- 06 12月, 2022 12 次提交
由 houj04 提交于
由 kangguangli 提交于
* remove layers.matmul in nets.py * remove layers.matmul in rnn_impl/test_quantization_pass/auto_parallel_gpt_model/test_auto_parallel_completion_gpt * remove layers.matmul in other files * fix * fix * remove layers.matmul itself * remove ref in CMakeLists.txt and tools directory * remove matmul in fluid.layers.nn.py * remove matmul in fluid.dygraph.rnn.py && resotre test_matmul_op.py * replace matmul in fluid.dygraph.rnn.py && clean api_test in test_matmul_op.py * fix error && restore empty test_auto_search_dist_matmul_op.py * fix check in test_auto_parallel_partitioner.py * fix test_dist_matmul && test_flags_mkldnn_ops_on_off * fix test_fused_attention_op_xpu.py && test_matmul_op_xpu.py * remove test_auto_search_dist_matmul_op.py * remove layers.matmul in auto_parallel_gpt_model.py && fix doc in fluid/io.py * fix for matmul_grad * fix codestyle * fix codestyle * resolve conflicts error * restore unit test file but not compiled it for later remove * fix codestyle * fix wrong unittest skip * fix unittest delete * fix scale cost * fix scale cost * resolve conflicts error * resolve conflicts error Co-authored-by: Njakpiase <jakpia21@gmail.com>
由 zqw_1997 提交于
[fluid remove]: remove paddle.fluid.layers.target_assign, paddle.fluid.layers.rpn_target_assign, paddle.fluid.layers.retinanet_target_assign and paddle.fluid.layers.ssd_loss (#48669) * remove paddle.fluid.layers.nn.temporal_shift * code check * rm unittest * remove ssd_loss, target_assigns * remove target_assign, retinanet_target_assign, rpn_target_assign and ssd_loss
由 wuhuachaocoding 提交于
* update dgc download link. * update.
由 Ryan 提交于
由 Weilong Wu 提交于
* rm _disable_legacy_dygraph * disable test_flags_mkldnn_ops_on_off test
由 wangzhen38 提交于
由 Zhang Jun 提交于
* add reduce max for trt
由 LiYuRio 提交于
由 Yuanle Liu 提交于
由 ykkk2333 提交于
* add stat tool * add roll and roll_grad kernels and strided_slice and strided_slice_grad kernels, test=kunlun * add xpu rmsprop centered, test=kunlun
由 wangzhen38 提交于
* [remove fluid] GRUUnit NCE * [remove fluid] GRUUnit NCE * [remove fluid] GRUUnit NCE * [remove fluid] GRUUnit NCE
- 05 12月, 2022 28 次提交
由 limingshu 提交于
* first commit * fix bugs according to ci * add some changes * change file name into function.cu.h * remove const_cast
由 zhoutianzi666 提交于
由 JYChen 提交于
由 Roc 提交于
由 YuanRisheng 提交于
由 Wang Bojun 提交于
* pass * pass * draft version * share mem opt * remove sharemem * add pattern for the case with circle_shift=0 * add UT * pass opt * test_fix * code-commit * code-style * code style * code-style * ut-fix * op teller refine * resolve conflict * adjust position op_teller list and pass order for swin * ut code style update * adjust paddle pass order * refine pass order * refine pass order * refine pass order
由 Wilber 提交于
由 huangjiyi 提交于
由 Nyakku Shigure 提交于
由 Nyakku Shigure 提交于
* [Dy2St] refactor convert_print to display Tensor in compile time
由 六个骨头 提交于
* fix bug * fix bugs in api_gen tools
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
* clean fluild resize_trilinear * clean fluild resize_bilinear * clean fluild resize_nearest * clean fluid image_resize * fix test_trt_nearest_interp_op.py * fix yolov3.py * fix yolov3.py
由 Ruibiao Chen 提交于
* Replace mutable_data with DeviceContext.Alloc in phi kernels * Fix CI errors * Fix CI errors * Fix CI errors, test=kunlun * Fix CI errors, test=kunlun * Handle rnn_functor * Update approvals
由 sneaxiy 提交于
* register more bf16 ops * update to register coresponding backward ops
由 YuanRisheng 提交于
* check standard api * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve * perfect approve msg * test_approve * test_approve * test_approve * approve test * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * fix bugs,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix * test approve,test=document_fix
由 HappyHeavyRain 提交于
* generate static graph code of some ops by yaml, test = develop * generate static graph code of some ops by yaml, test = develop
由 Guanghua Yu 提交于
由 yunyaoXYY 提交于
* Clean fliud hash * clean fluid grid_sampler * clean log_loss * Move bilinear_tensor_product from fluid to static * Fix unitests when remove log_loss * Fix bug when move bilinear_tensor_product * fix test_fleet_nocvm_1.py * Add bilinear_tensor_product into all list * Fix code style * Fix comments in bilinear_tensor_product * Fix comments in bilinear_tensor_product * Fix comments
由 risemeup1 提交于
* test * test * test * test * test * suport setuptools for paddle * modify paddle_build.sh * modify paddle_build.sh * modify paddle_build.sh * modify paddle_build.sh * modify paddle_build.sh * test * modify setup.py * modify build_options * modify build_options * modify paddle_build.sh * modify setup.py * modify paddle_build.sh * modify setup.py * modify setup.py * modify setup.py * modify setup.py * modfiy paddle_build.sh * debug * debug * debug * dddd * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * fix bug that no version.py * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * debug * Delete .pre-commit-config.yaml * debug * support ninja * support ninja * debug * debug * debug * support setuptools for paddle * modify code style * debug * debug * debug * debug * 取消make clean * 取消make clean * debug * debug * debug * debug for py3 * debug * debug * debug * 将mkdir_and_copy_file单独封装一个函数 * modify paddle_build.sh * modify setup.py after zhangbo reviewd
由 HongyuJia 提交于
由 heyanru 提交于
由 heyanru 提交于
[Fluid Clean] remove nn.topk, nn.ctc_greedy_decoder, nn.im2sequence, nn.multiplex, nn.smooth_l1 (#48289)
由 Netpunk 提交于
* rm poly_util.h * format code * fix some problems * format code
由 ShenLiang 提交于
由 201716010711 提交于
由 Matsumoto Ruko 提交于
由 cyber-pioneer 提交于
由 柠檬味~ 提交于