未验证 提交 f9a5982b 编写于 作者: J Jiawei Lin 提交者: GitHub

Refactor print control transform (#845)

上级 6f021e01
......@@ -17,74 +17,10 @@ package top
import chisel3.stage.ChiselCli
import firrtl.AnnotationSeq
import firrtl.annotations.NoTargetAnnotation
import firrtl.options.PhaseManager.PhaseDependency
import firrtl.options.{Dependency, HasShellOptions, Shell, ShellOption}
import firrtl.stage.{FirrtlCli, RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation}
import freechips.rocketchip.stage.phases.GenerateArtefacts
import freechips.rocketchip.transforms.naming.{OverrideDesiredNameAnnotation, RenameDesiredNames}
import xstransforms.ShowPrintTransform
import xstransforms.PrintModuleName
case class DisablePrintfAnnotation(m: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation
object DisablePrintfAnnotation extends HasShellOptions{
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "disable-module-print",
toAnnotationSeq = s => Seq(DisablePrintfAnnotation(s)),
helpText =
"The verilog 'printf' in the <module> and it's submodules will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("dm"),
helpValueName = Some("<module>")
case class EnablePrintfAnnotation(m: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation
object EnablePrintfAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "enable-module-print",
toAnnotationSeq = s => Seq(EnablePrintfAnnotation(s)),
helpText =
"The verilog 'printf' except the <module> and it's submodules will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("em"),
helpValueName = Some("<module>")
case class DisableAllPrintAnnotation() extends NoTargetAnnotation
object DisableAllPrintAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[Unit](
longOption = "disable-all",
toAnnotationSeq = _ => Seq(DisableAllPrintAnnotation()),
helpText =
"All the verilog 'printf' will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("dall")
case class RemoveAssertAnnotation() extends NoTargetAnnotation
object RemoveAssertAnnotation extends HasShellOptions{
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[Unit](
longOption = "remove-assert",
toAnnotationSeq = _ => Seq(RemoveAssertAnnotation()),
helpText = "All the 'assert' will be removed\n",
shortOption = None
import xstransforms._
trait XiangShanCli { this: Shell =>
parser.note("XiangShan Options")
......@@ -110,7 +46,7 @@ object XiangShanStage {
(new XiangShanStage).execute(
annotations ++ Seq(
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new ShowPrintTransform),
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new PrintControl),
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new PrintModuleName),
RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation(new RenameDesiredNames)
......@@ -16,37 +16,91 @@
package xstransforms
import firrtl._
import firrtl.annotations.NoTargetAnnotation
import firrtl.ir._
import top._
import firrtl.options.{HasShellOptions, ShellOption}
import scala.collection.mutable
class ShowPrintTransform extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration {
case class DisablePrintfAnnotation(m: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation
object DisablePrintfAnnotation extends HasShellOptions{
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "disable-module-print",
toAnnotationSeq = s => Seq(DisablePrintfAnnotation(s)),
helpText =
"The verilog 'printf' in the <module> and it's submodules will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("dm"),
helpValueName = Some("<module>")
case class EnablePrintfAnnotation(m: String) extends NoTargetAnnotation
object EnablePrintfAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[String](
longOption = "enable-module-print",
toAnnotationSeq = s => Seq(EnablePrintfAnnotation(s)),
helpText =
"The verilog 'printf' except the <module> and it's submodules will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("em"),
helpValueName = Some("<module>")
case class DisableAllPrintAnnotation() extends NoTargetAnnotation
object DisableAllPrintAnnotation extends HasShellOptions {
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[Unit](
longOption = "disable-all",
toAnnotationSeq = _ => Seq(DisableAllPrintAnnotation()),
helpText =
"All the verilog 'printf' will be removed\n",
shortOption = Some("dall")
case class RemoveAssertAnnotation() extends NoTargetAnnotation
object RemoveAssertAnnotation extends HasShellOptions{
val options = Seq(
new ShellOption[Unit](
longOption = "remove-assert",
toAnnotationSeq = _ => Seq(RemoveAssertAnnotation()),
helpText = "All the 'assert' will be removed\n",
shortOption = None
class PrintControl extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration {
override def optionalPrerequisiteOf = firrtl.stage.Forms.MinimalHighForm
override def invalidates(a: Transform) = true
override protected def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {
val c = state.circuit
val blackList = state.annotations.collect {
val disableList = state.annotations.collect {
case DisablePrintfAnnotation(m) => m
val whiteList = state.annotations.collect {
val enableList = state.annotations.collect {
case EnablePrintfAnnotation(m) => m
val disableAll = state.annotations.collectFirst {
case DisableAllPrintAnnotation() => true
val removeAssert = state.annotations.collectFirst{
case RemoveAssertAnnotation() => true
!(whiteList.nonEmpty && (disableAll || blackList.nonEmpty)),
"'white list' can't be used with 'disable all' or 'black list'!"
assert(!(enableList.nonEmpty && (disableAll || disableList.nonEmpty)))
val c = state.circuit
val top = c.main
val queue = new mutable.Queue[String]()
......@@ -55,57 +109,39 @@ class ShowPrintTransform extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration {
queue += top
ancestors(top) = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty
def findSubModules(m: DefModule): Unit = {
def viewStmt(s: Statement): Statement = s match {
case DefInstance(_, name, module, _) =>
ancestors(module) = ancestors(m.name) + m.name
queue += module
case other =>
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
val curr = queue.dequeue()
c.modules.find(m => m.name==curr).map(findSubModules)
c.modules.find(m => m.name==curr).foreach(m => {
def viewStmt(s: Statement): Statement = s match {
case DefInstance(_, _, module, _) =>
ancestors(module) = ancestors(curr) + m.name
queue += module
case other =>
def processModule(m: DefModule): DefModule = {
def disableModulePrint(mod: DefModule) = {
def disableStmtPrint(s: Statement): Statement = s match {
case _: Print =>
case other =>
def onModule(m: DefModule): DefModule = m match {
case _: ExtModule => m
case _: Module =>
def inRange(seq: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
seq.nonEmpty && (seq.contains(m.name) || seq.map(elm => {
def removeModuleAssert(mod: DefModule)= {
def removeStmtAssert(s: Statement): Statement = s match {
case _: Stop =>
val enable = enableList.isEmpty || inRange(enableList)
val disable = disableAll || inRange(disableList) || !enable
def onStmt(s: Statement): Statement = s match {
case _: Print if disable =>
case other =>
case _: Stop if removeAssert => EmptyStmt
case other => other.mapStmt(onStmt)
val isInBlackList = blackList.nonEmpty && (
blackList.contains(m.name) || blackList.map( b => ancestors(m.name).contains(b)).reduce(_||_)
val isInWhiteList = whiteList.isEmpty || (
whiteList.nonEmpty && (whiteList.contains(m.name) || whiteList.map( x => ancestors(m.name).contains(x)).reduce(_||_))
val tmpMod = if(disableAll || isInBlackList || !isInWhiteList){
} else {
if(removeAssert) removeModuleAssert(tmpMod) else tmpMod
state.copy(circuit = c.mapModule(onModule))
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