1. 05 5月, 2023 5 次提交
  2. 04 5月, 2023 3 次提交
  3. 30 4月, 2023 2 次提交
  4. 29 4月, 2023 1 次提交
  5. 28 4月, 2023 9 次提交
  6. 27 4月, 2023 6 次提交
    • W
      [Dy2St]Get grad names when call append backward to fix high order gradient (#53250) · 2d17df97
      WangZhen 提交于
      [Dy2St]Get grad names when call append backward to fix high order gradient (#53250)
    • Y
    • Z
      [AMP] support OD level and skip dynamic loss scaling for bf16 (#53289) · 18e9dcdc
      Zhang Ting 提交于
      * support OD level and skip dynamic loss scaling for bf16
    • H
    • H
      Add jacobian and hessian (#53331) · e8d296ef
      HydrogenSulfate 提交于
      * add jacobian and hessian in paddle.autograd
      * disable unitest 'func_multi_input' for bug in high-order gradient of multiply
      * add dimension checks
      * add support for 0-D tensor
      * change return type from Jacobian to Hessian in hessian function
      * refine Jacobian _flatten function for single xs
      * refine support for 0-D tensor
      * 1. add 'func_multi_input' unitest for multiply_grad_kernel bug fixed
      2. support non-inplace math operation via magical method overwriting.
      * add unitest for math operation and raise error when 0-D tensor is indexed
      * add ndim check on ys and xs according to is_batched, and add one unitest
      * refine docstring of jacobian and hessian
      * move paddle.incubate.autograd.Jacobian/Hessian to paddle.incubate.autograd.functional.Jacobian/Hessian
      * remove single_input unitest case because numerical differentiation is wrong
      * remove 3 unitest for numerical result(reference result) is wrong
      * 1. rename autodiff.py to autograd.py
      2. increase TIMEOUT to 100
      * cancel modification for functional Jacobian/Hessian
      * 1. use tuple as return type instead of list
      2. refine docstring
      * add more unitest case to improve coverage
      * remove 2 unitest of Hessian for numerical result is wrong
      * remove 1 unitest of Hessian for numerical result is wrong
      * remove 1 unitest of Hessian for numerical result is wrong
      * change unit test to shape check
      * correct doc and replace incubate API to stable API in _grad
    • W
  7. 26 4月, 2023 2 次提交
  8. 25 4月, 2023 4 次提交
  9. 24 4月, 2023 8 次提交