未验证 提交 cd069434 编写于 作者: C Cheryl Borley 提交者: GitHub

Add option keywords to enable searchability (#29764)

上级 1743628c
......@@ -142,23 +142,140 @@
<comment>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</comment>
<data name="306" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</value>
<value>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</value>
<comment>C# Advanced options page keywords</comment>
<data name="307" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</value>
<value>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</value>
<comment>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</comment>
<data name="308" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</value>
<value>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</value>
<comment>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</comment>
<data name="309" xml:space="preserve">
<value>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</value>
<value>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</value>
<comment>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</comment>
<data name="310" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</value>
<value>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</value>
<comment>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</comment>
<data name="311" xml:space="preserve">
......@@ -166,7 +283,20 @@
<comment>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</comment>
<data name="312" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</value>
<value>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</value>
<comment>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</comment>
<data name="107" xml:space="preserve">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Zvýrazňovat odkazy na symbol pod kurzorem;Zvýrazňovat související klíčová slova pod kurzorem;Po otevření souborů vejít do režimu osnovy;Zobrazit oddělovače řádků procedury;Generovat komentáře dokumentace XML;Zobrazit diagnostiku pro zavřené soubory;Zobrazit náhled pro sledování přejmenování;Umísťovat první direktivy System při řazení direktiv using;Nevkládat ref ani out do vlastních struktur</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Automaticky formátovat příkaz při středníku;Automaticky formátovat blok při složené závorce;Automaticky formátovat při vložení;vyčištění kódu;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Automaticky formátovat příkaz při středníku;Automaticky formátovat blok při složené závorce;Automaticky formátovat při vložení;vyčištění kódu;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Odsadit obsah bloku; odsadit pravé a levé složené závorky;odsadit obsah příkazu case;odsadit návěští case;odsazení návěští</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Odsadit obsah bloku; odsadit pravé a levé složené závorky;odsadit obsah příkazu case;odsadit návěští case;odsazení návěští</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Možnost formátování nového řádku pro složené závorky;Možnosti formátování nového řádku pro klíčová slova</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Možnost formátování nového řádku pro složené závorky;Možnosti formátování nového řádku pro klíčová slova</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Nastavit mezery pro deklarace metod;nastavit mezery pro volání metod;nastavit jiné možnosti pro mezery;nastavit mezery pro kulaté závorky;nastavit mezery pro oddělovače;nastavit mezery pro operátory</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Nastavit mezery pro deklarace metod;nastavit mezery pro volání metod;nastavit jiné možnosti pro mezery;nastavit mezery pro kulaté závorky;nastavit mezery pro oddělovače;nastavit mezery pro operátory</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Změnit nastavení pro seznam dokončení;Předvolit naposledy použitou položku</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Změnit nastavení pro seznam dokončení;Předvolit naposledy použitou položku</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Verweise auf Symbole unter dem Cursor markieren;Zugehörige Schlüsselwörter unter dem Cursor markieren;Gliederungsmodus beim Öffnen von Dateien starten;Zeilentrennzeichen zwischen Prozeduren anzeigen;XML-Dokumentationskommentare generieren;Diagnoseinformationen für geschlossene Dateien anzeigen;Vorschau für das Nachverfolgen der Umbenennung anzeigen;Beim Sortieren von "Using"-Direktiven "System"-Direktiven zuerst platzieren;"ref" oder "out" nicht für benutzerdefinierte Strukturen zulassen</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Anweisung bei Semikolon automatisch formatieren;Block bei geschweifter Klammer automatisch formatieren;Beim Einfügen automatisch formatieren;Codebereinigung;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Anweisung bei Semikolon automatisch formatieren;Block bei geschweifter Klammer automatisch formatieren;Beim Einfügen automatisch formatieren;Codebereinigung;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Blockinhalte einziehen;Öffnende und schließende geschweifte Klammern einziehen, case-Inhalte einziehen;case-Abschnitte einziehen;Bezeichnungseinzug</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Blockinhalte einziehen;Öffnende und schließende geschweifte Klammern einziehen, case-Inhalte einziehen;case-Abschnitte einziehen;Bezeichnungseinzug</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Zeilenwechsel-Formatierungsoption für geschweifte Klammern;Zeilenwechsel-Formatierungsoptionen für Schlüsselwörter</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Zeilenwechsel-Formatierungsoption für geschweifte Klammern;Zeilenwechsel-Formatierungsoptionen für Schlüsselwörter</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Abstand für Methodendeklarationen festlegen;Abstand für Methodenaufrufe festlegen;Weitere Abstandsoptionen festlegen;Abstand für geschweifte Klammern festlegen;Abstand für Trennzeichen festlegen;Abstand für Operatoren festlegen</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Abstand für Methodendeklarationen festlegen;Abstand für Methodenaufrufe festlegen;Weitere Abstandsoptionen festlegen;Abstand für geschweifte Klammern festlegen;Abstand für Trennzeichen festlegen;Abstand für Operatoren festlegen</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Einstellungen der Vervollständigungsliste ändern;Vorauswahl des zuletzt verwendeten Members</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Einstellungen der Vervollständigungsliste ändern;Vorauswahl des zuletzt verwendeten Members</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Resaltar referencias al símbolo bajo el cursor;Resaltar palabras clave relacionadas bajo el cursor;Especificar el modo de esquematización al abrir los archivos;Mostrar separadores de líneas de procedimientos;Generar comentarios de documentación XML;Mostrar diagnóstico para archivos cerrados;Mostrar vista previa para seguimiento de cambio de nombre;Al ordenar instrucciones Using, colocar primero las directivas 'System';No colocar 'out' o 'ref' en estructura personalizada</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Formato automático en instrucciones al escribir punto y coma;Formato automático en bloques al escribir llave;Formato automático al pegar;Limpieza de código;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Formato automático en instrucciones al escribir punto y coma;Formato automático en bloques al escribir llave;Formato automático al pegar;Limpieza de código;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Aplicar sangría al contenido del bloque;Aplicar sangría a llaves de apertura y cierre; Aplicar sangría al contenido de case;Aplicar sangría a etiquetas case;Sangría de etiquetas</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Aplicar sangría al contenido del bloque;Aplicar sangría a llaves de apertura y cierre; Aplicar sangría al contenido de case;Aplicar sangría a etiquetas case;Sangría de etiquetas</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Opción de formato de nueva línea para llaves;Opciones de formato de nueva línea para palabras clave</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Opción de formato de nueva línea para llaves;Opciones de formato de nueva línea para palabras clave</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Establecer espaciado para declaraciones de método;Establecer espaciado para llamadas a métodos;Establecer otras opciones de espaciado;Establecer espaciado para corchetes;Establecer espaciado para delimitadores;Establecer espaciado para operadores</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Establecer espaciado para declaraciones de método;Establecer espaciado para llamadas a métodos;Establecer otras opciones de espaciado;Establecer espaciado para corchetes;Establecer espaciado para delimitadores;Establecer espaciado para operadores</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Cambiar configuración de la lista de finalización;Preseleccionar el miembro usado recientemente</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Cambiar configuración de la lista de finalización;Preseleccionar el miembro usado recientemente</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Mettre en évidence les références au symbole sous le curseur ; Mettre en évidence les mots clés associés sous le curseur ; Passer en mode Plan à l'ouverture des fichiers ; Afficher les séparateurs de ligne des procédures ; Générer des commentaires de documentation XML ; Afficher les diagnostics pour les fichiers fermés ; Afficher un aperçu du suivi du renommage ; Placer les directives 'System' en premier durant le tri des directives using ; Ne pas placer ref ou out sur les structs personnalisés</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Mettre en forme automatiquement l'instruction lors de l'entrée d’un point-virgule;Mettre en forme automatiquement le bloc lors de l'entrée d’une accolade;Mettre en forme automatiquement lors du collage;Nettoyage du code;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Mettre en forme automatiquement l'instruction lors de l'entrée d’un point-virgule;Mettre en forme automatiquement le bloc lors de l'entrée d’une accolade;Mettre en forme automatiquement lors du collage;Nettoyage du code;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Mettre en retrait le contenu d'un bloc ; Mettre en retrait les accolades ouvrantes et fermantes ; Mettre en retrait le contenu de case ; Mettre en retrait des étiquettes case ; Mise en retrait d'étiquette</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Mettre en retrait le contenu d'un bloc ; Mettre en retrait les accolades ouvrantes et fermantes ; Mettre en retrait le contenu de case ; Mettre en retrait des étiquettes case ; Mise en retrait d'étiquette</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Nouvelle option de mise en forme de ligne pour les accolades ; Nouvelles options de mise en forme de ligne pour les mots clés</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Nouvelle option de mise en forme de ligne pour les accolades ; Nouvelles options de mise en forme de ligne pour les mots clés</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Définir l'espacement des déclarations de méthode ; Définir l'espacement des appels de méthode ; Définir d'autres options d'espacement ; Définir l'espacement des crochets ; Définir l'espacement des délimiteurs ; Définir l'espacement des opérateurs</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Définir l'espacement des déclarations de méthode ; Définir l'espacement des appels de méthode ; Définir d'autres options d'espacement ; Définir l'espacement des crochets ; Définir l'espacement des délimiteurs ; Définir l'espacement des opérateurs</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Modifier les paramètres de la liste de saisie semi-automatique ; Présélectionner le dernier membre utilisé</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Modifier les paramètres de la liste de saisie semi-automatique ; Présélectionner le dernier membre utilisé</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Evidenzia riferimenti a simbolo sotto il cursore;Evidenzia parole chiave correlate sotto il cursore;Attiva modalità struttura all'apertura del file;Mostra separatori di riga routine;Genera commenti in formato documentazione XML;Mostra diagnostica per file chiusi;Visualizza anteprima per verifica ridenominazione;Inserisci prima le direttive 'System' durante l'ordinamento delle using;Non inserire out o ref in struct personalizzato</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Formatta automaticamente istruzione dopo l'immissione del punto e virgola;Formatta automaticamente blocco dopo l'immissione della parentesi graffa;Formatta automaticamente dopo operazione Incolla;Pulizia codice</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Formatta automaticamente istruzione dopo l'immissione del punto e virgola;Formatta automaticamente blocco dopo l'immissione della parentesi graffa;Formatta automaticamente dopo operazione Incolla;Pulizia codice</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Rientra contenuto blocco;Rientra parentesi graffe di apertura e chiusura;Rientra contenuto case;Rientra etichette case;Rientro etichetta</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Rientra contenuto blocco;Rientra parentesi graffe di apertura e chiusura;Rientra contenuto case;Rientra etichette case;Rientro etichetta</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Nuova opzione formattazione riga per parentesi graffe;Nuove opzioni formattazione riga per parole chiave</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Nuova opzione formattazione riga per parentesi graffe;Nuove opzioni formattazione riga per parole chiave</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Imposta spaziatura per dichiarazioni di metodi;Imposta spaziatura per chiamate ai metodi;Imposta altre opzioni di spaziatura;Imposta spaziatura per parentesi quadre;Imposta spaziatura per delimitatori;Imposta spaziatura per operatori</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Imposta spaziatura per dichiarazioni di metodi;Imposta spaziatura per chiamate ai metodi;Imposta altre opzioni di spaziatura;Imposta spaziatura per parentesi quadre;Imposta spaziatura per delimitatori;Imposta spaziatura per operatori</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Modifica impostazioni di completamento elenco;Preseleziona membri usati più di recente</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Modifica impostazioni di completamento elenco;Preseleziona membri usati più di recente</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">カーソルの下にあるシンボルへの参照をハイライトする;カーソルの下にあるキーワードの関連キーワードをハイライトする;ファイルを開くときにアウトライン モードに入る;プロシージャ行の区切り記号を表示する;XML ドキュメント コメントを生成する;閉じているファイルの診断結果を表示する;名前変更の追跡用プレビューの表示;using を並べ替える際に、'System' ディレクティブを先頭に配置する;カスタム構造体に ref または out を設定しない</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">セミコロンでステートメントをオート フォーマットする;中かっこでブロックをオート フォーマットする;貼り付け時にオート フォーマットする;コードをクリーンアップする</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">セミコロンでステートメントをオート フォーマットする;中かっこでブロックをオート フォーマットする;貼り付け時にオート フォーマットする;コードをクリーンアップする</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">ブロックの内容をインデントする;始めと終わりの中かっこをインデントする、case の内容をインデントする;case ラベルをインデントする;ラベル インデント</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">ブロックの内容をインデントする;始めと終わりの中かっこをインデントする、case の内容をインデントする;case ラベルをインデントする;ラベル インデント</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">中かっこの改行書式オプション;キーワードの改行書式オプション</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">中かっこの改行書式オプション;キーワードの改行書式オプション</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">メソッド宣言子のスペースを設定する;メソッドの呼び出しのスペースを設定する;他のスペース オプションを設定する;大かっこのスペースを設定する;区切り記号のスペースを設定する;演算子のスペースを設定する</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">メソッド宣言子のスペースを設定する;メソッドの呼び出しのスペースを設定する;他のスペース オプションを設定する;大かっこのスペースを設定する;区切り記号のスペースを設定する;演算子のスペースを設定する</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">入力候補一覧の設定を変更する;最近使用されたメンバーをあらかじめ選択する</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">入力候補一覧の設定を変更する;最近使用されたメンバーをあらかじめ選択する</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">커서 아래의 기호에 대한 참조 강조;커서 아래의 관련 키워드 강조;개요 모드로 파일 열기;프로시저 줄 구분선 표시;XML 문서 주석 생성;닫힌 파일에 대한 진단 표시;이름 바꾸기 추적 미리 보기 표시;using 정렬 시 'System' 지시문 먼저 배치;사용자 지정 구조체에 ref 또는 out 추가 안 함</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">세미콜론 입력 시 문 서식 자동 지정;중괄호 입력 시 블록 서식 자동 지정;붙여넣을 때 서식 자동 지정;코드 정리;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">세미콜론 입력 시 문 서식 자동 지정;중괄호 입력 시 블록 서식 자동 지정;붙여넣을 때 서식 자동 지정;코드 정리;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">블록 내용 들여쓰기;여는 중괄호 및 닫는 중괄호 들여쓰기case 내용 들여쓰기;case 레이블 들여쓰기;레이블 들여쓰기</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">블록 내용 들여쓰기;여는 중괄호 및 닫는 중괄호 들여쓰기case 내용 들여쓰기;case 레이블 들여쓰기;레이블 들여쓰기</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">중괄호에 대한 줄 바꿈 서식 옵션;키워드에 대한 줄 바꿈 서식 옵션</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">중괄호에 대한 줄 바꿈 서식 옵션;키워드에 대한 줄 바꿈 서식 옵션</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">메서드 선언 간격 설정;메서드 호출 간격 설정;기타 간격 옵션 설정;대괄호 간격 설정;구분 기호 간격 설정;연산자 간격 설정</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">메서드 선언 간격 설정;메서드 호출 간격 설정;기타 간격 옵션 설정;대괄호 간격 설정;구분 기호 간격 설정;연산자 간격 설정</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">완성 목록 설정 변경;가장 최근에 사용한 멤버 미리 선택</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">완성 목록 설정 변경;가장 최근에 사용한 멤버 미리 선택</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Wyróżnij odwołania do symbolu pod kursorem;Wyróżnij pokrewne słowa kluczowe pod kursorem;Przejdź do trybu konspektu po otwarciu plików;Pokaż separatory wierszy procedury;Generuj komentarze dokumentacji XML;Pokaż diagnostykę zamkniętych plików;Pokaż podglad śledzenia zmian nazw;Umieść na początku dyrektywy System podczas sortowania użyć;Nie umieszczaj klauzul ref lub out w niestandardowych strukturach</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Automatycznie sformatuj instrukcję w pozycji średnika;Automatycznie sformatuj blok w pozycji nawiasu klamrowego;Automatycznie sformatuj przy wklejeniu;czyszczenie kodu;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Automatycznie sformatuj instrukcję w pozycji średnika;Automatycznie sformatuj blok w pozycji nawiasu klamrowego;Automatycznie sformatuj przy wklejeniu;czyszczenie kodu;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Wcięcie zawartości bloku;Wcięcie otwierających i zamykających nawiasów klamrowych, wcięcie zawartości elementu case;wcięcie etykiet elementu case;wcięcia etykiet</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Wcięcie zawartości bloku;Wcięcie otwierających i zamykających nawiasów klamrowych, wcięcie zawartości elementu case;wcięcie etykiet elementu case;wcięcia etykiet</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Opcja formatowania nowego wiersza dla nawiasów;Opcje formatowania nowego wiersza dla słów kluczowych</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Opcja formatowania nowego wiersza dla nawiasów;Opcje formatowania nowego wiersza dla słów kluczowych</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Ustaw odstępy dla deklaracji metod;ustaw odstępy dla wywołań metod;ustaw inne opcje ostępów;ustaw odstępy dla nawiasów klamrowych;ustaw odstępy dla ograniczników;ustaw odstępy dla operatorów</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Ustaw odstępy dla deklaracji metod;ustaw odstępy dla wywołań metod;ustaw inne opcje ostępów;ustaw odstępy dla nawiasów klamrowych;ustaw odstępy dla ograniczników;ustaw odstępy dla operatorów</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Zmień ustawienia listy uzupełniania;Wybierz wstępnie ostatnio używaną składową</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Zmień ustawienia listy uzupełniania;Wybierz wstępnie ostatnio używaną składową</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Realçar as referências para símbolo sob o cursor;Realçar palavras-chave relacionadas sob o cursor;Entrar no modo de estrutura de tópicos ao abrir arquivos;Mostrar separadores de linha de procedimento;Gerar comentário da documentação XML;Mostrar o diagnóstico para arquivos fechados;Mostrar visualização de renomeação de controle;Colocar diretivas de 'Sistema' primeiro ao classificar usos;Não colocar ref ou out em estruturas personalizadas</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Formatar automaticamente a instrução concluída com ponto e vírgula;Formatar automaticamente o bloco concluído com chave;Formatar automaticamente ao colar;limpeza de código;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Formatar automaticamente a instrução concluída com ponto e vírgula;Formatar automaticamente o bloco concluído com chave;Formatar automaticamente ao colar;limpeza de código;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Recuar conteúdos do bloco; recuar chaves de abertura e fechamento, recuar conteúdo de case, recuar rótulos case; indentação do rótulo</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Recuar conteúdos do bloco; recuar chaves de abertura e fechamento, recuar conteúdo de case, recuar rótulos case; indentação do rótulo</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Opção de formatação de nova linha para chaves;Opção de formatação de nova linha para palavras-chave</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Opção de formatação de nova linha para chaves;Opção de formatação de nova linha para palavras-chave</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Definir espaçamento para declarações de método; definir o espaçamento para chamadas de método; definir outras opções de espaçamento; definir espaçamento de colchetes; Definir espaçamento de delimitadores; Definir espaçamento de operadores</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Definir espaçamento para declarações de método; definir o espaçamento para chamadas de método; definir outras opções de espaçamento; definir espaçamento de colchetes; Definir espaçamento de delimitadores; Definir espaçamento de operadores</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Alterar as configurações de lista de conclusão;pre-selecionar membro usado recentemente</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Alterar as configurações de lista de conclusão;pre-selecionar membro usado recentemente</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Выделить ссылки на символ под курсором;Выделить связанные ключевые слова под курсором;Войти в режим структуры при открытии файлов;Показывать разделители линий процедур;Формировать комментарии XML-документации; Показывать диагностики для закрытых файлов;Предварительный просмотр для отслеживания переименований;Размещать "системные" директивы сначала при сортировке директив Using;Не размещать "ref" или "out" в пользовательских структурах</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Автоматически форматировать оператор при вводе точки с запятой;Автоматически форматировать блок при вводе фигурной скобки;Автоматически форматировать при вставке;очистить код;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Автоматически форматировать оператор при вводе точки с запятой;Автоматически форматировать блок при вводе фигурной скобки;Автоматически форматировать при вставке;очистить код;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Отступ в блоке комментариев; отступ перед открывающимися и закрывающимися фигурными скобками, отступ в конструкции отступов для блоков case; отступ в метках case; отступ для метки</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Отступ в блоке комментариев; отступ перед открывающимися и закрывающимися фигурными скобками, отступ в конструкции отступов для блоков case; отступ в метках case; отступ для метки</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Параметры форматирования новой строки для фигурных скобок; Параметры форматирования новой строки для ключевых слов</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Параметры форматирования новой строки для фигурных скобок; Параметры форматирования новой строки для ключевых слов</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Установить интервалы для объявления метода; установить интервалы для вызовов метода; задать другие параметры для интервалов; установить интервалы для квадратных скобок; установить интервалы для разделителей; установить интервалы для операторов</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Установить интервалы для объявления метода; установить интервалы для вызовов метода; задать другие параметры для интервалов; установить интервалы для квадратных скобок; установить интервалы для разделителей; установить интервалы для операторов</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Изменение параметров списка завершения; Предварительный выбор наиболее часто используемого члена</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Изменение параметров списка завершения; Предварительный выбор наиболее часто используемого члена</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">İmlecin altındaki sembole başvuruları vurgula;İmlecin altındaki ilişkili anahtar sözcükleri vurgula;Dosyalar açıldığında anahat moduna gir;Yordam satır ayraçlarını göster;XML belge açıklamaları oluştur;Kapatılan dosyalar için tanılamaları göster;Yeniden adlandırma izlemesi için önizleme göster;Kullanımları sıralarken önce 'System' yönergelerini yerleştir;Özel yapılara ref veya out koyma</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">Noktalı virgül girildiğinde deyimi otomatik biçimlendir;Küme ayracı girildiğinde bloğu otomatik biçimlendir;Yapıştırma sonrasında otomatik biçimlendir;kod temizleme;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Noktalı virgül girildiğinde deyimi otomatik biçimlendir;Küme ayracı girildiğinde bloğu otomatik biçimlendir;Yapıştırma sonrasında otomatik biçimlendir;kod temizleme;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">Blok içeriklerini girintile;Açık ve kapalı küme ayraçlarını girintile;durum içeriklerini girintile;durum etiketlerini girintile;etiket girintileme</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Blok içeriklerini girintile;Açık ve kapalı küme ayraçlarını girintile;durum içeriklerini girintile;durum etiketlerini girintile;etiket girintileme</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">Küme ayraçları için yeni satır biçimlendirme seçeneği;Anahtar sözcükler için yeni satır biçimlendirme seçenekleri</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Küme ayraçları için yeni satır biçimlendirme seçeneği;Anahtar sözcükler için yeni satır biçimlendirme seçenekleri</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">Yöntem bildirimleri için aralama ayarla;yöntem çağrıları için aralama ayarla;diğer aralama seçeneklerini ayarla;köşeli ayraçlar için aralamayı ayarla;sınırlayıcılar için aralamaları ayarla;operatörler için aralamaları ayarla</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Yöntem bildirimleri için aralama ayarla;yöntem çağrıları için aralama ayarla;diğer aralama seçeneklerini ayarla;köşeli ayraçlar için aralamayı ayarla;sınırlayıcılar için aralamaları ayarla;operatörler için aralamaları ayarla</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">Tamamlanma listesi ayarlarını değiştir;en son kullanılan üyeyi önceden seç</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">Tamamlanma listesi ayarlarını değiştir;en son kullanılan üyeyi önceden seç</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">突出显示对光标下符号的引用;突出显示光标下相关的关键字;打开文件时进入大纲模式;显示过程行分隔符;生成 XML 文档注释;显示对已关闭文件的诊断;显示重命名跟踪的预览;对 using 排序时将“System”指令排在第一位;不要在自定义结构上放置 ref 或 out</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">输入分号时自动设置语句的格式;输入大括号时自动设置块的格式;粘贴时自动设置格式;代码清理;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">输入分号时自动设置语句的格式;输入大括号时自动设置块的格式;粘贴时自动设置格式;代码清理;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">缩进块内容;缩进左大括号和右大括号;缩进 case 内容;缩进 case 标签;标签缩进</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">缩进块内容;缩进左大括号和右大括号;缩进 case 内容;缩进 case 标签;标签缩进</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">大括号的新行格式选项;关键字的新行格式选项</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">大括号的新行格式选项;关键字的新行格式选项</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">设置方法声明的间距;设置方法调用的间距;设置其他间距选项;设置中括号的间距;设置分隔符的间距;设置运算符的间距</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">设置方法声明的间距;设置方法调用的间距;设置其他间距选项;设置中括号的间距;设置分隔符的间距;设置运算符的间距</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">更改完成列表设置;预先选择最近使用过的成员</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">更改完成列表设置;预先选择最近使用过的成员</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
......@@ -33,28 +33,145 @@
<note>"C#" node help text in profile Import/Export.</note>
<trans-unit id="306">
<source>Highlight references to symbol under cursor;Highlight related keywords under cursor;Enter outlining mode when files open;Show procedure line separators;Generate XML documentation comments;Show diagnostics for closed files;Show preview for rename tracking;Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings;Don't put ref or out on custom structs;Regex;Colorize regular expressions;Highlight related components under cursor;Report invalid regular expressions</source>
<source>Show diagnostics for closed files;
Colorize regular expression;
Highlight related components under cursor;
Report invalid regular expressions;
Enable full solution analysis;
Perform editor feature analysis in external process;
Enable navigation to decompiled sources;
Using directives;
Place system directives first when sorting usings;
Separate using directive groups;
Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies;
Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages;
Highlight references to symbol under cursor;
Highlight related keywords under cursor;
Enter outlining mode when files open;
Show procedure line separators;
Show outlining for declaration level constructs;
Show outlining for code level constructs;
Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions;
Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions;
Fade out unused usings;
Fade out unreachable code;
Block Structure Guides;
Show guides for declaration level constructs;
Show guides for code level constructs;
Editor Help;
Generate XML documentation comments for ///;
Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments;
Show preview for rename tracking;
Split string literals on Enter;
Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls;
Extract Method;
Don't put ref or out on custom struct;
Implement Interface or Abstract Class;
When inserting properties, events and methods, place them;
with other members of the same kind;
at the end;
When generating property;
prefer throwing properties;
prefer auto properties;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">反白資料指標下符號的參考項目; 反白資料指標下相關的關鍵字; 檔案開啟時輸入大綱模式; 顯示程序行分隔符號; 產生 XML 文件註解; 顯示關閉的檔案之診斷; 顯示重新命名追踨的預覽; 排序 usings 時先放置 'System' 指示詞; 自訂結構上不要放置 ref 或 out</target>
<note>C# Advanced options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="307">
<source>Automatically format statement on semicolon;Automatically format block on brace;Automatically format on paste;code cleanup;</source>
<target state="translated">於分號處自動格式化陳述式; 於大括弧處自動格式化區塊; 貼上時自動格式化; 清除程式碼;</target>
<source>Automatically format when typing;
Automatically format statement on semicolon ;
Automatically format block on end brace;
Automatically format on return;
Automatically format on paste;
Format Document Settings;
Apply all C# formatting rules indentation, wrapping, spacing;
Perform additional code cleanup during formatting;
Remove unnecessary usings;
Sort usings;
Add remove braces for single-line control statements;
Add accessibility modifiers;
Sort accessibility modifiers;
Apply expression block/body preferences;
Apply implicit/explicit type preferences;
Apply inline out variables preferences;
Apply language/framework type preferences;
Apply object/collection initialization preferences;
Apply this qualification preferences;
Make private fields readonly when possible;
Remove unnecessary casts;
Remove unused variables;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">於分號處自動格式化陳述式; 於大括弧處自動格式化區塊; 貼上時自動格式化; 清除程式碼;</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; General options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="308">
<source>Indent block contents;Indent open and close braces, indent case contents;indent case labels;label indentation</source>
<target state="translated">縮排區塊內容;縮排左括號與右括號, 縮排 case 內容;縮排 case 標籤;標籤縮排</target>
<source>Indent block contents;
indent open and close braces;
indent case contents;
indent case contents (when block);
indent case labels;
label indentation;
place goto labels in leftmost column;
indent labels normally;
place goto labels one indent less than current;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">縮排區塊內容;縮排左括號與右括號, 縮排 case 內容;縮排 case 標籤;標籤縮排</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Indentation options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="309">
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords</source>
<target state="translated">括號的新行格式化選項;關鍵字的新行格式化選項</target>
<source>New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces;
Place open brace on new line for types;
Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions;
Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events;
Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods;
Place open brace on new line for control blocks;
Place open brace on new line for anonymous types;
Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers;
New line options for keywords;
Place else on new line;
Place catch on new line;
Place finally on new line;
New line options for expression;
Place members in object initializers on new line;
Place members in anonymous types on new line;
Place query expression clauses on new line;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">括號的新行格式化選項;關鍵字的新行格式化選項</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; New Lines options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="310">
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;set spacing for method calls;set other spacing options;set spacing for brackets;set spacing for delimiters;set spacing for operators</source>
<target state="translated">設定方法宣告的間距;設定方法呼叫的間距;設定其他間距選項;設定括號間距;設定分隔符號間距;設定運算子間距</target>
<source>Set spacing for method declarations;
Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis;
Insert space within parameter list parentheses;
Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses;
Set spacing for method calls;
Insert space within argument list parentheses;
Insert space within empty argument list parentheses;
Set other spacing options;
Insert space after keywords in control flow statements;
Insert space within parentheses of expressions;
Insert space within parentheses of type casts;
Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements;
Insert space after cast;
Ignore spaces in declaration statements;
Set spacing for brackets;
Insert space before open square bracket;
Insert space within empty square brackets;
Insert spaces within square brackets;
Set spacing for delimiters;
Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space after comma;
Insert space after dot;
Insert space after semicolon in for statement;
Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration;
Insert space before comma;
Insert space before dot;
Insert space before semicolon in for statement;
Set spacing for operators;
Ignore spaces around binary operators;
Remove spaces before and after binary operators;
Insert space before and after binary operators;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">設定方法宣告的間距;設定方法呼叫的間距;設定其他間距選項;設定括號間距;設定分隔符號間距;設定運算子間距</target>
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Spacing options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="311">
......@@ -63,8 +180,21 @@
<note>C# Formatting &gt; Wrapping options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="312">
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member</source>
<target state="translated">變更完成清單設定;預先選取最近使用的成員</target>
<source>Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists;
Show completion list after a character is typed;
Show completion list after a character is deleted;
Highlight matching portions of completion list items;
Show completion item filters;
Snippets behavior;
Never include snippets;
Always include snippets;
Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier;
Enter key behavior;
Never add new line on enter;
Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word;
Always add new line on enter;
Show name suggestions;</source>
<target state="needs-review-translation">變更完成清單設定;預先選取最近使用的成員</target>
<note>C# IntelliSense options page keywords</note>
<trans-unit id="107">
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