wrapper_utils.py 8.5 KB
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#   Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import sys
import random
import numpy as np
from rlschool import ElevatorState, ElevatorAction
from rlschool import MansionAttribute, MansionState
from rlschool import EPSILON, HUGE
from rlschool import MansionConfig
from rlschool import MansionManager

def discretize(value, n_dim, min_val, max_val):
    discretize a value into a vector of n_dim dimension 1-hot representation
    with the value below min_val being [1, 0, 0, ..., 0]
    and the value above max_val being [0, 0, ..., 0, 1]
        value: the value that needs to be discretized into 1-hot format
        n_dim: number of dimensions
        min_val: minimal value in the result
        man_val: maximum value in the result
        the discretized vector
    assert n_dim > 0
    if (n_dim == 1):
        return [1]
    delta = (max_val - min_val) / float(n_dim - 1)
    active_pos = int((value - min_val) / delta + 0.5)
    active_pos = min(n_dim - 1, active_pos)
    active_pos = max(0, active_pos)
    ret_array = [0 for i in range(n_dim)]
    ret_array[active_pos] = 1.0
    return ret_array

def linear_discretize(value, n_dim, min_val, max_val):
    discretize a value into a vector of n_dim dimensional representation
    with the value below min_val being [1, 0, 0, ..., 0]
    and the value above max_val being [0, 0, ..., 0, 1]
    e.g. if n_dim = 2, min_val = 1.0, max_val = 2.0
      if value  = 1.5 returns [0.5, 0.5], if value = 1.8 returns [0.2, 0.8]
        value: the value that needs to be discretized
        n_dim: number of dimensions
        min_val: minimal value in the result
        man_val: maximum value in the result
        the discretized vector
    assert n_dim > 0
    if (n_dim == 1):
        return [1]
    delta = (max_val - min_val) / float(n_dim - 1)
    active_pos = int((value - min_val) / delta + 0.5)
    active_pos = min(n_dim - 2, active_pos)
    active_pos = max(0, active_pos)
    anchor_pt = active_pos * delta + min_val
    if (anchor_pt > value and anchor_pt > min_val + 0.5 * delta):
        anchor_pt -= delta
        active_pos -= 1
    weight = (value - anchor_pt) / delta
    weight = min(1.0, max(0.0, weight))
    ret_array = [0 for i in range(n_dim)]
    ret_array[active_pos] = 1.0 - weight
    ret_array[active_pos + 1] = weight
    return ret_array

def ele_state_preprocessing(ele_state):
    """Process elevator state, make it usable for network
        ele_state: ElevatorState, nametuple, defined in rlschool/liftsim/environment/mansion/utils.py
        ele_feature: list of elevator state
    ele_feature = []

    # add floor information
        linear_discretize(ele_state.Floor, ele_state.MaximumFloor, 1.0,

    # add velocity information
        linear_discretize(ele_state.Velocity, 21, -ele_state.MaximumSpeed,

    # add door information

    # add direction information
    ele_feature.extend(discretize(ele_state.Direction, 3, -1, 1))

    # add load weight information
        linear_discretize(ele_state.LoadWeight / ele_state.MaximumLoad, 5, 0.0,

    # add other information
    target_floor_binaries = [0.0 for i in range(ele_state.MaximumFloor)]
    for target_floor in ele_state.ReservedTargetFloors:
        target_floor_binaries[target_floor - 1] = 1.0

    dispatch_floor_binaries = [0.0 for i in range(ele_state.MaximumFloor + 1)]
    dispatch_floor_binaries[ele_state.CurrentDispatchTarget] = 1.0

    return ele_feature

def obs_dim(mansion_attr):
    """Calculate the observation dimension
        mansion_attr: MansionAttribute, attribute of mansion_manager
        observation dimension
    assert isinstance(mansion_attr, MansionAttribute)
    ele_dim = mansion_attr.NumberOfFloor * 3 + 34
    obs_dim = (ele_dim + 1) * mansion_attr.ElevatorNumber + \
        mansion_attr.NumberOfFloor * 2
    return obs_dim

def act_dim(mansion_attr):
    """Calculate the action dimension, which is number of floor times 2 plus 2.
    The additional two are for special cases: the elevator stops at once if the new dispatch_target is 0,
    the original dispatch_target does not change if dispatch_target is -1. See implementation in
    method action_idx_to_action below.
        mansion_attr: MansionAttribute, attribute of mansion_manager
        action dimension
    assert isinstance(mansion_attr, MansionAttribute)
    return mansion_attr.NumberOfFloor * 2 + 2

def mansion_state_preprocessing(mansion_state):
    """Process mansion_state to make it usable for networks, convert it into a numpy array
        mansion_state: namedtuple of mansion state, 
            defined in rlschool/liftsim/environment/mansion/utils.py
        the converted numpy array
    ele_features = list()
    for ele_state in mansion_state.ElevatorStates:
        max_floor = ele_state.MaximumFloor

    target_floor_binaries_up = [0.0 for i in range(max_floor)]
    target_floor_binaries_down = [0.0 for i in range(max_floor)]
    for floor in mansion_state.RequiringUpwardFloors:
        target_floor_binaries_up[floor - 1] = 1.0
    for floor in mansion_state.RequiringDownwardFloors:
        target_floor_binaries_down[floor - 1] = 1.0
    target_floor_binaries = target_floor_binaries_up + target_floor_binaries_down

    idx = 0
    man_features = list()
    for idx in range(len(mansion_state.ElevatorStates)):
        elevator_id_vec = discretize(idx + 1,
                                     len(mansion_state.ElevatorStates), 1,
        idx_array = list(range(len(mansion_state.ElevatorStates)))
        # random.shuffle(idx_array)
        for left_idx in idx_array:
            man_features[idx] = man_features[idx] + ele_features[left_idx]
        man_features[idx] = man_features[idx] + \
            elevator_id_vec + target_floor_binaries
    return np.asarray(man_features, dtype='float32')

def action_idx_to_action(action_idx, act_dim):
    """Convert action_inx to action
        action_idx: the index needed to be converted
        act_dim: action dimension
        the converted namedtuple
    assert isinstance(action_idx, int)
    assert isinstance(act_dim, int)
    realdim = act_dim - 2
    if (action_idx == realdim):
        return ElevatorAction(0, 1)
    elif (action_idx == realdim + 1):
        return ElevatorAction(-1, 1)
    action = action_idx
    if (action_idx < realdim / 2):
        direction = 1
        action += 1
        direction = -1
        action -= int(realdim / 2)
        action += 1
    return [action, direction]

def action_to_action_idx(action, act_dim):
    """Convert action to number according to act_dim. 
        action: namedtuple defined in rlschool/liftsim/environment/mansion/utils.py
        act_dim: action dimension
        action_idx: the result index
    assert isinstance(action, ElevatorAction)
    assert isinstance(act_dim, int)
    realdim = act_dim - 2
    if (action.TargetFloor == 0):
        return realdim
    elif (action.TargetFloor < 0):
        return realdim + 1
    action_idx = 0
    if (action.DirectionIndicator < 0):
        action_idx += int(realdim / 2)
    action_idx += action.TargetFloor - 1
    return action_idx