未验证 提交 5c9bbe89 编写于 作者: Y YuanRisheng 提交者: GitHub

[Add Approve Check]Check standardized API and Yaml Op (#48565)

* check standard api

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve

* perfect approve msg

* test_approve

* test_approve

* test_approve

* approve test

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* fix bugs,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix

* test approve,test=document_fix
上级 97aa938f
......@@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ if [ "$api_doc_spec_diff" != "" ]; then
check_approval 1 29231 79295425 23093488 39876205 65896652 54695910
api_yaml_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_yaml_same.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.spec ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.spec ${BRANCH} ${PADDLE_ROOT}`
if [ "$api_yaml_diff" != "" ]; then
echo_line="API's name and params should be consistent with op's name and params in yaml.
The API or Yaml file you changed may cause inconsistent.\n"
echo_line="${echo_line} please request one of the RD (YuanRisheng, zyfncg, chenwhql, phlrain) review and approve.\n"
echo_line="${echo_line}\r\n ${api_yaml_diff}\n"
check_approval 1 YuanRisheng zyfncg chenwhql phlrain
api_src_spec_diff=`python ${PADDLE_ROOT}/tools/check_api_source_without_core_ops.py ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_DEV.source.md5 ${PADDLE_ROOT}/paddle/fluid/API_PR.source.md5`
if [ "$api_src_spec_diff" != "" ]; then
echo_line="APIs without core.ops: \n${api_src_spec_diff}\n"
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import difflib
import os
import re
import sys
import yaml
root_path = sys.argv[4]
def read_yaml_ops():
ops_list = []
yaml_path = root_path + "/paddle/phi/api/yaml/ops.yaml"
legacy_yaml_path = root_path + "/paddle/phi/api/yaml/legacy_ops.yaml"
with open(yaml_path, 'r') as f:
ops_list = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(legacy_yaml_path, 'r') as f:
ops_list.extend(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))
return ops_list
def read_api(api_file):
with open(api_file, 'r') as f:
pr_apis = f.read()
pr_apis = pr_apis.splitlines()
result = []
for api in pr_apis:
# Delete all non-function api
if api.find('args') == -1:
return result
def get_api_args(api_item):
result = re.search(r"args=\[(?P<args>[^\]]*)\]", api_item)
result = [
param.strip().replace('\'', '')
for param in result.group('args').split(',')
if result[-1] == 'name':
result = result[:-1]
return result
def get_api_name(api_item):
if api_item[0] == '+' or api_item[0] == '-' or api_item[0] == ' ':
return api_item.split(" ")[1].split(".")[-1]
return api_item.split(" ")[0].split(".")[-1]
def get_yaml_op_args(op_args):
args_list = op_args[1:-1].split(',')
args_list = [args.split('=')[0].strip() for args in args_list]
return [param.split(' ')[-1].strip() for param in args_list]
def get_api_diff(dev_api_file, pr_api_file):
develop_apis = read_api(dev_api_file)
pr_apis = read_api(pr_api_file)
differ = difflib.Differ()
diff_obj = differ.compare(develop_apis, pr_apis)
result = []
for each_diff in diff_obj:
return result
def get_yaml_diff(branch):
ops_yaml_path = root_path + "/paddle/phi/api/yaml/ops.yaml"
legacy_yaml_path = root_path + "/paddle/phi/api/yaml/legacy_ops.yaml"
git_cmd = (
"git diff -U0 upstream/"
+ branch
+ " "
+ ops_yaml_path
+ " "
+ legacy_yaml_path
yaml_diff = os.popen(git_cmd).readlines()
result = []
for line in yaml_diff:
return result
api_diffs = get_api_diff(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
yaml_diffs = get_yaml_diff(sys.argv[3])
yaml_ops = read_yaml_ops() # The current PR yaml's ops
approve_api_msg = []
approve_yaml_msg = []
api_add = []
api_delete = []
for each_diff in api_diffs:
if each_diff[0] == '+':
if each_diff[0] == '-':
yaml_add = []
yaml_delete = []
for each_diff in yaml_diffs:
if each_diff[0] == '+':
if each_diff[0] == '-':
# API add or modified
for each_add in api_add:
add = True
modify = False
need_approve = True
yaml_name_found = False
api_name = get_api_name(each_add)
api_args = get_api_args(each_add)
for each_delete_api in api_delete:
if get_api_name(each_delete_api) == api_name:
modify = True
add = False
# If we find yaml name in yaml_delete, it shows that
# yaml op's name is modified.
for each_delete_yaml in yaml_delete:
if each_delete_yaml.find(api_name) != -1:
yaml_name_found = True
for op in yaml_ops:
if op['op'] == api_name:
yaml_name_found = True
if api_args == get_yaml_op_args(op['args']):
need_approve = False
# If API is modified and doesn't have a corresponding yaml's op
# We needn't approve it
if modify and not yaml_name_found:
need_approve = False
# If API is added and yaml's op is not added,
# it shows that new api doesn't have a corresponding yaml's op.
# We needn't approve it
if add and len(yaml_add) == 0:
need_approve = False
# In others, the changes need to be approved.
# eg: 1, The args in api is inconsistent with yaml's op
# 2, New Api is add, but the yaml op's name may not be inconsistent
# with api's name.
# 3, Api's name is modified, but the yaml op's name is not modified.
if need_approve:
# API delete
for each_delete in api_delete:
api_name = get_api_name(each_delete)
api_args = get_api_args(each_delete)
need_approve = False
for op in yaml_ops:
# When api is deleted, it is unusual to find the same name's
# op in yaml. So, we need review code.
if op['op'] == api_name and api_args == get_yaml_op_args(op['args']):
need_approve = True
if need_approve:
# For yaml, we don't have to consider its add or delete.
# Because if it is related with api, code above has dealt with it.
# But we need consider below situation:
# The op in yaml is modified and its corresponding api is not modified.
if len(api_add) == 0 and len(api_delete) == 0:
pr_apis = read_api(sys.argv[2]) # Get all api of this PR
for each_diff in yaml_delete:
# Note: The condition is relaxed, because symbol '-' can present delete and modification.
# So if op is deleted in yaml, code below is also triggered.
# But we mainly deal with modification here.
# If op name in yaml is modified and this name is in API,
# this PR need to be reviewed.
if each_diff.startswith('-- op'):
for api in pr_apis:
if each_diff.find(get_api_name(api)) != -1:
# if op args in yaml is modified and this args is in API,
# this PR need to be reviewed.
if each_diff.startswith('- args'):
yaml_op_args_str = each_diff.strip('- args : ')
yaml_op_args = get_yaml_op_args(yaml_op_args_str)
for api in pr_apis:
if get_api_args(api) == yaml_op_args:
# collect all msg
approve_msg = []
if len(approve_api_msg) != 0:
approve_msg = ['The APIs you changed are as follows:']
if len(approve_yaml_msg) != 0:
approve_msg = ['The Yaml File you changed are as follows:']
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