:before_add` callbacks and nested attributes
    assignment of `has_many` associations, when the association was not
    yet loaded:

    - A `:before_add` callback was being called when a nested attributes
      assignment assigned to an existing record.

    - Nested Attributes assignment did not affect the record in the
      association target when a `:before_add` callback triggered the
      loading of the association

    *Jörg Schray*

Eric Tipton 已提交
*   Allow enable_extension migration method to be revertible.

Eric Tipton 已提交
399 400
    *Eric Tipton*

401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415
*   Type cast hstore values on write, so that the value is consistent
    with reading from the database.


        x = tags: {"bool" => true, "number" => 5}

        # Before:
        x.tags # => {"bool" => true, "number" => 5}

        # After:
        x.tags # => {"bool" => "true", "number" => "5"}

    *Yves Senn* , *Severin Schoepke*

416 417 418 419
*   Fix multidimensional PG arrays containing non-string items.

    *Yves Senn*

420 421
*   Fixes bug when using includes combined with select, the select statement was overwritten.

    Fixes #11773.
423 424 425

    *Edo Balvers*

426 427 428 429
*   Load fixtures from linked folders.

    *Kassio Borges*

430 431 432 433
*   Create a directory for sqlite3 file if not present on the system.

    *Richard Schneeman*

*   Removed redundant override of `xml` column definition for PG,
    in order to use `xml` column type instead of `text`.
436 437 438

    *Paul Nikitochkin*, *Michael Nikitochkin*

439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453
*   Revert `ActiveRecord::Relation#order` change that make new order
    prepend the old one.


        User.order("name asc").order("created_at desc")
        # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY created_at desc, name asc


        User.order("name asc").order("created_at desc")
        # SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY name asc, created_at desc

    This also affects order defined in `default_scope` or any kind of associations.

454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463
*   Add ability to define how a class is converted to Arel predicates.
    For example, adding a very vendor specific regex implementation:

        regex_handler = proc do |column, value|
'~', column, value.source)
        ActiveRecord::PredicateBuilder.register_handler(Regexp, regex_handler)

    *Sean Griffin & @joannecheng*

464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
*   Don't allow `quote_value` to be called without a column.

    Some adapters require column information to do their job properly.
    By enforcing the provision of the column for this internal method
    we ensure that those using adapters that require column information
    will always get the proper behavior.

    *Ben Woosley*

*   When using optimistic locking, `update` was not passing the column to `quote_value`
    to allow the connection adapter to properly determine how to quote the value. This was
Rajarshi Das 已提交
    affecting certain databases that use specific column types.

    Fixes #6763.
478 479 480

    *Alfred Wong*

481 482
*   rescue from all exceptions in `ConnectionManagement#call`

    Fixes #11497.
484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494

    As `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement` middleware does
    not rescue from Exception (but only from StandardError), the Connection
    Pool quickly runs out of connections when multiple erroneous Requests come
    in right after each other.

    Rescuing from all exceptions and not just StandardError, fixes this

    *Vipul A M*

495 496 497 498
*   `change_column` for PostgreSQL adapter respects the `:array` option.

    *Yves Senn*

499 500 501 502
*   Remove deprecation warning from `attribute_missing` for attributes that are columns.

    *Arun Agrawal*

503 504
*   Remove extra decrement of transaction deep level.

    Fixes #4566.
506 507 508

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

kennyj 已提交
509 510 511
*   Reset @column_defaults when assigning `locking_column`.
    We had a potential problem. For example:

512 513 514 515
      class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
        self.column_defaults  # if we call this unintentionally before setting locking_column ...
        self.locking_column = 'my_locking_column'
kennyj 已提交

517 518
      => nil # expected value is 0 !
kennyj 已提交
519 520 521


522 523 524
*   Remove extra select and update queries on save/touch/destroy ActiveRecord model
    with belongs to reflection with option `touch: true`.

    Fixes #11288.
526 527 528

    *Paul Nikitochkin*

529 530 531 532 533
*   Remove deprecated nil-passing to the following `SchemaCache` methods:
    `primary_keys`, `tables`, `columns` and `columns_hash`.

    *Yves Senn*

534 535 536 537
*   Remove deprecated block filter from `ActiveRecord::Migrator#migrate`.

    *Yves Senn*

538 539 540 541
*   Remove deprecated String constructor from `ActiveRecord::Migrator`.

    *Yves Senn*

542 543 544 545
*   Remove deprecated `scope` use without passing a callable object.

    *Arun Agrawal*

546 547 548 549 550
*   Remove deprecated `transaction_joinable=` in favor of `begin_transaction`
    with `:joinable` option.

    *Arun Agrawal*

551 552 553 554
*   Remove deprecated `decrement_open_transactions`.

    *Arun Agrawal*

555 556 557 558
*   Remove deprecated `increment_open_transactions`.

    *Arun Agrawal*

559 560 561 562 563
*   Remove deprecated `PostgreSQLAdapter#outside_transaction?`
    method. You can use `#transaction_open?` instead.

    *Yves Senn*

564 565 566 567 568
*   Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Fixtures.find_table_name` in favor of

    *Vipul A M*

569 570 571 572
*   Removed deprecated `columns_for_remove` from `SchemaStatements`.

    *Neeraj Singh*

573 574 575 576
*   Remove deprecated `SchemaStatements#distinct`.

    *Francesco Rodriguez*

577 578 579 580 581 582
*   Move deprecated `ActiveRecord::TestCase` into the rails test
    suite. The class is no longer public and is only used for internal
    Rails tests.

    *Yves Senn*

583 584 585 586 587
*   Removed support for deprecated option `:restrict` for `:dependent`
    in associations.

    *Neeraj Singh*

588 589 590 591
*   Removed support for deprecated `delete_sql` in associations.

    *Neeraj Singh*

592 593 594 595
*   Removed support for deprecated `insert_sql` in associations.

    *Neeraj Singh*

596 597 598 599
*   Removed support for deprecated `finder_sql` in associations.

    *Neeraj Singh*

600 601 602 603
*   Support array as root element in JSON fields.

    *Alexey Noskov & Francesco Rodriguez*

604 605 606 607
*   Removed support for deprecated `counter_sql` in associations.

    *Neeraj Singh*

*   Do not invoke callbacks when `delete_all` is called on collection.

610 611 612
    Method `delete_all` should not be invoking callbacks and this
    feature was deprecated in Rails 4.0. This is being removed.
    `delete_all` will continue to honor the `:dependent` option. However
    if `:dependent` value is `:destroy` then the `:delete_all` deletion
614 615 616
    strategy for that collection will be applied.

    User can also force a deletion strategy by passing parameter to
    `delete_all`. For example you can do `@post.comments.delete_all(:nullify)`.
618 619 620

    *Neeraj Singh*

621 622 623 624
*   Calling default_scope without a proc will now raise `ArgumentError`.

    *Neeraj Singh*

625 626 627 628
*   Removed deprecated method `type_cast_code` from Column.

    *Neeraj Singh*

629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636
*   Removed deprecated options `delete_sql` and `insert_sql` from HABTM

    Removed deprecated options `finder_sql` and `counter_sql` from
    collection association.

    *Neeraj Singh*

637 638 639 640 641
*   Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Base#connection` method.
    Make sure to access it via the class.

    *Yves Senn*

642 643 644 645
*   Remove deprecation warning for `auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds`.

    *Yves Senn*

646 647 648 649
*   Remove deprecated `:distinct` option from `Relation#count`.

    *Yves Senn*

650 651 652 653 654
*   Removed deprecated methods `partial_updates`, `partial_updates?` and

    *Neeraj Singh*

Neeraj Singh 已提交
655 656 657 658
*   Removed deprecated method `scoped`

    *Neeraj Singh*

659 660 661 662
*   Removed deprecated method `default_scopes?`

    *Neeraj Singh*

663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674
*   Remove implicit join references that were deprecated in 4.0.


        # before with implicit joins
        Comment.where('posts.author_id' => 7)

        # after
        Comment.references(:posts).where('posts.author_id' => 7)

    *Yves Senn*

675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693
*   Apply default scope when joining associations. For example:

        class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
          default_scope -> { where published: true }

        class Comment
          belongs_to :post

    When calling `Comment.joins(:post)`, we expect to receive only
    comments on published posts, since that is the default scope for

    Before this change, the default scope from `Post` was not applied,
    so we'd get comments on unpublished posts.

    *Jon Leighton*

694 695 696 697
*   Remove `activerecord-deprecated_finders` as a dependency

    *Łukasz Strzałkowski*

698 699 700 701
*   Remove Oracle / Sqlserver / Firebird database tasks that were deprecated in 4.0.


702 703 704 705 706
*   `find_each` now returns an `Enumerator` when called without a block, so that it
    can be chained with other `Enumerable` methods.

    *Ben Woosley*

707 708 709 710 711
*   `ActiveRecord::Result.each` now returns an `Enumerator` when called without
     a block, so that it can be chained with other `Enumerable` methods.

    *Ben Woosley*

*   Flatten merged join_values before building the joins.

714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721
    While joining_values special treatment is given to string values.
    By flattening the array it ensures that string values are detected
    as strings and not arrays.

    Fixes #10669.

    *Neeraj Singh and iwiznia*

722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737
*   Do not load all child records for inverse case.

    currently `post.comments.find(` would load all
    comments for the given post to set the inverse association.

    This has a huge performance penalty. Because if post has 100k
    records and all these 100k records would be loaded in memory
    even though the comment id was supplied.

    Fix is to use in-memory records only if loaded? is true. Otherwise
    load the records using full sql.

    Fixes #10509.

    *Neeraj Singh*

738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748
*   `inspect` on Active Record model classes does not initiate a
    new connection. This means that calling `inspect`, when the
    database is missing, will no longer raise an exception.
    Fixes #10936.


        Author.inspect # => "Author(no database connection)"

    *Yves Senn*

749 750 751 752 753
*   Handle single quotes in PostgreSQL default column values.
    Fixes #10881.

    *Dylan Markow*

754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764
*   Log the sql that is actually sent to the database.

    If I have a query that produces sql
    `WHERE "users"."name" = 'a         b'` then in the log all the
    whitespace is being squeezed. So the sql that is printed in the
    log is `WHERE "users"."name" = 'a b'`.

    Do not squeeze whitespace out of sql queries. Fixes #10982.

    *Neeraj Singh*

Vijay Dev 已提交
*   Fixture setup no longer depends on `ActiveRecord::Base.configurations`.
766 767 768 769
    This is relevant when `ENV["DATABASE_URL"]` is used in place of a `database.yml`.

    *Yves Senn*

770 771 772 773 774
*   Fix mysql2 adapter raises the correct exception when executing a query on a
    closed connection.

    *Yves Senn*

775 776 777
*   Ambiguous reflections are on :through relationships are no longer supported.
    For example, you need to change this:

778 779 780 781
        class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_many :posts
          has_many :taggings, :through => :posts

783 784 785 786
        class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_one :tagging
          has_many :taggings

788 789
        class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base
790 791 792

    To this:

793 794 795 796
        class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_many :posts
          has_many :taggings, :through => :posts, :source => :tagging

798 799 800 801
        class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_one :tagging
          has_many :taggings

803 804
        class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base

    *Aaron Patterson*

*   Remove column restrictions for `count`, let the database raise if the SQL is
    invalid. The previous behavior was untested and surprising for the user.
810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823
    Fixes #5554.

    Example:"name, username").count
        # Before => SELECT count(*) FROM users
        # After => ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

        # you can still use `count(:all)` to perform a query unrelated to the
        # selected columns"name, username").count(:all) # => SELECT count(*) FROM users

    *Yves Senn*

824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838
*   Rails now automatically detects inverse associations. If you do not set the
    `:inverse_of` option on the association, then Active Record will guess the
    inverse association based on heuristics.

    Note that automatic inverse detection only works on `has_many`, `has_one`,
    and `belongs_to` associations. Extra options on the associations will
    also prevent the association's inverse from being found automatically.

    The automatic guessing of the inverse association uses a heuristic based
    on the name of the class, so it may not work for all associations,
    especially the ones with non-standard names.

    You can turn off the automatic detection of inverse associations by setting
    the `:inverse_of` option to `false` like so:

839 840 841
        class Taggable < ActiveRecord::Base
          belongs_to :tag, inverse_of: false
842 843 844

    *John Wang*

845 846 847 848
*   Fix `add_column` with `array` option when using PostgreSQL. Fixes #10432

    *Adam Anderson*

849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860
*   Usage of `implicit_readonly` is being removed`. Please use `readonly` method
    explicitly to mark records as `readonly.
    Fixes #10615.


        user = User.joins(:todos).select("users.*, todos.title as todos_title").readonly(true).first
        user.todos_title = 'clean pet'! # will raise error

    *Yves Senn*

861 862 863 864 865
*   Fix the `:primary_key` option for `has_many` associations.
    Fixes #10693.

    *Yves Senn*

*   Fix bug where tiny types are incorrectly coerced as boolean when the length is more than 1.
867 868 869

    Fixes #10620.

    *Aaron Patterson*

Prathamesh Sonpatki 已提交
*   Also support extensions in PostgreSQL 9.1. This feature has been supported since 9.1.
873 874 875


876 877 878
*   Deprecate `ConnectionAdapters::SchemaStatements#distinct`,
    as it is no longer used by internals.

    *Ben Woosley*

881 882
*   Fix pending migrations error when loading schema and `ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix`
    is not blank.

884 885 886 887 888 889 890
    Call `assume_migrated_upto_version` on connection to prevent it from first
    being picked up in `method_missing`.

    In the base class, `Migration`, `method_missing` expects the argument to be a
    table name, and calls `proper_table_name` on the arguments before sending to
    `connection`. If `table_name_prefix` or `table_name_suffix` is used, the schema
    version changes to `prefix_version_suffix`, breaking `rake test:prepare`.
891 892 893 894 895

    Fixes #10411.

    *Kyle Stevens*

*   Method `read_attribute_before_type_cast` should accept input as symbol.
897 898 899

    *Neeraj Singh*

900 901 902 903
*   Confirm a record has not already been destroyed before decrementing counter cache.

    *Ben Tucker*

904 905
*   Fixed a bug in `ActiveRecord#sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions` in which
    `self.class` is an argument to `PredicateBuilder#build_from_hash`
    causing `PredicateBuilder` to call non-existent method
908 909 910

    *Zach Ohlgren*

911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927
*   While removing index if column option is missing then raise IrreversibleMigration exception.

    Following code should raise `IrreversibleMigration`. But the code was
    failing since options is an array and not a hash.

        def change
          change_table :users do |t|
            t.remove_index [:name, :email]

    Fix was to check if the options is a Hash before operating on it.

    Fixes #10419.

    *Neeraj Singh*

928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948
*   Do not overwrite manually built records during one-to-one nested attribute assignment

    For one-to-one nested associations, if you build the new (in-memory)
    child object yourself before assignment, then the NestedAttributes
    module will not overwrite it, e.g.:

        class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
          has_one :avatar
          accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar

          def avatar
            super || build_avatar(width: 200)

        member =
        member.avatar_attributes = {icon: 'sad'}
        member.avatar.width # => 200

    *Olek Janiszewski*

949 950
*   fixes bug introduced by #3329. Now, when autosaving associations,
    deletions happen before inserts and saves. This prevents a 'duplicate
951 952 953 954 955
    unique value' database error that would occur if a record being created had
    the same value on a unique indexed field as that of a record being destroyed.

    *Johnny Holton*

956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979
*   Handle aliased attributes in ActiveRecord::Relation.

    When using symbol keys, ActiveRecord will now translate aliased attribute names to the actual column name used in the database:

    With the model

        class Topic
          alias_attribute :heading, :title

    The call

        Topic.where(heading: 'The First Topic')

    should yield the same result as

        Topic.where(title: 'The First Topic')

    This also applies to ActiveRecord::Relation::Calculations calls such as `Model.sum(:aliased)` and `Model.pluck(:aliased)`.

    This will not work with SQL fragment strings like `Model.sum('DISTINCT aliased')`.

    *Godfrey Chan*

980 981 982 983
*   Mute `psql` output when running rake db:schema:load.

    *Godfrey Chan*

984 985 986 987 988 989
*   Trigger a save on `has_one association=(associate)` when the associate contents have changed.

    Fix #8856.

    *Chris Thompson*

990 991 992
*   Abort a rake task when missing db/structure.sql like `db:schema:load` task.


*   rake:db:test:prepare falls back to original environment after execution.

    *Slava Markevich*

Please check [4-0-stable]( for previous changes.