提交 0f2a1a58 编写于 作者: D David Krieger 提交者: Shoaib Lari

gpssh-exkeys: Add Behave tests

This commit adds some tests for gpssh-exkeys, as we want to be confident
in our test coverage before refactoring it to remove Paramiko.
Co-authored-by: NDavid Krieger <dkrieger@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NJacob Champion <pchampion@pivotal.io>
Co-authored-by: NShoaib Lari <slari@pivotal.io>
上级 567d5535
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from test.behave_utils.utils import drop_database_if_exists, start_database_if_n
run_command, check_user_permissions, run_gpcommand
from steps.mirrors_mgmt_utils import MirrorMgmtContext
from steps.gpconfig_mgmt_utils import GpConfigContext
from steps.gpssh_exkeys_mgmt_utils import GpsshExkeysMgmtContext
from gppylib.db import dbconn
def before_all(context):
......@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ def before_all(context):
def before_feature(context, feature):
# we should be able to run gpexpand without having a cluster initialized
tags_to_skip = ['gpexpand', 'gpaddmirrors', 'gpstate', 'gpmovemirrors', 'gpconfig']
tags_to_skip = ['gpexpand', 'gpaddmirrors', 'gpstate', 'gpmovemirrors', 'gpconfig', 'gpssh-exkeys']
if set(context.feature.tags).intersection(tags_to_skip):
......@@ -83,7 +84,10 @@ def before_scenario(context, scenario):
if 'gpconfig' in context.feature.tags:
context.gpconfig_context = GpConfigContext()
tags_to_skip = ['gpexpand', 'gpaddmirrors', 'gpstate', 'gpmovemirrors', 'gpconfig']
if 'gpssh-exkeys' in context.feature.tags:
context.gpssh_exkeys_context = GpsshExkeysMgmtContext(context)
tags_to_skip = ['gpexpand', 'gpaddmirrors', 'gpstate', 'gpmovemirrors', 'gpconfig', 'gpssh-exkeys']
if set(context.feature.tags).intersection(tags_to_skip):
......@@ -93,6 +97,11 @@ def before_scenario(context, scenario):
def after_scenario(context, scenario):
#TODO: you'd think that the scenario.skip() in before_scenario() would
# cause this to not be needed
if "skip" in scenario.effective_tags:
if 'tablespaces' in context:
for tablespace in context.tablespaces.values():
......@@ -102,11 +111,13 @@ def after_scenario(context, scenario):
if set(context.feature.tags).intersection(tags_to_skip):
if 'gpmovemirrors' in context.feature.tags:
tags_to_cleanup = ['gpmovemirrors', 'gpssh-exkeys']
if set(context.feature.tags).intersection(tags_to_cleanup):
if 'temp_base_dir' in context:
if 'analyzedb' not in context.feature.tags:
tags_to_not_restart_db = ['analyzedb', 'gpssh-exkeys']
if not set(context.feature.tags).intersection(tags_to_not_restart_db):
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
Feature: gpssh-exkeys behave tests
Scenario: fail sensibly if 1-N is not in place
Given the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "mdw"
And the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
And the local SSH configuration is backed up and removed
When gpssh-exkeys is run
Then gpssh-exkeys should return a return code of 1
And gpssh-exkeys writes "[ERROR]: Failed to ssh to sdw" to stderr
And gpssh-exkeys writes "[ERROR]: Expected passwordless ssh to host sdw" to stderr
Scenario: N-to-N exchange works
Given the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "mdw"
And the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
And all SSH configurations are backed up and stripped
And the segments can only be accessed using the master key
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Then all hosts "cannot" reach each other or themselves automatically
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
# run it again to make sure that gpssh-exkeys is idempotent
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
And there is no duplication in the "known_hosts" files
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Scenario: additional hosts may be added after initial run
Given the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "mdw"
And the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
And all SSH configurations are backed up and stripped
And the segments can only be accessed using the master key
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Then all hosts "cannot" reach each other or themselves automatically
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully on hosts "sdw1,sdw2"
Given the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2"
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully on additional hosts "sdw3"
Given the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
And there is no duplication in the "known_hosts" files
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Scenario: hostfiles are accepted as well
Given the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "mdw"
And the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
And all SSH configurations are backed up and stripped
And the segments can only be accessed using the master key
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Then all hosts "cannot" reach each other or themselves automatically
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully with a hostfile
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
Scenario: IPv6 addresses are accepted
Given the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "mdw"
And the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "sdw1,sdw2,sdw3"
And all SSH configurations are backed up and stripped
And the segments can only be accessed using the master key
And there is no duplication in the "authorized_keys" files
Then all hosts "cannot" reach each other or themselves automatically
When gpssh-exkeys is run successfully with IPv6 addresses
Then all hosts "can" reach each other or themselves automatically
from os import path
import os
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import pipes
from behave import given, when, then
from test.behave_utils.utils import *
from mgmt_utils import *
class GpsshExkeysMgmtContext:
This class is intended to store per-Scenario state that is built up over a
series of steps.
def __init__(self, context):
self.master_host = None
self.segment_hosts = None
make_temp_dir(context, '/tmp/gpssh-exkeys', '0700')
self.working_directory = context.temp_base_dir
def allHosts(self):
allHosts = [self.master_host]
return allHosts
@given('the gpssh-exkeys master host is set to "{host}"')
def impl(context, host):
context.gpssh_exkeys_context.master_host = host
@given('the gpssh-exkeys segment host is set to "{hosts}"')
def impl(context, hosts):
context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts = [ h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',') ]
def run_exkeys(hosts, capture=False):
Runs gpssh-exkeys for the given list of hosts. If capture is True, the
(returncode, stdout, stderr) from the gpssh-exkeys run is returned;
otherwise an exception is thrown on failure and all stdout/err is untouched.
host_opts = []
for host in hosts:
host_opts.extend(['-h', host])
args = [ 'gpssh-exkeys', '-v' ] + host_opts
if not capture:
# Capture stdout/err for later use, while routing it through tee(1) so that
# developers can still see the live stream output.
# XXX This is a very heavy-weight solution, using pipes.Template() for the
# creation of shell pipeline processes. It's also platform-specific as it
# relies on the functionality of /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr.
# The overview: we open up two shell processes running tee(1), using
# pipes.Template(), and connect their standard output to the stdout/err of
# the current Python process using Template.open(). We then connect the
# stdout/stderr streams of subprocess.call() to the stdin of those tee
# pipelines. tee(1) will duplicate all output to temporary files, which we
# read after the subprocess call completes. NamedTemporaryFile() then cleans
# up those files when we return.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_out, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_err:
pipe_out = pipes.Template()
pipe_out.append('tee %s' % pipes.quote(temp_out.name), '--')
pipe_err = pipes.Template()
pipe_err.append('tee %s' % pipes.quote(temp_err.name), '--')
with pipe_out.open('/dev/stdout', 'w') as out, pipe_err.open('/dev/stderr', 'w') as err:
ret = subprocess.call(args, stdout=out, stderr=err)
stored_out = temp_out.read()
stored_err = temp_err.read()
return ret, stored_out, stored_err
@then('gpssh-exkeys writes "{output}" to stderr')
def impl(context, output):
if 'stderr' not in context:
raise Exception('context has no stored stderr (did you run the correct steps?)')
if output not in context.stderr:
msg = 'expected stderr content not found. stderr:\n%s' % context.stderr
raise Exception(msg)
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run')
def impl(context):
hosts = context.gpssh_exkeys_context.allHosts()
code, stdout, stderr = run_exkeys(hosts, capture=True)
context.ret_code = code
context.stdout = stdout
context.stderr = stderr
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully')
def impl(context):
@given('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully on hosts "{hosts}"')
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully on hosts "{hosts}"')
def impl(context, hosts):
run_exkeys([ h.strip() for h in hosts.split(',') ])
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully on additional hosts "{new_hosts}"')
def impl(context, new_hosts):
new_hosts = [ h.strip() for h in new_hosts.split(',') ]
old_hosts = [
h for h in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.allHosts() if h not in new_hosts
old_host_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
new_host_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
with old_host_file, new_host_file:
for h in old_hosts:
old_host_file.write(h + '\n')
for h in new_hosts:
new_host_file.write(h + '\n')
'-e', old_host_file.name,
'-x', new_host_file.name,
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully with a hostfile')
def impl(context):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as host_file:
for h in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.allHosts():
host_file.write(h + '\n')
'-f', host_file.name,
@when('gpssh-exkeys is run successfully with IPv6 addresses')
def impl(context):
ipv6_addrs = []
for host in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.allHosts():
# Try to look up an IPv6 address for each host.
addrs = socket.getaddrinfo(host, None, socket.AF_INET6)
except socket.gaierror as err:
raise Exception, \
"failed to find IPv6 address for host '{}': {}".format(host, err), \
# getaddrinfo() return value is a bit opaque. For AF_INET6, it's a list
# of (family, socktype, proto, canonname, (address, port, flow info, scope id))
# nested tuples. We're interested in the address piece of the first
# entry in that list.
addr = addrs[0][4][0]
print host, "maps to", addr
@then('all hosts "{works}" reach each other or themselves automatically')
def impl(context, works):
steps = u'''
Then the segment hosts "{0}" reach each other or themselves automatically
And the segment hosts "{0}" reach the master
And the master host "{0}" reach itself
# TODO: we are currently not using gpssh so we can control StrictHostKeyChecking=yes
@then('the segment hosts "{works}" reach each other or themselves automatically')
def impl(context, works):
ret = 255
if (works == 'can'):
ret = 0
# NOTE: we tried using scp with files instead, but -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes
# still asked us for a prompt.
# we're not using gpssh here because we want to test each connection
for fromHost in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
for toHost in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
cmd = u'''
When the user runs command "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes %s \"ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes %s hostname\"" eok
And ssh should return a return code of %d
''' % (fromHost, toHost, ret)
print "CMD:%s" % cmd
@then('the segment hosts "{works}" reach the master')
def impl(context, works):
host_opts = []
for host in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
host_opts.extend(['-h', host])
] + host_opts + [
'{}ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes mdw true'.format(
"" if (works == 'can') else "! "
@then('the master host "{works}" reach itself')
def impl(context, works):
result = subprocess.call(['ssh', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes', 'mdw', 'true'])
should_work = (works == 'can')
did_work = (result == 0)
if should_work != did_work:
expected_code = '0' if should_work else 'not 0'
raise Exception('actual result of ssh mdw: %s (expected: %s)', result, expected_code)
@given('all SSH configurations are backed up and stripped')
def impl(context):
Strips out part of the ssh secrets to setup the cluster so only ssh from
the local to the remotes works.
host_opts = []
for host in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
host_opts.extend(['-h', host])
# Everything except authorized_keys is moved elsewhere.
] + host_opts + [(
'mkdir -p /tmp/ssh.bak '
'&& mv -f ~/.ssh/* /tmp/ssh.bak '
'&& cp -fp /tmp/ssh.bak/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/'
# Also backup .ssh on mdw, leaving the key configuration in .ssh
home_ssh = path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
backup_path = '/tmp/ssh.bak/'
for ssh_file in os.listdir(home_ssh):
if not ssh_file.startswith('id_rsa'):
shutil.move(path.join(home_ssh, ssh_file), backup_path)
# Make sure the configuration is restored at the end.
def cleanup():
] + host_opts + [
'mv -f /tmp/ssh.bak/* ~/.ssh/',
for f in os.listdir(backup_path):
shutil.move(path.join(backup_path, f), path.join(home_ssh, f))
@given('the local SSH configuration is backed up and removed')
def impl(context):
Strips out part of the ssh secrets to setup the cluster so only ssh from
the local to the remotes works.
# Also backup .ssh on mdw, leaving the key configuration in .ssh
home_ssh = path.expanduser('~/.ssh')
backup_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
for ssh_file in os.listdir(home_ssh):
shutil.move(path.join(home_ssh, ssh_file), backup_path)
# Make sure the configuration is restored at the end.
def cleanup():
for f in os.listdir(backup_path):
shutil.move(path.join(backup_path, f), path.join(home_ssh, f))
@given('the segments can only be accessed using the master key')
def impl(context):
host_opts = []
for host in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
host_opts.extend(['-h', host])
# This blows away any existing authorized_keys file on the segments.
] + host_opts + [
@given('there is no duplication in the "{ssh_type}" files')
@then('there is no duplication in the "{ssh_type}" files')
def impl(context, ssh_type):
host_opts = []
for host in context.gpssh_exkeys_context.segment_hosts:
host_opts.extend(['-h', host])
# ssh'ing to localhost need not be set up yet
subprocess.check_call([ 'bash', '-c', '! sort %s | uniq -d | grep .' % path.join('~/.ssh',pipes.quote(ssh_type))])
] + host_opts + [
'! sort %s | uniq -d | grep .' % path.join('~/.ssh',pipes.quote(ssh_type))
......@@ -372,6 +372,11 @@ def impl(context, command):
if has_exception(context):
raise context.exception
@given('the user runs command "{command}" eok')
@when('the user runs command "{command}" eok')
@then('the user runs command "{command}" eok')
def impl(context, command):
run_command(context, command)
@when('the user runs async command "{command}"')
def impl(context, command):
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