提交 a7b14cd4 编写于 作者: O obdev 提交者: OB-robot

[scn] add params to control error printing in SCN::get_val_for_tx()

上级 b7b90a15
......@@ -363,11 +363,15 @@ int SCN::convert_for_tx(int64_t val)
return ret;
int64_t SCN::get_val_for_tx() const
int64_t SCN::get_val_for_tx(const bool ignore_invalid_scn) const
int64_t result_val = 0;
int64_t result_val = -1;
if (!is_valid()) {
PALF_LOG(ERROR, "invalid SCN", K(val_));
if (!ignore_invalid_scn) {
PALF_LOG(ERROR, "invalid SCN", K(val_));
} else {
PALF_LOG(WARN, "invalid SCN", K(val_));
} else if (OB_MAX_SCN_TS_NS == ts_ns_) {
result_val = INT64_MAX;
} else {
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
uint64_t get_val_for_sql() const;
//only for tx, include transform from SCN_MAX to INT64_MAX
int64_t get_val_for_tx() const;
int64_t get_val_for_tx(const bool ignore_invalid_scn = false) const;
// compare function
bool operator==(const SCN &scn) const;
......@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ void ObKeepAliveLSHandler::print_stat_info()
"Near_To_GTS_Cnt", stat_info_.near_to_gts_cnt,
"Other_Error_Cnt", stat_info_.other_error_cnt,
"Submit_Succ_Cnt", stat_info_.submit_succ_cnt,
"last_scn", stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.scn_.get_val_for_tx(),
"last_scn", to_cstring(stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.scn_),
"last_lsn", stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.lsn_,
"last_gts", last_gts_,
"min_start_scn", stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.min_start_scn_.get_val_for_tx(),
"min_start_scn", to_cstring(stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.min_start_scn_),
"min_start_status", stat_info_.stat_keepalive_info_.min_start_status_);
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