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Revert "Ibuf"

上级 16e27c9a
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import xiangshan.backend.rename.FreeListPtr
// Fetch FetchWidth x 32-bit insts from Icache
class FetchPacket extends XSBundle {
val instrs = Vec(FetchWidth, UInt(32.W))
val mask = UInt((FetchWidth*2).W)
val mask = UInt(FetchWidth.W)
val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W) // the pc of first inst in the fetch group
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class FakeIFU extends XSModule with HasIFUConst {
fakeCache.io.addr := pc
io.fetchPacket.valid := !io.redirect.valid
io.fetchPacket.bits.mask := Fill(FetchWidth*2, 1.U(1.W)) << pc(log2Up(FetchWidth*2), 1)
io.fetchPacket.bits.mask := Fill(FetchWidth, 1.U(1.W)) << pc(2+log2Up(FetchWidth)-1, 2)
io.fetchPacket.bits.pc := pc
io.fetchPacket.bits.instrs := fakeCache.io.rdata
package xiangshan.frontend
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import xiangshan.utils._
class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val flush = Input(Bool())
val in = Flipped(DecoupledIO(new FetchPacket))
val out = Vec(DecodeWidth, DecoupledIO(new CtrlFlow))
when(io.in.valid) {
XSDebug("cache data\n")
for (i <- 0 until FetchWidth) {
XSDebug("%b\n", io.in.bits.instrs(i))
// ignore
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).bits.exceptionVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.intrVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.isBr := DontCare
//mask initial
// val mask = Wire(Vec(FetchWidth*2, false.B))
// (0 until 16).map(i => mask(i.U) := (io.in.bits.pc(4,1) <= i.U))
// ibuf define
val ibuf = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(0.U(16.W))))
val ibuf_pc = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(0.U(VAddrBits.W))))
val ibuf_valid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(false.B)))
val head_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize*2).W))
val tail_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize*2).W))
// true: Last operation is enqueue
// false: Last operation is deq_ueue
val last_enq = RegInit(false.B)
val full = head_ptr === tail_ptr && last_enq
val empty = head_ptr === tail_ptr && !last_enq
val enqValid = !io.flush && io.in.valid && !full && !ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + (FetchWidth*2).U)
val deqValid = !io.flush && !empty //&& io.out.map(_.ready).reduce(_||_)
XSWarn(empty, "Ibuffer is empty\n")
XSWarn(full, "Ibuffer is full\n")
io.in.ready := enqValid
// enque
when(enqValid) {
XSInfo("Enque start\n")
var enq_idx = 0.U(log2Up(FetchWidth*2+1).W)
for(i <- 0 until FetchWidth*2) {
when(io.in.bits.mask(i)) {
ibuf(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := Mux(i.U(0), io.in.bits.instrs(i>>1)(31,16), io.in.bits.instrs(i>>1)(15,0))
ibuf_pc(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := io.in.bits.pc + enq_idx<<1
ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := true.B
XSDebug("Enque: %b\n", Mux(i.U(0), io.in.bits.instrs(i>>1)(31,16), io.in.bits.instrs(i>>1)(15,0)))
enq_idx = enq_idx + io.in.bits.mask(i)
tail_ptr := tail_ptr + enq_idx
last_enq := true.B
XSInfo("Enque finished, tail_ptr=%d\n", tail_ptr + enq_idx)
// deque
when(deqValid) {
XSInfo("Deque start\n")
var deq_idx = 0.U(log2Up(DecodeWidth*2+1).W)
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
when(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx)) {
when(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) {
// is RVC
io.out(i).bits.instr := Cat(0.U(16.W), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.pc := ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx)
XSDebug("%b[RVC] PC=%d\n", Cat(0.U(16.W), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)), ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := true.B
io.out(i).valid := true.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) := false.B
}.elsewhen(ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U)) {
// isn't RVC
io.out(i).bits.instr := Cat(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.pc := ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx)
XSDebug("%b[NORVC] PC=%d\n", Cat(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)), ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := true.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) := false.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U) := false.B
}.otherwise {
// half inst keep in buffer
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U(32.W)
XSWarn("This is half inst\n")
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U(VAddrBits.W)
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
}.otherwise {
XSWarn("This output is not ready, or buffer is empty\n")
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
// When can't deque, deq_idx+0
// when RVC deque, deq_idx+1
// when not RVC deque, deq_idx+2
// when only have half inst, keep it in buffer
//deq_idx = deq_idx +
// (io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) +
// (io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && !(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U)) +
// (io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && !(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U))
deq_idx = deq_idx + PriorityMux(Seq(
!(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx)) -> 0.U,
(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) -> 1.U,
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U) -> 2.U
head_ptr := head_ptr + deq_idx
XSInfo("Deque finished\n")
XSInfo("head_prt=%d, tail_ptr=%d\n", head_ptr + deq_idx, tail_ptr)
last_enq := false.B
}.otherwise {
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
// flush
when(io.flush) {
XSInfo("Flush signal received, clear buffer\n")
for(i <- 0 until IBufSize) {
ibuf_valid(i) := false.B
head_ptr := 0.U
tail_ptr := 0.U
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).valid := false.B
package xiangshan.frontend
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import xiangshan.utils._
class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val flush = Input(Bool())
val in = Flipped(DecoupledIO(new FetchPacket))
val out = Vec(DecodeWidth, DecoupledIO(new CtrlFlow))
when(io.in.valid) {
XSDebug("cache data\n")
for (i <- 0 until FetchWidth) {
XSDebug("%b\n", io.in.bits.instrs(i))
// ignore
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).bits.exceptionVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.intrVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.isBr := DontCare
// ibuf define
val ibuf = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(0.U(16.W))))
val ibuf_pc = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(0.U(VAddrBits.W))))
val ibuf_valid = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(IBufSize*2)(false.B)))
val head_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize*2).W))
val tail_ptr = RegInit(0.U(log2Up(IBufSize*2).W))
// true: Last operation is enqueue
// false: Last operation is deq_ueue
val last_enq = RegInit(false.B)
val full = head_ptr === tail_ptr && last_enq
val empty = head_ptr === tail_ptr && !last_enq
val enqValid = !io.flush && io.in.valid && !full && !ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + (FetchWidth*2).U)
val deqValid = !io.flush && !empty //&& io.out.map(_.ready).reduce(_||_)
io.in.ready := enqValid
// enque
when(enqValid) {
XSInfo("Enque start\n")
var enq_idx = 0.U(log2Up(FetchWidth*2+1).W)
for(i <- 0 until FetchWidth) {
when(io.in.bits.mask(i)) {
ibuf(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := io.in.bits.instrs(i)(15,0)
ibuf_pc(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := io.in.bits.pc + enq_idx + enq_idx
ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + enq_idx) := true.B
ibuf(tail_ptr + enq_idx+1.U) := io.in.bits.instrs(i)(31,16)
ibuf_pc(tail_ptr + enq_idx+1.U) := io.in.bits.pc + enq_idx + enq_idx + 2.U
ibuf_valid(tail_ptr + enq_idx+1.U) := true.B
XSDebug("Enque: %b\n", io.in.bits.instrs(i)(15,0))
XSDebug("Enque: %b\n", io.in.bits.instrs(i)(31,16))
enq_idx = enq_idx + io.in.bits.mask(i) + io.in.bits.mask(i)
tail_ptr := tail_ptr + enq_idx
last_enq := true.B
XSInfo("Enque finished, tail_ptr=%d\n", tail_ptr + enq_idx)
// deque
when(deqValid) {
XSInfo("Deque start\n")
var deq_idx = 0.U(log2Up(DecodeWidth*2+1).W)
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
when(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx)) {
when(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) {
// is RVC
io.out(i).bits.instr := Cat(0.U(16.W), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.pc := ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx)
XSDebug("%b[RVC] PC=%d\n", Cat(0.U(16.W), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)), ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := true.B
io.out(i).valid := true.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) := false.B
}.elsewhen(ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U)) {
// isn't RVC
io.out(i).bits.instr := Cat(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.pc := ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx)
XSDebug("%b[NORVC] PC=%d\n", Cat(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U), ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)), ibuf_pc(head_ptr + deq_idx))
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := true.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) := false.B
ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx+1.U) := false.B
}.otherwise {
// half inst keep in buffer
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U(32.W)
XSWarn("This is half inst\n")
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U(VAddrBits.W)
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
}.otherwise {
XSWarn("This output is not ready, or buffer is empty\n")
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
// When can't deque, deq_idx+0
// when RVC deque, deq_idx+1
// when not RVC deque, deq_idx+2
// when only have half inst, keep it in buffer
deq_idx = deq_idx +
(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) +
(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && !(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U)) +
(io.out(i).ready && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx) && !(ibuf(head_ptr + deq_idx)(1,0) =/= "b11".U) && ibuf_valid(head_ptr + deq_idx + 1.U))
head_ptr := head_ptr + deq_idx
XSInfo("Deque finished\n")
XSInfo("head_prt=%d, tail_ptr=%d\n", head_ptr + deq_idx, tail_ptr)
last_enq := false.B
}.otherwise {
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).bits.instr := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.pc := 0.U
io.out(i).bits.isRVC := false.B
io.out(i).valid := false.B
// flush
when(io.flush) {
XSInfo("Flush signal received, clear buffer\n")
for(i <- 0 until IBufSize) {
ibuf_valid(i) := false.B
head_ptr := 0.U
tail_ptr := 0.U
for(i <- 0 until DecodeWidth) {
io.out(i).valid := false.B
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