未验证 提交 f83b578a 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

backend,fu: allow early arbitration via fastUopOut (#962)

This commit adds a fastUopOut option to function units. This allows the
function units to give valid and uop one cycle before its output data is
ready. FastUopOut lets writeback arbitration happen one cycle before
data is ready and helps optimize the timing.

Since some function units are not ready for this new feature, this
commit adds a fastImplemented option to allow function units to have
fastUopOut but the data is still at the same cycle as uop. This option
will delay the data for one cycle and may cause performance degradation.
FastImplemented should be true after function units support fastUopOut.
上级 c92d58b7
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan.backend._
import xiangshan.backend.fu.HasExceptionNO
import xiangshan.backend.exu.{ExuConfig, Wb}
import xiangshan.backend.exu.{ExuConfig, WbArbiter}
import xiangshan.frontend._
import xiangshan.cache.mmu._
import xiangshan.cache.L1plusCacheWrapper
......@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ abstract class XSCoreBase()(implicit p: config.Parameters) extends LazyModule
val ptw = LazyModule(new PTWWrapper())
val intConfigs = exuConfigs.filter(_.writeIntRf)
val intArbiter = LazyModule(new Wb(intConfigs, NRIntWritePorts, isFp = false))
val intArbiter = LazyModule(new WbArbiter(intConfigs, NRIntWritePorts, isFp = false))
val intWbPorts = intArbiter.allConnections.map(c => c.map(intConfigs(_)))
val numIntWbPorts = intWbPorts.length
val fpConfigs = exuConfigs.filter(_.writeFpRf)
val fpArbiter = LazyModule(new Wb(fpConfigs, NRFpWritePorts, isFp = true))
val fpArbiter = LazyModule(new WbArbiter(fpConfigs, NRFpWritePorts, isFp = true))
val fpWbPorts = fpArbiter.allConnections.map(c => c.map(fpConfigs(_)))
val numFpWbPorts = fpWbPorts.length
......@@ -158,7 +158,10 @@ class FUBlock(configs: Seq[(ExuConfig, Int)])(implicit p: Parameters) extends XS
// out
io.writeback(i).bits.data := Mux(exu.io.out.bits.uop.ctrl.fpWen,
// TODO: remove this conversion after record is removed
val fpWen = exu.io.out.bits.uop.ctrl.fpWen
val dataIsFp = if (exu.config.hasFastUopOut) RegNext(fpWen) else fpWen
io.writeback(i).bits.data := Mux(dataIsFp,
......@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ case class ExuConfig
val writeIntRf = fuConfigs.map(_.writeIntRf).reduce(_ || _)
val writeFpRf = fuConfigs.map(_.writeFpRf).reduce(_ || _)
val hasRedirect = fuConfigs.map(_.hasRedirect).reduce(_ || _)
val hasFastUopOut = fuConfigs.map(_.fastUopOut).reduce(_ || _)
val latency: HasFuLatency = {
val lats = fuConfigs.map(_.latency)
......@@ -147,34 +148,50 @@ abstract class Exu(val config: ExuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModu
val needArbiter = !(config.latency.latencyVal.nonEmpty && (config.latency.latencyVal.get == 0))
def writebackArb(in: Seq[DecoupledIO[FuOutput]], out: DecoupledIO[ExuOutput]): Arbiter[FuOutput] = {
def writebackArb(in: Seq[DecoupledIO[FuOutput]], out: DecoupledIO[ExuOutput]): Seq[Bool] = {
if (needArbiter) {
if(in.size == 1){
in.head.ready := out.ready
out.bits.data := in.head.bits.data
out.bits.uop := in.head.bits.uop
out.valid := in.head.valid
} else {
val arb = Module(new Arbiter(new FuOutput(in.head.bits.len), in.size))
arb.io.in <> in
arb.io.out.ready := out.ready
out.bits.data := arb.io.out.bits.data
out.bits.uop := arb.io.out.bits.uop
out.valid := arb.io.out.valid
val arb = Module(new Arbiter(new ExuOutput, in.size))
in.zip(arb.io.in).foreach{ case (l, r) =>
l.ready := r.ready
r.valid := l.valid
r.bits := DontCare
r.bits.uop := l.bits.uop
r.bits.data := l.bits.data
arb.io.out <> out
} else {
in.foreach(_.ready := out.ready)
val sel = Mux1H(in.map(x => x.valid -> x))
out.bits.data := sel.bits.data
out.bits.uop := sel.bits.uop
out.valid := sel.valid
val arb = writebackArb(functionUnits.map(_.io.out), io.out)
val arbSel = writebackArb(functionUnits.map(_.io.out), io.out)
val arbSelReg = arbSel.map(RegNext(_))
val dataRegVec = functionUnits.map(_.io.out.bits.data).zip(config.fuConfigs).map{ case (i, cfg) =>
if (config.hasFastUopOut && (!cfg.fastUopOut || !cfg.fastImplemented)) {
println(s"WARNING: fast not implemented!! ${cfg.name} will be delayed for one cycle.")
(if (cfg.fastUopOut && cfg.fastImplemented) i else RegNext(i))
val dataReg = Mux1H(arbSelReg, dataRegVec)
if (config.hasFastUopOut) {
io.out.bits.data := dataReg
val readIntFu = config.fuConfigs
......@@ -39,17 +39,14 @@ class FmiscExeUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends ExeUnit(FmiscExeUnitCfg) {
module.asInstanceOf[FPUSubModule].rm := Mux(instr_rm =/= 7.U, instr_rm, frm.get)
io.out.bits.fflags := MuxCase(
fus.map(x => x.io.out.fire() -> x.fflags)
val fpOutCtrl = io.out.bits.uop.ctrl.fpu
io.out.bits.data := Mux(!io.out.bits.uop.ctrl.fpWen,
Mux(fpOutCtrl.typeTagOut === S,
box(arb.io.out.bits.data, FType.S),
sanitizeNaN(arb.io.out.bits.data, FType.D)
io.out.bits.fflags := Mux1H(arbSelReg, fus.map(x => x.fflags))
val arbUop = RegNext(io.out.bits.uop)
io.out.bits.data := Mux(!arbUop.ctrl.fpWen,
Mux(arbUop.ctrl.fpu.typeTagOut === S,
box(dataReg, FType.S),
sanitizeNaN(dataReg, FType.D)
// io.out.bits.data := box(arb.io.out.bits.data, fpOutCtrl.typeTagOut)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class ExuWbArbiter(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
assert(ctrl_arb.io.out.valid === data_arb.io.out.valid)
class Wb(cfgs: Seq[ExuConfig], numOut: Int, isFp: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class WbArbiter(cfgs: Seq[ExuConfig], numOut: Int, isFp: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val priorities = cfgs.map(c => if(isFp) c.wbFpPriority else c.wbIntPriority)
// NOTE:
......@@ -99,10 +99,18 @@ class Wb(cfgs: Seq[ExuConfig], numOut: Int, isFp: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameter
val otherConnections = splitN(otherPorts, sharedPorts.length)
val sharedConnections = sharedPorts.zip(otherConnections).map{ case (s, o) => s +: o }
val allConnections: Seq[Seq[Int]] = exclusivePorts.map(Seq(_)) ++ sharedConnections
val hasFastUopOutVec = allConnections.map(_.map(cfgs(_).hasFastUopOut))
val hasFastUopOut: Seq[Boolean] = hasFastUopOutVec.map(_.reduce(_ || _))
hasFastUopOutVec.zip(hasFastUopOut).foreach{ case (vec, fast) =>
if (fast && vec.contains(false)) {
println("Warning: some exu does not have fastUopOut. It has extra one-cycle latency.")
val sb = new StringBuffer(s"\n${if(isFp) "fp" else "int"} wb arbiter:\n")
for ((port, i) <- exclusivePorts.zipWithIndex) {
sb.append(s"[ ${cfgs(port).name} ] -> out #$i\n")
val hasFastUopOutS = if (hasFastUopOut(i)) s" (hasFastUopOut)" else ""
sb.append(s"[ ${cfgs(port).name} ] -> out$hasFastUopOutS #$i\n")
for ((port, i) <- sharedPorts.zipWithIndex) {
sb.append(s"[ ${cfgs(port).name} ")
......@@ -110,14 +118,15 @@ class Wb(cfgs: Seq[ExuConfig], numOut: Int, isFp: Boolean)(implicit p: Parameter
for (req <- otherConnections(i)) {
sb.append(s"${cfgs(req).name} ")
sb.append(s"] -> ${if(useArb) "arb ->" else ""} out #${exclusivePorts.size + i}\n")
val hasFastUopOutS = if (hasFastUopOut(i + exclusivePorts.length)) s" (hasFastUopOut)" else ""
sb.append(s"] -> ${if(useArb) "arb ->" else ""} out$hasFastUopOutS #${exclusivePorts.size + i}\n")
lazy val module = new WbImp(this)
lazy val module = new WbArbiterImp(this)
class WbImp(outer: Wb)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
class WbArbiterImp(outer: WbArbiter)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val in = Vec(outer.numInPorts, Flipped(DecoupledIO(new ExuOutput)))
......@@ -128,23 +137,35 @@ class WbImp(outer: Wb)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
val sharedIn = outer.sharedPorts.map(io.in(_))
// exclusive ports are connected directly
case (o, i) =>
val arb = Module(new ExuWbArbiter(1))
arb.io.in.head <> i
o.bits := arb.io.out.bits
o.valid := arb.io.out.valid
arb.io.out.ready := true.B
case ((out, in), i) =>
val hasFastUopOut = outer.hasFastUopOut(i)
out.valid := (if (hasFastUopOut) RegNext(in.valid) else in.valid)
out.bits := in.bits
in.ready := true.B
// shared ports are connected with an arbiter
for (i <- sharedIn.indices) {
val out = io.out(exclusiveIn.size + i)
val shared = outer.sharedConnections(i).map(io.in(_))
val hasFastUopOut = outer.hasFastUopOut(i + exclusiveIn.length)
val arb = Module(new ExuWbArbiter(shared.size))
arb.io.in <> shared
out.valid := arb.io.out.valid
out.bits := arb.io.out.bits
if (hasFastUopOut) {
out.valid := RegNext(arb.io.out.valid)
// When hasFastUopOut, only uop comes at the same cycle with valid.
// Other bits like data, fflags come at the next cycle after valid,
// and they need to be selected with the fireVec.
val fastVec = outer.hasFastUopOutVec(i + exclusiveIn.length)
val dataVec = VecInit(shared.map(_.bits).zip(fastVec).map{ case (d, f) => if (f) d else RegNext(d) })
val sel = VecInit(arb.io.in.map(_.fire)).asUInt
out.bits := Mux1H(RegNext(sel), dataVec)
// uop comes at the same cycle with valid and only RegNext is needed.
out.bits.uop := RegNext(arb.io.out.bits.uop)
arb.io.out.ready := true.B
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ case class FuConfig
writeFpRf: Boolean,
hasRedirect: Boolean,
latency: HasFuLatency = CertainLatency(0),
fastUopOut: Boolean = false,
fastImplemented: Boolean = false
) {
def srcCnt: Int = math.max(numIntSrc, numFpSrc)
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class ReservationStationWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with
params.checkWaitBit = true
if (cfg.hasCertainLatency) {
params.fixedLatency = if (cfg == MulDivExeUnitCfg) 2 else cfg.latency.latencyVal.get
params.fixedLatency = if (cfg == MulDivExeUnitCfg) mulCfg.latency.latencyVal.get else cfg.latency.latencyVal.get
......@@ -507,7 +507,9 @@ package object xiangshan {
writeIntRf = true,
writeFpRf = false,
hasRedirect = false,
latency = UncertainLatency(),
fastUopOut = true,
fastImplemented = false
val mulCfg = FuConfig(
......@@ -520,7 +522,10 @@ package object xiangshan {
writeIntRf = true,
writeFpRf = false,
hasRedirect = false,
// TODO: change this back to 2 when mul is ready for fastUopOut
latency = CertainLatency(3),
fastUopOut = true,
fastImplemented = false
val bmuCfg = FuConfig(
......@@ -533,7 +538,9 @@ package object xiangshan {
writeIntRf = true,
writeFpRf = false,
hasRedirect = false,
latency = CertainLatency(1),
fastUopOut = true,
fastImplemented = false
val fmacCfg = FuConfig(
......@@ -547,21 +554,24 @@ package object xiangshan {
name = "f2i",
fuGen = f2iGen,
fuSel = f2iSel,
FuType.fmisc, 0, 1, writeIntRf = true, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = false, CertainLatency(2)
FuType.fmisc, 0, 1, writeIntRf = true, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = false, CertainLatency(2),
fastUopOut = true, fastImplemented = false
val f2fCfg = FuConfig(
name = "f2f",
fuGen = f2fGen,
fuSel = f2fSel,
FuType.fmisc, 0, 1, writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = true, hasRedirect = false, CertainLatency(2)
FuType.fmisc, 0, 1, writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = true, hasRedirect = false, CertainLatency(2),
fastUopOut = true, fastImplemented = false
val fdivSqrtCfg = FuConfig(
name = "fdivSqrt",
fuGen = fdivSqrtGen,
fuSel = fdivSqrtSel,
FuType.fDivSqrt, 0, 2, writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = true, hasRedirect = false, UncertainLatency()
FuType.fDivSqrt, 0, 2, writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = true, hasRedirect = false, UncertainLatency(),
fastUopOut = true, fastImplemented = false
val lduCfg = FuConfig(
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