C# C# Used many places. Advanced Avançado "Advanced" node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C#. IntelliSense IntelliSense "IntelliSense" node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C#. C# Editor Editor C# "C# Editor" node in profile Import/Export. Settings for the C# editor found under the Advanced, Formatting, and IntelliSense nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box. Configurações para o editor C# localizadas nos nós Avançado, Formatação e IntelliSense, na caixa de diálogo Ferramentas/Opções. "C# Editor" node help text in profile Import/Export. Settings for general C# options found under the General and Tabs nodes in the Tools/Options dialog box. Configurações para opções gerais C# localizadas nos nós Geral e Guias, na caixa de diálogo Ferramentas/Opções. "C#" node help text in profile Import/Export. Show diagnostics for closed files; Colorize regular expression; Highlight related components under cursor; Report invalid regular expressions; Enable full solution analysis; Perform editor feature analysis in external process; Enable navigation to decompiled sources; Using directives; Place system directives first when sorting usings; Separate using directive groups; Suggest usings for types in reference assemblies; Suggest usings for types in NuGet packages; Highlighting; Highlight references to symbol under cursor; Highlight related keywords under cursor; Outlining; Enter outlining mode when files open; Show procedure line separators; Show outlining for declaration level constructs; Show outlining for code level constructs; Show outlining for comments and preprocessor regions; Collapse regions when collapsing to definitions; Fading; Fade out unused usings; Fade out unreachable code; Block Structure Guides; Show guides for declaration level constructs; Show guides for code level constructs; Editor Help; Generate XML documentation comments for ///; Insert * at the start of new lines when writing /* */ comments; Show preview for rename tracking; Split string literals on Enter; Report invalid placeholders in string.Format calls; Extract Method; Don't put ref or out on custom struct; Implement Interface or Abstract Class; When inserting properties, events and methods, place them; with other members of the same kind; at the end; When generating property; prefer throwing properties; prefer auto properties; Realçar as referências para símbolo sob o cursor;Realçar palavras-chave relacionadas sob o cursor;Entrar no modo de estrutura de tópicos ao abrir arquivos;Mostrar separadores de linha de procedimento;Gerar comentário da documentação XML;Mostrar o diagnóstico para arquivos fechados;Mostrar visualização de renomeação de controle;Colocar diretivas de 'Sistema' primeiro ao classificar usos;Não colocar ref ou out em estruturas personalizadas C# Advanced options page keywords Automatically format when typing; Automatically format statement on semicolon ; Automatically format block on end brace; Automatically format on return; Automatically format on paste; Formatar automaticamente a instrução concluída com ponto e vírgula;Formatar automaticamente o bloco concluído com chave;Formatar automaticamente ao colar;limpeza de código; C# Formatting > General options page keywords Indent block contents; indent open and close braces; indent case contents; indent case contents (when block); indent case labels; label indentation; place goto labels in leftmost column; indent labels normally; place goto labels one indent less than current; Recuar conteúdos do bloco; recuar chaves de abertura e fechamento, recuar conteúdo de case, recuar rótulos case; indentação do rótulo C# Formatting > Indentation options page keywords New line formatting option for braces;New line formatting options for keywords;New line options for braces; Place open brace on new line for types; Place open brace on new line for methods and local functions; Place open brace on new line for properties, indexers, and events; Place open brace on new line for property, indexer, and event accessors; Place open brace on new line for anonymous methods; Place open brace on new line for control blocks; Place open brace on new line for anonymous types; Place open brace on new line for object, collection and array initializers; New line options for keywords; Place else on new line; Place catch on new line; Place finally on new line; New line options for expression; Place members in object initializers on new line; Place members in anonymous types on new line; Place query expression clauses on new line; Opção de formatação de nova linha para chaves;Opção de formatação de nova linha para palavras-chave C# Formatting > New Lines options page keywords Set spacing for method declarations; Insert space between method name and its opening parenthesis; Insert space within parameter list parentheses; Insert space within empty parameter list parentheses; Set spacing for method calls; Insert space within argument list parentheses; Insert space within empty argument list parentheses; Set other spacing options; Insert space after keywords in control flow statements; Insert space within parentheses of expressions; Insert space within parentheses of type casts; Insert spaces within parentheses of control flow statements; Insert space after cast; Ignore spaces in declaration statements; Set spacing for brackets; Insert space before open square bracket; Insert space within empty square brackets; Insert spaces within square brackets; Set spacing for delimiters; Insert space after colon for base or interface in type declaration; Insert space after comma; Insert space after dot; Insert space after semicolon in for statement; Insert space before colon for base or interface in type declaration; Insert space before comma; Insert space before dot; Insert space before semicolon in for statement; Set spacing for operators; Ignore spaces around binary operators; Remove spaces before and after binary operators; Insert space before and after binary operators; Definir espaçamento para declarações de método; definir o espaçamento para chamadas de método; definir outras opções de espaçamento; definir espaçamento de colchetes; Definir espaçamento de delimitadores; Definir espaçamento de operadores C# Formatting > Spacing options page keywords Change formatting options for wrapping;leave block on single line;leave statements and member declarations on the same line Alterar opções de formatação para quebra automática; deixar bloco na linha; deixar instruções e declarações de membro na mesma linha C# Formatting > Wrapping options page keywords Change completion list settings;Pre-select most recently used member; Completion Lists; Show completion list after a character is typed; Show completion list after a character is deleted; Highlight matching portions of completion list items; Show completion item filters; Snippets behavior; Never include snippets; Always include snippets; Include snippets when ?-Tab is typed after an identifier; Enter key behavior; Never add new line on enter; Only add new line on enter after end of fully typed word; Always add new line on enter; Show name suggestions; Alterar as configurações de lista de conclusão;pre-selecionar membro usado recentemente C# IntelliSense options page keywords Formatting Formatação "Formatting" category node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C#, Code Style (no corresponding keywords) General Geral "General" node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C# (used for Code Style and Formatting) Indentation Recuo "Indentation" node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C#, Formatting. Wrapping Disposição New Lines Novas Linhas Spacing Espaçamento CSharp Editor Editor CSharp CSharp Editor with Encoding Editor CSharp com Codificação Microsoft Visual C# Microsoft Visual C# Used for String in Tools > Options, Text Editor, File Extensions Code Style Estilo do Código "Code Style" category node under Tools > Options, Text Editor, C# (no corresponding keywords) Style;Qualify;This;Code Style;var;member access;locals;parameters;var preferences;predefined type;framework type;built-in types;when variable type is apparent;elsewhere;qualify field access;qualify property access; qualify method access;qualify event access; Estilo;Qualificar;Esse;Código Estilo;var;acesso de membro;locais;parâmetro;var preferências;tipo predefinido;tipo de estrutura;tipos internos;quando o tipo de variável é aparente;outro lugar;qualificar acesso ao campo;qualificar acesso à propriedade; qualificar método de acesso;qualificar acesso ao evento; C# Code Style options page keywords Naming Nomenclatura Naming Style;Name Styles;Naming Rule;Naming Conventions Estilo de Nomenclatura;Estilos de Nome;Regra de Nomenclatura;Convenções de Nomenclatura C# Naming Style options page keywords C# Tools Ferramentas C# Help > About C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used. Componentes de C# usados no IDE. Dependendo do seu tipo de projeto e configurações, uma versão diferente do compilador poderá ser usada. Help > About