multiary.h 13.2 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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#pragma once

17 18 19
#include "paddle/phi/common/scalar.h"
#include "paddle/phi/core/meta_tensor.h"
namespace phi {

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
// Common InferMeta Functions for multiary operators, The format like:
//   1. The number of input MetaTensor is more than 3:
//      void [FunctionDesc|OpName]InferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
//                                          const MetaTensor& y,
//                                          const MetaTensor& z,
//                                          const MetaTensor& w,
//                                          ...,
//                                          MetaTensor* out) {}
//   2. There are `const vector<MetaTensor*>&` in params:
//      void [FunctionDesc|OpName]InferMeta(const vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
//                                          ...,
//                                          MetaTensor* out) {}
// NOTE: The InferMeta Functions in this file are arranged in alphabetic order.

38 39
std::vector<DDim> GetMetaTensorsDim(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& tensors);

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40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
void AdadeltaInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                       const MetaTensor& grad,
                       const MetaTensor& avg_squared_grad,
                       const MetaTensor& avg_squared_update,
                       float rho,
                       float epsilon,
                       MetaTensor* param_out,
                       MetaTensor* avg_squared_grad_out,
                       MetaTensor* avg_squared_update_out);

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50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
void AdagradInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                      const MetaTensor& grad,
                      const MetaTensor& moment,
                      const MetaTensor& learning_rate,
                      float epsilon,
                      MetaTensor* param_out,
                      MetaTensor* moment_out);

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58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
void AdamaxInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                     const MetaTensor& grad,
                     const MetaTensor& learning_rate,
                     const MetaTensor& moment,
                     const MetaTensor& inf_norm,
                     const MetaTensor& beta1_pow,
                     float beta1,
                     float beta2,
                     float epsilon,
                     MetaTensor* param_out,
                     MetaTensor* moment_out,
                     MetaTensor* inf_norm_out);

71 72 73 74
void AddNInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
                   MetaTensor* out,
                   MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
void AucInferMeta(const MetaTensor& input,
                  const MetaTensor& label,
                  const MetaTensor& stat_pos,
                  const MetaTensor& stat_neg,
                  const std::string& curve,
                  int num_thresholds,
                  int slide_steps,
                  MetaTensor* auc,
                  MetaTensor* stat_pos_out,
                  MetaTensor* stat_neg_out,
                  MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

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87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
void BatchNormInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                        const MetaTensor& scale,
                        const MetaTensor& bias,
                        const MetaTensor& mean,
                        const MetaTensor& variance,
                        float momentum,
                        float epsilon,
                        const std::string& data_layout,
                        bool is_test,
                        bool use_global_stats,
                        bool trainable_statistics,
                        bool fuse_with_relu,
                        MetaTensor* y,
                        MetaTensor* mean_out,
                        MetaTensor* variance_out,
                        MetaTensor* saved_mean,
                        MetaTensor* saved_variance,
                        MetaTensor* reserve_space,
                        MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
void BatchNormInferInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                             const MetaTensor& scale,
                             const MetaTensor& bias,
                             const MetaTensor& mean,
                             const MetaTensor& variance,
                             float momentum,
                             float epsilon,
                             const std::string& data_layout,
                             MetaTensor* y,
                             MetaTensor* mean_out,
                             MetaTensor* variance_out,
                             MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

120 121 122 123 124 125 126
void BilinearTensorProductInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                                    const MetaTensor& y,
                                    const MetaTensor& weight,
                                    paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> bias,
                                    MetaTensor* out,
                                    MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

127 128 129
void BroadcastTensorsInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
                               std::vector<MetaTensor*> out);

void ConcatInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
131 132 133
                     const Scalar& axis_scalar,
                     MetaTensor* out,
                     MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
void DeformableConvInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                             const MetaTensor& offset,
                             const MetaTensor& filter,
                             paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> mask,
                             const std::vector<int>& strides,
                             const std::vector<int>& paddings,
                             const std::vector<int>& dilations,
                             int deformable_groups,
                             int groups,
                             int im2col_step,
                             MetaTensor* out,
                             MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
void HierarchicalSigmoidInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                                  const MetaTensor& w,
                                  const MetaTensor& label,
                                  paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> path,
                                  paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> code,
                                  paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> bias,
                                  int num_classes,
                                  bool remote_prefetch,
                                  int trainer_id,
                                  const std::vector<int64_t>& height_sections,
                                  const std::vector<std::string>& epmap,
                                  const std::vector<std::string>& table_names,
                                  bool is_sparse,
                                  MetaTensor* out,
                                  MetaTensor* pre_out,
                                  MetaTensor* w_out);

165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
void InterpolateInferMeta(
    const MetaTensor& x,
    paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> out_size,
    paddle::optional<const std::vector<const MetaTensor*>> size_tensor,
    paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> scale_tensor,
    const std::string& data_layout,
    int out_d,
    int out_h,
    int out_w,
    const std::vector<float>& scale,
    const std::string& interp_method,
    bool align_corners,
    int align_mode,
    MetaTensor* output,
    MetaConfig config = MetaConfig());

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181 182 183
void MeshgridInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& inputs,
                       std::vector<MetaTensor*> outputs);

184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
void MomentumInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                       const MetaTensor& grad,
                       const MetaTensor& velocity,
                       const MetaTensor& learning_rate,
                       paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> master_param,
                       float mu,
                       bool use_nesterov,
                       const std::string& regularization_method,
                       float regularization_coeff,
                       bool multi_precision,
                       float rescale_grad,
                       MetaTensor* param_out,
                       MetaTensor* velocity_out,
                       MetaTensor* master_param_out);

199 200
void MultiDotInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x, MetaTensor* out);

201 202 203 204
void MultiplexInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& ins,
                        const MetaTensor& ids,
                        MetaTensor* out);

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205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
void PsroiPoolInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                        const MetaTensor& rois,
                        paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> rois_num,
                        int pooled_height,
                        int pooled_width,
                        int output_channels,
                        float spatial_scale,
                        MetaTensor* out);

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214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
void RmspropInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                      const MetaTensor& mean_square,
                      const MetaTensor& grad,
                      const MetaTensor& moment,
                      const MetaTensor& learning_rate,
                      paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> mean_grad,
                      float epsilon,
                      float decay,
                      float momentum,
                      bool centered,
                      MetaTensor* param_out,
                      MetaTensor* moment_out,
                      MetaTensor* mean_square_out,
                      MetaTensor* mean_grad_out);

229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
void RnnInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                  const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& pre_state,
                  const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& weight_list,
                  paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> sequence_length,
                  float dropout_prob,
                  bool is_bidirec,
                  int input_size,
                  int hidden_size,
                  int num_layers,
                  const std::string& mode,
                  int seed,
                  bool is_test,
                  MetaTensor* out,
                  MetaTensor* dropout_state,
                  std::vector<MetaTensor*> state,
                  MetaTensor* reserve);

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246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253
void SGDInferMeta(const MetaTensor& param,
                  const MetaTensor& learning_rate,
                  const MetaTensor& grad,
                  paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> master_param,
                  bool multi_precision,
                  MetaTensor* param_out,
                  MetaTensor* master_param_out);

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254 255 256 257
void StackInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
                    int axis,
                    MetaTensor* out);

258 259 260
void UnchangedMultiInferMeta(const std::vector<MetaTensor*>& x,
                             std::vector<MetaTensor*> out);

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261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269
void WarpctcInferMeta(const MetaTensor& logits,
                      const MetaTensor& label,
                      const paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> logits_length,
                      const paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> labels_length,
                      int blank,
                      bool norm_by_times,
                      MetaTensor* warpctc_grad,
                      MetaTensor* loss);

270 271 272 273
void WhereInferMeta(const MetaTensor& condition,
                    const MetaTensor& x,
                    const MetaTensor& y,
                    MetaTensor* out);

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275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297
void GraphReindexInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                           const MetaTensor& neighbors,
                           const MetaTensor& count,
                           paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> hashtable_value,
                           paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> hashtable_index,
                           bool flag_buffer_hashtable,
                           MetaTensor* reindex_src,
                           MetaTensor* reindex_dst,
                           MetaTensor* out_nodes);

void GraphSampleNeighborsInferMeta(
    const MetaTensor& row,
    const MetaTensor& col_ptr,
    const MetaTensor& x,
    paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> eids,
    paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> perm_buffer,
    int sample_size,
    bool return_eids,
    bool flag_perm_buffer,
    MetaTensor* out,
    MetaTensor* out_count,
    MetaTensor* out_eids);

298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312
void Yolov3LossInferMeta(const MetaTensor& x,
                         const MetaTensor& gt_box,
                         const MetaTensor& gt_label,
                         const paddle::optional<const MetaTensor&> gt_score,
                         const std::vector<int>& anchors,
                         const std::vector<int>& anchor_mask,
                         int class_num,
                         float ignore_thresh,
                         int downsample_ratio,
                         bool use_label_smooth,
                         float scale_x_y,
                         MetaTensor* loss,
                         MetaTensor* objectness_mask,
                         MetaTensor* gt_match_mask);

}  // namespace phi