未验证 提交 f1c56d6c 编写于 作者: L Li Qianruo 提交者: GitHub

Debug Mode: support difftest with spike (#1363)

* Debug Mode: support basic difftest with spike

* Debug Mode: fix some bugs

Bugs fixed are:
1. All interrupts and exceptions cause debug mode to enter park loop
2. Debug interrupt ignored due to flushPipe
上级 858c53d7
Subproject commit a541a4062292dc1e0d26e543fc932fce41305871
Subproject commit 95754bc84e8a8c361a83a823d4efb69e2f7e8d6e
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class BaseConfig(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case DebugModuleKey => Some(XSDebugModuleParams(site(XLen)))
case JtagDTMKey => JtagDTMKey
case MaxHartIdBits => 2
case EnableJtag => false.B
case EnableJtag => true.B
// Synthesizable minimal XiangShan
......@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
// Branch control
val retTarget = Wire(UInt(VAddrBits.W))
val resetSatp = addr === Satp.U && wen // write to satp will cause the pipeline be flushed
flushPipe := resetSatp || (valid && func === CSROpType.jmp && !isEcall)
flushPipe := resetSatp || (valid && func === CSROpType.jmp && !isEcall && !isEbreak)
retTarget := DontCare
// val illegalEret = TODO
......@@ -943,8 +943,8 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
val raiseExceptionIntr = csrio.exception.valid
val raiseDebugExceptionIntr = !debugMode && hasbreakPoint || raiseDebugIntr || hasSingleStep || hasTriggerHit // todo
val ebreakEnterParkLoop = debugMode && raiseExceptionIntr // exception in debug mode (except ebrk) changes cmderr. how ???
val raiseDebugExceptionIntr = !debugMode && (hasbreakPoint || raiseDebugIntr || hasSingleStep || hasTriggerHit)
val ebreakEnterParkLoop = debugMode && hasbreakPoint
XSDebug(raiseExceptionIntr, "int/exc: pc %x int (%d):%x exc: (%d):%x\n",
csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, intrNO, intrVec, exceptionNO, raiseExceptionVec.asUInt
......@@ -1113,6 +1113,9 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
difftest.io.intrNO := RegNext(RegNext(RegNext(difftestIntrNO)))
difftest.io.cause := RegNext(RegNext(RegNext(Mux(csrio.exception.valid, causeNO, 0.U))))
difftest.io.exceptionPC := RegNext(RegNext(RegNext(SignExt(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, XLEN))))
if (env.EnableDifftest) {
difftest.io.exceptionInst := RegNext(RegNext(RegNext(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.instr)))
// Always instantiate basic difftest modules.
......@@ -1139,6 +1142,17 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst with PMP
difftest.io.mideleg := mideleg
difftest.io.medeleg := medeleg
if(env.AlwaysBasicDiff || env.EnableDifftest) {
val difftest = Module(new DifftestDebugMode)
difftest.io.clock := clock
difftest.io.coreid := csrio.hartId
difftest.io.debugMode := debugMode
difftest.io.dcsr := dcsr
difftest.io.dpc := dpc
difftest.io.dscratch0 := dscratch
difftest.io.dscratch1 := dscratch1
class PFEvent(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCSRConst {
......@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class Rename(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPerfEvents {
val is_fused_lui_load = io.out.map(o => o.fire() && o.bits.ctrl.fuType === FuType.ldu && o.bits.ctrl.srcType(0) === SrcType.imm)
XSPerfAccumulate("fused_lui_load_instr_count", PopCount(is_fused_lui_load))
val renamePerf = Seq(
("rename_in ", PopCount(io.in.map(_.valid & io.in(0).ready )) ),
("rename_waitinstr ", PopCount((0 until RenameWidth).map(i => io.in(i).valid && !io.in(i).ready)) ),
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