提交 ea0f92d8 编写于 作者: C czw 提交者: Xuan Hu

func(fuBusyTable): add fuBusyTable with resp

func(IQ): add fuBusyTable

func(IssueQueue): suppport fuBusyTable write with og0Resp & og1Resp

func(RSFeedbackType): delete issueFail/rfArbitFail in RSFeedbackType

func(Fu):make some FuncUnits piped

fix(fuBusyTable): fix write of fuBusyTable

type(fuBusyTable): rename & delete some comments
上级 7000dd3d
......@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@ object RSFeedbackType {
val ldVioCheckRedo = 4.U(4.W)
val feedbackInvalid = 7.U(4.W)
val issueSuccess = 8.U(4.W)
val issueFail = 9.U(4.W)
val rfArbitSuccess = 10.U(4.W)
val rfArbitFail = 11.U(4.W)
val fuIdle = 12.U(4.W)
val fuBusy = 13.U(4.W)
val rfArbitFail = 9.U(4.W)
val fuIdle = 10.U(4.W)
val fuBusy = 11.U(4.W)
def apply() = UInt(4.W)
......@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ object RSFeedbackType {
def isBlocked(feedbackType: UInt) = {
feedbackType === issueFail || feedbackType === rfArbitFail || feedbackType === fuBusy || feedbackType === feedbackInvalid
feedbackType === rfArbitFail || feedbackType === fuBusy || feedbackType === feedbackInvalid
......@@ -229,9 +229,6 @@ class DataPathImp(override val wrapper: DataPath)(implicit p: Parameters, params
vfRFReadArbiter.io.out.map(_.bits.addr).zip(vfRfRaddr).foreach{ case(source, sink) => sink := source }
// fromIQFire(i): flattened the i-th deq port fired
private val fromIQFire: IndexedSeq[Bool] = fromIQ.flatten.map(_.fire)
intDebugRead.foreach { case (addr, _) =>
addr := io.debugIntRat
......@@ -356,22 +353,22 @@ class DataPathImp(override val wrapper: DataPath)(implicit p: Parameters, params
private val intFromIQFire = fromIQ.map(_.map(_.fire))
private val intToExuFire = toExu.map(_.map(_.fire))
private val fromIQFire = fromIQ.map(_.map(_.fire))
private val toExuFire = toExu.map(_.map(_.fire))
toIQs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(toIQ, iqIdx) =>
toIQ.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (toIU, iuIdx) =>
// IU: issue unit
val og0resp = toIU.og0resp
og0resp.valid := fromIQ(iqIdx)(iuIdx).valid
og0resp.bits.respType := Mux(intFromIQFire(iqIdx)(iuIdx), RSFeedbackType.rfArbitSuccess, RSFeedbackType.rfArbitFail)
og0resp.valid := fromIQ(iqIdx)(iuIdx).valid && (!fromIQFire(iqIdx)(iuIdx))
og0resp.bits.respType := RSFeedbackType.rfArbitFail
og0resp.bits.success := false.B
og0resp.bits.addrOH := fromIQ(iqIdx)(iuIdx).bits.addrOH
val og1resp = toIU.og1resp
og1resp.valid := s1_toExuValid(iqIdx)(iuIdx)
og1resp.bits.respType := Mux(intToExuFire(iqIdx)(iuIdx), RSFeedbackType.fuIdle, RSFeedbackType.fuBusy)
og1resp.bits.respType := Mux(toExuFire(iqIdx)(iuIdx), RSFeedbackType.fuIdle, RSFeedbackType.fuBusy)
og1resp.bits.success := false.B
og1resp.bits.addrOH := s1_addrOHs(iqIdx)(iuIdx)
......@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ class ExeUnitImp(
}.elsewhen(io.in.fire) {
busy := true.B
busy := false.B
// rob flush --> funcUnits
funcUnits.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (fu, i) =>
......@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ class ExeUnitImp(
val in1ToN = Module(new Dispatcher(new ExuInput(exuParams), funcUnits.length, acceptCond))
// ExeUnit.in <---> Dispatcher.in
in1ToN.io.in.valid := io.in.valid && !busy
in1ToN.io.in.valid := io.in.fire()
in1ToN.io.in.bits := io.in.bits
io.in.ready := !busy
......@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ class ExeUnitImp(
private val fuOutValidOH = funcUnits.map(_.io.out.valid)
XSError(PopCount(fuOutValidOH) > 1.U, p"fuOutValidOH ${Binary(VecInit(fuOutValidOH).asUInt)} should be one-hot)\n")
private val fuOutBitsVec = funcUnits.map(_.io.out.bits)
private val fuRedirectVec: Seq[Option[ValidIO[Redirect]]] = funcUnits.map(_.io.out.bits.redirect)
......@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ case class ExeUnitParams(
val needFPUCtrl: Boolean = fuConfigs.map(_.needFPUCtrl).reduce(_ || _)
val wbPregIdxWidth = if (wbPortConfigs.nonEmpty) wbPortConfigs.map(_.pregIdxWidth).max else 0
protected val latencyCertain = fuConfigs.map(x => x.latency.latencyVal.nonEmpty).reduce(_&&_)
val fuLatencyMap = if (latencyCertain) Some(fuConfigs.map(y => (y.fuType, y.latency.latencyVal.get))) else None
val latencyValMax = fuLatencyMap.map(x => x.map(_._2).max)
def hasCSR: Boolean = fuConfigs.map(_.isCsr).reduce(_ || _)
def hasFence: Boolean = fuConfigs.map(_.isFence).reduce(_ || _)
......@@ -359,5 +359,5 @@ class Bku(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FuncUnit(cfg) with HasP
Mux(funcReg(2),miscModule.io.out, clmulModule.io.out)))
io.out.bits.data := RegEnable(result, regEnable(2))
// connectNonPipedCtrlSingal
......@@ -80,6 +80,11 @@ trait HasPipelineReg { this: FuncUnit =>
val validVec = io.in.valid +: Seq.fill(latency)(RegInit(false.B))
val rdyVec = Seq.fill(latency)(Wire(Bool())) :+ io.out.ready
val robIdxVec = io.in.bits.robIdx +: Array.fill(latency)(Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.in.bits.robIdx)))
val pdestVec = io.in.bits.pdest +: Array.fill(latency)(Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.in.bits.pdest)))
val pcVec = io.in.bits.pc.map(x => x) +: Array.fill(latency)( io.in.bits.pc.map(x => Reg(chiselTypeOf(x)))) // Reg(chiselTypeOf(io.in.bits.pc.get))
val preDecodeVec = io.in.bits.preDecode.map(x => x) +: Array.fill(latency)(io.in.bits.preDecode.map(x => Reg(chiselTypeOf(x))))
val fpuVec = io.in.bits.fpu.map(x => x) +: Array.fill(latency)(io.in.bits.fpu.map(x => Reg(chiselTypeOf(x))))
// if flush(0), valid 0 will not given, so set flushVec(0) to false.B
val flushVec = validVec.zip(robIdxVec).map(x => x._1 && x._2.needFlush(io.flush))
......@@ -92,6 +97,10 @@ trait HasPipelineReg { this: FuncUnit =>
when(rdyVec(i - 1) && validVec(i - 1) && !flushVec(i - 1)){
validVec(i) := validVec(i - 1)
robIdxVec(i) := robIdxVec(i - 1)
pdestVec(i) := pdestVec(i - 1)
pcVec(i).zip(pcVec(i - 1)).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
preDecodeVec(i).zip(preDecodeVec(i - 1)).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
fpuVec(i).zip(fpuVec(i - 1)).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
}.elsewhen(flushVec(i) || rdyVec(i)){
validVec(i) := false.B
......@@ -100,6 +109,10 @@ trait HasPipelineReg { this: FuncUnit =>
io.in.ready := rdyVec(0)
io.out.valid := validVec.last
io.out.bits.robIdx := robIdxVec.last
io.out.bits.pdest := pdestVec.last
io.out.bits.pc.zip(pcVec.last).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
io.out.bits.preDecode.zip(preDecodeVec.last).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
io.out.bits.fpu.zip(fpuVec.last).foreach{case (l,r) => l := r}
def regEnable(i: Int): Bool = validVec(i - 1) && rdyVec(i - 1) && !flushVec(i - 1)
......@@ -126,5 +126,4 @@ class FPToFP(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUPipelineModule(cf
override val dataModule = Module(new FPToFPDataModule(latency))
dataModule.regEnables <> VecInit((1 to latency) map (i => regEnable(i)))
connectNonPipedCtrlSingal // Todo: make it piped
......@@ -139,5 +139,4 @@ class FPToInt(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUPipelineModule(c
override val dataModule = Module(new FPToIntDataModule(latency))
dataModule.regEnables <> VecInit((1 to latency) map (i => regEnable(i)))
connectNonPipedCtrlSingal // Todo: make it piped
......@@ -82,5 +82,4 @@ class IntToFP(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FPUPipelineModule(c
override val dataModule = Module(new IntToFPDataModule(latency))
dataModule.regEnables <> VecInit((1 to latency) map (i => regEnable(i)))
connectNonPipedCtrlSingal // Todo: make it piped
......@@ -58,5 +58,4 @@ class MulUnit(cfg: FuConfig)(implicit p: Parameters) extends FuncUnit(cfg)
private val res = Mux(ctrlVec.last.isHi, result(2 * xlen - 1, xlen), result(xlen - 1, 0))
io.out.bits.data := Mux(ctrlVec.last.isW, SignExt(res(31, 0), xlen), res)
connectNonPipedCtrlSingal // Todo: make it piped
......@@ -55,7 +55,10 @@ class IssueQueueImp(override val wrapper: IssueQueue)(implicit p: Parameters, va
require(params.numExu <= 2, "IssueQueue has not supported more than 2 deq ports")
val deqFuCfgs : Seq[Seq[FuConfig]] = params.exuBlockParams.map(_.fuConfigs)
val allDeqFuCfgs : Seq[FuConfig] = params.exuBlockParams.flatMap(_.fuConfigs)
val latencyCertains: Seq[Boolean] = deqFuCfgs.map(x => x.map(x => x.latency.latencyVal.nonEmpty).reduce(_ && _))
val fuLatencyMaps : Seq[Option[Seq[(Int, Int)]]] = params.exuBlockParams.map(x => x.fuLatencyMap)
val latencyValMaxs: Seq[Option[Int]] = params.exuBlockParams.map(x => x.latencyValMax)
val allDeqFuCfgs: Seq[FuConfig] = params.exuBlockParams.flatMap(_.fuConfigs)
val fuCfgsCnt : Map[FuConfig, Int] = allDeqFuCfgs.groupBy(x => x).map { case (cfg, cfgSeq) => (cfg, cfgSeq.length) }
val commonFuCfgs : Seq[FuConfig] = fuCfgsCnt.filter(_._2 > 1).keys.toSeq
println(s"[IssueQueueImp] ${params.getIQName} commonFuCfgs: ${commonFuCfgs.map(_.name)}")
......@@ -68,8 +71,16 @@ class IssueQueueImp(override val wrapper: IssueQueue)(implicit p: Parameters, va
val payloadArray = Module(new DataArray(Output(new DynInst), params.numDeq, params.numEnq, params.numEntries))
val enqPolicy = Module(new EnqPolicy)
val subDeqPolicies = deqFuCfgs.map(x => if (x.nonEmpty) Some(Module(new DeqPolicy())) else None)
val fuBusyTable = latencyValMaxs.map { case y => if (y.getOrElse(0)>0) Some(Reg(UInt(y.getOrElse(1).W))) else None }
// Wires
val resps = params.schdType match {
case IntScheduler() => Seq(io.deqResp, io.og0Resp, io.og1Resp)
case MemScheduler() => Seq(io.deqResp, io.og1Resp)
case VfScheduler() => Seq(io.deqResp, io.og1Resp)
case _ => null
val fuBusyTableMask = Wire(Vec(params.numDeq, UInt(params.numEntries.W)))
val s0_enqValidVec = io.enq.map(_.valid)
val s0_enqSelValidVec = Wire(Vec(params.numEnq, Bool()))
val s0_enqSelOHVec = Wire(Vec(params.numEnq, UInt(params.numEntries.W)))
......@@ -213,7 +224,7 @@ class IssueQueueImp(override val wrapper: IssueQueue)(implicit p: Parameters, va
subDeqPolicies.zipWithIndex.map { case (dpOption: Option[DeqPolicy], i) =>
if (dpOption.nonEmpty) {
val dp = dpOption.get
dp.io.request := canIssueVec.asUInt & VecInit(deqCanAcceptVec(i)).asUInt
dp.io.request := canIssueVec.asUInt & VecInit(deqCanAcceptVec(i)).asUInt & (~fuBusyTableMask(i)).asUInt()
subDeqSelValidVec(i).get := dp.io.deqSelOHVec.map(oh => oh.valid)
subDeqSelOHVec(i).get := dp.io.deqSelOHVec.map(oh => oh.bits)
......@@ -231,6 +242,67 @@ class IssueQueueImp(override val wrapper: IssueQueue)(implicit p: Parameters, va
// fuBusyTable write
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq){
if (fuBusyTable(i).nonEmpty) {
val isLatencyNumVec = Mux(resps(0)(i).valid && resps(0)(i).bits.respType === RSFeedbackType.issueSuccess,
Cat((0 until latencyValMaxs(i).get).map { case num =>
val latencyNumFuType = fuLatencyMaps(i).get.filter(_._2 == num+1).map(_._1) // futype with latency equal to num+1
val isLatencyNum = Cat(latencyNumFuType.map(futype => fuTypeRegVec(OHToUInt(io.deqResp(i).bits.addrOH)) === futype.U)).asUInt().orR() // The latency of the deq inst is Num
) // | when N cycle is 2 latency, N+1 cycle could not 1 latency
val isLNumVecOg0 = WireInit(~(0.U.asTypeOf(isLatencyNumVec)))
isLNumVecOg0 := Mux(resps(1)(i).valid && (resps(1)(i).bits.respType === RSFeedbackType.rfArbitFail || resps(1)(i).bits.respType === RSFeedbackType.fuBusy),
~(Cat(Cat((0 until latencyValMaxs(i).get).map { case num =>
val latencyNumFuType = fuLatencyMaps(i).get.filter(_._2 == num+1).map(_._1) // futype with latency equal to num+1
val isLatencyNum = Cat(latencyNumFuType.map(futype => fuTypeRegVec(OHToUInt(io.og0Resp(i).bits.addrOH)) === futype.U)).asUInt().orR() // The latency of the deq inst is Num
}), 0.U(1.W))),
// & ~
val isLNumVecOg1 = WireInit(~(0.U.asTypeOf(isLatencyNumVec)))
if(resps.length == 3){
isLNumVecOg1 := Mux(resps(2)(i).valid && resps(2)(i).bits.respType === RSFeedbackType.fuBusy,
~(Cat(Cat((0 until latencyValMaxs(i).get).map { case num =>
val latencyNumFuType = fuLatencyMaps(i).get.filter(_._2 == num+1).map(_._1) // futype with latency equal to num+1
val isLatencyNum = Cat(latencyNumFuType.map(futype => fuTypeRegVec(OHToUInt(io.og1Resp(i).bits.addrOH)) === futype.U)).asUInt().orR() // The latency of the deq inst is Num
}), 0.U(2.W))),
// & ~
fuBusyTable(i).get := ((fuBusyTable(i).get << 1.U).asUInt() | isLatencyNumVec) // & isLNumVecOg0.asUInt() & isLNumVecOg1.asUInt()
// fuBusyTable read
for (i <- 0 until params.numDeq){
val isReadLatencyNumVec2 = fuBusyTable(i).get.asBools().reverse.zipWithIndex.map { case (en, idx) =>
val isLatencyNumVec = WireInit(0.U(params.numEntries.W))
when(en) {
isLatencyNumVec := VecInit(fuTypeRegVec.map { case futype =>
val latencyNumFuType = fuLatencyMaps(i).get.filter(_._2 == idx).map(_._1)
val isLatencyNum = Cat(latencyNumFuType.map(_.U === futype)).asUInt().orR()
if ( latencyValMaxs(i).get > 1 ){
fuBusyTableMask(i) := isReadLatencyNumVec2.reduce(_ | _)
fuBusyTableMask(i) := isReadLatencyNumVec2.head
} else {
fuBusyTableMask(i) := 0.U(params.numEntries.W) // TODO:
io.deq.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (deq, i) =>
deq.valid := finalDeqSelValidVec(i)
deq.bits.addrOH := finalDeqSelOHVec(i)
......@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ class SchedulerArithImp(override val wrapper: Scheduler)(implicit params: SchdBl
iq.io.enq <> dispatch2Iq.io.out(i)
iq.io.wakeup := wakeupFromWBVec
iq.io.deqResp.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (deqResp, j) =>
deqResp.valid := iq.io.deq(j).valid
deqResp.valid := iq.io.deq(j).valid && io.toDataPath(i)(j).ready
deqResp.bits.success := false.B
deqResp.bits.respType := Mux(io.toDataPath(i)(j).ready, RSFeedbackType.issueSuccess, RSFeedbackType.fuBusy)
deqResp.bits.respType := RSFeedbackType.issueSuccess
deqResp.bits.addrOH := iq.io.deq(j).bits.addrOH
iq.io.og0Resp.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (og0Resp, j) =>
......@@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ class SchedulerMemImp(override val wrapper: Scheduler)(implicit params: SchdBloc
issueQueues.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (iq, i) =>
iq.io.deqResp.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (deqResp, j) =>
deqResp.valid := iq.io.deq(j).valid
deqResp.valid := iq.io.deq(j).valid && io.toDataPath(i)(j).ready
deqResp.bits.success := false.B
deqResp.bits.respType := Mux(io.toDataPath(i)(j).ready, RSFeedbackType.issueSuccess, 0.U)
deqResp.bits.respType := RSFeedbackType.issueSuccess
deqResp.bits.addrOH := iq.io.deq(j).bits.addrOH
iq.io.og0Resp.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (og0Resp, j) =>
......@@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ class StatusArray()(implicit p: Parameters, params: IssueBlockParams) extends XS
}.elsewhen (RSFeedbackType.isBlocked(deqRespVec(i).bits.respType)) {
statusNext.issued := false.B
}.elsewhen(deqSelVec(i)) {
statusNext.issued := true.B
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