FeaturesResources.zh-Hant.xlf 271.0 KB
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Tom Meschter 已提交
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-transitional.xsd">
  <file datatype="xml" source-language="en" target-language="zh-Hant" original="../FeaturesResources.resx">
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
      <trans-unit id="AM_PM_abbreviated">
        <source>AM/PM (abbreviated)</source>
        <target state="new">AM/PM (abbreviated)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="AM_PM_abbreviated_description">
        <source>The "t" custom format specifier represents the first character of the AM/PM designator. The appropriate localized designator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator or DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator property of the current or specific culture. The AM designator is used for all times from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999. The PM designator is used for all times from 12:00:00 (noon) to 23:59:59.999.

If the "t" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "t" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "t" custom format specifier represents the first character of the AM/PM designator. The appropriate localized designator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator or DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator property of the current or specific culture. The AM designator is used for all times from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999. The PM designator is used for all times from 12:00:00 (noon) to 23:59:59.999.

If the "t" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "t" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="AM_PM_full">
        <source>AM/PM (full)</source>
        <target state="new">AM/PM (full)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="AM_PM_full_description">
        <source>The "tt" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "t" specifiers) represents the entire AM/PM designator. The appropriate localized designator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator or DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator property of the current or specific culture. The AM designator is used for all times from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999. The PM designator is used for all times from 12:00:00 (noon) to 23:59:59.999.

Make sure to use the "tt" specifier for languages for which it's necessary to maintain the distinction between AM and PM. An example is Japanese, for which the AM and PM designators differ in the second character instead of the first character.</source>
        <target state="new">The "tt" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "t" specifiers) represents the entire AM/PM designator. The appropriate localized designator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AMDesignator or DateTimeFormatInfo.PMDesignator property of the current or specific culture. The AM designator is used for all times from 0:00:00 (midnight) to 11:59:59.999. The PM designator is used for all times from 12:00:00 (noon) to 23:59:59.999.

Make sure to use the "tt" specifier for languages for which it's necessary to maintain the distinction between AM and PM. An example is Japanese, for which the AM and PM designators differ in the second character instead of the first character.</target>
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
33 34 35 36 37
      <trans-unit id="A_subtraction_must_be_the_last_element_in_a_character_class">
        <source>A subtraction must be the last element in a character class</source>
        <target state="new">A subtraction must be the last element in a character class</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: [a-[b]-c]</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
38 39 40 41
      <trans-unit id="Add_DebuggerDisplay_attribute">
        <source>Add 'DebuggerDisplay' attribute</source>
        <target state="new">Add 'DebuggerDisplay' attribute</target>
        <note>{Locked="DebuggerDisplay"} "DebuggerDisplay" is a BCL class and should not be localized.</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
Julia Feng 已提交
43 44 45 46 47
      <trans-unit id="Add_explicit_cast">
        <source>Add explicit cast</source>
        <target state="new">Add explicit cast</target>
        <note />
48 49
      <trans-unit id="Add_member_name">
        <source>Add member name</source>
        <target state="translated">新增成員名稱</target>
51 52
        <note />
53 54
      <trans-unit id="Add_null_checks_for_all_parameters">
        <source>Add null checks for all parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有參數新增 null 檢查</target>
        <note />
58 59
      <trans-unit id="Add_optional_parameter_to_constructor">
        <source>Add optional parameter to constructor</source>
        <target state="translated">將選擇性參數新增至建構函式</target>
61 62
        <note />
63 64
      <trans-unit id="Add_parameter_to_0_and_overrides_implementations">
        <source>Add parameter to '{0}' (and overrides/implementations)</source>
        <target state="translated">將參數新增至 '{0}' (以及覆寫/執行)</target>
66 67
        <note />
68 69
      <trans-unit id="Add_parameter_to_constructor">
        <source>Add parameter to constructor</source>
        <target state="translated">將參數新增至建構函式</target>
71 72
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
73 74
      <trans-unit id="Add_project_reference_to_0">
        <source>Add project reference to '{0}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入對 '{0}' 的專案參考。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
76 77 78 79
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_reference_to_0">
        <source>Add reference to '{0}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入對 '{0}' 的參考。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
81 82 83 84
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Actions_can_not_be_empty">
        <source>Actions can not be empty.</source>
        <target state="translated">動作不可為空。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
86 87
        <note />
88 89
      <trans-unit id="Add_tuple_element_name_0">
        <source>Add tuple element name '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">新增元組元素名稱 ‘{0}’</target>
91 92
        <note />
Tomáš Matoušek 已提交
93 94
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_into_an_interface_method_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' into an interface method will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 新增至介面方法,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tomáš Matoušek 已提交
96 97 98 99
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_into_an_interface_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' into an interface will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 新增至介面,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tomáš Matoušek 已提交
101 102
        <note />
103 104
      <trans-unit id="Adding_method_with_explicit_interface_specifier_will_prevernt_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a method with an explicit interface specifier will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">新增具有明確介面指定名稱的方法會導致偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
106 107
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
108 109
      <trans-unit id="Align_wrapped_arguments">
        <source>Align wrapped arguments</source>
        <target state="translated">對齊包裝的引數</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
111 112 113 114
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Align_wrapped_parameters">
        <source>Align wrapped parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">對齊包裝的參數</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
116 117
        <note />
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
      <trans-unit id="Alternation_conditions_cannot_be_comments">
        <source>Alternation conditions cannot be comments</source>
        <target state="new">Alternation conditions cannot be comments</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: a|(?#b)</note>
      <trans-unit id="Alternation_conditions_do_not_capture_and_cannot_be_named">
        <source>Alternation conditions do not capture and cannot be named</source>
        <target state="new">Alternation conditions do not capture and cannot be named</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?(?'x'))</note>
Allison Chou 已提交
      <trans-unit id="Awaited_task_returns_0">
Allison Chou 已提交
        <source>Awaited task returns '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">等待的工作會傳回 '{0}'</target>
Allison Chou 已提交
131 132 133
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Awaited_task_returns_no_value">
Allison Chou 已提交
        <source>Awaited task returns no value</source>
        <target state="translated">等待的工作不會傳回任何值</target>
Allison Chou 已提交
136 137
        <note />
138 139
      <trans-unit id="Base_classes_contain_inaccessible_unimplemented_members">
        <source>Base classes contain inaccessible unimplemented members</source>
        <target state="translated">基底類別包含無法存取的未實作成員</target>
141 142
        <note />
143 144
      <trans-unit id="CannotApplyChangesUnexpectedError">
        <source>Cannot apply changes -- unexpected error: '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">無法套用變更 -- 未預期的錯誤: '{0}'</target>
146 147
        <note />
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
      <trans-unit id="Cannot_include_class_0_in_character_range">
        <source>Cannot include class \{0} in character range</source>
        <target state="new">Cannot include class \{0} in character range</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: [a-\w]. {0} is the invalid class (\w here)</note>
      <trans-unit id="Capture_group_numbers_must_be_less_than_or_equal_to_Int32_MaxValue">
        <source>Capture group numbers must be less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue</source>
        <target state="new">Capture group numbers must be less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: a{2147483648}</note>
      <trans-unit id="Capture_number_cannot_be_zero">
        <source>Capture number cannot be zero</source>
        <target state="new">Capture number cannot be zero</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?&lt;0&gt;a)</note>
163 164 165 166 167
      <trans-unit id="ChangeSignature_NewParameterInferValue">
        <target state="new">&lt;infer&gt;</target>
        <note />
David Poeschl 已提交
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
      <trans-unit id="ChangeSignature_NewParameterIntroduceTODOVariable">
        <target state="new">TODO</target>
        <note>"TODO" is an indication that there is work still to be done.</note>
      <trans-unit id="ChangeSignature_NewParameterOmitValue">
        <target state="new">&lt;omit&gt;</target>
        <note />
178 179
      <trans-unit id="Change_namespace_to_0">
        <source>Change namespace to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">將命名空間變更為 ‘{0}'</target>
181 182 183 184
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Change_to_global_namespace">
        <source>Change to global namespace</source>
        <target state="translated">變更為全域命名空間</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
186 187
        <note />
188 189
      <trans-unit id="ChangesDisallowedWhileStoppedAtException">
        <source>Changes are not allowed while stopped at exception</source>
        <target state="translated">於例外狀況停止時不允許變更</target>
191 192 193 194
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="ChangesNotAppliedWhileRunning">
        <source>Changes made in project '{0}' will not be applied while the application is running</source>
        <target state="translated">將不會在應用程式執行時套用在專案 '{0}' 中所做的變更</target>
196 197
        <note />
198 199
      <trans-unit id="Changing_0_from_asynchronous_to_synchronous_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing '{0}' from asynchronous to synchronous will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 從非同步變更為同步,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
201 202 203 204
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_0_to_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing_because_it_changes_the_shape_of_the_state_machine">
        <source>Changing '{0}' to '{1}' will prevent the debug session from continuing because it changes the shape of the state machine.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 變更為 '{1}' 會變更狀態機器的圖形,進而使偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
206 207
        <note />
208 209
      <trans-unit id="Configure_0_code_style">
        <source>Configure {0} code style</source>
        <target state="translated">設定 {0} 程式碼樣式</target>
211 212
        <note />
213 214
      <trans-unit id="Configure_0_severity">
        <source>Configure {0} severity</source>
        <target state="translated">設定 {0} 嚴重性</target>
216 217
        <note />
218 219
      <trans-unit id="Configure_severity_for_all_0_analyzers">
        <source>Configure severity for all '{0}' analyzers</source>
        <target state="translated">設定所有 '{0}' 分析器的嚴重性</target>
221 222 223 224
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Configure_severity_for_all_analyzers">
        <source>Configure severity for all analyzers</source>
        <target state="translated">設定所有分析器的嚴重性</target>
226 227
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_linq">
Manish Vasani 已提交
        <source>Convert to LINQ</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換至 LINQ</target>
Ivan Basov 已提交
        <note />
233 234
      <trans-unit id="Add_to_0">
        <source>Add to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">新增至 '{0}'</target>
236 237
        <note />
238 239
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_class">
        <source>Convert to class</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為類別</target>
241 242
        <note />
Manish Vasani 已提交
243 244
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_linq_call_form">
        <source>Convert to LINQ (call form)</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為 LINQ (呼叫表單)</target>
Manish Vasani 已提交
246 247
        <note />
248 249
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_struct">
        <source>Convert to struct</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為結構</target>
251 252
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
253 254 255 256 257
      <trans-unit id="Convert_type_to_0">
        <source>Convert type to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Convert type to '{0}'</target>
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
258 259 260
      <trans-unit id="Create_and_assign_field_0">
        <source>Create and assign field '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Create and assign field '{0}'</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
261 262
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275
      <trans-unit id="Create_and_assign_property_0">
        <source>Create and assign property '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Create and assign property '{0}'</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Create_and_assign_remaining_as_fields">
        <source>Create and assign remaining as fields</source>
        <target state="new">Create and assign remaining as fields</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Create_and_assign_remaining_as_properties">
        <source>Create and assign remaining as properties</source>
        <target state="new">Create and assign remaining as properties</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
276 277
        <note />
278 279
      <trans-unit id="DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposedDescription">
        <source>A type that implements System.IDisposable declares fields that are of types that also implement IDisposable. The Dispose method of the field is not called by the Dispose method of the declaring type. To fix a violation of this rule, call Dispose on fields that are of types that implement IDisposable if you are responsible for allocating and releasing the unmanaged resources held by the field.</source>
        <target state="translated">實作 System.IDisposable 的類型,宣告的欄位會是也實作 IDisposable 的類型。該欄位的 Dispose 方法,並非由宣告類型的 Dispose 方法呼叫。若要修正此規則違規,如果由您負責配置及釋放由該欄位所保留的非受控資源,則請在會實作 IDisposable 的欄位類型欄位上,呼叫 Dispose。</target>
281 282 283 284
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Disposable_field_0_is_never_disposed">
        <source>Disposable field '{0}' is never disposed</source>
        <target state="translated">可處置的欄位 '{0}' 從未經過處置</target>
286 287 288 289
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Disposable_fields_should_be_disposed">
        <source>Disposable fields should be disposed</source>
        <target state="translated">可處置的欄位應受到處置</target>
291 292 293 294
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Disposable_object_created_by_0_is_never_disposed">
        <source>Disposable object created by '{0}' is never disposed</source>
        <target state="translated">'{0}' 建立的可處置物件從未經過處置</target>
296 297 298 299
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Dispose_objects_before_losing_scope">
        <source>Dispose objects before losing scope</source>
        <target state="translated">必須在超出範圍前處置物件</target>
301 302
        <note />
303 304
      <trans-unit id="Do_not_change_this_code_Put_cleanup_code_in_0_method">
        <source>Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in '{0}' method</source>
        <target state="translated">請勿變更此程式碼。請將清除程式碼放入 '{0}' 方法</target>
306 307
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="DocumentIsOutOfSyncWithDebuggee">
        <source>The current content of source file '{0}' does not match the built source. Any changes made to this file while debugging won't be applied until its content matches the built source.</source>
        <target state="translated">來源檔案 '{0}' 目前的內容與已建置的來源不一致。等到此檔案的內容與已建置的來源一致後,才會套用於偵錯期間對此檔案所做的所有變更。</target>
311 312
        <note />
313 314 315 316 317
      <trans-unit id="Document_must_be_contained_in_the_workspace_that_created_this_service">
        <source>Document must be contained in the workspace that created this service</source>
        <target state="new">Document must be contained in the workspace that created this service</target>
        <note />
318 319
      <trans-unit id="EditAndContinue">
        <source>Edit and Continue</source>
        <target state="translated">編輯並繼續</target>
321 322 323 324
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="EditAndContinueDisallowedByModule">
        <source>Edit and Continue disallowed by module</source>
        <target state="translated">模組不允許編輯和繼續</target>
326 327 328 329
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="EditAndContinueDisallowedByProject">
        <source>Changes made in project '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing: {1}</source>
        <target state="translated">在專案 '{0}' 中所做的變更將使偵錯工作階段無法繼續: {1}</target>
331 332 333 334
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="ErrorReadingFile">
        <source>Error while reading file '{0}': {1}</source>
        <target state="translated">讀取檔案 '{0}' 時發生錯誤: {1}</target>
336 337
        <note />
338 339 340
      <trans-unit id="Example">
        <target state="new">Example:</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
        <note>Singular form when we want to show an example, but only have one to show.</note>
342 343 344 345
      <trans-unit id="Examples">
        <target state="new">Examples:</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
        <note>Plural form when we have multiple examples to show.</note>
Allison Chou 已提交
348 349
      <trans-unit id="Extract_interface">
        <source>Extract interface...</source>
        <target state="translated">擷取介面...</target>
Allison Chou 已提交
351 352 353 354
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Extract_local_function">
        <source>Extract local function</source>
        <target state="translated">擷取區域函式</target>
Allison Chou 已提交
356 357 358 359
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Extract_method">
        <source>Extract method</source>
        <target state="translated">擷取方法</target>
Allison Chou 已提交
361 362
        <note />
363 364
      <trans-unit id="Failed_to_analyze_data_flow_for_0">
        <source>Failed to analyze data-flow for: {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">無法分析下列項目的資料流程: {0}</target>
366 367
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fix_formatting">
Sam Harwell 已提交
        <source>Fix formatting</source>
        <target state="translated">修正格式化</target>
Sam Harwell 已提交
371 372
        <note />
373 374
      <trans-unit id="Fix_typo_0">
        <source>Fix typo '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">修正錯字 '{0}'</target>
376 377
        <note />
378 379
      <trans-unit id="Formatting_document">
        <source>Formatting document</source>
        <target state="translated">正在將文件格式化</target>
381 382
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392
      <trans-unit id="Generate_comparison_operators">
        <source>Generate comparison operators</source>
        <target state="new">Generate comparison operators</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_for_0">
        <source>Generate for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Generate for '{0}'</target>
        <note />
393 394
      <trans-unit id="Generate_parameter_0">
        <source>Generate parameter '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生參數 '{0}'</target>
396 397 398
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_parameter_0_and_overrides_implementations">
        <source>Generate parameter '{0}' (and overrides/implementations)</source>
        <target state="translated">產生參數 '{0}' (以及覆寫/實作)</target>
401 402
        <note />
403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
      <trans-unit id="Illegal_backslash_at_end_of_pattern">
        <source>Illegal \ at end of pattern</source>
        <target state="new">Illegal \ at end of pattern</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \</note>
      <trans-unit id="Illegal_x_y_with_x_less_than_y">
        <source>Illegal {x,y} with x &gt; y</source>
        <target state="new">Illegal {x,y} with x &gt; y</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: a{1,0}</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
413 414
      <trans-unit id="Implement_0_explicitly">
        <source>Implement '{0}' explicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">明確實作 '{0}'</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
416 417
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
418 419
      <trans-unit id="Implement_0_implicitly">
        <source>Implement '{0}' implicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">隱含實作 '{0}'</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
421 422
        <note />
423 424
      <trans-unit id="Implement_abstract_class">
        <source>Implement abstract class</source>
        <target state="translated">實作抽象類別</target>
426 427
        <note />
428 429
      <trans-unit id="Implement_all_interfaces_explicitly">
        <source>Implement all interfaces explicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">明確實作所有介面</target>
431 432
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
433 434
      <trans-unit id="Implement_all_interfaces_implicitly">
        <source>Implement all interfaces implicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">隱含實作所有介面</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
436 437
        <note />
438 439
      <trans-unit id="Implement_all_members_explicitly">
        <source>Implement all members explicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">明確實作所有成員</target>
441 442
        <note />
443 444
      <trans-unit id="Implement_explicitly">
        <source>Implement explicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">明確實作</target>
446 447
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
448 449
      <trans-unit id="Implement_implicitly">
        <source>Implement implicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">隱含實作</target>
451 452
        <note />
453 454
      <trans-unit id="Implement_remaining_members_explicitly">
        <source>Implement remaining members explicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">明確實作剩餘的成員</target>
456 457
        <note />
458 459
      <trans-unit id="Implement_through_0">
        <source>Implement through '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">透過 '{0}' 實作</target>
461 462
        <note />
463 464 465 466 467
      <trans-unit id="Incomplete_character_escape">
        <source>Incomplete \p{X} character escape</source>
        <target state="new">Incomplete \p{X} character escape</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \p{ Cc }</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
468 469
      <trans-unit id="Indent_all_arguments">
        <source>Indent all arguments</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有引數縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
471 472 473 474
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Indent_all_parameters">
        <source>Indent all parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有餐數縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
476 477
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
478 479
      <trans-unit id="Indent_wrapped_arguments">
        <source>Indent wrapped arguments</source>
        <target state="translated">將包裝的引數縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
481 482
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
483 484
      <trans-unit id="Indent_wrapped_parameters">
        <source>Indent wrapped parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">將換行參數縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
486 487
        <note />
488 489 490 491
      <trans-unit id="Insufficient_hexadecimal_digits">
        <source>Insufficient hexadecimal digits</source>
        <target state="new">Insufficient hexadecimal digits</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \x</note>
493 494
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_constant">
        <source>Introduce constant</source>
        <target state="translated">引進常數</target>
496 497 498 499
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_field">
        <source>Introduce field</source>
        <target state="translated">引進欄位</target>
501 502 503 504
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_local">
        <source>Introduce local</source>
        <target state="translated">引進區域函式</target>
506 507 508 509
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_query_variable">
        <source>Introduce query variable</source>
        <target state="translated">引進查詢變數</target>
511 512
        <note />
513 514 515 516 517
      <trans-unit id="Invalid_group_name_Group_names_must_begin_with_a_word_character">
        <source>Invalid group name: Group names must begin with a word character</source>
        <target state="new">Invalid group name: Group names must begin with a word character</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?&lt;a &gt;a)</note>
Evangelink 已提交
518 519
      <trans-unit id="Make_member_static">
        <source>Make static</source>
        <target state="translated">使其變成靜態</target>
Evangelink 已提交
521 522
        <note />
523 524
      <trans-unit id="Invert_conditional">
        <source>Invert conditional</source>
        <target state="translated">反轉條件</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
526 527
        <note />
528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542
      <trans-unit id="Malformed">
        <target state="new">malformed</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?(0</note>
      <trans-unit id="Malformed_character_escape">
        <source>Malformed \p{X} character escape</source>
        <target state="new">Malformed \p{X} character escape</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \p {Cc}</note>
      <trans-unit id="Malformed_named_back_reference">
        <source>Malformed \k&lt;...&gt; named back reference</source>
        <target state="new">Malformed \k&lt;...&gt; named back reference</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \k'</note>
543 544
      <trans-unit id="Merge_with_nested_0_statement">
        <source>Merge with nested '{0}' statement</source>
        <target state="translated">與巢狀 '{0}' 陳述式合併</target>
Šimon Koníček 已提交
546 547
        <note />
548 549
      <trans-unit id="Merge_with_next_0_statement">
        <source>Merge with next '{0}' statement</source>
        <target state="translated">與下一個 '{0}' 陳述式合併</target>
551 552 553 554
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Merge_with_outer_0_statement">
        <source>Merge with outer '{0}' statement</source>
        <target state="translated">與外部 '{0}' 陳述式合併</target>
556 557 558 559
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Merge_with_previous_0_statement">
        <source>Merge with previous '{0}' statement</source>
        <target state="translated">與上一個 '{0}' 陳述式合併</target>
Šimon Koníček 已提交
561 562
        <note />
563 564
      <trans-unit id="MethodMustReturnStreamThatSupportsReadAndSeek">
        <source>{0} must return a stream that supports read and seek operations.</source>
        <target state="translated">{0} 必須傳回支援讀取和搜尋作業的資料流。</target>
566 567
        <note />
568 569 570 571 572
      <trans-unit id="Missing_control_character">
        <source>Missing control character</source>
        <target state="new">Missing control character</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \c</note>
573 574
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_0_which_contains_a_switch_expression_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying '{0}' which contains a switch expression will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改包含參數運算式的 '{0}' 會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
576 577
        <note />
Andrew Hall (METAL) 已提交
578 579
      <trans-unit id="Move_contents_to_namespace">
        <source>Move contents to namespace...</source>
        <target state="translated">將內容移到命名空間...</target>
Andrew Hall (METAL) 已提交
581 582
        <note />
Gen Lu 已提交
583 584
      <trans-unit id="Move_file_to_0">
        <source>Move file to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">將檔案移至 ‘{0}'</target>
586 587 588 589
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Move_file_to_project_root_folder">
        <source>Move file to project root folder</source>
        <target state="translated">將檔案移到專案根資料夾</target>
591 592
        <note />
Andrew Hall (METAL) 已提交
      <trans-unit id="Move_to_namespace">
Andrew Hall (METAL) 已提交
        <source>Move to namespace...</source>
        <target state="translated">移到命名空間...</target>
596 597
        <note />
598 599
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_source_file_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing_due_to_internal_error">
        <source>Modifying source file {0} will prevent the debug session from continuing due to internal error: {1}.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改原始檔案 {0} 將防止調試會話由於內部錯誤而繼續進行: {1}。</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
601 602
        <note />
603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612
      <trans-unit id="Nested_quantifier_0">
        <source>Nested quantifier {0}</source>
        <target state="new">Nested quantifier {0}</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: a**. In this case {0} will be '*', the extra unnecessary quantifier.</note>
      <trans-unit id="Not_enough_close_parens">
        <source>Not enough )'s</source>
        <target state="new">Not enough )'s</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (a</note>
613 614
      <trans-unit id="Pull_0_up">
        <source>Pull '{0}' up</source>
        <target state="translated">向上提取 ‘{0}’</target>
616 617 618 619
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pull_0_up_to_1">
        <source>Pull '{0}' up to '{1}'</source>
        <target state="translated">提取 '{0}' 最多 '{1}’</target>
621 622 623 624
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pull_members_up_to_base_type">
        <source>Pull members up to base type...</source>
        <target state="translated">將成員提取直到基底類型...</target>
626 627
        <note />
628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650
      <trans-unit id="Quantifier_x_y_following_nothing">
        <source>Quantifier {x,y} following nothing</source>
        <target state="new">Quantifier {x,y} following nothing</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: *</note>
      <trans-unit id="Reference_to_undefined_group">
        <source>reference to undefined group</source>
        <target state="new">reference to undefined group</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?(1))</note>
      <trans-unit id="Reference_to_undefined_group_name_0">
        <source>Reference to undefined group name {0}</source>
        <target state="new">Reference to undefined group name {0}</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \k&lt;a&gt;. Here, {0} will be the name of the undefined group ('a')</note>
      <trans-unit id="Reference_to_undefined_group_number_0">
        <source>Reference to undefined group number {0}</source>
        <target state="new">Reference to undefined group number {0}</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?&lt;-1&gt;). Here, {0} will be the number of the undefined group ('1')</note>
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_control_characters_long">
        <source>All control characters. This includes the Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, and Cn categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All control characters. This includes the Cc, Cf, Cs, Co, and Cn categories.</target>
651 652
        <note />
653 654 655
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_control_characters_short">
        <source>all control characters</source>
        <target state="new">all control characters</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
656 657
        <note />
658 659 660
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_diacritic_marks_long">
        <source>All diacritic marks. This includes the Mn, Mc, and Me categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All diacritic marks. This includes the Mn, Mc, and Me categories.</target>
661 662
        <note />
663 664 665
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_diacritic_marks_short">
        <source>all diacritic marks</source>
        <target state="new">all diacritic marks</target>
666 667
        <note />
668 669 670
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_letter_characters_long">
        <source>All letter characters. This includes the Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, and Lo characters.</source>
        <target state="new">All letter characters. This includes the Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, and Lo characters.</target>
671 672
        <note />
673 674 675
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_letter_characters_short">
        <source>all letter characters</source>
        <target state="new">all letter characters</target>
676 677
        <note />
678 679 680
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_numbers_long">
        <source>All numbers. This includes the Nd, Nl, and No categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All numbers. This includes the Nd, Nl, and No categories.</target>
681 682
        <note />
683 684 685
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_numbers_short">
        <source>all numbers</source>
        <target state="new">all numbers</target>
Šimon Koníček 已提交
686 687
        <note />
688 689 690
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_punctuation_characters_long">
        <source>All punctuation characters. This includes the Pc, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, and Po categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All punctuation characters. This includes the Pc, Pd, Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, and Po categories.</target>
691 692
        <note />
693 694 695
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_punctuation_characters_short">
        <source>all punctuation characters</source>
        <target state="new">all punctuation characters</target>
696 697
        <note />
698 699 700
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_separator_characters_long">
        <source>All separator characters. This includes the Zs, Zl, and Zp categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All separator characters. This includes the Zs, Zl, and Zp categories.</target>
701 702
        <note />
703 704 705
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_separator_characters_short">
        <source>all separator characters</source>
        <target state="new">all separator characters</target>
706 707
        <note />
708 709 710
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_symbols_long">
        <source>All symbols. This includes the Sm, Sc, Sk, and So categories.</source>
        <target state="new">All symbols. This includes the Sm, Sc, Sk, and So categories.</target>
711 712
        <note />
713 714 715
      <trans-unit id="Regex_all_symbols_short">
        <source>all symbols</source>
        <target state="new">all symbols</target>
716 717
        <note />
718 719 720
      <trans-unit id="Regex_alternation_long">
        <source>You can use the vertical bar (|) character to match any one of a series of patterns, where the | character separates each pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">You can use the vertical bar (|) character to match any one of a series of patterns, where the | character separates each pattern.</target>
721 722
        <note />
723 724 725
      <trans-unit id="Regex_alternation_short">
        <target state="new">alternation</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
726 727
        <note />
728 729 730
      <trans-unit id="Regex_any_character_group_long">
        <source>The period character (.) matches any character except \n (the newline character, \u000A).  If a regular expression pattern is modified by the RegexOptions.Singleline option, or if the portion of the pattern that contains the . character class is modified by the 's' option, . matches any character.</source>
        <target state="new">The period character (.) matches any character except \n (the newline character, \u000A).  If a regular expression pattern is modified by the RegexOptions.Singleline option, or if the portion of the pattern that contains the . character class is modified by the 's' option, . matches any character.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
731 732
        <note />
733 734 735
      <trans-unit id="Regex_any_character_group_short">
        <source>any character</source>
        <target state="new">any character</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
736 737
        <note />
738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751
      <trans-unit id="Regex_atomic_group_long">
        <source>Atomic groups (known in some other regular expression engines as a nonbacktracking subexpression, an atomic subexpression, or a once-only subexpression) disable backtracking. The regular expression engine will match as many characters in the input string as it can. When no further match is possible, it will not backtrack to attempt alternate pattern matches. (That is, the subexpression matches only strings that would be matched by the subexpression alone; it does not attempt to match a string based on the subexpression and any subexpressions that follow it.)

This option is recommended if you know that backtracking will not succeed. Preventing the regular expression engine from performing unnecessary searching improves performance.</source>
        <target state="new">Atomic groups (known in some other regular expression engines as a nonbacktracking subexpression, an atomic subexpression, or a once-only subexpression) disable backtracking. The regular expression engine will match as many characters in the input string as it can. When no further match is possible, it will not backtrack to attempt alternate pattern matches. (That is, the subexpression matches only strings that would be matched by the subexpression alone; it does not attempt to match a string based on the subexpression and any subexpressions that follow it.)

This option is recommended if you know that backtracking will not succeed. Preventing the regular expression engine from performing unnecessary searching improves performance.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_atomic_group_short">
        <source>atomic group</source>
        <target state="new">atomic group</target>
        <note />
752 753 754
      <trans-unit id="Regex_backspace_character_long">
        <source>Matches a backspace character, \u0008</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a backspace character, \u0008</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
755 756
        <note />
757 758 759
      <trans-unit id="Regex_backspace_character_short">
        <source>backspace character</source>
        <target state="new">backspace character</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
760 761
        <note />
762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772
      <trans-unit id="Regex_balancing_group_long">
        <source>A balancing group definition deletes the definition of a previously defined group and stores, in the current group, the interval between the previously defined group and the current group.
'name1' is the current group (optional), 'name2' is a previously defined group, and 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. The balancing group definition deletes the definition of name2 and stores the interval between name2 and name1 in name1. If no name2 group is defined, the match backtracks. Because deleting the last definition of name2 reveals the previous definition of name2, this construct lets you use the stack of captures for group name2 as a counter for keeping track of nested constructs such as parentheses or opening and closing brackets.

The balancing group definition uses 'name2' as a stack. The beginning character of each nested construct is placed in the group and in its Group.Captures collection. When the closing character is matched, its corresponding opening character is removed from the group, and the Captures collection is decreased by one. After the opening and closing characters of all nested constructs have been matched, 'name1' is empty.</source>
        <target state="new">A balancing group definition deletes the definition of a previously defined group and stores, in the current group, the interval between the previously defined group and the current group.
'name1' is the current group (optional), 'name2' is a previously defined group, and 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. The balancing group definition deletes the definition of name2 and stores the interval between name2 and name1 in name1. If no name2 group is defined, the match backtracks. Because deleting the last definition of name2 reveals the previous definition of name2, this construct lets you use the stack of captures for group name2 as a counter for keeping track of nested constructs such as parentheses or opening and closing brackets.

The balancing group definition uses 'name2' as a stack. The beginning character of each nested construct is placed in the group and in its Group.Captures collection. When the closing character is matched, its corresponding opening character is removed from the group, and the Captures collection is decreased by one. After the opening and closing characters of all nested constructs have been matched, 'name1' is empty.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
773 774
        <note />
775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004
      <trans-unit id="Regex_balancing_group_short">
        <source>balancing group</source>
        <target state="new">balancing group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_base_group">
        <target state="new">base-group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_bell_character_long">
        <source>Matches a bell (alarm) character, \u0007</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a bell (alarm) character, \u0007</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_bell_character_short">
        <source>bell character</source>
        <target state="new">bell character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_carriage_return_character_long">
        <source>Matches a carriage-return character, \u000D.  Note that \r is not equivalent to the newline character, \n.</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a carriage-return character, \u000D.  Note that \r is not equivalent to the newline character, \n.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_carriage_return_character_short">
        <source>carriage-return character</source>
        <target state="new">carriage-return character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_character_class_subtraction_long">
        <source>Character class subtraction yields a set of characters that is the result of excluding the characters in one character class from another character class.

'base_group' is a positive or negative character group or range. The 'excluded_group' component is another positive or negative character group, or another character class subtraction expression (that is, you can nest character class subtraction expressions).</source>
        <target state="new">Character class subtraction yields a set of characters that is the result of excluding the characters in one character class from another character class.

'base_group' is a positive or negative character group or range. The 'excluded_group' component is another positive or negative character group, or another character class subtraction expression (that is, you can nest character class subtraction expressions).</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_character_class_subtraction_short">
        <source>character class subtraction</source>
        <target state="new">character class subtraction</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_character_group">
        <target state="new">character-group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_comment">
        <target state="new">comment</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_conditional_expression_match_long">
        <source>This language element attempts to match one of two patterns depending on whether it can match an initial pattern.

'expression' is the initial pattern to match, 'yes' is the pattern to match if expression is matched, and 'no' is the optional pattern to match if expression is not matched.</source>
        <target state="new">This language element attempts to match one of two patterns depending on whether it can match an initial pattern.

'expression' is the initial pattern to match, 'yes' is the pattern to match if expression is matched, and 'no' is the optional pattern to match if expression is not matched.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_conditional_expression_match_short">
        <source>conditional expression match</source>
        <target state="new">conditional expression match</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_conditional_group_match_long">
        <source>This language element attempts to match one of two patterns depending on whether it has matched a specified capturing group.

'name' is the name (or number) of a capturing group, 'yes' is the expression to match if 'name' (or 'number') has a match, and 'no' is the optional expression to match if it does not.</source>
        <target state="new">This language element attempts to match one of two patterns depending on whether it has matched a specified capturing group.

'name' is the name (or number) of a capturing group, 'yes' is the expression to match if 'name' (or 'number') has a match, and 'no' is the optional expression to match if it does not.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_conditional_group_match_short">
        <source>conditional group match</source>
        <target state="new">conditional group match</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_contiguous_matches_long">
        <source>The \G anchor specifies that a match must occur at the point where the previous match ended. When you use this anchor with the Regex.Matches or Match.NextMatch method, it ensures that all matches are contiguous.</source>
        <target state="new">The \G anchor specifies that a match must occur at the point where the previous match ended. When you use this anchor with the Regex.Matches or Match.NextMatch method, it ensures that all matches are contiguous.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_contiguous_matches_short">
        <source>contiguous matches</source>
        <target state="new">contiguous matches</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_control_character_long">
        <source>Matches an ASCII control character, where X is the letter of the control character. For example, \cC is CTRL-C.</source>
        <target state="new">Matches an ASCII control character, where X is the letter of the control character. For example, \cC is CTRL-C.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_control_character_short">
        <source>control character</source>
        <target state="new">control character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_decimal_digit_character_long">
        <source>\d matches any decimal digit. It is equivalent to the \p{Nd} regular expression pattern, which includes the standard decimal digits 0-9 as well as the decimal digits of a number of other character sets.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \d is equivalent to [0-9]</source>
        <target state="new">\d matches any decimal digit. It is equivalent to the \p{Nd} regular expression pattern, which includes the standard decimal digits 0-9 as well as the decimal digits of a number of other character sets.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \d is equivalent to [0-9]</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_decimal_digit_character_short">
        <source>decimal-digit character</source>
        <target state="new">decimal-digit character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_line_comment_long">
        <source>A number sign (#) marks an x-mode comment, which starts at the unescaped # character at the end of the regular expression pattern and continues until the end of the line. To use this construct, you must either enable the x option (through inline options) or supply the RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace value to the option parameter when instantiating the Regex object or calling a static Regex method.</source>
        <target state="new">A number sign (#) marks an x-mode comment, which starts at the unescaped # character at the end of the regular expression pattern and continues until the end of the line. To use this construct, you must either enable the x option (through inline options) or supply the RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace value to the option parameter when instantiating the Regex object or calling a static Regex method.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_line_comment_short">
        <source>end-of-line comment</source>
        <target state="new">end-of-line comment</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_only_long">
        <source>The \z anchor specifies that a match must occur at the end of the input string. Like the $ language element, \z ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Unlike the \Z language element, \z does not match a \n character at the end of a string. Therefore, it can only match the last line of the input string.</source>
        <target state="new">The \z anchor specifies that a match must occur at the end of the input string. Like the $ language element, \z ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Unlike the \Z language element, \z does not match a \n character at the end of a string. Therefore, it can only match the last line of the input string.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_only_short">
        <source>end of string only</source>
        <target state="new">end of string only</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_or_before_ending_newline_long">
        <source>The \Z anchor specifies that a match must occur at the end of the input string, or before \n at the end of the input string. It is identical to the $ anchor, except that \Z ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Therefore, in a multiline string, it can only match the end of the last line, or the last line before \n.

The \Z anchor matches \n but does not match \r\n (the CR/LF character combination). To match CR/LF, include \r?\Z in the regular expression pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">The \Z anchor specifies that a match must occur at the end of the input string, or before \n at the end of the input string. It is identical to the $ anchor, except that \Z ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Therefore, in a multiline string, it can only match the end of the last line, or the last line before \n.

The \Z anchor matches \n but does not match \r\n (the CR/LF character combination). To match CR/LF, include \r?\Z in the regular expression pattern.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_or_before_ending_newline_short">
        <source>end of string or before ending newline</source>
        <target state="new">end of string or before ending newline</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_or_line_long">
        <source>The $ anchor specifies that the preceding pattern must occur at the end of the input string, or before \n at the end of the input string. If you use $ with the RegexOptions.Multiline option, the match can also occur at the end of a line.

The $ anchor matches \n but does not match \r\n (the combination of carriage return and newline characters, or CR/LF). To match the CR/LF character combination, include \r?$ in the regular expression pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">The $ anchor specifies that the preceding pattern must occur at the end of the input string, or before \n at the end of the input string. If you use $ with the RegexOptions.Multiline option, the match can also occur at the end of a line.

The $ anchor matches \n but does not match \r\n (the combination of carriage return and newline characters, or CR/LF). To match the CR/LF character combination, include \r?$ in the regular expression pattern.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_end_of_string_or_line_short">
        <source>end of string or line</source>
        <target state="new">end of string or line</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_escape_character_long">
        <source>Matches an escape character, \u001B</source>
        <target state="new">Matches an escape character, \u001B</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_escape_character_short">
        <source>escape character</source>
        <target state="new">escape character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_excluded_group">
        <target state="new">excluded-group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_expression">
        <target state="new">expression</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_form_feed_character_long">
        <source>Matches a form-feed character, \u000C</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a form-feed character, \u000C</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_form_feed_character_short">
        <source>form-feed character</source>
        <target state="new">form-feed character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_group_options_long">
        <source>This grouping construct applies or disables the specified options within a subexpression. The options to enable are specified after the question mark, and the options to disable after the minus sign. The allowed options are:

    i	Use case-insensitive matching.
    m	Use multiline mode, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of each line
	(instead of the beginning and end of the input string).
    s	Use single-line mode, where the period (.) matches every character
	(instead of every character except \n).
    n	Do not capture unnamed groups. The only valid captures are explicitly
	named or numbered groups of the form (?&lt;name&gt; subexpression).
    x	Exclude unescaped white space from the pattern, and enable comments
	after a number sign (#).</source>
        <target state="new">This grouping construct applies or disables the specified options within a subexpression. The options to enable are specified after the question mark, and the options to disable after the minus sign. The allowed options are:

    i	Use case-insensitive matching.
    m	Use multiline mode, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of each line
	(instead of the beginning and end of the input string).
    s	Use single-line mode, where the period (.) matches every character
	(instead of every character except \n).
    n	Do not capture unnamed groups. The only valid captures are explicitly
	named or numbered groups of the form (?&lt;name&gt; subexpression).
    x	Exclude unescaped white space from the pattern, and enable comments
	after a number sign (#).</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_group_options_short">
        <source>group options</source>
        <target state="new">group options</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_hexadecimal_escape_long">
        <source>Matches an ASCII character, where ## is a two-digit hexadecimal character code.</source>
        <target state="new">Matches an ASCII character, where ## is a two-digit hexadecimal character code.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_hexadecimal_escape_short">
1005 1006
        <source>hexadecimal escape</source>
        <target state="new">hexadecimal escape</target>
1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_inline_comment_long">
        <source>The (?# comment) construct lets you include an inline comment in a regular expression. The regular expression engine does not use any part of the comment in pattern matching, although the comment is included in the string that is returned by the Regex.ToString method. The comment ends at the first closing parenthesis.</source>
        <target state="new">The (?# comment) construct lets you include an inline comment in a regular expression. The regular expression engine does not use any part of the comment in pattern matching, although the comment is included in the string that is returned by the Regex.ToString method. The comment ends at the first closing parenthesis.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_inline_comment_short">
        <source>inline comment</source>
        <target state="new">inline comment</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_inline_options_long">
        <source>Enables or disables specific pattern matching options for the remainder of a regular expression. The options to enable are specified after the question mark, and the options to disable after the minus sign. The allowed options are:

    i	Use case-insensitive matching.
    m	Use multiline mode, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of each line
	(instead of the beginning and end of the input string).
    s	Use single-line mode, where the period (.) matches every character
	(instead of every character except \n).
    n	Do not capture unnamed groups. The only valid captures are explicitly named
	or numbered groups of the form (?&lt;name&gt; subexpression).
    x	Exclude unescaped white space from the pattern, and enable comments
	after a number sign (#).</source>
        <target state="new">Enables or disables specific pattern matching options for the remainder of a regular expression. The options to enable are specified after the question mark, and the options to disable after the minus sign. The allowed options are:

    i	Use case-insensitive matching.
    m	Use multiline mode, where ^ and $ match the beginning and end of each line
	(instead of the beginning and end of the input string).
    s	Use single-line mode, where the period (.) matches every character
	(instead of every character except \n).
    n	Do not capture unnamed groups. The only valid captures are explicitly named
	or numbered groups of the form (?&lt;name&gt; subexpression).
    x	Exclude unescaped white space from the pattern, and enable comments
	after a number sign (#).</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_inline_options_short">
        <source>inline options</source>
        <target state="new">inline options</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_issue_0">
        <source>Regex issue: {0}</source>
        <target state="new">Regex issue: {0}</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. {0} will be the actual text of one of the above Regular Expression errors.</note>
      <trans-unit id="Regex_letter_lowercase">
        <source>letter, lowercase</source>
        <target state="new">letter, lowercase</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_letter_modifier">
        <source>letter, modifier</source>
        <target state="new">letter, modifier</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_letter_other">
        <source>letter, other</source>
        <target state="new">letter, other</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_letter_titlecase">
        <source>letter, titlecase</source>
        <target state="new">letter, titlecase</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_letter_uppercase">
        <source>letter, uppercase</source>
        <target state="new">letter, uppercase</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_mark_enclosing">
        <source>mark, enclosing</source>
        <target state="new">mark, enclosing</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_mark_nonspacing">
        <source>mark, nonspacing</source>
        <target state="new">mark, nonspacing</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_mark_spacing_combining">
        <source>mark, spacing combining</source>
        <target state="new">mark, spacing combining</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_at_least_n_times_lazy_long">
        <source>The {n,}? quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, where n is any integer, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n,}</source>
        <target state="new">The {n,}? quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, where n is any integer, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n,}</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_at_least_n_times_lazy_short">
        <source>match at least 'n' times (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match at least 'n' times (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_at_least_n_times_long">
        <source>The {n,} quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, where n is any integer. {n,} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n,}?</source>
        <target state="new">The {n,} quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, where n is any integer. {n,} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n,}?</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_at_least_n_times_short">
        <source>match at least 'n' times</source>
        <target state="new">match at least 'n' times</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_between_m_and_n_times_lazy_long">
        <source>The {n,m}? quantifier matches the preceding element between n and m times, where n and m are integers, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n,m}</source>
        <target state="new">The {n,m}? quantifier matches the preceding element between n and m times, where n and m are integers, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n,m}</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_between_m_and_n_times_lazy_short">
        <source>match at least 'n' times (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match at least 'n' times (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_between_m_and_n_times_long">
        <source>The {n,m} quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, but no more than m times, where n and m are integers. {n,m} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n,m}?</source>
        <target state="new">The {n,m} quantifier matches the preceding element at least n times, but no more than m times, where n and m are integers. {n,m} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n,m}?</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_between_m_and_n_times_short">
        <source>match between 'm' and 'n' times</source>
        <target state="new">match between 'm' and 'n' times</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_exactly_n_times_lazy_long">
        <source>The {n}? quantifier matches the preceding element exactly n times, where n is any integer. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n}+</source>
        <target state="new">The {n}? quantifier matches the preceding element exactly n times, where n is any integer. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier {n}+</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_exactly_n_times_lazy_short">
        <source>match exactly 'n' times (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match exactly 'n' times (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_exactly_n_times_long">
        <source>The {n} quantifier matches the preceding element exactly n times, where n is any integer. {n} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n}?</source>
        <target state="new">The {n} quantifier matches the preceding element exactly n times, where n is any integer. {n} is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is {n}?</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_exactly_n_times_short">
        <source>match exactly 'n' times</source>
        <target state="new">match exactly 'n' times</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_one_or_more_times_lazy_long">
        <source>The +? quantifier matches the preceding element one or more times, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier +</source>
        <target state="new">The +? quantifier matches the preceding element one or more times, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier +</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_one_or_more_times_lazy_short">
        <source>match one or more times (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match one or more times (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_one_or_more_times_long">
        <source>The + quantifier matches the preceding element one or more times. It is equivalent to the {1,} quantifier. + is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is +?.</source>
        <target state="new">The + quantifier matches the preceding element one or more times. It is equivalent to the {1,} quantifier. + is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is +?.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_one_or_more_times_short">
        <source>match one or more times</source>
        <target state="new">match one or more times</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_more_times_lazy_long">
        <source>The *? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or more times, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier *</source>
        <target state="new">The *? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or more times, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier *</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_more_times_lazy_short">
        <source>match zero or more times (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match zero or more times (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_more_times_long">
        <source>The * quantifier matches the preceding element zero or more times. It is equivalent to the {0,} quantifier. * is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is *?.</source>
        <target state="new">The * quantifier matches the preceding element zero or more times. It is equivalent to the {0,} quantifier. * is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is *?.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_more_times_short">
        <source>match zero or more times</source>
        <target state="new">match zero or more times</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_one_time_lazy_long">
        <source>The ?? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or one time, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier ?</source>
        <target state="new">The ?? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or one time, but as few times as possible. It is the lazy counterpart of the greedy quantifier ?</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_one_time_lazy_short">
        <source>match zero or one time (lazy)</source>
        <target state="new">match zero or one time (lazy)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_one_time_long">
        <source>The ? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or one time. It is equivalent to the {0,1} quantifier. ? is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is ??.</source>
        <target state="new">The ? quantifier matches the preceding element zero or one time. It is equivalent to the {0,1} quantifier. ? is a greedy quantifier whose lazy equivalent is ??.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_match_zero_or_one_time_short">
        <source>match zero or one time</source>
        <target state="new">match zero or one time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_matched_subexpression_long">
        <source>This grouping construct captures a matched 'subexpression', where 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. Captures that use parentheses are numbered automatically from left to right based on the order of the opening parentheses in the regular expression, starting from one. The capture that is numbered zero is the text matched by the entire regular expression pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">This grouping construct captures a matched 'subexpression', where 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. Captures that use parentheses are numbered automatically from left to right based on the order of the opening parentheses in the regular expression, starting from one. The capture that is numbered zero is the text matched by the entire regular expression pattern.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_matched_subexpression_short">
        <source>matched subexpression</source>
        <target state="new">matched subexpression</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_name">
        <target state="new">name</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_name1">
        <target state="new">name1</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_name2">
        <target state="new">name2</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_name_or_number">
        <target state="new">name-or-number</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_named_backreference_long">
        <source>A named or numbered backreference.

'name' is the name of a capturing group defined in the regular expression pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">A named or numbered backreference.

'name' is the name of a capturing group defined in the regular expression pattern.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_named_backreference_short">
        <source>named backreference</source>
        <target state="new">named backreference</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_named_matched_subexpression_long">
        <source>Captures a matched subexpression and lets you access it by name or by number.

'name' is a valid group name, and 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. 'name' must not contain any punctuation characters and cannot begin with a number.

If the RegexOptions parameter of a regular expression pattern matching method includes the RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture flag, or if the n option is applied to this subexpression, the only way to capture a subexpression is to explicitly name capturing groups.</source>
        <target state="new">Captures a matched subexpression and lets you access it by name or by number.

'name' is a valid group name, and 'subexpression' is any valid regular expression pattern. 'name' must not contain any punctuation characters and cannot begin with a number.

If the RegexOptions parameter of a regular expression pattern matching method includes the RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture flag, or if the n option is applied to this subexpression, the only way to capture a subexpression is to explicitly name capturing groups.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_named_matched_subexpression_short">
        <source>named matched subexpression</source>
        <target state="new">named matched subexpression</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_character_group_long">
        <source>A negative character group specifies a list of characters that must not appear in an input string for a match to occur. The list of characters are specified individually.

Two or more character ranges can be concatenated. For example, to specify the range of decimal digits from "0" through "9", the range of lowercase letters from "a" through "f", and the range of uppercase letters from "A" through "F", use [0-9a-fA-F].</source>
        <target state="new">A negative character group specifies a list of characters that must not appear in an input string for a match to occur. The list of characters are specified individually.

Two or more character ranges can be concatenated. For example, to specify the range of decimal digits from "0" through "9", the range of lowercase letters from "a" through "f", and the range of uppercase letters from "A" through "F", use [0-9a-fA-F].</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_character_group_short">
        <source>negative character group</source>
        <target state="new">negative character group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_character_range_long">
        <source>A negative character range specifies a list of characters that must not appear in an input string for a match to occur. 'firstCharacter' is the character that begins the range, and 'lastCharacter' is the character that ends the range.

Two or more character ranges can be concatenated. For example, to specify the range of decimal digits from "0" through "9", the range of lowercase letters from "a" through "f", and the range of uppercase letters from "A" through "F", use [0-9a-fA-F].</source>
        <target state="new">A negative character range specifies a list of characters that must not appear in an input string for a match to occur. 'firstCharacter' is the character that begins the range, and 'lastCharacter' is the character that ends the range.

Two or more character ranges can be concatenated. For example, to specify the range of decimal digits from "0" through "9", the range of lowercase letters from "a" through "f", and the range of uppercase letters from "A" through "F", use [0-9a-fA-F].</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_character_range_short">
        <source>negative character range</source>
        <target state="new">negative character range</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_unicode_category_long">
        <source>The regular expression construct \P{ name } matches any character that does not belong to a Unicode general category or named block, where name is the category abbreviation or named block name.</source>
        <target state="new">The regular expression construct \P{ name } matches any character that does not belong to a Unicode general category or named block, where name is the category abbreviation or named block name.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_negative_unicode_category_short">
        <source>negative unicode category</source>
        <target state="new">negative unicode category</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_new_line_character_long">
        <source>Matches a new-line character, \u000A</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a new-line character, \u000A</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_new_line_character_short">
        <source>new-line character</source>
        <target state="new">new-line character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_no">
        <target state="new">no</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_digit_character_long">
        <source>\D matches any non-digit character. It is equivalent to the \P{Nd} regular expression pattern.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \D is equivalent to [^0-9]</source>
        <target state="new">\D matches any non-digit character. It is equivalent to the \P{Nd} regular expression pattern.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \D is equivalent to [^0-9]</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_digit_character_short">
        <source>non-digit character</source>
        <target state="new">non-digit character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_white_space_character_long">
        <source>\S matches any non-white-space character. It is equivalent to the [^\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{Z}] regular expression pattern, or the opposite of the regular expression pattern that is equivalent to \s, which matches white-space characters.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \S is equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v]</source>
        <target state="new">\S matches any non-white-space character. It is equivalent to the [^\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{Z}] regular expression pattern, or the opposite of the regular expression pattern that is equivalent to \s, which matches white-space characters.

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \S is equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v]</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_white_space_character_short">
        <source>non-white-space character</source>
        <target state="new">non-white-space character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_word_boundary_long">
        <source>The \B anchor specifies that the match must not occur on a word boundary. It is the opposite of the \b anchor.</source>
        <target state="new">The \B anchor specifies that the match must not occur on a word boundary. It is the opposite of the \b anchor.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_word_boundary_short">
        <source>non-word boundary</source>
        <target state="new">non-word boundary</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_word_character_long">
        <source>\W matches any non-word character. It matches any character except for those in the following Unicode categories:

    Ll	Letter, Lowercase
    Lu	Letter, Uppercase
    Lt	Letter, Titlecase
    Lo	Letter, Other
    Lm	Letter, Modifier
    Mn	Mark, Nonspacing
    Nd	Number, Decimal Digit
    Pc	Punctuation, Connector

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \W is equivalent to [^a-zA-Z_0-9]</source>
        <target state="new">\W matches any non-word character. It matches any character except for those in the following Unicode categories:

    Ll	Letter, Lowercase
    Lu	Letter, Uppercase
    Lt	Letter, Titlecase
    Lo	Letter, Other
    Lm	Letter, Modifier
    Mn	Mark, Nonspacing
    Nd	Number, Decimal Digit
    Pc	Punctuation, Connector

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \W is equivalent to [^a-zA-Z_0-9]</target>
        <note>Note: Ll, Lu, Lt, Lo, Lm, Mn, Nd, and Pc are all things that should not be localized. </note>
      <trans-unit id="Regex_non_word_character_short">
        <source>non-word character</source>
        <target state="new">non-word character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_noncapturing_group_long">
        <source>This construct does not capture the substring that is matched by a subexpression:

The noncapturing group construct is typically used when a quantifier is applied to a group, but the substrings captured by the group are of no interest.

If a regular expression includes nested grouping constructs, an outer noncapturing group construct does not apply to the inner nested group constructs.</source>
        <target state="new">This construct does not capture the substring that is matched by a subexpression:

The noncapturing group construct is typically used when a quantifier is applied to a group, but the substrings captured by the group are of no interest.

If a regular expression includes nested grouping constructs, an outer noncapturing group construct does not apply to the inner nested group constructs.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_noncapturing_group_short">
        <source>noncapturing group</source>
        <target state="new">noncapturing group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_number_decimal_digit">
        <source>number, decimal digit</source>
        <target state="new">number, decimal digit</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_number_letter">
        <source>number, letter</source>
        <target state="new">number, letter</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_number_other">
        <source>number, other</source>
        <target state="new">number, other</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_numbered_backreference_long">
        <source>A numbered backreference, where 'number' is the ordinal position of the capturing group in the regular expression. For example, \4 matches the contents of the fourth capturing group.

There is an ambiguity between octal escape codes (such as \16) and \number backreferences that use the same notation. If the ambiguity is a problem, you can use the \k&lt;name&gt; notation, which is unambiguous and cannot be confused with octal character codes. Similarly, hexadecimal codes such as \xdd are unambiguous and cannot be confused with backreferences.</source>
        <target state="new">A numbered backreference, where 'number' is the ordinal position of the capturing group in the regular expression. For example, \4 matches the contents of the fourth capturing group.

There is an ambiguity between octal escape codes (such as \16) and \number backreferences that use the same notation. If the ambiguity is a problem, you can use the \k&lt;name&gt; notation, which is unambiguous and cannot be confused with octal character codes. Similarly, hexadecimal codes such as \xdd are unambiguous and cannot be confused with backreferences.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_numbered_backreference_short">
        <source>numbered backreference</source>
        <target state="new">numbered backreference</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_other_control">
        <source>other, control</source>
        <target state="new">other, control</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_other_format">
        <source>other, format</source>
        <target state="new">other, format</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_other_not_assigned">
        <source>other, not assigned</source>
        <target state="new">other, not assigned</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_other_private_use">
        <source>other, private use</source>
        <target state="new">other, private use</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_other_surrogate">
        <source>other, surrogate</source>
        <target state="new">other, surrogate</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_positive_character_group_long">
        <source>A positive character group specifies a list of characters, any one of which may appear in an input string for a match to occur.</source>
        <target state="new">A positive character group specifies a list of characters, any one of which may appear in an input string for a match to occur.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_positive_character_group_short">
        <source>positive character group</source>
        <target state="new">positive character group</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_positive_character_range_long">
        <source>A positive character range specifies a range of characters, any one of which may appear in an input string for a match to occur.  'firstCharacter' is the character that begins the range and 'lastCharacter' is the character that ends the range. </source>
        <target state="new">A positive character range specifies a range of characters, any one of which may appear in an input string for a match to occur.  'firstCharacter' is the character that begins the range and 'lastCharacter' is the character that ends the range. </target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_positive_character_range_short">
        <source>positive character range</source>
        <target state="new">positive character range</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_close">
        <source>punctuation, close</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, close</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_connector">
        <source>punctuation, connector</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, connector</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_dash">
        <source>punctuation, dash</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, dash</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_final_quote">
        <source>punctuation, final quote</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, final quote</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_initial_quote">
        <source>punctuation, initial quote</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, initial quote</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_open">
        <source>punctuation, open</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, open</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_punctuation_other">
        <source>punctuation, other</source>
        <target state="new">punctuation, other</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_separator_line">
        <source>separator, line</source>
        <target state="new">separator, line</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_separator_paragraph">
        <source>separator, paragraph</source>
        <target state="new">separator, paragraph</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_separator_space">
        <source>separator, space</source>
        <target state="new">separator, space</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_start_of_string_only_long">
        <source>The \A anchor specifies that a match must occur at the beginning of the input string. It is identical to the ^ anchor, except that \A ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Therefore, it can only match the start of the first line in a multiline input string.</source>
        <target state="new">The \A anchor specifies that a match must occur at the beginning of the input string. It is identical to the ^ anchor, except that \A ignores the RegexOptions.Multiline option. Therefore, it can only match the start of the first line in a multiline input string.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_start_of_string_only_short">
        <source>start of string only</source>
        <target state="new">start of string only</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_start_of_string_or_line_long">
        <source>The ^ anchor specifies that the following pattern must begin at the first character position of the string. If you use ^ with the RegexOptions.Multiline option, the match must occur at the beginning of each line.</source>
        <target state="new">The ^ anchor specifies that the following pattern must begin at the first character position of the string. If you use ^ with the RegexOptions.Multiline option, the match must occur at the beginning of each line.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_start_of_string_or_line_short">
        <source>start of string or line</source>
        <target state="new">start of string or line</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_subexpression">
        <target state="new">subexpression</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_symbol_currency">
        <source>symbol, currency</source>
        <target state="new">symbol, currency</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_symbol_math">
        <source>symbol, math</source>
        <target state="new">symbol, math</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_symbol_modifier">
        <source>symbol, modifier</source>
        <target state="new">symbol, modifier</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_symbol_other">
        <source>symbol, other</source>
        <target state="new">symbol, other</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_tab_character_long">
        <source>Matches a tab character, \u0009</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a tab character, \u0009</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_tab_character_short">
        <source>tab character</source>
        <target state="new">tab character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_unicode_category_long">
        <source>The regular expression construct \p{ name } matches any character that belongs to a Unicode general category or named block, where name is the category abbreviation or named block name.</source>
        <target state="new">The regular expression construct \p{ name } matches any character that belongs to a Unicode general category or named block, where name is the category abbreviation or named block name.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_unicode_category_short">
        <source>unicode category</source>
        <target state="new">unicode category</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_unicode_escape_long">
        <source>Matches a UTF-16 code unit whose value is #### hexadecimal.</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a UTF-16 code unit whose value is #### hexadecimal.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_unicode_escape_short">
        <source>unicode escape</source>
        <target state="new">unicode escape</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_unicode_general_category_0">
        <source>Unicode General Category: {0}</source>
        <target state="new">Unicode General Category: {0}</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_vertical_tab_character_long">
        <source>Matches a vertical-tab character, \u000B</source>
        <target state="new">Matches a vertical-tab character, \u000B</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_vertical_tab_character_short">
        <source>vertical-tab character</source>
        <target state="new">vertical-tab character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_white_space_character_long">
        <source>\s matches any white-space character. It is equivalent to the following escape sequences and Unicode categories:

    \f	The form feed character, \u000C
    \n	The newline character, \u000A
    \r	The carriage return character, \u000D
    \t	The tab character, \u0009
    \v	The vertical tab character, \u000B
    \x85	The ellipsis or NEXT LINE (NEL) character (…), \u0085
    \p{Z}	Matches any separator character

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \s is equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v]</source>
        <target state="new">\s matches any white-space character. It is equivalent to the following escape sequences and Unicode categories:

    \f	The form feed character, \u000C
    \n	The newline character, \u000A
    \r	The carriage return character, \u000D
    \t	The tab character, \u0009
    \v	The vertical tab character, \u000B
    \x85	The ellipsis or NEXT LINE (NEL) character (…), \u0085
    \p{Z}	Matches any separator character

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \s is equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v]</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_white_space_character_short">
        <source>white-space character</source>
        <target state="new">white-space character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_word_boundary_long">
        <source>The \b anchor specifies that the match must occur on a boundary between a word character (the \w language element) and a non-word character (the \W language element). Word characters consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores; a non-word character is any character that is not alphanumeric or an underscore. The match may also occur on a word boundary at the beginning or end of the string.

The \b anchor is frequently used to ensure that a subexpression matches an entire word instead of just the beginning or end of a word.</source>
        <target state="new">The \b anchor specifies that the match must occur on a boundary between a word character (the \w language element) and a non-word character (the \W language element). Word characters consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores; a non-word character is any character that is not alphanumeric or an underscore. The match may also occur on a word boundary at the beginning or end of the string.

The \b anchor is frequently used to ensure that a subexpression matches an entire word instead of just the beginning or end of a word.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_word_boundary_short">
        <source>word boundary</source>
        <target state="new">word boundary</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_word_character_long">
        <source>\w matches any word character. A word character is a member of any of the following Unicode categories:

    Ll	Letter, Lowercase
    Lu	Letter, Uppercase
    Lt	Letter, Titlecase
    Lo	Letter, Other
    Lm	Letter, Modifier
    Mn	Mark, Nonspacing
    Nd	Number, Decimal Digit
    Pc	Punctuation, Connector

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z_0-9]</source>
        <target state="new">\w matches any word character. A word character is a member of any of the following Unicode categories:

    Ll	Letter, Lowercase
    Lu	Letter, Uppercase
    Lt	Letter, Titlecase
    Lo	Letter, Other
    Lm	Letter, Modifier
    Mn	Mark, Nonspacing
    Nd	Number, Decimal Digit
    Pc	Punctuation, Connector

If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified, \w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z_0-9]</target>
        <note>Note: Ll, Lu, Lt, Lo, Lm, Mn, Nd, and Pc are all things that should not be localized.</note>
      <trans-unit id="Regex_word_character_short">
        <source>word character</source>
        <target state="new">word character</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_yes">
        <target state="new">yes</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_negative_lookahead_assertion_long">
        <source>A zero-width negative lookahead assertion, where for the match to be successful, the input string must not match the regular expression pattern in subexpression. The matched string is not included in the match result.

A zero-width negative lookahead assertion is typically used either at the beginning or at the end of a regular expression. At the beginning of a regular expression, it can define a specific pattern that should not be matched when the beginning of the regular expression defines a similar but more general pattern to be matched. In this case, it is often used to limit backtracking. At the end of a regular expression, it can define a subexpression that cannot occur at the end of a match.</source>
        <target state="new">A zero-width negative lookahead assertion, where for the match to be successful, the input string must not match the regular expression pattern in subexpression. The matched string is not included in the match result.

A zero-width negative lookahead assertion is typically used either at the beginning or at the end of a regular expression. At the beginning of a regular expression, it can define a specific pattern that should not be matched when the beginning of the regular expression defines a similar but more general pattern to be matched. In this case, it is often used to limit backtracking. At the end of a regular expression, it can define a subexpression that cannot occur at the end of a match.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_negative_lookahead_assertion_short">
        <source>zero-width negative lookahead assertion</source>
        <target state="new">zero-width negative lookahead assertion</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_negative_lookbehind_assertion_long">
        <source>A zero-width negative lookbehind assertion, where for a match to be successful, 'subexpression' must not occur at the input string to the left of the current position. Any substring that does not match 'subexpression' is not included in the match result.

Zero-width negative lookbehind assertions are typically used at the beginning of regular expressions. The pattern that they define precludes a match in the string that follows. They are also used to limit backtracking when the last character or characters in a captured group must not be one or more of the characters that match that group's regular expression pattern.</source>
        <target state="new">A zero-width negative lookbehind assertion, where for a match to be successful, 'subexpression' must not occur at the input string to the left of the current position. Any substring that does not match 'subexpression' is not included in the match result.

Zero-width negative lookbehind assertions are typically used at the beginning of regular expressions. The pattern that they define precludes a match in the string that follows. They are also used to limit backtracking when the last character or characters in a captured group must not be one or more of the characters that match that group's regular expression pattern.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_negative_lookbehind_assertion_short">
        <source>zero-width negative lookbehind assertion</source>
        <target state="new">zero-width negative lookbehind assertion</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_positive_lookahead_assertion_long">
        <source>A zero-width positive lookahead assertion, where for a match to be successful, the input string must match the regular expression pattern in 'subexpression'. The matched substring is not included in the match result. A zero-width positive lookahead assertion does not backtrack.

Typically, a zero-width positive lookahead assertion is found at the end of a regular expression pattern. It defines a substring that must be found at the end of a string for a match to occur but that should not be included in the match. It is also useful for preventing excessive backtracking. You can use a zero-width positive lookahead assertion to ensure that a particular captured group begins with text that matches a subset of the pattern defined for that captured group.</source>
        <target state="new">A zero-width positive lookahead assertion, where for a match to be successful, the input string must match the regular expression pattern in 'subexpression'. The matched substring is not included in the match result. A zero-width positive lookahead assertion does not backtrack.

Typically, a zero-width positive lookahead assertion is found at the end of a regular expression pattern. It defines a substring that must be found at the end of a string for a match to occur but that should not be included in the match. It is also useful for preventing excessive backtracking. You can use a zero-width positive lookahead assertion to ensure that a particular captured group begins with text that matches a subset of the pattern defined for that captured group.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_positive_lookahead_assertion_short">
        <source>zero-width positive lookahead assertion</source>
        <target state="new">zero-width positive lookahead assertion</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_positive_lookbehind_assertion_long">
        <source>A zero-width positive lookbehind assertion, where for a match to be successful, 'subexpression' must occur at the input string to the left of the current position. 'subexpression' is not included in the match result. A zero-width positive lookbehind assertion does not backtrack.

Zero-width positive lookbehind assertions are typically used at the beginning of regular expressions. The pattern that they define is a precondition for a match, although it is not a part of the match result.</source>
        <target state="new">A zero-width positive lookbehind assertion, where for a match to be successful, 'subexpression' must occur at the input string to the left of the current position. 'subexpression' is not included in the match result. A zero-width positive lookbehind assertion does not backtrack.

Zero-width positive lookbehind assertions are typically used at the beginning of regular expressions. The pattern that they define is a precondition for a match, although it is not a part of the match result.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Regex_zero_width_positive_lookbehind_assertion_short">
        <source>zero-width positive lookbehind assertion</source>
        <target state="new">zero-width positive lookbehind assertion</target>
        <note />
1768 1769
      <trans-unit id="Related_method_signatures_found_in_metadata_will_not_be_updated">
        <source>Related method signatures found in metadata will not be updated.</source>
        <target state="translated">將不會更新中繼資料中所找到的相關方法簽章。</target>
1771 1772
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1773 1774
      <trans-unit id="Replace_0_with_1">
        <source>Replace '{0}' with '{1}' </source>
        <target state="translated">將 ‘{0}’ 取代為 ‘{1}'</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1776 1777
        <note />
1778 1779
      <trans-unit id="Resolve_conflict_markers">
        <source>Resolve conflict markers</source>
        <target state="translated">解決衝突標記</target>
1781 1782
        <note />
1783 1784
      <trans-unit id="RudeEdit">
        <source>Rude edit</source>
        <target state="translated">粗略編輯</target>
1786 1787
        <note />
1788 1789
      <trans-unit id="Split_into_consecutive_0_statements">
        <source>Split into consecutive '{0}' statements</source>
        <target state="translated">分割成連續的 '{0}' 陳述式</target>
1791 1792
        <note />
Šimon Koníček 已提交
1793 1794
      <trans-unit id="Split_into_nested_0_statements">
        <source>Split into nested '{0}' statements</source>
        <target state="translated">分割成巢狀 '{0}' 陳述式</target>
Šimon Koníček 已提交
1796 1797
        <note />
1798 1799
      <trans-unit id="StreamMustSupportReadAndSeek">
        <source>Stream must support read and seek operations.</source>
        <target state="translated">資料流必須支援讀取及搜尋作業。</target>
1801 1802
        <note />
1803 1804
      <trans-unit id="Suppress_0">
        <source>Suppress {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">隱藏 {0}</target>
1806 1807
        <note />
1808 1809
      <trans-unit id="TODO_colon_free_unmanaged_resources_unmanaged_objects_and_override_finalizer">
        <source>TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override finalizer</source>
        <target state="translated">TODO: 釋出非受控資源 (非受控物件) 並覆寫完成項</target>
1811 1812 1813 1814
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="TODO_colon_override_finalizer_only_if_0_has_code_to_free_unmanaged_resources">
        <source>TODO: override finalizer only if '{0}' has code to free unmanaged resources</source>
        <target state="translated">TODO: 僅有當 '{0}' 具有會釋出非受控資源的程式碼時,才覆寫完成項</target>
1816 1817
        <note />
1818 1819
      <trans-unit id="Target_type_matches">
        <source>Target type matches</source>
        <target state="translated">目標類型相符項目</target>
1821 1822
        <note />
1823 1824
      <trans-unit id="The_selection_contains_a_local_function_call_without_its_declaration">
        <source>The selection contains a local function call without its declaration.</source>
        <target state="translated">選取範圍包含區域函式呼叫,但不含其宣告。</target>
1826 1827
        <note />
1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837
      <trans-unit id="Too_many_bars_in_conditional_grouping">
        <source>Too many | in (?()|)</source>
        <target state="new">Too many | in (?()|)</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?(0)a|b|)</note>
      <trans-unit id="Too_many_close_parens">
        <source>Too many )'s</source>
        <target state="new">Too many )'s</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: )</note>
1838 1839
      <trans-unit id="UnableToReadSourceFileOrPdb">
        <source>Unable to read source file '{0}' or the PDB built for the containing project. Any changes made to this file while debugging won't be applied until its content matches the built source.</source>
        <target state="translated">無法讀取來源檔案 '{0}' 或為包含該檔案之專案所建置的 PDB。等到此檔案的內容與已建置的來源一致後,才會套用於偵錯期間對此檔案所做的所有變更。</target>
1841 1842
        <note />
1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877
      <trans-unit id="Unknown_property">
        <source>Unknown property</source>
        <target state="new">Unknown property</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \p{}</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unknown_property_0">
        <source>Unknown property '{0}'</source>
        <target state="new">Unknown property '{0}'</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \p{xxx}. Here, {0} will be the name of the unknown property ('xxx')</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unrecognized_control_character">
        <source>Unrecognized control character</source>
        <target state="new">Unrecognized control character</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: [\c]</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unrecognized_escape_sequence_0">
        <source>Unrecognized escape sequence \{0}</source>
        <target state="new">Unrecognized escape sequence \{0}</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: \m. Here, {0} will be the unrecognized character ('m')</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unrecognized_grouping_construct">
        <source>Unrecognized grouping construct</source>
        <target state="new">Unrecognized grouping construct</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?&lt;</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unterminated_character_class_set">
        <source>Unterminated [] set</source>
        <target state="new">Unterminated [] set</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: [</note>
      <trans-unit id="Unterminated_regex_comment">
        <source>Unterminated (?#...) comment</source>
        <target state="new">Unterminated (?#...) comment</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: (?#</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1878 1879
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_all_arguments">
        <source>Unwrap all arguments</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有引數取消換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1881 1882
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1883 1884
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_all_parameters">
        <source>Unwrap all parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有參數取消換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1886 1887
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1888 1889
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_and_indent_all_arguments">
        <source>Unwrap and indent all arguments</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有引數取消換行並縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1891 1892
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1893 1894
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_and_indent_all_parameters">
        <source>Unwrap and indent all parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">將所有參數取消換行並縮排</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1896 1897 1898 1899
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_argument_list">
        <source>Unwrap argument list</source>
        <target state="translated">將引數清單取消換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1901 1902
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1903 1904
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_call_chain">
        <source>Unwrap call chain</source>
        <target state="translated">將呼叫鏈取消包裝</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1906 1907
        <note />
1908 1909
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_expression">
        <source>Unwrap expression</source>
        <target state="translated">將運算式取消換行</target>
1911 1912
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1913 1914
      <trans-unit id="Unwrap_parameter_list">
        <source>Unwrap parameter list</source>
        <target state="translated">將參數清單取消換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1916 1917
        <note />
1918 1919
      <trans-unit id="Updating_a_0_around_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating a '{0}' around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新使用中陳述式前後的 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
1921 1922
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="UseRecommendedDisposePatternDescription">
nnpcYvIVl 已提交
        <source>Use recommended dispose pattern to ensure that locally scoped disposable objects are disposed on all paths. If possible, wrap the creation within a 'using' statement or a 'using' declaration. Otherwise, use a try-finally pattern, with a dedicated local variable declared before the try region and an unconditional Dispose invocation on non-null value in the 'finally' region, say 'x?.Dispose()'. If the object is explicitly disposed within the try region or the dispose ownership is transferred to another object or method, assign 'null' to the local variable just after such an operation to prevent double dispose in 'finally'</source>
        <target state="translated">請使用建議的處置模式,確保區域範圍的可處置物件在所有路徑上均會經過處置。在可能的情況下,請將建立包在 'using' 陳述式或 'using' 宣告內。否則,請使用 try-finally 模式,同時在 try 區域之前先宣告專用的區域變數,並在 'finally' 區域中的非 null 值上,設定無條件 Dispose 引動過程,比如 'x?.Dispose()'。如果 try 區域內已明確地處置了該物件,或是處置擁有權已轉移到另一個物件或方法,則請在這類作業之後,對區域變數指派 'null',以避免在 'finally' 中發生雙重處置</target>
1926 1927
        <note />
1928 1929
      <trans-unit id="Use_block_body_for_lambda_expressions">
        <source>Use block body for lambda expressions</source>
        <target state="translated">使用 Lambda 運算式的區塊主體</target>
1931 1932 1933 1934
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_expression_body_for_lambda_expressions">
        <source>Use expression body for lambda expressions</source>
        <target state="translated">使用 Lambda 運算式的運算式主體</target>
1936 1937
        <note />
1938 1939
      <trans-unit id="Use_interpolated_verbatim_string">
        <source>Use interpolated verbatim string</source>
        <target state="translated">使用插入的逐字字串</target>
1941 1942
        <note />
1943 1944
      <trans-unit id="Use_recommended_dispose_pattern">
        <source>Use recommended dispose pattern</source>
        <target state="translated">使用建議的處置模式</target>
1946 1947 1948 1949
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_recommended_dispose_pattern_to_ensure_that_object_created_by_0_is_disposed_on_all_paths_using_statement_declaration_or_try_finally">
        <source>Use recommended dispose pattern to ensure that object created by '{0}' is disposed on all paths: using statement/declaration or try/finally</source>
        <target state="translated">請使用建議的處置模式,確保 '{0}' 建立的物件在所有路徑上均會經過處置: using 陳述式/宣告或 try/finally</target>
1951 1952
        <note>{Locked="using"}{Locked="try"}{Locked="finally"} "using", "try" and "finally" are C# keywords and should not be localized.</note>
1953 1954
      <trans-unit id="Value_colon">
        <target state="translated">值:</target>
1956 1957
        <note />
1958 1959
      <trans-unit id="Warning_colon_changing_namespace_may_produce_invalid_code_and_change_code_meaning">
        <source>Warning: Changing namespace may produce invalid code and change code meaning.</source>
        <target state="translated">警告: 變更命名空間可能會產生無效的程式碼及變更程式碼意義。</target>
1961 1962
        <note />
1963 1964
      <trans-unit id="Warning_colon_semantics_may_change_when_converting_statement">
        <source>Warning: Semantics may change when converting statement.</source>
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
        <target state="translated">警告: 轉換陳述式時,語意可能會變更。</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_and_align_call_chain">
        <source>Wrap and align call chain</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝並對齊呼叫鏈</target>
1971 1972
        <note />
1973 1974
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_and_align_expression">
        <source>Wrap and align expression</source>
        <target state="translated">換行並對齊運算式</target>
1976 1977
        <note />
1978 1979
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_and_align_long_call_chain">
        <source>Wrap and align long call chain</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝並對齊長呼叫鏈</target>
1981 1982
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1983 1984
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_call_chain">
        <source>Wrap call chain</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝呼叫鏈</target>
1986 1987
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1988 1989
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_every_argument">
        <source>Wrap every argument</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝每個引數</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1991 1992 1993 1994
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_every_parameter">
        <source>Wrap every parameter</source>
        <target state="translated">將每個參數換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
1996 1997
        <note />
1998 1999
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_expression">
        <source>Wrap expression</source>
        <target state="translated">換行運算式</target>
2001 2002
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2003 2004
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_long_argument_list">
        <source>Wrap long argument list</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝長引數清單</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2006 2007
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2008 2009
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_long_call_chain">
        <source>Wrap long call chain</source>
        <target state="translated">包裝長呼叫鏈</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2011 2012
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2013 2014
      <trans-unit id="Wrap_long_parameter_list">
        <source>Wrap long parameter list</source>
        <target state="translated">將長參數清單換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2016 2017
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2018 2019
      <trans-unit id="Wrapping">
        <target state="translated">換行</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2021 2022
        <note />
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032
      <trans-unit id="_0_cannot_be_null_or_empty">
        <source>'{0}' cannot be null or empty</source>
        <target state="new">'{0}' cannot be null or empty</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_0_cannot_be_null_or_whitespace">
        <source>'{0}' cannot be null or whitespace</source>
        <target state="new">'{0}' cannot be null or whitespace</target>
        <note />
2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042
      <trans-unit id="_0_is_not_null_here">
        <source>'{0}' is not null here.</source>
        <target state="new">'{0}' is not null here.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_0_may_be_null_here">
        <source>'{0}' may be null here.</source>
        <target state="new">'{0}' may be null here.</target>
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338
      <trans-unit id="_10000000ths_of_a_second">
        <source>10,000,000ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">10,000,000ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000000ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "fffffff" custom format specifier represents the seven most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the ten millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "fffffff" custom format specifier represents the seven most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the ten millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000000ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>10,000,000ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">10,000,000ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000000ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FFFFFFF" custom format specifier represents the seven most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or seven zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the ten millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FFFFFFF" custom format specifier represents the seven most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten millionths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or seven zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the ten millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000000ths_of_a_second">
        <source>1,000,000ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">1,000,000ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000000ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "ffffff" custom format specifier represents the six most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the millionths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "ffffff" custom format specifier represents the six most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the millionths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000000ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>1,000,000ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">1,000,000ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000000ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FFFFFF" custom format specifier represents the six most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the millionths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or six zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FFFFFF" custom format specifier represents the six most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the millionths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or six zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the millionths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100000ths_of_a_second">
        <source>100,000ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">100,000ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100000ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "fffff" custom format specifier represents the five most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the hundred thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "fffff" custom format specifier represents the five most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the hundred thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100000ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>100,000ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">100,000ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100000ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FFFFF" custom format specifier represents the five most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or five zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the hundred thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FFFFF" custom format specifier represents the five most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundred thousandths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or five zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the hundred thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000ths_of_a_second">
        <source>10,000ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">10,000ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "ffff" custom format specifier represents the four most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the ten thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT version 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "ffff" custom format specifier represents the four most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value.

Although it's possible to display the ten thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT version 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>10,000ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">10,000ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10000ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FFFF" custom format specifier represents the four most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or four zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the ten thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FFFF" custom format specifier represents the four most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the ten thousandths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or four zero digits aren't displayed.

Although it's possible to display the ten thousandths of a second component of a time value, that value may not be meaningful. The precision of date and time values depends on the resolution of the system clock. On the Windows NT 3.5 (and later) and Windows Vista operating systems, the clock's resolution is approximately 10-15 milliseconds.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000ths_of_a_second">
        <source>1,000ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">1,000ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "fff" custom format specifier represents the three most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the milliseconds in a date and time value.</source>
        <target state="new">The "fff" custom format specifier represents the three most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the milliseconds in a date and time value.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>1,000ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">1,000ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_1000ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FFF" custom format specifier represents the three most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the milliseconds in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or three zero digits aren't displayed.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FFF" custom format specifier represents the three most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the milliseconds in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or three zero digits aren't displayed.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100ths_of_a_second">
        <source>100ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">100ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "ff" custom format specifier represents the two most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundredths of a second in a date and time value.</source>
        <target state="new">The "ff" custom format specifier represents the two most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundredths of a second in a date and time value.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>100ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">100ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_100ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "FF" custom format specifier represents the two most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundredths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or two zero digits aren't displayed.</source>
        <target state="new">The "FF" custom format specifier represents the two most significant digits of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the hundredths of a second in a date and time value. However, trailing zeros or two zero digits aren't displayed.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10ths_of_a_second">
        <source>10ths of a second</source>
        <target state="new">10ths of a second</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10ths_of_a_second_description">
        <source>The "f" custom format specifier represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the tenths of a second in a date and time value.

If the "f" format specifier is used without other format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "f" standard date and time format specifier.

When you use "f" format specifiers as part of a format string supplied to the ParseExact, TryParseExact, ParseExact, or TryParseExact method, the number of "f" format specifiers indicates the number of most significant digits of the seconds fraction that must be present to successfully parse the string.</source>
        <target state="new">The "f" custom format specifier represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the tenths of a second in a date and time value.

If the "f" format specifier is used without other format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "f" standard date and time format specifier.

When you use "f" format specifiers as part of a format string supplied to the ParseExact, TryParseExact, ParseExact, or TryParseExact method, the number of "f" format specifiers indicates the number of most significant digits of the seconds fraction that must be present to successfully parse the string.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10ths_of_a_second_non_zero">
        <source>10ths of a second (non-zero)</source>
        <target state="new">10ths of a second (non-zero)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_10ths_of_a_second_non_zero_description">
        <source>The "F" custom format specifier represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the tenths of a second in a date and time value. Nothing is displayed if the digit is zero.

If the "F" format specifier is used without other format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "F" standard date and time format specifier.

The number of "F" format specifiers used with the ParseExact, TryParseExact, ParseExact, or TryParseExact method indicates the maximum number of most significant digits of the seconds fraction that can be present to successfully parse the string.</source>
        <target state="new">The "F" custom format specifier represents the most significant digit of the seconds fraction; that is, it represents the tenths of a second in a date and time value. Nothing is displayed if the digit is zero.

If the "F" format specifier is used without other format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "F" standard date and time format specifier.

The number of "F" format specifiers used with the ParseExact, TryParseExact, ParseExact, or TryParseExact method indicates the maximum number of most significant digits of the seconds fraction that can be present to successfully parse the string.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_12_hour_clock_1_2_digits">
        <source>12 hour clock (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">12 hour clock (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_12_hour_clock_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "h" custom format specifier represents the hour as a number from 1 through 12; that is, the hour is represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon. A particular hour after midnight is indistinguishable from the same hour after noon. The hour is not rounded, and a single-digit hour is formatted without a leading zero. For example, given a time of 5:43 in the morning or afternoon, this custom format specifier displays "5".

If the "h" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">The "h" custom format specifier represents the hour as a number from 1 through 12; that is, the hour is represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon. A particular hour after midnight is indistinguishable from the same hour after noon. The hour is not rounded, and a single-digit hour is formatted without a leading zero. For example, given a time of 5:43 in the morning or afternoon, this custom format specifier displays "5".

If the "h" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_12_hour_clock_2_digits">
        <source>12 hour clock (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">12 hour clock (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_12_hour_clock_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "hh" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "h" specifiers) represents the hour as a number from 01 through 12; that is, the hour is represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon. A particular hour after midnight is indistinguishable from the same hour after noon. The hour is not rounded, and a single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero. For example, given a time of 5:43 in the morning or afternoon, this format specifier displays "05".</source>
        <target state="new">The "hh" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "h" specifiers) represents the hour as a number from 01 through 12; that is, the hour is represented by a 12-hour clock that counts the whole hours since midnight or noon. A particular hour after midnight is indistinguishable from the same hour after noon. The hour is not rounded, and a single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero. For example, given a time of 5:43 in the morning or afternoon, this format specifier displays "05".</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_24_hour_clock_1_2_digits">
        <source>24 hour clock (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">24 hour clock (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_24_hour_clock_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "H" custom format specifier represents the hour as a number from 0 through 23; that is, the hour is represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight. A single-digit hour is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "H" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">The "H" custom format specifier represents the hour as a number from 0 through 23; that is, the hour is represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight. A single-digit hour is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "H" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_24_hour_clock_2_digits">
        <source>24 hour clock (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">24 hour clock (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_24_hour_clock_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "HH" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "H" specifiers) represents the hour as a number from 00 through 23; that is, the hour is represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight. A single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">The "HH" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "H" specifiers) represents the hour as a number from 00 through 23; that is, the hour is represented by a zero-based 24-hour clock that counts the hours since midnight. A single-digit hour is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="date_separator">
        <source>date separator</source>
        <target state="new">date separator</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="date_separator_description">
        <source>The "/" custom format specifier represents the date separator, which is used to differentiate years, months, and days. The appropriate localized date separator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator property of the current or specified culture.

Note: To change the date separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. For example, the custom format string mm'/'dd'/'yyyy produces a result string in which "/" is always used as the date separator. To change the date separator for all dates for a culture, either change the value of the DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator property of the current culture, or instantiate a DateTimeFormatInfo object, assign the character to its DateSeparator property, and call an overload of the formatting method that includes an IFormatProvider parameter.

If the "/" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">The "/" custom format specifier represents the date separator, which is used to differentiate years, months, and days. The appropriate localized date separator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator property of the current or specified culture.

Note: To change the date separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. For example, the custom format string mm'/'dd'/'yyyy produces a result string in which "/" is always used as the date separator. To change the date separator for all dates for a culture, either change the value of the DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator property of the current culture, or instantiate a DateTimeFormatInfo object, assign the character to its DateSeparator property, and call an overload of the formatting method that includes an IFormatProvider parameter.

If the "/" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_month_1_2_digits">
        <source>day of the month (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">day of the month (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_month_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "d" custom format specifier represents the day of the month as a number from 1 through 31. A single-digit day is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "d" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "d" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "d" custom format specifier represents the day of the month as a number from 1 through 31. A single-digit day is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "d" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "d" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_month_2_digits">
        <source>day of the month (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">day of the month (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_month_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "dd" custom format string represents the day of the month as a number from 01 through 31. A single-digit day is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">The "dd" custom format string represents the day of the month as a number from 01 through 31. A single-digit day is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_week_abbreviated">
        <source>day of the week (abbreviated)</source>
        <target state="new">day of the week (abbreviated)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_week_abbreviated_description">
        <source>The "ddd" custom format specifier represents the abbreviated name of the day of the week. The localized abbreviated name of the day of the week is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames property of the current or specified culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "ddd" custom format specifier represents the abbreviated name of the day of the week. The localized abbreviated name of the day of the week is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames property of the current or specified culture.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_week_full">
        <source>day of the week (full)</source>
        <target state="new">day of the week (full)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="day_of_the_week_full_description">
        <source>The "dddd" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "d" specifiers) represents the full name of the day of the week. The localized name of the day of the week is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.DayNames property of the current or specified culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "dddd" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "d" specifiers) represents the full name of the day of the week. The localized name of the day of the week is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.DayNames property of the current or specified culture.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2339 2340
        <note />
2341 2342
      <trans-unit id="discard">
        <target state="translated">捨棄</target>
2344 2345
        <note />
2346 2347 2348 2349 2350
      <trans-unit id="from_metadata">
        <source>from metadata</source>
        <target state="new">from metadata</target>
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372
      <trans-unit id="full_long_date_time">
        <source>full long date/time</source>
        <target state="new">full long date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="full_long_date_time_description">
        <source>The "F" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.FullDateTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss".</source>
        <target state="new">The "F" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.FullDateTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss".</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="full_short_date_time">
        <source>full short date/time</source>
        <target state="new">full short date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="full_short_date_time_description">
        <source>The Full Date Short Time ("f") Format Specifier

The "f" standard format specifier represents a combination of the long date ("D") and short time ("t") patterns, separated by a space.</source>
        <target state="new">The Full Date Short Time ("f") Format Specifier

The "f" standard format specifier represents a combination of the long date ("D") and short time ("t") patterns, separated by a space.</target>
2373 2374
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2375 2376 2377
      <trans-unit id="general_long_date_time">
        <source>general long date/time</source>
        <target state="new">general long date/time</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2378 2379
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2380 2381 2382
      <trans-unit id="general_long_date_time_description">
        <source>The "G" standard format specifier represents a combination of the short date ("d") and long time ("T") patterns, separated by a space.</source>
        <target state="new">The "G" standard format specifier represents a combination of the short date ("d") and long time ("T") patterns, separated by a space.</target>
2383 2384
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2385 2386 2387
      <trans-unit id="general_short_date_time">
        <source>general short date/time</source>
        <target state="new">general short date/time</target>
2388 2389
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2390 2391 2392
      <trans-unit id="general_short_date_time_description">
        <source>The "g" standard format specifier represents a combination of the short date ("d") and short time ("t") patterns, separated by a space.</source>
        <target state="new">The "g" standard format specifier represents a combination of the short date ("d") and short time ("t") patterns, separated by a space.</target>
2393 2394
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
2395 2396
      <trans-unit id="generic_overload">
        <source>generic overload</source>
        <target state="translated">泛型多載</target>
2398 2399
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
2400 2401
      <trans-unit id="generic_overloads">
        <source>generic overloads</source>
        <target state="translated">泛型多載</target>
2403 2404
        <note />
2405 2406
      <trans-unit id="in_Source_attribute">
        <source>in Source (attribute)</source>
        <target state="translated">在來源中 (屬性)</target>
2408 2409
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2410 2411 2412
      <trans-unit id="long_date">
        <source>long date</source>
        <target state="new">long date</target>
2413 2414
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2415 2416 2417
      <trans-unit id="long_date_description">
        <source>The "D" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.LongDatePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy".</source>
        <target state="new">The "D" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.LongDatePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy".</target>
2418 2419
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2420 2421 2422
      <trans-unit id="long_time">
        <source>long time</source>
        <target state="new">long time</target>
2423 2424
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2425 2426 2427
      <trans-unit id="long_time_description">
        <source>The "T" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specific culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.LongTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "HH:mm:ss".</source>
        <target state="new">The "T" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specific culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.LongTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "HH:mm:ss".</target>
2428 2429
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2430 2431 2432
      <trans-unit id="minute_1_2_digits">
        <source>minute (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">minute (1-2 digits)</target>
2433 2434
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441
      <trans-unit id="minute_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "m" custom format specifier represents the minute as a number from 0 through 59. The minute represents whole minutes that have passed since the last hour. A single-digit minute is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "m" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "m" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "m" custom format specifier represents the minute as a number from 0 through 59. The minute represents whole minutes that have passed since the last hour. A single-digit minute is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "m" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "m" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
2442 2443
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2444 2445 2446
      <trans-unit id="minute_2_digits">
        <source>minute (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">minute (2 digits)</target>
2447 2448
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2449 2450 2451
      <trans-unit id="minute_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "mm" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "m" specifiers) represents the minute as a number from 00 through 59. The minute represents whole minutes that have passed since the last hour. A single-digit minute is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">The "mm" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "m" specifiers) represents the minute as a number from 00 through 59. The minute represents whole minutes that have passed since the last hour. A single-digit minute is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2452 2453
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2454 2455 2456
      <trans-unit id="month_1_2_digits">
        <source>month (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">month (1-2 digits)</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2457 2458
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465
      <trans-unit id="month_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "M" custom format specifier represents the month as a number from 1 through 12 (or from 1 through 13 for calendars that have 13 months). A single-digit month is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "M" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "M" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "M" custom format specifier represents the month as a number from 1 through 12 (or from 1 through 13 for calendars that have 13 months). A single-digit month is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "M" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "M" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
2466 2467
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2468 2469 2470
      <trans-unit id="month_2_digits">
        <source>month (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">month (2 digits)</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2471 2472
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2473 2474 2475
      <trans-unit id="month_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "MM" custom format specifier represents the month as a number from 01 through 12 (or from 1 through 13 for calendars that have 13 months). A single-digit month is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">The "MM" custom format specifier represents the month as a number from 01 through 12 (or from 1 through 13 for calendars that have 13 months). A single-digit month is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2476 2477
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2478 2479 2480
      <trans-unit id="month_abbreviated">
        <source>month (abbreviated)</source>
        <target state="new">month (abbreviated)</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2481 2482
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2483 2484 2485
      <trans-unit id="month_abbreviated_description">
        <source>The "MMM" custom format specifier represents the abbreviated name of the month. The localized abbreviated name of the month is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames property of the current or specified culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "MMM" custom format specifier represents the abbreviated name of the month. The localized abbreviated name of the month is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames property of the current or specified culture.</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2486 2487
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2488 2489 2490
      <trans-unit id="month_day">
        <source>month day</source>
        <target state="new">month day</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2491 2492
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2493 2494 2495
      <trans-unit id="month_day_description">
        <source>The "M" or "m" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "MMMM dd".</source>
        <target state="new">The "M" or "m" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthDayPattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "MMMM dd".</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2496 2497
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505
      <trans-unit id="month_full">
        <source>month (full)</source>
        <target state="new">month (full)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="month_full_description">
        <source>The "MMMM" custom format specifier represents the full name of the month. The localized name of the month is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthNames property of the current or specified culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "MMMM" custom format specifier represents the full name of the month. The localized name of the month is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.MonthNames property of the current or specified culture.</target>
2506 2507
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
2508 2509
      <trans-unit id="overload">
        <target state="translated">多載</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2511 2512 2513 2514
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="overloads_">
        <target state="translated">多載</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2516 2517 2518 2519
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_0_Keyword">
        <source>{0} Keyword</source>
        <target state="translated">{0} 關鍵字</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2521 2522 2523 2524
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Encapsulate_field_colon_0_and_use_property">
        <source>Encapsulate field: '{0}' (and use property)</source>
        <target state="translated">封裝欄位: '{0}' (並使用屬性)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2526 2527 2528 2529
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Encapsulate_field_colon_0_but_still_use_field">
        <source>Encapsulate field: '{0}' (but still use field)</source>
        <target state="translated">封裝欄位: '{0}' (但仍使用欄位)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2531 2532 2533 2534
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Encapsulate_fields_and_use_property">
        <source>Encapsulate fields (and use property)</source>
        <target state="translated">封裝欄位 (並使用屬性)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2536 2537 2538 2539
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Encapsulate_fields_but_still_use_field">
        <source>Encapsulate fields (but still use field)</source>
        <target state="translated">封裝欄位 (但仍使用欄位)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2541 2542 2543 2544
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Could_not_extract_interface_colon_The_selection_is_not_inside_a_class_interface_struct">
        <source>Could not extract interface: The selection is not inside a class/interface/struct.</source>
        <target state="translated">無法擷取介面: 此選擇未落在 class/interface/struct 中。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2546 2547 2548 2549
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Could_not_extract_interface_colon_The_type_does_not_contain_any_member_that_can_be_extracted_to_an_interface">
        <source>Could not extract interface: The type does not contain any member that can be extracted to an interface.</source>
        <target state="translated">無法擷取介面: 此類型不包含任何可以擷取至介面的成員。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2551 2552 2553 2554
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="can_t_not_construct_final_tree">
        <source>can't not construct final tree</source>
        <target state="translated">無法建構最終的樹狀結構</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2556 2557 2558 2559
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Parameters_type_or_return_type_cannot_be_an_anonymous_type_colon_bracket_0_bracket">
        <source>Parameters' type or return type cannot be an anonymous type : [{0}]</source>
        <target state="translated">參數的類型或傳回類型不可為匿名類型: [{0}]</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2561 2562 2563 2564
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_selection_contains_no_active_statement">
        <source>The selection contains no active statement.</source>
        <target state="translated">選擇內容包含非現用的陳述式。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2566 2567 2568 2569
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_selection_contains_an_error_or_unknown_type">
        <source>The selection contains an error or unknown type.</source>
        <target state="translated">選擇範圍包含錯誤或不明類型。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2571 2572 2573 2574
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Type_parameter_0_is_hidden_by_another_type_parameter_1">
        <source>Type parameter '{0}' is hidden by another type parameter '{1}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">類型參數 '{0}' 已由另一個類型參數 '{1}' 隱藏。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2576 2577 2578 2579
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_address_of_a_variable_is_used_inside_the_selected_code">
        <source>The address of a variable is used inside the selected code.</source>
        <target state="translated">此變數位址會用於選取的節點中。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2581 2582 2583 2584
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Assigning_to_readonly_fields_must_be_done_in_a_constructor_colon_bracket_0_bracket">
        <source>Assigning to readonly fields must be done in a constructor : [{0}].</source>
        <target state="translated">指派給唯讀欄位必須在建構函式 [{0}] 中完成。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2586 2587 2588 2589
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="generated_code_is_overlapping_with_hidden_portion_of_the_code">
        <source>generated code is overlapping with hidden portion of the code</source>
        <target state="translated">產生的程式碼與程式碼的隱藏部分重疊</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2591 2592 2593 2594
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_optional_parameters_to_0">
        <source>Add optional parameters to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">將選用參數新增至 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2596 2597 2598 2599
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_parameters_to_0">
        <source>Add parameters to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">將參數新增至 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2601 2602 2603 2604
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_delegating_constructor_0_1">
        <source>Generate delegating constructor '{0}({1})'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生委派建構函式 '{0}({1})'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2606 2607 2608 2609
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_constructor_0_1">
        <source>Generate constructor '{0}({1})'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生建構函式 '{0}({1})'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2611 2612 2613 2614
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_field_assigning_constructor_0_1">
        <source>Generate field assigning constructor '{0}({1})'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生欄位指派建構函式 '{0}({1})'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2616 2617 2618 2619
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_Equals_and_GetHashCode">
        <source>Generate Equals and GetHashCode</source>
        <target state="translated">產生 Equals 與 GetHashCode</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2621 2622 2623 2624
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_Equals_object">
        <source>Generate Equals(object)</source>
        <target state="translated">產生 Equals(object)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2626 2627 2628 2629
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_GetHashCode">
        <source>Generate GetHashCode()</source>
        <target state="translated">產生 GetHashCode()</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2631 2632 2633 2634
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_constructor_in_0">
        <source>Generate constructor in '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">在 '{0}' 中產生建構函式</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2636 2637 2638 2639
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_all">
        <source>Generate all</source>
        <target state="translated">產生全部</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2641 2642 2643 2644
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_enum_member_1_0">
        <source>Generate enum member '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生列舉成員 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2646 2647 2648 2649
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_constant_1_0">
        <source>Generate constant '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生常數 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2651 2652 2653 2654
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_read_only_property_1_0">
        <source>Generate read-only property '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生唯讀屬性 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2656 2657 2658 2659
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_property_1_0">
        <source>Generate property '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生屬性 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2661 2662 2663 2664
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_read_only_field_1_0">
        <source>Generate read-only field '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生唯讀欄位 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2666 2667 2668 2669
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_field_1_0">
        <source>Generate field '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生欄位 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2671 2672 2673 2674
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_local_0">
        <source>Generate local '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生區域 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2676 2677 2678 2679
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_0_1_in_new_file">
        <source>Generate {0} '{1}' in new file</source>
        <target state="translated">在新檔案中產生 {0} '{1}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2681 2682 2683 2684
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_nested_0_1">
        <source>Generate nested {0} '{1}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生巢狀 {0} '{1}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2686 2687 2688 2689
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Global_Namespace">
        <source>Global Namespace</source>
        <target state="translated">全域命名空間</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2691 2692 2693 2694
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_interface_abstractly">
        <source>Implement interface abstractly</source>
        <target state="translated">以抽象方式實作介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2696 2697 2698 2699
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_interface_through_0">
        <source>Implement interface through '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">透過 '{0}' 實作介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2701 2702 2703 2704
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_interface">
        <source>Implement interface</source>
        <target state="translated">實作介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2706 2707 2708 2709
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_field_for_0">
        <source>Introduce field for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為 '{0}' 引進欄位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2711 2712 2713 2714
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_local_for_0">
        <source>Introduce local for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為 '{0}' 引進區域</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2716 2717 2718 2719
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_constant_for_0">
        <source>Introduce constant for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為 '{0}' 引進常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2721 2722 2723 2724
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_local_constant_for_0">
        <source>Introduce local constant for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為 '{0}' 引進區域常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2726 2727 2728 2729
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_field_for_all_occurrences_of_0">
        <source>Introduce field for all occurrences of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有出現 '{0}' 之處引進欄位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2731 2732 2733 2734
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_local_for_all_occurrences_of_0">
        <source>Introduce local for all occurrences of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有出現 '{0}' 之處引進區域</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2736 2737 2738 2739
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_constant_for_all_occurrences_of_0">
        <source>Introduce constant for all occurrences of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有出現 '{0}' 之處引進常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2741 2742 2743 2744
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_local_constant_for_all_occurrences_of_0">
        <source>Introduce local constant for all occurrences of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有出現 '{0}' 之處引進區域常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2746 2747 2748 2749
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_query_variable_for_all_occurrences_of_0">
        <source>Introduce query variable for all occurrences of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為所有出現 '{0}' 之處引進查詢變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2751 2752 2753 2754
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Introduce_query_variable_for_0">
        <source>Introduce query variable for '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">為 '{0}' 引進查詢變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2756 2757 2758 2759
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Anonymous_Types_colon">
        <source>Anonymous Types:</source>
        <target state="translated">匿名類型:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2761 2762 2763 2764
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="is_">
        <target state="translated"></target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2766 2767 2768 2769
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Represents_an_object_whose_operations_will_be_resolved_at_runtime">
        <source>Represents an object whose operations will be resolved at runtime.</source>
        <target state="translated">表示其作業將於執行階段解決的物件。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2771 2772 2773 2774
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="constant">
        <target state="translated">常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2776 2777 2778 2779
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="field">
        <target state="translated">欄位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2781 2782 2783 2784
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="local_constant">
        <source>local constant</source>
        <target state="translated">本機常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2786 2787 2788 2789
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="local_variable">
        <source>local variable</source>
        <target state="translated">區域變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2791 2792 2793 2794
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="label">
        <target state="translated">標籤</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2796 2797
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811
      <trans-unit id="period_era">
        <target state="new">period/era</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="period_era_description">
        <source>The "g" or "gg" custom format specifiers (plus any number of additional "g" specifiers) represents the period or era, such as A.D. The formatting operation ignores this specifier if the date to be formatted doesn't have an associated period or era string.

If the "g" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "g" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "g" or "gg" custom format specifiers (plus any number of additional "g" specifiers) represents the period or era, such as A.D. The formatting operation ignores this specifier if the date to be formatted doesn't have an associated period or era string.

If the "g" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "g" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
2812 2813
      <trans-unit id="range_variable">
        <source>range variable</source>
        <target state="translated">範圍變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2815 2816 2817 2818
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="parameter">
        <target state="translated">參數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2820 2821 2822 2823
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="in_">
        <target state="translated">在...中</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2825 2826 2827 2828
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Summary_colon">
        <target state="translated">摘要:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2830 2831 2832 2833
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Locals_and_parameters">
        <source>Locals and parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">區域變數和參數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2835 2836 2837 2838
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Type_parameters_colon">
        <source>Type parameters:</source>
        <target state="translated">類型參數:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2840 2841 2842 2843
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Returns_colon">
        <target state="translated">傳回:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2845 2846 2847 2848
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Exceptions_colon">
        <target state="translated">例外狀況:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2850 2851 2852 2853
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remarks_colon">
        <target state="translated">備註:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2855 2856 2857 2858
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="generating_source_for_symbols_of_this_type_is_not_supported">
        <source>generating source for symbols of this type is not supported</source>
        <target state="translated">不支援產生此類型之符號的來源</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2860 2861 2862 2863
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Assembly">
        <target state="translated">組件</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2865 2866 2867 2868
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="location_unknown">
        <source>location unknown</source>
        <target state="translated">位置不明</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2870 2871 2872 2873
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2875 2876 2877 2878
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_a_complex_statement_containing_an_await_expression_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating a complex statement containing an await expression will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新包含 await 運算式的複雜陳述式會阻礙偵錯工作階段繼續進行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2880 2881 2882 2883
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_visibility_of_a_constructor_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing visibility of a constructor will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更建構函式的可見度會阻礙偵錯工作階段繼續進行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2885 2886 2887 2888
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Capturing_variable_0_that_hasn_t_been_captured_before_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Capturing variable '{0}' that hasn't been captured before will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">擷取先前從未擷取過的變數 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2890 2891 2892 2893
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Ceasing_to_capture_variable_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Ceasing to capture variable '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">停止擷取變數 '{0}' 會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2895 2896 2897 2898
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Deleting_captured_variable_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Deleting captured variable '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">刪除擷取變數 '{0}' 會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2900 2901 2902 2903
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_type_of_a_captured_variable_0_previously_of_type_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the type of a captured variable '{0}' previously of type '{1}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更先前類型為 '{1}' 的擷取變數 '{0}' 的類型,會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2905 2906 2907 2908
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_parameters_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the parameters of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更 '{0}' 的參數會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2910 2911 2912 2913
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_return_type_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the return type of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更 '{0}' 的傳回類型,會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2915 2916 2917 2918
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_type_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the type of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更 '{0}' 的類型會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2920 2921 2922 2923
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_declaration_scope_of_a_captured_variable_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the declaration scope of a captured variable '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">變更擷取變數 '{0}' 的宣告範圍,會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2925 2926 2927 2928
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Accessing_captured_variable_0_that_hasn_t_been_accessed_before_in_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Accessing captured variable '{0}' that hasn't been accessed before in {1} will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">存取 {1} 中先前從未存取過的擷取變數 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2930 2931 2932 2933
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Ceasing_to_access_captured_variable_0_in_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Ceasing to access captured variable '{0}' in {1} will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">停止存取 {1} 中的擷取變數 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2935 2936 2937 2938
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_that_accesses_captured_variables_1_and_2_declared_in_different_scopes_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' that accesses captured variables '{1}' and '{2}' declared in different scopes will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入曾在不同範圍內存取宣告的擷取變數 '{1}' 及 '{2}' 的 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2940 2941 2942 2943
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Removing_0_that_accessed_captured_variables_1_and_2_declared_in_different_scopes_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Removing '{0}' that accessed captured variables '{1}' and '{2}' declared in different scopes will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">移除曾在不同範圍內存取宣告的擷取變數 '{1}' 及 '{2}' 的 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2945 2946 2947 2948
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_into_a_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' into a '{1}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 加入 '{1}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2950 2951 2952 2953
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_into_a_class_with_explicit_or_sequential_layout_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' into a class with explicit or sequential layout will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 加入具有明確配置或循序配置的類別,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2955 2956 2957 2958
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_modifiers_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the modifiers of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的修飾元,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2960 2961 2962 2963
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_Handles_clause_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the Handles clause of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的 Handles 子句,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2965 2966 2967 2968
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_with_the_Handles_clause_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' with the Handles clause will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 加入 Handles 子句會阻礙偵錯工作階段繼續執行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2970 2971 2972 2973
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_Implements_clause_of_a_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the Implements clause of a '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的 Implements 子句,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2975 2976 2977 2978
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Changing_the_constraint_from_0_to_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Changing the constraint from '{0}' to '{1}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將條件約束從 '{0}' 變更為 '{1}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2980 2981 2982 2983
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_variance_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the variance of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的變異數,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2985 2986 2987 2988
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_type_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the type of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的類型,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2990 2991 2992 2993
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_initializer_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the initializer of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的初始設定式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
2995 2996 2997 2998
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_size_of_a_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the size of a '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的大小,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3000 3001 3002 3003
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_underlying_type_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the underlying type of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的基礎類型,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3005 3006 3007 3008
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_base_class_and_or_base_interface_s_of_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the base class and/or base interface(s) of '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 '{0}' 的基底類別及 (或) 基底介面,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3010 3011 3012 3013
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_a_field_to_an_event_or_vice_versa_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating a field to an event or vice versa will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">對事件更新欄位或對欄位更新事件,都會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3015 3016 3017 3018
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_kind_of_a_type_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the kind of a type will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新類型種類,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3020 3021 3022 3023
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_kind_of_an_property_event_accessor_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the kind of an property/event accessor will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新屬性/事件存取子的種類,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3025 3026 3027 3028
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_kind_of_a_method_Sub_Function_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the kind of a method (Sub/Function) will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新方法種類 (Sub/Function),會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3030 3031 3032 3033
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_library_name_of_Declare_Statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the library name of Declare Statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 Declare 陳述式的程式庫名稱,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3035 3036 3037 3038
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_the_alias_of_Declare_Statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating the alias of Declare Statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新 Declare 陳述式的別名,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3040 3041 3042 3043
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Renaming_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Renaming '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">重新命名 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3045 3046 3047 3048
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3050 3051 3052 3053
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_an_abstract_0_or_overriding_an_inherited_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding an abstract '{0}' or overriding an inherited '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入抽象 '{0}' 或覆寫繼承的 '{0}' 會阻礙偵錯工作階段繼續進行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3055 3056 3057 3058
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_MustOverride_0_or_overriding_an_inherited_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a MustOverride '{0}' or overriding an inherited '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入 MustOverride '{0}' 或覆寫繼承的 '{0}' 會阻礙偵錯工作階段繼續進行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3060 3061 3062 3063
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_an_extern_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding an extern '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入外部 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3065 3066 3067 3068
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_an_imported_method_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding an imported method will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入匯入的方法,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3070 3071 3072 3073
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_user_defined_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a user defined '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入使用者定義的 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3075 3076 3077 3078
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_generic_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a generic '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入泛型 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3080 3081 3082 3083
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_0_around_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding '{0}' around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">在現用陳述式前後加入 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3085 3086 3087 3088
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Moving_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Moving '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">移動 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3090 3091 3092 3093
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Deleting_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Deleting '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">刪除 '{0}' 會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3095 3096 3097 3098
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Deleting_0_around_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Deleting '{0}' around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">刪除現用陳述式前後的 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3100 3101 3102 3103
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_method_body_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a method body will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">加入方法主體,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3105 3106 3107 3108
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Deleting_a_method_body_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Deleting a method body will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">刪除方法主體,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3110 3111 3112 3113
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="An_active_statement_has_been_removed_from_its_original_method_You_must_revert_your_changes_to_continue_or_restart_the_debugging_session">
        <source>An active statement has been removed from its original method. You must revert your changes to continue or restart the debugging session.</source>
        <target state="translated">現用陳述式已從其原始方法中移除。您必須還原您的變更才能繼續,或是重新啟動偵錯工作階段。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3115 3116 3117 3118
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_async_or_iterator_modifier_around_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating async or iterator modifier around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新作用中陳述式前後的 async 或 iterator 修飾元,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3120 3121 3122 3123
        <note>{Locked="async"}{Locked="iterator"} "async" and "iterator" are C#/VB keywords and should not be localized.</note>
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_a_generic_method_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying a generic method will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改泛型方法會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3125 3126 3127 3128
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_whitespace_or_comments_in_a_generic_0_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying whitespace or comments in a generic '{0}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改泛型 '{0}' 中的空格或註解,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3130 3131 3132 3133
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_a_method_inside_the_context_of_a_generic_type_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying a method inside the context of a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改泛型類型內容中的方法,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3135 3136 3137 3138
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_whitespace_or_comments_in_0_inside_the_context_of_a_generic_type_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying whitespace or comments in '{0}' inside the context of a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改泛型類型內容中之 '{0}' 內的空格或註解,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3140 3141 3142 3143
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_the_initializer_of_0_in_a_generic_type_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying the initializer of '{0}' in a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改泛型類別中 '{0}' 的初始設定式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3145 3146 3147 3148
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_the_initializer_of_0_in_a_partial_type_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying the initializer of '{0}' in a partial type will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改部分類型之 '{0}' 的初始設定式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3150 3151 3152 3153
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_constructor_to_a_type_with_a_field_or_property_initializer_that_contains_an_anonymous_function_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a constructor to a type with a field or property initializer that contains an anonymous function will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">將建構函式加入類型,並附上包含會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續的匿名函式欄位或屬性初始設定式。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3155 3156 3157 3158
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Renaming_a_captured_variable_from_0_to_1_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Renaming a captured variable, from '{0}' to '{1}' will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">重新將擷取的值從 '{0}' 命名到 '{1}' 將會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3160 3161 3162 3163
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_a_catch_finally_handler_with_an_active_statement_in_the_try_block_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying a catch/finally handler with an active statement in the try block will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改 try 區塊中現用陳述式的 catch/finally 處理常式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3165 3166 3167 3168
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_a_try_catch_finally_statement_when_the_finally_block_is_active_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying a try/catch/finally statement when the finally block is active will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">當 Finally 區塊仍在作用中時修改 try/catch/finally 陳述式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3170 3171 3172 3173
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_a_catch_handler_around_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying a catch handler around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改現用陳述式前後的 catch 處理常式,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3175 3176 3177 3178
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_0_which_contains_the_stackalloc_operator_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying '{0}' which contains the 'stackalloc' operator will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改包含 'stackalloc' 運算子的 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3180 3181 3182 3183
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_an_active_0_which_contains_On_Error_or_Resume_statements_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying an active '{0}' which contains 'On Error' or 'Resume' statements will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改包含 'On Error' 或 'Resume' 陳述式的現用 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3185 3186 3187 3188
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_0_which_contains_an_Aggregate_Group_By_or_Join_query_clauses_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying '{0}' which contains an Aggregate, Group By, or Join query clauses will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改包含 Aggregate、Group By 或 Join 查詢子句的 '{0}',會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3190 3191 3192 3193
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_source_with_experimental_language_features_enabled_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying source with experimental language features enabled will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改具備實驗語言功能的來源,會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3195 3196 3197 3198
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Updating_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Updating an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">更新現用陳述式會造成偵錯工作階段無法執行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3200 3201 3202 3203
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Removing_0_that_contains_an_active_statement_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Removing '{0}' that contains an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">移除包含現用陳述式的 '{0}',會造成偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3205 3206 3207 3208
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Adding_a_new_file_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Adding a new file will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">新增檔案會導致偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3210 3211 3212 3213
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Attribute_0_is_missing_Updating_an_async_method_or_an_iterator_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Attribute '{0}' is missing. Updating an async method or an iterator will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">缺少屬性 '{0}'。更新非同步方法或迭代器會導致偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3215 3216 3217 3218
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Unexpected_interface_member_kind_colon_0">
        <source>Unexpected interface member kind: {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">未預期的介面成員種類: {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3220 3221 3222 3223
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Unknown_symbol_kind">
        <source>Unknown symbol kind</source>
        <target state="translated">符號種類不明</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3225 3226 3227 3228
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_abstract_property_1_0">
        <source>Generate abstract property '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生抽象屬性 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3230 3231 3232 3233
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_abstract_method_1_0">
        <source>Generate abstract method '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生抽象方法 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3235 3236 3237 3238
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_method_1_0">
        <source>Generate method '{1}.{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生方法 '{1}.{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3240 3241 3242 3243
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Requested_assembly_already_loaded_from_0">
        <source>Requested assembly already loaded from '{0}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">已從 '{0}' 載入所要求的組件。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3245 3246 3247 3248
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_symbol_does_not_have_an_icon">
        <source>The symbol does not have an icon.</source>
        <target state="translated">這個符號沒有圖示。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3250 3251 3252 3253
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Asynchronous_method_cannot_have_ref_out_parameters_colon_bracket_0_bracket">
        <source>Asynchronous method cannot have ref/out parameters : [{0}]</source>
        <target state="translated">非同步方法不可有 ref/out 參數: [{0}]</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3255 3256 3257 3258
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_member_is_defined_in_metadata">
        <source>The member is defined in metadata.</source>
        <target state="translated">該成員定義於中繼資料內。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3260 3261 3262 3263
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="You_can_only_change_the_signature_of_a_constructor_indexer_method_or_delegate">
        <source>You can only change the signature of a constructor, indexer, method or delegate.</source>
        <target state="translated">您只能變更建構函式、索引子、方法或委派的簽章。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="This_symbol_has_related_definitions_or_references_in_metadata_Changing_its_signature_may_result_in_build_errors_Do_you_want_to_continue">
        <source>This symbol has related definitions or references in metadata. Changing its signature may result in build errors.

Do you want to continue?</source>
        <target state="translated">中繼資料內包含有此符號的相關定義或參考。變更其簽章可能會導致建置錯誤。
Tom Meschter 已提交

Tom Meschter 已提交
3274 3275 3276 3277
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Change_signature">
        <source>Change signature...</source>
        <target state="translated">變更簽章...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3279 3280 3281 3282
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_new_type">
        <source>Generate new type...</source>
        <target state="translated">產生新的類型...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3284 3285 3286 3287
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="User_Diagnostic_Analyzer_Failure">
        <source>User Diagnostic Analyzer Failure.</source>
        <target state="translated">使用者診斷分析器失敗。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3289 3290 3291 3292
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Analyzer_0_threw_an_exception_of_type_1_with_message_2">
        <source>Analyzer '{0}' threw an exception of type '{1}' with message '{2}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">分析器 '{0}' 擲回類型 '{1}' 的例外狀況,訊息為 '{2}'。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3294 3295 3296 3297 3298
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Analyzer_0_threw_the_following_exception_colon_1">
        <source>Analyzer '{0}' threw the following exception:
3299 3300
        <target state="translated">分析器 '{0}' 擲回下列例外狀況:
Tom Meschter 已提交
3301 3302 3303 3304
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Simplify_Names">
        <source>Simplify Names</source>
        <target state="translated">簡化名稱</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3306 3307 3308 3309
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Simplify_Member_Access">
        <source>Simplify Member Access</source>
        <target state="translated">簡化成員存取</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3311 3312 3313 3314
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_qualification">
        <source>Remove qualification</source>
        <target state="translated">移除限定性條件</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3316 3317 3318 3319
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Unknown_error_occurred">
        <source>Unknown error occurred</source>
        <target state="translated">發生不明錯誤</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3321 3322 3323 3324
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Available">
        <target state="translated">可用</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3326 3327 3328 3329
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Not_Available">
        <source>Not Available</source>
        <target state="translated">無法使用</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3331 3332 3333 3334
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="_0_1">
        <source>    {0} - {1}</source>
        <target state="translated">    {0} - {1}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3336 3337 3338 3339
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="You_can_use_the_navigation_bar_to_switch_context">
        <source>You can use the navigation bar to switch context.</source>
        <target state="translated">您可以使用導覽列切換內容。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3341 3342 3343 3344
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="in_Source">
        <source>in Source</source>
        <target state="translated">在原始程式檔中</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3346 3347 3348 3349
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="in_Suppression_File">
        <source>in Suppression File</source>
        <target state="translated">在隱藏項目檔中</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3351 3352 3353 3354
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_Suppression_0">
        <source>Remove Suppression {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">移除隱藏項目 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3356 3357 3358 3359
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_Suppression">
        <source>Remove Suppression</source>
        <target state="translated">移除隱藏項目</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3361 3362 3363 3364
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pending">
        <target state="translated">&lt;暫止&gt;</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3366 3367 3368 3369
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Note_colon_Tab_twice_to_insert_the_0_snippet">
        <source>Note: Tab twice to insert the '{0}' snippet.</source>
        <target state="translated">注意: 按兩次 Tab 鍵即可插入 '{0}' 程式碼片段。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3371 3372 3373 3374
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_interface_explicitly_with_Dispose_pattern">
        <source>Implement interface explicitly with Dispose pattern</source>
        <target state="translated">使用 Dispose 模式明確地實作介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3376 3377 3378 3379
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_interface_with_Dispose_pattern">
        <source>Implement interface with Dispose pattern</source>
        <target state="translated">使用 Dispose 模式實作介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3381 3382 3383 3384
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Re_triage_0_currently_1">
        <source>Re-triage {0}(currently '{1}')</source>
        <target state="translated">重新分級 {0}(目前為 '{1}')</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3386 3387 3388 3389
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Argument_cannot_have_a_null_element">
        <source>Argument cannot have a null element.</source>
        <target state="translated">引數不能有 null 元素。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3391 3392 3393 3394
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Argument_cannot_be_empty">
        <source>Argument cannot be empty.</source>
        <target state="translated">引數不可為空白。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3396 3397 3398 3399
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Reported_diagnostic_with_ID_0_is_not_supported_by_the_analyzer">
        <source>Reported diagnostic with ID '{0}' is not supported by the analyzer.</source>
        <target state="translated">分析器不支援識別碼為 '{0}' 的回報診斷。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3401 3402 3403 3404
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Computing_fix_all_occurrences_code_fix">
        <source>Computing fix all occurrences code fix...</source>
        <target state="translated">正在計算修正所有出現程式碼修正之處...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3406 3407 3408 3409
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fix_all_occurrences">
        <source>Fix all occurrences</source>
        <target state="translated">修正所有發生次數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3411 3412 3413 3414
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Document">
        <target state="translated">文件</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3416 3417 3418 3419
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Project">
        <target state="translated">專案</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3421 3422 3423 3424
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Solution">
        <target state="translated">解決方案</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3426 3427 3428
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="TODO_colon_dispose_managed_state_managed_objects">
        <source>TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects)</source>
        <target state="translated">TODO: 處置受控狀態 (受控物件)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3431 3432 3433
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="TODO_colon_set_large_fields_to_null">
        <source>TODO: set large fields to null</source>
        <target state="translated">TODO: 將大型欄位設為 Null</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3436 3437 3438 3439
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modifying_0_which_contains_a_static_variable_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Modifying '{0}' which contains a static variable will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">修改包含靜態變數的 '{0}' 會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3441 3442 3443 3444
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Compiler2">
        <target state="translated">編譯器</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3446 3447 3448 3449
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Live">
        <target state="translated">即時</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3451 3452 3453 3454
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="enum_value">
        <source>enum value</source>
        <target state="translated">enum 值</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3456 3457 3458 3459
        <note>{Locked="enum"} "enum" is a C#/VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
      <trans-unit id="const_field">
        <source>const field</source>
        <target state="translated">const 欄位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3461 3462 3463 3464
        <note>{Locked="const"} "const" is a C#/VB keyword and should not be localized.</note>
      <trans-unit id="method">
        <target state="translated">方法</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3466 3467 3468 3469
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="operator_">
        <target state="translated">運算子</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3471 3472 3473 3474
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="constructor">
        <target state="translated">建構函式</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3476 3477 3478 3479
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="auto_property">
        <target state="translated">Auto 屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3481 3482 3483 3484
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="property_">
        <target state="translated">屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3486 3487 3488 3489
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="event_accessor">
        <source>event accessor</source>
        <target state="translated">事件存取子</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3491 3492
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602
      <trans-unit id="rfc1123_date_time">
        <source>rfc1123 date/time</source>
        <target state="new">rfc1123 date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="rfc1123_date_time_description">
        <source>The "R" or "r" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.RFC1123Pattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard, and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'". When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "R" or "r" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.RFC1123Pattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard, and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'". When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="round_trip_date_time">
        <source>round-trip date/time</source>
        <target state="new">round-trip date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="round_trip_date_time_description">
        <source>The "O" or "o" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string using a pattern that preserves time zone information and emits a result string that complies with ISO 8601. For DateTime values, this format specifier is designed to preserve date and time values along with the DateTime.Kind property in text. The formatted string can be parsed back by using the DateTime.Parse(String, IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles) or DateTime.ParseExact method if the styles parameter is set to DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind.

The "O" or "o" standard format specifier corresponds to the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffK" custom format string for DateTime values and to the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffzzz" custom format string for DateTimeOffset values. In this string, the pairs of single quotation marks that delimit individual characters, such as the hyphens, the colons, and the letter "T", indicate that the individual character is a literal that cannot be changed. The apostrophes do not appear in the output string.

The "O" or "o" standard format specifier (and the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffK" custom format string) takes advantage of the three ways that ISO 8601 represents time zone information to preserve the Kind property of DateTime values:

    The time zone component of DateTimeKind.Local date and time values is an offset from UTC (for example, +01:00, -07:00). All DateTimeOffset values are also represented in this format.

    The time zone component of DateTimeKind.Utc date and time values uses "Z" (which stands for zero offset) to represent UTC.

    DateTimeKind.Unspecified date and time values have no time zone information.

Because the "O" or "o" standard format specifier conforms to an international standard, the formatting or parsing operation that uses the specifier always uses the invariant culture and the Gregorian calendar.

Strings that are passed to the Parse, TryParse, ParseExact, and TryParseExact methods of DateTime and DateTimeOffset can be parsed by using the "O" or "o" format specifier if they are in one of these formats. In the case of DateTime objects, the parsing overload that you call should also include a styles parameter with a value of DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind. Note that if you call a parsing method with the custom format string that corresponds to the "O" or "o" format specifier, you won't get the same results as "O" or "o". This is because parsing methods that use a custom format string can't parse the string representation of date and time values that lack a time zone component or use "Z" to indicate UTC.</source>
        <target state="new">The "O" or "o" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string using a pattern that preserves time zone information and emits a result string that complies with ISO 8601. For DateTime values, this format specifier is designed to preserve date and time values along with the DateTime.Kind property in text. The formatted string can be parsed back by using the DateTime.Parse(String, IFormatProvider, DateTimeStyles) or DateTime.ParseExact method if the styles parameter is set to DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind.

The "O" or "o" standard format specifier corresponds to the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffK" custom format string for DateTime values and to the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffzzz" custom format string for DateTimeOffset values. In this string, the pairs of single quotation marks that delimit individual characters, such as the hyphens, the colons, and the letter "T", indicate that the individual character is a literal that cannot be changed. The apostrophes do not appear in the output string.

The "O" or "o" standard format specifier (and the "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fffffffK" custom format string) takes advantage of the three ways that ISO 8601 represents time zone information to preserve the Kind property of DateTime values:

    The time zone component of DateTimeKind.Local date and time values is an offset from UTC (for example, +01:00, -07:00). All DateTimeOffset values are also represented in this format.

    The time zone component of DateTimeKind.Utc date and time values uses "Z" (which stands for zero offset) to represent UTC.

    DateTimeKind.Unspecified date and time values have no time zone information.

Because the "O" or "o" standard format specifier conforms to an international standard, the formatting or parsing operation that uses the specifier always uses the invariant culture and the Gregorian calendar.

Strings that are passed to the Parse, TryParse, ParseExact, and TryParseExact methods of DateTime and DateTimeOffset can be parsed by using the "O" or "o" format specifier if they are in one of these formats. In the case of DateTime objects, the parsing overload that you call should also include a styles parameter with a value of DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind. Note that if you call a parsing method with the custom format string that corresponds to the "O" or "o" format specifier, you won't get the same results as "O" or "o". This is because parsing methods that use a custom format string can't parse the string representation of date and time values that lack a time zone component or use "Z" to indicate UTC.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="second_1_2_digits">
        <source>second (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">second (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="second_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "s" custom format specifier represents the seconds as a number from 0 through 59. The result represents whole seconds that have passed since the last minute. A single-digit second is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "s" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "s" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "s" custom format specifier represents the seconds as a number from 0 through 59. The result represents whole seconds that have passed since the last minute. A single-digit second is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "s" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "s" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="second_2_digits">
        <source>second (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">second (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="second_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "ss" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "s" specifiers) represents the seconds as a number from 00 through 59. The result represents whole seconds that have passed since the last minute. A single-digit second is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">The "ss" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "s" specifiers) represents the seconds as a number from 00 through 59. The result represents whole seconds that have passed since the last minute. A single-digit second is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="short_date">
        <source>short date</source>
        <target state="new">short date</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="short_date_description">
        <source>The "d" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specific culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern property. For example, the custom format string that is returned by the ShortDatePattern property of the invariant culture is "MM/dd/yyyy".</source>
        <target state="new">The "d" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specific culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern property. For example, the custom format string that is returned by the ShortDatePattern property of the invariant culture is "MM/dd/yyyy".</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="short_time">
        <source>short time</source>
        <target state="new">short time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="short_time_description">
        <source>The "t" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "HH:mm".</source>
        <target state="new">The "t" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the current DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortTimePattern property. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "HH:mm".</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="sortable_date_time">
        <source>sortable date/time</source>
        <target state="new">sortable date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="sortable_date_time_description">
        <source>The "s" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.SortableDateTimePattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard (ISO 8601), and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss".

The purpose of the "s" format specifier is to produce result strings that sort consistently in ascending or descending order based on date and time values. As a result, although the "s" standard format specifier represents a date and time value in a consistent format, the formatting operation does not modify the value of the date and time object that is being formatted to reflect its DateTime.Kind property or its DateTimeOffset.Offset value. For example, the result strings produced by formatting the date and time values 2014-11-15T18:32:17+00:00 and 2014-11-15T18:32:17+08:00 are identical.

When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.</source>
        <target state="new">The "s" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.SortableDateTimePattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard (ISO 8601), and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss".

The purpose of the "s" format specifier is to produce result strings that sort consistently in ascending or descending order based on date and time values. As a result, although the "s" standard format specifier represents a date and time value in a consistent format, the formatting operation does not modify the value of the date and time object that is being formatted to reflect its DateTime.Kind property or its DateTimeOffset.Offset value. For example, the result strings produced by formatting the date and time values 2014-11-15T18:32:17+00:00 and 2014-11-15T18:32:17+08:00 are identical.

When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.</target>
        <note />
3603 3604 3605 3606 3607
      <trans-unit id="symbol_cannot_be_a_namespace">
        <source>'symbol' cannot be a namespace.</source>
        <target state="new">'symbol' cannot be a namespace.</target>
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655
      <trans-unit id="time_separator">
        <source>time separator</source>
        <target state="new">time separator</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="time_separator_description">
        <source>The ":" custom format specifier represents the time separator, which is used to differentiate hours, minutes, and seconds. The appropriate localized time separator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator property of the current or specified culture.

Note: To change the time separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. For example, the custom format string hh'_'dd'_'ss produces a result string in which "_" (an underscore) is always used as the time separator. To change the time separator for all dates for a culture, either change the value of the DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator property of the current culture, or instantiate a DateTimeFormatInfo object, assign the character to its TimeSeparator property, and call an overload of the formatting method that includes an IFormatProvider parameter.

If the ":" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">The ":" custom format specifier represents the time separator, which is used to differentiate hours, minutes, and seconds. The appropriate localized time separator is retrieved from the DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator property of the current or specified culture.

Note: To change the time separator for a particular date and time string, specify the separator character within a literal string delimiter. For example, the custom format string hh'_'dd'_'ss produces a result string in which "_" (an underscore) is always used as the time separator. To change the time separator for all dates for a culture, either change the value of the DateTimeFormatInfo.TimeSeparator property of the current culture, or instantiate a DateTimeFormatInfo object, assign the character to its TimeSeparator property, and call an overload of the formatting method that includes an IFormatProvider parameter.

If the ":" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="time_zone">
        <source>time zone</source>
        <target state="new">time zone</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="time_zone_description">
        <source>The "K" custom format specifier represents the time zone information of a date and time value. When this format specifier is used with DateTime values, the result string is defined by the value of the DateTime.Kind property:

    For the local time zone (a DateTime.Kind property value of DateTimeKind.Local), this specifier is equivalent to the "zzz" specifier and produces a result string containing the local offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); for example, "-07:00".

    For a UTC time (a DateTime.Kind property value of DateTimeKind.Utc), the result string includes a "Z" character to represent a UTC date.

    For a time from an unspecified time zone (a time whose DateTime.Kind property equals DateTimeKind.Unspecified), the result is equivalent to String.Empty.

For DateTimeOffset values, the "K" format specifier is equivalent to the "zzz" format specifier, and produces a result string containing the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC.

If the "K" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">The "K" custom format specifier represents the time zone information of a date and time value. When this format specifier is used with DateTime values, the result string is defined by the value of the DateTime.Kind property:

    For the local time zone (a DateTime.Kind property value of DateTimeKind.Local), this specifier is equivalent to the "zzz" specifier and produces a result string containing the local offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); for example, "-07:00".

    For a UTC time (a DateTime.Kind property value of DateTimeKind.Utc), the result string includes a "Z" character to represent a UTC date.

    For a time from an unspecified time zone (a time whose DateTime.Kind property equals DateTimeKind.Unspecified), the result is equivalent to String.Empty.

For DateTimeOffset values, the "K" format specifier is equivalent to the "zzz" format specifier, and produces a result string containing the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC.

If the "K" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
3656 3657
      <trans-unit id="type_constraint">
        <source>type constraint</source>
        <target state="translated">類型條件約束</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3659 3660 3661 3662
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="type_parameter">
        <source>type parameter</source>
        <target state="translated">類型參數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3664 3665 3666 3667
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="attribute">
        <target state="translated">屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3669 3670 3671 3672
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Replace_0_and_1_with_property">
        <source>Replace '{0}' and '{1}' with property</source>
        <target state="translated">以屬性取代 '{0}' 和 '{1}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3674 3675 3676 3677
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Replace_0_with_property">
        <source>Replace '{0}' with property</source>
        <target state="translated">以屬性取代 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3679 3680 3681 3682
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Method_referenced_implicitly">
        <source>Method referenced implicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">隱含參考的方法</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3684 3685 3686 3687
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_type_0">
        <source>Generate type '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生類型 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3689 3690 3691 3692
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_0_1">
        <source>Generate {0} '{1}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生 {0} '{1}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3694 3695 3696 3697
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Change_0_to_1">
        <source>Change '{0}' to '{1}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">將 '{0}' 變更為 '{1}'。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3699 3700 3701 3702
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Non_invoked_method_cannot_be_replaced_with_property">
        <source>Non-invoked method cannot be replaced with property.</source>
        <target state="translated">非叫用的方法無法由屬性取代。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3704 3705 3706 3707
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Only_methods_with_a_single_argument_which_is_not_an_out_variable_declaration_can_be_replaced_with_a_property">
        <source>Only methods with a single argument, which is not an out variable declaration, can be replaced with a property.</source>
        <target state="translated">只有具備非 out 變數宣告之單一引數的方法可以由屬性取代。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3709 3710 3711 3712
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Roslyn_HostError">
        <target state="translated">Roslyn.HostError</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3714 3715 3716 3717
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="An_instance_of_analyzer_0_cannot_be_created_from_1_colon_2">
        <source>An instance of analyzer {0} cannot be created from {1}: {2}.</source>
        <target state="translated">無法從 {1}: {2} 建立分析器 {0} 的執行個體。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3719 3720 3721 3722
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="The_assembly_0_does_not_contain_any_analyzers">
        <source>The assembly {0} does not contain any analyzers.</source>
        <target state="translated">組件 {0} 不包含任何分析器。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3724 3725 3726 3727
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Unable_to_load_Analyzer_assembly_0_colon_1">
        <source>Unable to load Analyzer assembly {0}: {1}</source>
        <target state="translated">無法載入分析器組件 {0}: {1}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3729 3730 3731 3732
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Make_method_synchronous">
        <source>Make method synchronous</source>
        <target state="translated">讓方法同步</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3734 3735 3736 3737
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="from_0">
        <source>from {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">來自 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3739 3740 3741 3742
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Find_and_install_latest_version">
        <source>Find and install latest version</source>
        <target state="translated">尋找並安裝最新版本</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3744 3745 3746 3747
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_local_version_0">
        <source>Use local version '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">使用本機版本 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3749 3750 3751 3752 3753
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_locally_installed_0_version_1_This_version_used_in_colon_2">
        <source>Use locally installed '{0}' version '{1}'
This version used in: {2}</source>
3754 3755
        <target state="translated">使用安裝於本機的 '{0}' 版本 '{1}'
此版本用於: {2}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3756 3757 3758 3759
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Find_and_install_latest_version_of_0">
        <source>Find and install latest version of '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">尋找並安裝 '{0}' 的最新版本</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3761 3762 3763 3764
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Install_with_package_manager">
        <source>Install with package manager...</source>
        <target state="translated">使用套件管理員安裝...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3766 3767 3768 3769
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Install_0_1">
        <source>Install '{0} {1}'</source>
        <target state="translated">安裝 '{0} {1}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3771 3772 3773 3774
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Install_version_0">
        <source>Install version '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">安裝 '{0}' 版</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3776 3777 3778 3779
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_variable_0">
        <source>Generate variable '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">產生變數 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3781 3782 3783 3784
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Classes">
        <target state="translated">類別</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3786 3787 3788 3789
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Constants">
        <target state="translated">常數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3791 3792 3793 3794
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Delegates">
        <target state="translated">委派</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3796 3797 3798 3799
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Enums">
        <target state="translated">列舉</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3801 3802 3803 3804
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Events">
        <target state="translated">事件</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3806 3807 3808 3809
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Extension_methods">
        <source>Extension methods</source>
        <target state="translated">擴充方法</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3811 3812 3813 3814
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fields">
        <target state="translated">欄位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3816 3817 3818 3819
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Interfaces">
        <target state="translated">介面</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3821 3822 3823 3824
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Locals">
        <target state="translated">區域變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3826 3827 3828 3829
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Methods">
        <target state="translated">方法</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3831 3832 3833 3834
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Modules">
        <target state="translated">模組</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3836 3837 3838 3839
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Namespaces">
        <target state="translated">命名空間</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3841 3842 3843 3844
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Properties">
        <target state="translated">屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3846 3847 3848 3849
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Structures">
        <target state="translated">結構</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3851 3852 3853 3854
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Parameters_colon">
        <target state="translated">參數:</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3856 3857 3858 3859
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Variadic_SignatureHelpItem_must_have_at_least_one_parameter">
        <source>Variadic SignatureHelpItem must have at least one parameter.</source>
        <target state="translated">Variadic SignatureHelpItem 至少必須要有一個參數。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3861 3862 3863 3864
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Replace_0_with_method">
        <source>Replace '{0}' with method</source>
        <target state="translated">以方法取代 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3866 3867 3868 3869
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Replace_0_with_methods">
        <source>Replace '{0}' with methods</source>
        <target state="translated">以方法取代 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3871 3872 3873 3874
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Property_referenced_implicitly">
        <source>Property referenced implicitly</source>
        <target state="translated">隱含參考的屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3876 3877 3878 3879
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Property_cannot_safely_be_replaced_with_a_method_call">
        <source>Property cannot safely be replaced with a method call</source>
        <target state="translated">以方法呼叫取代屬性並不安全</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3881 3882 3883 3884
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_interpolated_string">
        <source>Convert to interpolated string</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為差補字串</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3886 3887 3888 3889
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Move_type_to_0">
        <source>Move type to {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">將類型移到 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3891 3892 3893 3894
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Rename_file_to_0">
        <source>Rename file to {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">將檔案重新命名為 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3896 3897 3898 3899
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Rename_type_to_0">
        <source>Rename type to {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">將類型重新命名為 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3901 3902 3903 3904
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_tag">
        <source>Remove tag</source>
        <target state="translated">移除標記</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3906 3907 3908 3909
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_missing_param_nodes">
        <source>Add missing param nodes</source>
        <target state="translated">新增遺失的參數節點</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3911 3912 3913 3914
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Make_containing_scope_async">
        <source>Make containing scope async</source>
        <target state="translated">讓包含範圍非同步</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3916 3917 3918 3919
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Make_containing_scope_async_return_Task">
        <source>Make containing scope async (return Task)</source>
        <target state="translated">讓包含範圍非同步 (傳回工作)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3921 3922 3923 3924
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="paren_Unknown_paren">
        <target state="translated">(未知)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3926 3927 3928 3929
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_framework_type">
        <source>Use framework type</source>
        <target state="translated">使用架構類型</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3931 3932 3933 3934
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Install_package_0">
        <source>Install package '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">安裝套件 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3936 3937 3938 3939
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="project_0">
        <source>project {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">專案 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3941 3942 3943 3944
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Fully_qualify_0">
        <source>Fully qualify '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">完整的 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3946 3947 3948 3949
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_reference_to_0">
        <source>Remove reference to '{0}'.</source>
        <target state="translated">移除對 '{0}' 的參考。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3951 3952 3953 3954
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Keywords">
        <target state="translated">關鍵字</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3956 3957 3958 3959
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Snippets">
        <target state="translated">程式碼片段</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3961 3962 3963 3964
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="All_lowercase">
        <source>All lowercase</source>
        <target state="translated">允許小寫</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3966 3967 3968 3969
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="All_uppercase">
        <source>All uppercase</source>
        <target state="translated">允許大寫</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3971 3972 3973 3974
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="First_word_capitalized">
        <source>First word capitalized</source>
        <target state="translated">第一個字大寫</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3976 3977 3978 3979
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pascal_Case">
        <source>Pascal Case</source>
        <target state="translated">Pascal 命名法的大小寫</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3981 3982 3983 3984
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_document_0">
        <source>Remove document '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">移除文件 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3986 3987 3988 3989
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_document_0">
        <source>Add document '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">新增文件 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3991 3992 3993 3994
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_argument_name_0">
        <source>Add argument name '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">新增引數名稱 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
3996 3997 3998 3999
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Take_0">
        <source>Take '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">接受 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4001 4002 4003 4004
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Take_both">
        <source>Take both</source>
        <target state="translated">接受兩者</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4006 4007 4008 4009
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Take_bottom">
        <source>Take bottom</source>
        <target state="translated">接受底端</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4011 4012 4013 4014
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Take_top">
        <source>Take top</source>
        <target state="translated">接受頂端</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4016 4017 4018 4019
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_unused_variable">
        <source>Remove unused variable</source>
        <target state="translated">移除未使用的變數</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4021 4022 4023 4024
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_binary">
        <source>Convert to binary</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為二進位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4026 4027 4028 4029
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_decimal">
        <source>Convert to decimal</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為十進位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4031 4032 4033 4034
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_hex">
        <source>Convert to hex</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為十六進位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4036 4037 4038 4039
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Separate_thousands">
        <source>Separate thousands</source>
        <target state="translated">分隔千分位</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4041 4042 4043 4044
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Separate_words">
        <source>Separate words</source>
        <target state="translated">分隔字組</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4046 4047 4048 4049
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Separate_nibbles">
        <source>Separate nibbles</source>
        <target state="translated">分隔半位元組</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4051 4052 4053 4054
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Remove_separators">
        <source>Remove separators</source>
        <target state="translated">移除分隔符號</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4056 4057 4058 4059
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_parameter_to_0">
        <source>Add parameter to '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">將參數新增至 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4061 4062 4063 4064
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_constructor">
        <source>Generate constructor...</source>
        <target state="translated">產生建構函式...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4066 4067 4068 4069
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pick_members_to_be_used_as_constructor_parameters">
        <source>Pick members to be used as constructor parameters</source>
        <target state="translated">選取要用作為建構函式參數的成員</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4071 4072 4073 4074
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pick_members_to_be_used_in_Equals_GetHashCode">
        <source>Pick members to be used in Equals/GetHashCode</source>
        <target state="translated">選取要用於 Equals/GetHashCode 中的成員</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4076 4077 4078 4079
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_overrides">
        <source>Generate overrides...</source>
        <target state="translated">產生覆寫...</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4081 4082 4083 4084
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Pick_members_to_override">
        <source>Pick members to override</source>
        <target state="translated">選取要覆寫的成員</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4086 4087 4088 4089
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_null_check">
        <source>Add null check</source>
        <target state="translated">新增 null 檢查</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4091 4092 4093 4094
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_string_IsNullOrEmpty_check">
        <source>Add 'string.IsNullOrEmpty' check</source>
        <target state="translated">新增 'string.IsNullOrEmpty' 檢查</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4096 4097 4098 4099
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_string_IsNullOrWhiteSpace_check">
        <source>Add 'string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace' check</source>
        <target state="translated">新增 'string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace' 檢查</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4101 4102 4103 4104
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Initialize_field_0">
        <source>Initialize field '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">初始化欄位 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4106 4107 4108 4109
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Initialize_property_0">
        <source>Initialize property '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">初始化屬性 '{0}'</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4111 4112 4113 4114
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_null_checks">
        <source>Add null checks</source>
        <target state="translated">新增 null 檢查</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4116 4117 4118 4119
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_operators">
        <source>Generate operators</source>
        <target state="translated">產生運算子</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4121 4122 4123 4124
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Implement_0">
        <source>Implement {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">實作 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4126 4127 4128 4129
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Reported_diagnostic_0_has_a_source_location_in_file_1_which_is_not_part_of_the_compilation_being_analyzed">
        <source>Reported diagnostic '{0}' has a source location in file '{1}', which is not part of the compilation being analyzed.</source>
        <target state="translated">回報的診斷 '{0}' 在檔案 '{1}' 中具有來源位置,其不屬於正在進行分析的編譯。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4131 4132 4133 4134
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Reported_diagnostic_0_has_a_source_location_1_in_file_2_which_is_outside_of_the_given_file">
        <source>Reported diagnostic '{0}' has a source location '{1}' in file '{2}', which is outside of the given file.</source>
        <target state="translated">回報之診斷 '{0}' 中的來源位置 '{1}' 位於檔案 '{2}' 內,而該檔案不在指定的檔案內。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4136 4137 4138 4139
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="in_0_project_1">
        <source>in {0} (project {1})</source>
        <target state="translated">在 {0} 中 (專案 {1})</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4141 4142 4143 4144
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_accessibility_modifiers">
        <source>Add accessibility modifiers</source>
        <target state="translated">新增協助工具修飾元</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4146 4147 4148 4149
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Move_declaration_near_reference">
        <source>Move declaration near reference</source>
        <target state="translated">將宣告移近參考</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4151 4152 4153 4154
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Convert_to_full_property">
        <source>Convert to full property</source>
        <target state="translated">轉換為完整屬性</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4156 4157 4158 4159
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Generate_constructor_in_0_without_fields">
        <source>Generate constructor in '{0}' (without fields)</source>
        <target state="translated">在 '{0}' 產生建構函式 (不含欄位)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4161 4162 4163 4164
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Warning_Method_overrides_symbol_from_metadata">
        <source>Warning: Method overrides symbol from metadata</source>
        <target state="translated">警告: 方法會覆寫中繼資料的符號</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4166 4167 4168 4169
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Use_0">
        <source>Use {0}</source>
        <target state="translated">使用 {0}</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4171 4172 4173 4174
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Switching_between_lambda_and_local_function_will_prevent_the_debug_session_from_continuing">
        <source>Switching between a lambda and a local function will prevent the debug session from continuing.</source>
        <target state="translated">在 lambda 和區域函式之間切換會讓偵錯工作階段無法繼續進行。</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4176 4177 4178 4179
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Add_argument_name_0_including_trailing_arguments">
        <source>Add argument name '{0}' (including trailing arguments)</source>
        <target state="translated">新增引數名稱 '{0}' (包括結尾的引數)</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4181 4182 4183 4184
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="local_function">
        <source>local function</source>
        <target state="translated">區域函式</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4186 4187 4188 4189
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="indexer_">
        <target state="translated">索引子</target>
Tom Meschter 已提交
4191 4192
        <note />
4193 4194
      <trans-unit id="Alias_ambiguous_type_0">
        <source>Alias ambiguous type '{0}'</source>
        <target state="translated">別名不明確類型 '{0}'</target>
4196 4197 4198 4199
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="Warning_colon_Collection_was_modified_during_iteration">
        <source>Warning: Collection was modified during iteration.</source>
        <target state="translated">警告: 集合已於反覆運算期間被修改</target>
4201 4202
        <note />
4203 4204
      <trans-unit id="Warning_colon_Iteration_variable_crossed_function_boundary">
        <source>Warning: Iteration variable crossed function boundary.</source>
        <target state="translated">警告: 反覆運算變數已跨越函式界線</target>
4206 4207
        <note />
4208 4209
      <trans-unit id="Warning_colon_Collection_may_be_modified_during_iteration">
        <source>Warning: Collection may be modified during iteration.</source>
        <target state="translated">警告: 集合可能於反覆運算期間被修改</target>
4211 4212
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234
      <trans-unit id="universal_full_date_time">
        <source>universal full date/time</source>
        <target state="new">universal full date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="universal_full_date_time_description">
        <source>The "U" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specified culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.FullDateTimePattern property. The pattern is the same as the "F" pattern. However, the DateTime value is automatically converted to UTC before it is formatted.</source>
        <target state="new">The "U" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by a specified culture's DateTimeFormatInfo.FullDateTimePattern property. The pattern is the same as the "F" pattern. However, the DateTime value is automatically converted to UTC before it is formatted.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="universal_sortable_date_time">
        <source>universal sortable date/time</source>
        <target state="new">universal sortable date/time</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="universal_sortable_date_time_description">
        <source>The "u" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard, and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'". When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.

Although the result string should express a time as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), no conversion of the original DateTime value is performed during the formatting operation. Therefore, you must convert a DateTime value to UTC by calling the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method before formatting it.</source>
        <target state="new">The "u" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern property. The pattern reflects a defined standard, and the property is read-only. Therefore, it is always the same, regardless of the culture used or the format provider supplied. The custom format string is "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'". When this standard format specifier is used, the formatting or parsing operation always uses the invariant culture.

Although the result string should express a time as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), no conversion of the original DateTime value is performed during the formatting operation. Therefore, you must convert a DateTime value to UTC by calling the DateTime.ToUniversalTime method before formatting it.</target>
4235 4236
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4237 4238
      <trans-unit id="updating_usages_in_containing_member">
        <source>updating usages in containing member</source>
        <target state="translated">正在更新包含成員中的使用方式</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4240 4241 4242 4243
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="updating_usages_in_containing_project">
        <source>updating usages in containing project</source>
        <target state="translated">正在更新包含專案中的使用方式</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4245 4246 4247 4248
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="updating_usages_in_containing_type">
        <source>updating usages in containing type</source>
        <target state="translated">正在更新包含類型中的使用方式</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4250 4251 4252 4253
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="updating_usages_in_dependent_projects">
        <source>updating usages in dependent projects</source>
        <target state="translated">正在更新相依專案中的使用方式</target>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4255 4256
        <note />
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_and_minute_offset">
        <source>utc hour and minute offset</source>
        <target state="new">utc hour and minute offset</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_and_minute_offset_description">
        <source>With DateTime values, the "zzz" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from UTC, measured in hours and minutes. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "zzz" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours and minutes.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">With DateTime values, the "zzz" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from UTC, measured in hours and minutes. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "zzz" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours and minutes.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_offset_1_2_digits">
        <source>utc hour offset (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">utc hour offset (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_offset_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>With DateTime values, the "z" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), measured in hours. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "z" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "z" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</source>
        <target state="new">With DateTime values, the "z" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), measured in hours. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "z" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "z" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as a standard date and time format specifier and throws a FormatException.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_offset_2_digits">
        <source>utc hour offset (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">utc hour offset (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="utc_hour_offset_2_digits_description">
        <source>With DateTime values, the "zz" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from UTC, measured in hours. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "zz" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted with a leading zero.</source>
        <target state="new">With DateTime values, the "zz" custom format specifier represents the signed offset of the local operating system's time zone from UTC, measured in hours. It doesn't reflect the value of an instance's DateTime.Kind property. For this reason, the "zz" format specifier is not recommended for use with DateTime values.

With DateTimeOffset values, this format specifier represents the DateTimeOffset value's offset from UTC in hours.

The offset is always displayed with a leading sign. A plus sign (+) indicates hours ahead of UTC, and a minus sign (-) indicates hours behind UTC. A single-digit offset is formatted with a leading zero.</target>
4313 4314
        <note />
4315 4316 4317 4318 4319
      <trans-unit id="x_y_range_in_reverse_order">
        <source>[x-y] range in reverse order</source>
        <target state="new">[x-y] range in reverse order</target>
        <note>This is an error message shown to the user when they write an invalid Regular Expression. Example: [b-a]</note>
Cyrus Najmabadi 已提交
4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391
      <trans-unit id="year_1_2_digits">
        <source>year (1-2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">year (1-2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_1_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "y" custom format specifier represents the year as a one-digit or two-digit number. If the year has more than two digits, only the two low-order digits appear in the result. If the first digit of a two-digit year begins with a zero (for example, 2008), the number is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "y" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "y" standard date and time format specifier.</source>
        <target state="new">The "y" custom format specifier represents the year as a one-digit or two-digit number. If the year has more than two digits, only the two low-order digits appear in the result. If the first digit of a two-digit year begins with a zero (for example, 2008), the number is formatted without a leading zero.

If the "y" format specifier is used without other custom format specifiers, it's interpreted as the "y" standard date and time format specifier.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_2_digits">
        <source>year (2 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">year (2 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_2_digits_description">
        <source>The "yy" custom format specifier represents the year as a two-digit number. If the year has more than two digits, only the two low-order digits appear in the result. If the two-digit year has fewer than two significant digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce two digits.

In a parsing operation, a two-digit year that is parsed using the "yy" custom format specifier is interpreted based on the Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax property of the format provider's current calendar. The following example parses the string representation of a date that has a two-digit year by using the default Gregorian calendar of the en-US culture, which, in this case, is the current culture. It then changes the current culture's CultureInfo object to use a GregorianCalendar object whose TwoDigitYearMax property has been modified.</source>
        <target state="new">The "yy" custom format specifier represents the year as a two-digit number. If the year has more than two digits, only the two low-order digits appear in the result. If the two-digit year has fewer than two significant digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce two digits.

In a parsing operation, a two-digit year that is parsed using the "yy" custom format specifier is interpreted based on the Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax property of the format provider's current calendar. The following example parses the string representation of a date that has a two-digit year by using the default Gregorian calendar of the en-US culture, which, in this case, is the current culture. It then changes the current culture's CultureInfo object to use a GregorianCalendar object whose TwoDigitYearMax property has been modified.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_3_4_digits">
        <source>year (3-4 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">year (3-4 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_3_4_digits_description">
        <source>The "yyy" custom format specifier represents the year with a minimum of three digits. If the year has more than three significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than three digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce three digits.</source>
        <target state="new">The "yyy" custom format specifier represents the year with a minimum of three digits. If the year has more than three significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than three digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce three digits.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_4_digits">
        <source>year (4 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">year (4 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_4_digits_description">
        <source>The "yyyy" custom format specifier represents the year with a minimum of four digits. If the year has more than four significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than four digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce four digits.</source>
        <target state="new">The "yyyy" custom format specifier represents the year with a minimum of four digits. If the year has more than four significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than four digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce four digits.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_5_digits">
        <source>year (5 digits)</source>
        <target state="new">year (5 digits)</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_5_digits_description">
        <source>The "yyyyy" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "y" specifiers) represents the year with a minimum of five digits. If the year has more than five significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than five digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce five digits.

If there are additional "y" specifiers, the number is padded with as many leading zeros as necessary to produce the number of "y" specifiers.</source>
        <target state="new">The "yyyyy" custom format specifier (plus any number of additional "y" specifiers) represents the year with a minimum of five digits. If the year has more than five significant digits, they are included in the result string. If the year has fewer than five digits, the number is padded with leading zeros to produce five digits.

If there are additional "y" specifiers, the number is padded with as many leading zeros as necessary to produce the number of "y" specifiers.</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_month">
        <source>year month</source>
        <target state="new">year month</target>
        <note />
      <trans-unit id="year_month_description">
        <source>The "Y" or "y" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.YearMonthPattern property of a specified culture. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "yyyy MMMM".</source>
        <target state="new">The "Y" or "y" standard format specifier represents a custom date and time format string that is defined by the DateTimeFormatInfo.YearMonthPattern property of a specified culture. For example, the custom format string for the invariant culture is "yyyy MMMM".</target>
        <note />
Tom Meschter 已提交
4392 4393 4394