VSPackage.pt-BR.xlf 13.2 KB
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Tom Meschter 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-transitional.xsd">
  <file datatype="xml" source-language="en" target-language="pt-BR" original="../VSPackage.resx">
      <trans-unit id="101">
        <target state="translated">C#</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
8 9 10 11
        <note>Used many places.</note>
      <trans-unit id="102">
        <target state="translated">Avançado</target>
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13 14 15 16
        <note>"Advanced" node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C#.</note>
      <trans-unit id="103">
        <target state="translated">IntelliSense</target>
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18 19 20 21
        <note>"IntelliSense" node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C#.</note>
      <trans-unit id="104">
        <source>C# Editor</source>
        <target state="translated">Editor C#</target>
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23 24 25 26
        <note>"C# Editor" node in profile Import/Export.</note>
      <trans-unit id="105">
        <source>Settings for the C# editor found under the Advanced, Formatting, and IntelliSense nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box.</source>
        <target state="translated">Configurações para o editor C# localizadas nos nós Avançado, Formatação e IntelliSense, na caixa de diálogo Ferramentas/Opções.</target>
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28 29 30 31
        <note>"C# Editor" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
      <trans-unit id="106">
        <source>Settings for general C# options found under the General and Tabs nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box.</source>
        <target state="translated">Configurações para opções gerais C# localizadas nos nós Geral e Guias, na caixa de diálogo Ferramentas/Opções.</target>
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33 34 35
        <note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
      <trans-unit id="306">
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
        <source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression; 
Highlight related components under cursor; 
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Realçar as referências para símbolo sob o cursor;Realçar palavras-chave relacionadas sob o cursor;Entrar no modo de estrutura de tópicos ao abrir arquivos;Mostrar separadores de linha de procedimento;Gerar comentário da documentação XML;Mostrar o diagnóstico para arquivos fechados;Mostrar visualização de renomeação de controle;Colocar diretivas de 'Sistema' primeiro ao classificar usos;Não colocar ref ou out em estruturas personalizadas</target>
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80 81 82
        <note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="307">
83 84 85 86
        <source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;</source>
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Formatar automaticamente a instrução concluída com ponto e vírgula;Formatar automaticamente o bloco concluído com chave;Formatar automaticamente ao colar;limpeza de código;</target>
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89 90 91
        <note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="308">
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101
        <source>Indent block contents; 
indent open and close braces; 
indent case contents; 
indent case contents (when block); 
indent case labels; 
label indentation; 
place goto labels in leftmost column; 
indent labels normally; 
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Recuar conteúdos do bloco; recuar chaves de abertura e fechamento, recuar conteúdo de case, recuar rótulos case; indentação do rótulo</target>
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102 103 104
        <note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="309">
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
        <source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Opção de formatação de nova linha para chaves;Opção de formatação de nova linha para palavras-chave</target>
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123 124 125
        <note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="310">
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
        <source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Definir espaçamento para declarações de método; definir o espaçamento para chamadas de método; definir outras opções de espaçamento; definir espaçamento de colchetes; Definir espaçamento de delimitadores; Definir espaçamento de operadores</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
158 159 160 161
        <note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="311">
        <source>Change formatting options for wrapping;leave block on single line;leave statements and member declarations on the same line</source>
        <target state="translated">Alterar opções de formatação para quebra automática; deixar bloco na linha; deixar instruções e declarações de membro na mesma linha</target>
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163 164 165
        <note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="312">
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
        <source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
        <target state="needs-review-translation">Alterar as configurações de lista de conclusão;pre-selecionar membro usado recentemente</target>
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181 182 183 184
        <note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="107">
        <target state="translated">Formatação</target>
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186 187 188 189
        <note>"Formatting" category node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C#, Code Style (no corresponding keywords)</note>
      <trans-unit id="108">
        <target state="translated">Geral</target>
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191 192 193 194
        <note>"General" node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C# (used for Code Style and Formatting)</note>
      <trans-unit id="109">
        <target state="translated">Recuo</target>
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196 197 198 199
        <note>"Indentation" node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C#, Formatting.</note>
      <trans-unit id="110">
        <target state="translated">Disposição</target>
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201 202 203 204
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="111">
        <source>New Lines</source>
        <target state="translated">Novas Linhas</target>
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206 207 208 209
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="112">
        <target state="translated">Espaçamento</target>
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211 212 213 214
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="2358">
        <source>CSharp Editor</source>
        <target state="translated">Editor CSharp</target>
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216 217 218 219
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="2359">
        <source>CSharp Editor with Encoding</source>
        <target state="translated">Editor CSharp com Codificação</target>
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221 222 223 224
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="113">
        <source>Microsoft Visual C#</source>
        <target state="translated">Microsoft Visual C#</target>
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226 227 228 229
        <note>Used for String in Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, File Extensions</note>
      <trans-unit id="114">
        <source>Code Style</source>
        <target state="translated">Estilo do Código</target>
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231 232 233 234
        <note>"Code Style" category node under Tools &gt; Options, Text Editor, C# (no corresponding keywords)</note>
      <trans-unit id="313">
        <source>Style;Qualify;This;Code Style;var;member access;locals;parameters;var preferences;predefined type;framework type;built-in types;when variable type is apparent;elsewhere;qualify field access;qualify property access; qualify method access;qualify event access;</source>
        <target state="translated">Estilo;Qualificar;Esse;Código Estilo;var;acesso de membro;locais;parâmetro;var preferências;tipo predefinido;tipo de estrutura;tipos internos;quando o tipo de variável é aparente;outro lugar;qualificar acesso ao campo;qualificar acesso à propriedade; qualificar método de acesso;qualificar acesso ao evento;</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
236 237 238 239
        <note>C# Code Style options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="115">
        <target state="translated">Nomenclatura</target>
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241 242 243 244
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="314">
        <source>Naming Style;Name Styles;Naming Rule;Naming Conventions</source>
        <target state="translated">Estilo de Nomenclatura;Estilos de Nome;Regra de Nomenclatura;Convenções de Nomenclatura</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
246 247 248 249
        <note>C# Naming Style options page keywords</note>
      <trans-unit id="116">
        <source>C# Tools</source>
        <target state="translated">Ferramentas C#</target>
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251 252 253 254
        <note>Help &gt; About</note>
      <trans-unit id="117">
        <source>C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.</source>
        <target state="translated">Componentes de C# usados no IDE. Dependendo do seu tipo de projeto e configurações, uma versão diferente do compilador poderá ser usada.</target>
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256 257 258 259 260
        <note>Help &gt; About</note>