提交 0358b907 编写于 作者: D David Krieger 提交者: Shoaib Lari

gpssh-exkeys: Remove Paramiko and refactor

This commit removes Paramiko and refactors gpssh-exkeys to work
without it.  Specifically, gpssh-exkeys now assumes that SSH keys
between the master and each segment host are already set up before it
is run, and now only exchanges keys among the segment hosts.

We also take the opportunity to remove some dead code and improve some
file handling.
Co-authored-by: NDavid Krieger <dkrieger@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NJacob Champion <pchampion@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NShoaib Lari <slari@pivotal.io>
上级 0f2a1a58
......@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/lib')
import paramiko
import getopt, getpass, logging
import getopt
import tempfile, filecmp
import array, socket, subprocess
import socket, subprocess
from gppylib.commands import unix
from gppylib.util import ssh_utils
from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser
......@@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ class Global:
opt['-f'] = False
opt['-x'] = False # new hosts for expansion
opt['-e'] = False # existing hosts file for expansion
passwd = []
# ssh commands don't respect $HOME; they always use the home
# directory supplied in /etc/passwd so sshd can find the same
# directory.
......@@ -118,194 +116,74 @@ class Host:
def host(self):
return self.m_host
def remoteID(self):
return self.m_remoteID
def popen_cmd(self):
return self.m_popen_cmd;
def isPclosed(self):
return self.m_popen is None;
def getAddrs(self):
Gets the INET and INET6 addresses for this host.
if (self.m_inetAddrs is None) and (self.m_inet6Addrs is None):
self.m_inetAddrs = []
self.m_inet6Addrs = []
hostAddrs = socket.getaddrinfo(self.m_host, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
if self.m_isLocalhost:
socket.getaddrinfo('localhost', 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP,
for (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) in hostAddrs:
if family == socket.AF_INET:
(addr, port) = sockaddr
elif family == socket.AF_INET6:
(addr, port, flowinfo, scopeid) = sockaddr
except socket.gaierror:
self.m_inetAddrs = tuple(self.m_inetAddrs)
self.m_inet6Addrs = tuple(self.m_inet6Addrs)
return (self.m_inetAddrs, self.m_inet6Addrs)
def isSameHost(self, host):
def retrieveSSHFiles(self, tempDir):
Compares <host> with this host by published address
(thisInetAddrs, thisInet6Addrs) = self.getAddrs()
(thatInetAddrs, thatInet6Addrs) = host.getAddrs()
for addr in thisInetAddrs:
if addr in thatInetAddrs:
return True
for addr in thisInet6Addrs:
if addr in thatInet6Addrs:
return True
Ensure that appropriate structure and permissions for the .ssh
directory. If <tempDir> is specified, the authorized_keys,
known_hosts, and id_rsa.pub files are obtained from the target
host. These files are placed in <tempDir>/<self.m_host>
return False
def tryParamikoConnect(self, client, pwd=None, silence=False):
client.connect(self.m_host, password=pwd)
return True
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
if not silence: print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR %s] bad password' % (self.m_host)
return False
except paramiko.SSHException, e:
if not silence: print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR %s] %s' % (self.m_host, str(e))
return False
# Create .ssh directory and ensure content meets permission requirements
# for password-less SSH
# note: we touch .ssh/iddummy.pub just before the chmod operations to
# ensure the wildcard matches at least one file.
cmd = ('mkdir -p .ssh; ' +
'chmod 0700 .ssh; ' +
'touch .ssh/authorized_keys; ' +
'touch .ssh/known_hosts; ' +
'touch .ssh/config; ' +
'touch .ssh/iddummy.pub; ' +
'chmod 0600 .ssh/auth* .ssh/id*; ' +
'chmod 0644 .ssh/id*.pub .ssh/config')
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (self.m_host, cmd)
def sendLocalID(self, ID, passwd, tempDir):
Send local ID to remote over SSH, and append to authorized_key.
If <tempDir> is specified, the authorized_keys, known_hosts, and
id_rsa.pub files are obtained from the target host. These files
are placed in <tempDir>/<self.m_host>
p = None
cin = cout = cerr = None
p = paramiko.SSHClient()
ok = self.tryParamikoConnect(p, silence=True)
if not ok:
for pwd in passwd:
ok = self.tryParamikoConnect(p, pwd, silence=True)
if ok: break
while not ok:
print >> sys.stderr, ' ***'
pwd = getpass.getpass(' *** Enter password for %s: ' % (self.m_host), sys.stderr)
if pwd: ok = self.tryParamikoConnect(p, pwd)
if ok: passwd.append(pwd)
# Create .ssh directory and ensure content meets permission requirements
# for password-less SSH
# note: we touch .ssh/iddummy.pub just before the chmod operations to
# ensure the wildcard matches at least one file.
cmd = ('mkdir -p .ssh; ' +
'chmod 0700 .ssh; ' +
'touch .ssh/authorized_keys; ' +
'touch .ssh/known_hosts; ' +
'touch .ssh/config; ' +
'touch .ssh/iddummy.pub; ' +
'chmod 0600 .ssh/auth* .ssh/id*; ' +
'chmod 0644 .ssh/id*.pub .ssh/config')
args = ['ssh', self.m_host, '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', '-n',
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if GV.opt['-v']:
print '[INFO %s]: exit status=%s' % (self.m_host, p.returncode)
if stdout:
print '[INFO] stdout:'
for line in stdout.splitlines():
print ' ', line.rstrip()
if stderr:
print '[INFO] stderr:'
for line in stderr.splitlines():
print ' ', line.rstrip()
# If tempDir is specified, obtain a copy of the ssh
# files that should be preserved for existing hosts.
if tempDir:
cmd = 'cd .ssh && tar cf - authorized_keys known_hosts id_rsa.pub'
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (self.m_host, cmd)
(cin, cout, cerr) = p.exec_command(cmd)
exitStatus = cout.channel.recv_exit_status()
if GV.opt['-v']:
print '[INFO %s]: exit status=%s' % (self.m_host, exitStatus)
if cout.channel.recv_ready():
print '[INFO] stdout:'
for line in cout:
print ' ', line.rstrip()
if cout.channel.recv_stderr_ready():
print '[INFO] stderr:'
for line in cerr:
print ' ', line.rstrip()
# If tempDir is specified, obtain a copy of the ssh
# files that should be preserved for existing hosts.
if tempDir:
cmd = 'cd .ssh && tar cf - authorized_keys known_hosts id_rsa.pub'
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (self.m_host, cmd)
(cin, cout, cerr) = p.exec_command(cmd)
# Grab the tar stream from stdout
tarfile = open(os.path.join(tempDir, '%s.tar' % self.m_host), 'wb')
buf = array.array('B')
# The paramiko.SSHClient.exec_command stdout file read()
# method returns a string. This string must be converted
# back to binary before writing to the local tar file.
while True:
chunk = cout.read(4096)
if not chunk: break
del buf[:]
if tarfile:
exitStatus = cout.channel.recv_exit_status()
if exitStatus != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, ('[WARNING %s] cannot fetch existing authentication files: tar rc=%s;'
% (self.m_host, exitStatus))
for line in cerr:
print >> sys.stderr, ' ', line.rstrip()
print >> sys.stderr, ' One or more existing authentication files may be replaced on %s' % self.m_host
args = ['ssh', self.m_host, '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes',
'-n', cmd]
# The tar file content is expected to be extacted by the caller. Doing it
# here causes Paramiko Transport grief on Linux systems. (The Event.wait()
# used can be interrupted by the SIGCHLD signal popped by destruction of the
# process spawned to run the tar command -- Paramiko isn't ready for that to
# happen.
# Grab the tar stream from stdout
with open(os.path.join(tempDir, '%s.tar' % self.m_host), 'wb') as tarfile:
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=tarfile, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
_, stderr = p.communicate()
# Append the ID to authorized_keys; this is *temporary* --
# authorized_keys is expected to be replaced when the master
# .ssh content is shipped to the host.
cmd = 'echo \"%s\" >> .ssh/authorized_keys && echo ok ok ok' % ID
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (self.m_host, cmd)
(cin, cout, cerr) = p.exec_command(cmd)
line = cout.readline()
ok = (line.find('ok ok ok') >= 0)
if not ok:
print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR] cannot append local ID to authorized_keys on %s' % self.m_host
for line in cerr:
if p.returncode:
print >> sys.stderr, ('[WARNING %s] cannot fetch existing authentication files: tar rc=%s;'
% (self.m_host, p.returncode))
for line in stderr.splitlines():
print >> sys.stderr, ' ', line.rstrip()
print >> sys.stderr
return ok
print >> sys.stderr, ' One or more existing authentication files may be replaced on %s' % self.m_host
if cin: cin.close()
if cout: cout.close()
if cerr: cerr.close()
if p and p._transport: p.close()
# TODO: Paramiko previously prevented us from extracting
# the tarfile contents here. Now that we no longer use
# Paramiko, that can be revisited.
def popen(self, cmd):
'Run a command and save popen handle in this Host instance.'
......@@ -325,10 +203,6 @@ class Host:
self.m_popen = None
return (ok, content)
def setRemoteID(self, ID):
'Save the remote ID'
self.m_remoteID = ID
def parseCommandLine():
global opt
......@@ -443,9 +317,13 @@ def testAccess(hostname):
def addRemoteID(tab, line):
IDKey = line.strip().split()
if not (len(IDKey) == 3 and line[0] != '#'): return False
tab[IDKey[2]] = line
return True
keyParts = len(IDKey)
if line[0].startswith('#'):
return False
if (keyParts == 3) or (keyParts == 2):
tab[IDKey[keyParts-1]] = line
return True
return False
def readAuthorizedKeys(tab=None, keysFile=None):
......@@ -516,9 +394,6 @@ def addHost(hostname, hostlist, localhost=False):
tempDir = None
nullFile = logging.FileHandler('/dev/null')
# Assemble a list of names used by the current host. SSH is sensitive to both name
......@@ -650,6 +525,19 @@ try:
discovered_authorized_keys_file = os.path.join(tempDir, 'authorized_keys')
# step 0
# Ensure the local host can password-less ssh into each remote host
for remoteHost in GV.allHosts:
cmd = ['ssh', remoteHost.host(), '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', 'true']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR]: Failed to ssh to %s. %s' % (remoteHost.host(), stderr)
print >> sys.stderr, '[ERROR]: Expected passwordless ssh to host %s' % remoteHost.host()
# step 1
......@@ -732,73 +620,66 @@ try:
# step 3
# Temporarily append the localID to the authorized_keys file of
# each host to allow password-less SSH. This is a temporary measure --
# the authorized_keys file on each host is replaced in a later step.
# This step also obtains a copy of any existing authorized_keys,
# This step obtains a copy of any existing authorized_keys,
# known_hosts, and id_rsa.pub files for existing hosts so they
# may be updated rather than replaced (as is done for new hosts).
# may be updated rather than replaced (as is done for new
# hosts).
# The id_rsa.pub file from any existing host is collected for
# addition to this host's authorized_keys file and subsequent
# sharing with all hosts.
# The last step for each host is ensuring that password-less access
# from the current user is enabled. This is done using SSH rather
# than Paramiko to ensure that normal SSH processing is possible.
# from the current user is enabled.
print '[STEP 3 of 5] authorize current user on remote hosts' # serial
errmsg = None
print '[STEP 3 of 5] retrieving credentials from remote hosts' # serial
newKeys = None
for h in GV.allHosts:
print ' ... send to', h.host()
isExistingHost = (h in GV.existingHosts)
send_local_id = False
send_local_id = h.sendLocalID(localID, GV.passwd, tempDir if isExistingHost else None)
h.retrieveSSHFiles(tempDir if isExistingHost else None)
except socket.error, e:
errmsg = '[ERROR %s] %s' % (h.host(), e)
print >> sys.stderr, errmsg
if not send_local_id:
errmsg = '[ERROR %s] skipping key exchange for %s' % (h.host(), h.host())
print >> sys.stderr, errmsg
errmsg = '[ERROR %s] unable to authorize current user' % h.host()
print >> sys.stderr, errmsg
if isExistingHost:
# Now extract the .ssh files from the tarball into the
# host-specific directory
tarfileName = os.path.join(tempDir, '%s.tar' % h.host())
hostDir = os.path.join(tempDir, h.host())
cmd = 'cd %s && tar xf %s' % (hostDir, tarfileName)
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (h.host(), cmd)
tarproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(tarout, tarerr) = tarproc.communicate()
if tarproc.returncode != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, '[WARNING %s] cannot extract SSH files;' % h.host()
for line in tarerr.splitlines():
print >> sys.stderr, ' ', line
print >> sys.stderr, ' One or more existing authentication files may be replaced on %s' % h.host()
hostId = os.path.join(hostDir, 'id_rsa.pub')
if os.path.exists(hostId) and not filecmp.cmp(GV.id_rsa_pub_fname, hostId):
if not newKeys:
newKeys = open(discovered_authorized_keys_file, 'w')
print ' ...... appending %s ID to authorized_keys' % h.host()
with open(hostId) as hostPub:
for line in hostPub:
# Ensure the proper password-less access to the remote host.
if not testAccess(h.host()):
errmsg = '*' # message already issued
if errmsg: sys.exit(1)
if isExistingHost:
# Now extract the .ssh files from the tarball into the
# host-specific directory
tarfileName = os.path.join(tempDir, '%s.tar' % h.host())
hostDir = os.path.join(tempDir, h.host())
cmd = 'cd %s && tar xf %s' % (hostDir, tarfileName)
if GV.opt['-v']: print '[INFO %s]: %s' % (h.host(), cmd)
tarproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(tarout, tarerr) = tarproc.communicate()
if tarproc.returncode != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, '[WARNING %s] cannot extract SSH files;' % h.host()
for line in tarerr.splitlines():
print >> sys.stderr, ' ', line
print >> sys.stderr, ' One or more existing authentication files may be replaced on %s' % h.host()
hostId = os.path.join(hostDir, 'id_rsa.pub')
if os.path.exists(hostId) and not filecmp.cmp(GV.id_rsa_pub_fname, hostId):
if not newKeys:
newKeys = open(discovered_authorized_keys_file, 'w')
print ' ...... appending %s ID to authorized_keys' % h.host()
with open(hostId) as hostPub:
for line in hostPub:
# Ensure the proper password-less access to the remote host.
if not testAccess(h.host()):
if newKeys:
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