提交 d52570f1 编写于 作者: H Hongqin-Li 提交者: OB-robot

Fix infinite retry when table dropped to recyclebin

上级 a7b14cd4
......@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ int ObForeignKeyConstraintValidationTask::check_fk_by_send_sql() const
// for example: data_table_id will be parent_table_id when altering non-ref column type of parent table.
// https://work.aone.alibaba-inc.com/issue/38544828
const ObTableSchema *data_table_schema = nullptr;
const ObDatabaseSchema *data_database_schema = nullptr;
const ObTableSchema *child_table_schema = nullptr;
const ObDatabaseSchema *child_database_schema = nullptr;
const ObTableSchema *parent_table_schema = nullptr;
......@@ -221,9 +222,15 @@ int ObForeignKeyConstraintValidationTask::check_fk_by_send_sql() const
LOG_WARN("get tenant schema guard failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_table_schema(tenant_id_, data_table_id_, data_table_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("get table schema failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(data_table_id_));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(data_table_schema)) {
} else if (OB_ISNULL(data_table_schema) || data_table_schema->is_in_recyclebin()) {
LOG_WARN("table schema not exist", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_database_schema(tenant_id_, data_table_schema->get_database_id(), data_database_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to get database schema", K(ret));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(data_database_schema) || data_database_schema->is_in_recyclebin()) {
// ob drop database to recyclebin won't drop its tables to recyclebin, but will drop fk of its tables directly.
LOG_WARN("database schema not exist", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(get_foreign_key_info(data_table_schema, fk_info))) {
LOG_WARN("get foreign key info failed", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_table_schema(tenant_id_, fk_info.parent_table_id_, parent_table_schema))) {
......@@ -652,6 +652,8 @@ bool ObDDLTask::is_replica_build_need_retry(
const ObTableSchema *table_schema = nullptr;
if (OB_FAIL(ObMultiVersionSchemaService::get_instance().get_tenant_schema_guard(tenant_id_, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("get tenant schema guard failed", K(ret), K_(tenant_id));
} else if (OB_FAIL(ObDDLUtil::check_table_exist(tenant_id_, object_id_, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to check table exist", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_table_schema(tenant_id_, object_id_, table_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("get table schema failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(object_id_));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(table_schema)) {
......@@ -668,24 +670,15 @@ bool ObDDLTask::is_replica_build_need_retry(
if (target_object_id_ != fk_infos.at(i).foreign_key_id_) {
} else {
found = true;
if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.check_table_exist(tenant_id_, fk_infos.at(i).parent_table_id_, is_table_exist))) {
LOG_WARN("check schema exist failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(fk_infos.at(i)));
} else if (!is_table_exist) {
LOG_INFO("table schema not exist", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(object_id_), K(fk_infos.at(i)));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.check_table_exist(tenant_id_, fk_infos.at(i).child_table_id_, is_table_exist))) {
LOG_WARN("check schema exist failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(fk_infos.at(i)));
} else if (!is_table_exist) {
LOG_INFO("table schema not exist", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(object_id_), K(fk_infos.at(i)));
if (OB_FAIL(ObDDLUtil::check_table_exist(tenant_id_, fk_infos.at(i).parent_table_id_, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to check table exist", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(ObDDLUtil::check_table_exist(tenant_id_, fk_infos.at(i).child_table_id_, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to check table exist", K(ret));
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.check_table_exist(tenant_id_, target_object_id_, is_table_exist))) {
LOG_WARN("check table exist failed", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(target_object_id_));
} else if (!is_table_exist) {
LOG_WARN("not exist", K(ret), K(tenant_id_), K(target_object_id_));
} else if (OB_FAIL(ObDDLUtil::check_table_exist(tenant_id_, target_object_id_, schema_guard))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to check table exist", K(ret));
} else {
......@@ -875,6 +875,30 @@ int ObDDLUtil::get_sys_ls_leader_addr(
return ret;
int ObDDLUtil::check_table_exist(
const uint64_t tenant_id,
const uint64_t table_id,
ObSchemaGetterGuard &schema_guard)
int ret = OB_SUCCESS;
const ObTableSchema *table_schema = nullptr;
const ObDatabaseSchema *database_schema = nullptr;
uint64_t database_id = OB_INVALID_ID;
if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_table_schema(tenant_id, table_id, table_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to get table schema", K(ret));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(table_schema) || table_schema->is_in_recyclebin()) {
LOG_WARN("table not exist", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K(table_id), K(table_schema));
} else if (OB_FALSE_IT(database_id = table_schema->get_database_id())) {
} else if (OB_FAIL(schema_guard.get_database_schema(tenant_id, database_id, database_schema))) {
LOG_WARN("failed to get database schema", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K(table_id), K(database_id));
} else if (OB_ISNULL(database_schema) || database_schema->is_in_recyclebin()) {
LOG_WARN("database not exist", K(ret), K(tenant_id), K(table_id), K(database_id), K(database_schema));
return ret;
/****************** ObCheckTabletDataComplementOp *************/
int ObCheckTabletDataComplementOp::check_task_inner_sql_session_status(
......@@ -300,6 +300,11 @@ public:
const common::ObTabletID &tablet_id,
ObLSLocation &location);
static int check_table_exist(
const uint64_t tenant_id,
const uint64_t table_id,
share::schema::ObSchemaGetterGuard &schema_guard);
static int generate_column_name_str(
const common::ObIArray<ObColumnNameInfo> &column_names,
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