未验证 提交 e6cbcb18 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #125 from RISCVERS/csr

Add csr read and write instructions
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package device
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util.experimental.BoringUtils
import bus.axi4._
import utils._
......@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ class AXI4Timer(sim: Boolean = false) extends AXI4SlaveModule(new AXI4Lite, new
val clk = (if (!sim) 40 /* 40MHz / 1000000 */ else 10000)
val freq = RegInit(clk.U(16.W))
val inc = RegInit(1.U(16.W))
val inc = RegInit(1000.U(16.W))
val cnt = RegInit(0.U(16.W))
val nextCnt = cnt + 1.U
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ sealed class CacheStage2(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheMod
io.out.bits.hit := io.in.valid && hitVec.orR
io.out.bits.waymask := waymask
io.out.bits.datas := io.dataReadResp
io.out.bits.mmio := AddressSpace.isMMIO(req.addr)
io.out.bits.mmio := xiangshan.AddressSpace.isMMIO(req.addr)
val isForwardData = io.in.valid && (io.dataWriteBus.req match { case r =>
r.valid && r.bits.setIdx === getDataIdx(req.addr)
......@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ object Cache {
empty := cache.io.empty
} else {
assert(false, "XiangShan should not reach here!")
val addrspace = List(AddressSpace.dram) ++ AddressSpace.mmio
val xbar = Module(new SimpleBusCrossbar1toN(addrspace))
val busC = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new SimpleBusC))
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class CtrlFlow extends XSBundle {
val intrVec = Vec(12, Bool())
val isRVC = Bool()
val isBr = Bool()
val crossPageIPFFix = Bool()
// Decode DecodeWidth insts at Decode Stage
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ object AddressSpace extends HasXSParameter {
class XSCore(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule {
class XSCore(implicit p: XSConfig) extends XSModule {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val imem = new SimpleBusC
val dmem = new SimpleBusC
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import xiangshan.backend.roq.Roq
* Decode -> Rename -> Dispatch-1 -> Dispatch-2 -> Issue -> Exe
class Backend(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule
with HasExeUnits
with NeedImpl {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val dmem = new SimpleBusUC(addrBits = VAddrBits)
......@@ -30,6 +29,18 @@ class Backend(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule
val aluExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.AluCnt)(_ => Module(new AluExeUnit))
val jmpExeUnit = Module(new JmpExeUnit)
val mulExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.MulCnt)(_ => Module(new MulExeUnit))
val mduExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.MduCnt)(_ => Module(new MulDivExeUnit))
// val fmacExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmacCnt)(_ => Module(new Fmac))
// val fmiscExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmiscCnt)(_ => Module(new Fmisc))
// val fmiscDivSqrtExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmiscDivSqrtCnt)(_ => Module(new FmiscDivSqrt))
val lsuExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.StuCnt)(_ => Module(new LsExeUnit))
val exeUnits = jmpExeUnit +: (aluExeUnits ++ mulExeUnits ++ mduExeUnits ++ lsuExeUnits)
exeUnits.foreach(_.io.dmem := DontCare)
exeUnits.foreach(_.io.scommit := DontCare)
val decode = Module(new DecodeStage)
val brq = Module(new Brq)
val decBuf = Module(new DecodeBuffer)
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class DecodeBuffer extends XSModule {
val rightRdyVec = io.out.map(_.ready && leftCanIn)
for( i <- 0 until RenameWidth){
validVec(i) := false.B
......@@ -36,17 +35,27 @@ class DecodeBuffer extends XSModule {
validVec(i) := false.B
val r = RegEnable(io.in(i).bits, io.in(i).fire())
io.in(i).ready := rightRdyVec(i)
io.out(i).bits <> RegEnable(io.in(i).bits, io.in(i).fire())
io.out(i).valid := validVec(i) && !io.redirect.valid
io.out(i).bits <> r
if(i > 0 ){
io.out(i).valid := validVec(i) &&
!io.redirect.valid &&
!ParallelOR(io.out.zip(validVec).take(i).map(x => x._2 && x._1.bits.ctrl.noSpecExec)).asBool()
} else {
require( i == 0)
io.out(i).valid := validVec(i) && !io.redirect.valid
for(in<- io.in){
for(in <- io.in){
XSInfo(p"in v:${in.valid} r:${in.ready} pc=${Hexadecimal(in.bits.cf.pc)}\n")
for(out <- io.out){
XSInfo(p"out v:${out.valid} r:${out.ready} pc=${Hexadecimal(out.bits.cf.pc)}\n")
XSDebug(p"validVec: ${Binary(validVec.asUInt())}\n")
......@@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ object FuOpType {
object Instructions extends HasInstrType with HasXSParameter {
def NOP = 0x00000013.U
val DecodeDefault = List(InstrN, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.sll)
def DecodeTable = RVIInstr.table ++ XSTrap.table ++
(if (HasMExtension) RVMInstr.table else Nil) // ++
def DecodeTable =
RVIInstr.table ++
XSTrap.table ++
RVZicsrInstr.table ++
Privileged.table ++
(if (HasMExtension) RVMInstr.table else Nil) // ++
// (if (HasCExtension) RVCInstr.table else Nil) ++
// (if (HasFPU) RVFInstr.table ++ RVDInstr.table else Nil) ++
// Privileged.table ++
......@@ -36,18 +36,17 @@ class DecodeStage extends XSModule {
decoderToBrq(i) := decoders(i).io.out // CfCtrl without bfTag and brMask
// send CfCtrl without brTags and brMasks to brq
io.toBrq(i).valid := io.in(i).valid && io.out(i).ready && decoders(i).io.out.cf.isBr
XSDebug(io.toBrq(i).valid && io.toBrq(i).ready, p"Branch instr detected. Sending it to BRQ.\n")
XSDebug(io.toBrq(i).valid && !io.toBrq(i).ready, p"Branch instr detected. BRQ full...waiting\n")
XSDebug(io.in(i).valid && !io.out(i).ready, p"DecBuf full...waiting\n")
decoderToBrq(i).brTag := DontCare
io.toBrq(i).bits := decoderToBrq(i)
// if brq returns ready, then assert valid and send CfCtrl with bfTag and brMask to DecBuffer
io.out(i).valid := io.toBrq(i).ready && io.in(i).valid
XSDebug(io.out(i).valid && decoders(i).io.out.cf.isBr && io.out(i).ready, p"Sending branch instr to DecBuf\n")
XSDebug(io.out(i).valid && !decoders(i).io.out.cf.isBr && io.out(i).ready, p"Sending non-branch instr to DecBuf\n")
decoderToDecBuffer(i) := decoders(i).io.out
decoderToDecBuffer(i).brTag := io.brTags(i)
io.out(i).bits := decoderToDecBuffer(i)
io.out(i).valid && io.out(i).bits.ctrl.noSpecExec,
p"noSpecExec inst: pc=${Hexadecimal(io.out(i).bits.cf.pc)}\n"
// If an instruction i is received by DecBuffer,
// then assert in(i).ready, waiting for new instructions
......@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ class Decoder extends XSModule with HasInstrType {
// todo: remove this when fetch stage can decide if an instr is br/jmp
io.out.cf.isBr := (instrType === InstrB ||
(fuOpType === BRUOpType.jal && instrType === InstrJ && fuType === FuType.jmp) ||
(fuOpType === BRUOpType.jalr && instrType === InstrI && fuType === FuType.jmp))
(fuOpType === JumpOpType.jal && instrType === InstrJ && fuType === FuType.jmp) ||
(fuOpType === JumpOpType.jalr && instrType === InstrI && fuType === FuType.jmp))
// val isRVC = instr(1, 0) =/= "b11".U
// val rvcImmType :: rvcSrc1Type :: rvcSrc2Type :: rvcDestType :: Nil =
// ListLookup(instr, CInstructions.DecodeDefault, CInstructions.CExtraDecodeTable)
......@@ -131,17 +130,6 @@ class Decoder extends XSModule with HasInstrType {
// fix LUI
io.out.ctrl.src1Type := Mux(instr(6,0) === "b0110111".U, SrcType.reg, src1Type)
io.out.ctrl.src2Type := src2Type
val NoSpecList = Seq(
// FuType.csr,
// FuType.mou
val BlockList = Seq(
io.out.ctrl.noSpecExec := NoSpecList.map(j => io.out.ctrl.fuType === j).foldRight(false.B)((sum, i) => sum | i)
io.out.ctrl.isBlocked := DontCare
// (
// io.out.ctrl.fuType === (FuType.ldu | FuType.stu) && LSUOpType.isAtom(io.out.ctrl.fuOpType) ||
// BlockList.map(j => io.out.ctrl.fuType === j).foldRight(false.B)((sum, i) => sum | i)
......@@ -171,6 +159,7 @@ class Decoder extends XSModule with HasInstrType {
io.out.ctrl.lsrc1 := 10.U // a0
io.out.ctrl.noSpecExec := io.out.ctrl.isXSTrap || io.out.ctrl.fuType===FuType.csr
// io.isWFI := (instr === Priviledged.WFI) && io.in.valid
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package xiangshan.backend.decode.isa
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan.FuType
import xiangshan.backend._
import xiangshan.backend.decode.HasInstrType
......@@ -15,5 +16,14 @@ object Privileged extends HasInstrType {
def WFI = BitPat("b0001000_00101_00000_000_00000_1110011")
// fixme: add privilege inst
val table = Array()
val table = Array(
ECALL -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp),
MRET -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp),
SRET -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp)
// SFANCE_VMA -> List(InstrR, FuType.mou, MOUOpType.sfence_vma),
// FENCE -> List(InstrS, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add), // nop InstrS -> !wen
// WFI -> List(InstrI, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.add) // nop
// FENCE -> List(InstrB, FuType.mou, MOUOpType.fencei)
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ object RV32I_BRUInstr extends HasInstrType {
def BGEU = BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_111_?????_1100011")
val table = Array(
JAL -> List(InstrJ, FuType.jmp, BRUOpType.jal),
JALR -> List(InstrI, FuType.jmp, BRUOpType.jalr),
JAL -> List(InstrJ, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.jal),
JALR -> List(InstrI, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.jalr),
BEQ -> List(InstrB, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.beq),
BNE -> List(InstrB, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.bne),
......@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ object RV32I_BRUInstr extends HasInstrType {
ALUOpType.bgeu -> BTBtype.B,
// ALUOpType.call -> BTBtype.J,
// ALUOpType.ret -> BTBtype.R,
BRUOpType.jal -> BTBtype.J,
BRUOpType.jalr -> BTBtype.I
JumpOpType.jal -> BTBtype.J,
JumpOpType.jalr -> BTBtype.I
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package xiangshan.backend.decode.isa
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan.FuType
import xiangshan.backend._
import xiangshan.backend.decode.HasInstrType
object RVZicsrInstr extends HasInstrType {
......@@ -13,6 +14,12 @@ object RVZicsrInstr extends HasInstrType {
def CSRRSI = BitPat("b????????????_?????_110_?????_1110011")
def CSRRCI = BitPat("b????????????_?????_111_?????_1110011")
// fixme: add rvzicsr inst
val table = Array()
val table = Array(
CSRRW -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.wrt),
CSRRS -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.set),
CSRRC -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.clr),
CSRRWI -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.wrti),
CSRRSI -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.seti),
CSRRCI -> List(InstrI, FuType.csr, CSROpType.clri)
......@@ -56,27 +56,10 @@ abstract class Exu(val config: ExuConfig) extends XSModule {
object Exu {
val jmpExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("JmpExu", Array(jmpCfg, i2fCfg), enableBypass = false)
val jmpExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("JmpExu", Array(jmpCfg, i2fCfg, csrCfg), enableBypass = false)
val aluExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("AluExu", Array(aluCfg), enableBypass = true)
val mulExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("MulExu", Array(mulCfg), enableBypass = false)
val divExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("DivExu",Array(divCfg), enableBypass = false)
val mulDivExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("MulDivExu", Array(mulCfg, divCfg), enableBypass = false)
val lsuExeUnitCfg = ExuConfig("LsExu", Array(lsuCfg), enableBypass = false)
trait HasExeUnits{
val aluExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.AluCnt)(_ => Module(new AluExeUnit))
val jmpExeUnit = Module(new JmpExeUnit)
val mulExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.MulCnt)(_ => Module(new MulExeUnit))
val mduExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.MduCnt)(_ => Module(new MulDivExeUnit))
// val fmacExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmacCnt)(_ => Module(new Fmac))
// val fmiscExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmiscCnt)(_ => Module(new Fmisc))
// val fmiscDivSqrtExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.FmiscDivSqrtCnt)(_ => Module(new FmiscDivSqrt))
val lsuExeUnits = Array.tabulate(exuParameters.StuCnt)(_ => Module(new LsExeUnit))
val exeUnits = jmpExeUnit +: (aluExeUnits ++ mulExeUnits ++ mduExeUnits ++ lsuExeUnits)
exeUnits.foreach(_.io.dmem := DontCare)
exeUnits.foreach(_.io.scommit := DontCare)
package xiangshan.backend.exu
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import xiangshan.FuType._
import xiangshan.utils._
import xiangshan.backend.regfile.RfWritePort
import xiangshan.backend.fu.FunctionUnit._
import xiangshan.backend.BRUOpType
// NOTE: BRUOpType is at backend/package.scala
// TODO: add csr
class JmpExeUnit extends Exu(Exu.jmpExeUnitCfg) {
val (iovalid, src1, offset, func, pc, uop) = (io.in.valid, io.in.bits.src1, io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.imm, io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fuOpType, SignExt(io.in.bits.uop.cf.pc, AddrBits), io.in.bits.uop)
val redirectHit = uop.brTag.needFlush(io.redirect)
val valid = iovalid && !redirectHit
val isCSR = BRUOpType.isCSR(func)
val isFMV = BRUOpType.isFMV(func)
val isMOU = BRUOpType.isMOU(func)
val isJUMP = BRUOpType.isJUMP(func)
// CSR
// FMV
// MOU
val isRVC = uop.cf.isRVC
val pcDelaySlot = Mux(isRVC, pc + 2.U, pc + 4.U)
val target = src1 + offset // NOTE: src1 is (pc/rf(rs1)), src2 is (offset)
import xiangshan.{ExuOutput, FuType, XSConfig}
import xiangshan.backend.fu.{CSR, Jump}
class JmpExeUnit(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends Exu(Exu.jmpExeUnitCfg) {
val jmp = Module(new Jump)
jmp.io.out.ready := io.out.ready
jmp.io.dmem <> DontCare
jmp.io.scommit := DontCare
jmp.io.redirect := io.redirect
val csr = Module(new CSR)
csr.io.cfIn := io.in.bits.uop.cf
csr.io.fpu_csr := DontCare
csr.io.instrValid := DontCare
csr.io.imemMMU := DontCare
csr.io.dmemMMU := DontCare
csr.io.out.ready := io.out.ready
csr.io.in.bits.src3 := DontCare
val csrOut = csr.access(
valid = io.in.valid && io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fuType===FuType.csr,
src1 = io.in.bits.src1,
src2 = io.in.bits.src2,
func = io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fuOpType
io.out.bits.redirectValid := valid && isJUMP
io.out.bits.redirect.target := target
io.out.bits.redirect.brTag := uop.brTag
io.out.bits.redirect.isException := false.B
io.out.bits.redirect.roqIdx := uop.roqIdx
io.out.bits.redirect.freelistAllocPtr := uop.freelistAllocPtr
val csrExuOut = Wire(new ExuOutput)
csrExuOut.uop := io.in.bits.uop
csrExuOut.data := csrOut
csrExuOut.redirectValid := csr.io.redirectValid
csrExuOut.redirect.brTag := io.in.bits.uop.brTag
csrExuOut.redirect.isException := false.B
csrExuOut.redirect.roqIdx := io.in.bits.uop.roqIdx
csrExuOut.redirect.freelistAllocPtr := io.in.bits.uop.freelistAllocPtr
csrExuOut.redirect.target := csr.io.redirect.target
csrExuOut.debug := DontCare
// Output
val resCSR = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resFMV = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resMOU = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resJMP = pcDelaySlot
val res = ParallelMux(
VecInit(isCSR, isFMV, isMOU, isJUMP) zip
VecInit(resCSR, resFMV, resMOU, resJMP)
jmp.io.in.bits := io.in.bits
jmp.io.in.valid := io.in.valid && io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fuType===FuType.jmp
io.in.ready := io.out.ready
io.out.valid := valid // TODO: CSR/MOU/FMV may need change it
io.out.bits.uop <> io.in.bits.uop
io.out.bits.data := res
// NOTE: the debug info is for one-cycle exec, if FMV needs multi-cycle, may needs change it
XSDebug(io.in.valid, "In(%d %d) Out(%d %d) Redirect:(%d %d %d) brTag:%x\n",
io.in.valid, io.in.ready, io.out.valid, io.out.ready, io.redirect.valid, io.redirect.bits.isException, redirectHit, io.redirect.bits.brTag.value)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isCSR, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:CSR pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isFMV, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:FMV pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isMOU, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:MOU pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isJUMP, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:JUMP pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid, "Res:%x` CsrRes:%x FMV:%x Mou:%x Jmp:%x\n", res, resCSR, resFMV, resMOU, resJMP)
io.out.bits := Mux(jmp.io.in.valid, jmp.io.out.bits, csrExuOut)
io.out.valid := io.in.valid
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,9 +23,23 @@ case class FuConfig
hasRedirect: Boolean
class FunctionUnitIO extends XSBundle {
val in = Flipped(Decoupled(new Bundle {
val src1 = Output(UInt(XLEN.W))
val src2 = Output(UInt(XLEN.W))
val src3 = Output(UInt(XLEN.W))
val func = Output(FuOpType())
val out = Decoupled(Output(UInt(XLEN.W)))
abstract class FunctionUnit(cfg: FuConfig) extends XSModule
object FunctionUnit {
val csrCfg =
FuConfig(FuType.csr, 1, 0, writeIntRf = true, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = false)
val jmpCfg =
FuConfig(FuType.jmp, 1, 0, writeIntRf = true, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = true)
......@@ -10,24 +10,16 @@ import xiangshan.backend.fu.FunctionUnit._
class Jump extends FunctionUnit(jmpCfg){
val io = IO(new ExuIO)
override def toString: String = "Bru"
val (iovalid, src1, offset, func, pc, uop) = (io.in.valid, io.in.bits.src1, io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.imm, io.in.bits.uop.ctrl.fuOpType, SignExt(io.in.bits.uop.cf.pc, AddrBits), io.in.bits.uop)
val redirectHit = uop.brTag.needFlush(io.redirect)
val valid = iovalid && !redirectHit
val isCSR = BRUOpType.isCSR(func)
val isFMV = BRUOpType.isFMV(func)
val isMOU = BRUOpType.isMOU(func)
val isJUMP = BRUOpType.isJUMP(func)
val isRVC = uop.cf.isRVC
val pcDelaySlot = Mux(isRVC, pc + 2.U, pc + 4.U)
val target = src1 + offset // NOTE: src1 is (pc/rf(rs1)), src2 is (offset)
io.out.bits.redirectValid := valid && isJUMP
io.out.bits.redirectValid := valid
io.out.bits.redirect.target := target
io.out.bits.redirect.brTag := uop.brTag
io.out.bits.redirect.isException := false.B
......@@ -35,26 +27,26 @@ class Jump extends FunctionUnit(jmpCfg){
io.out.bits.redirect.freelistAllocPtr := uop.freelistAllocPtr
// Output
val resCSR = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resFMV = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resMOU = WireInit(0.U(XLEN.W)) // TODO: implement it
val resJMP = pcDelaySlot
val res = ParallelMux(
VecInit(isCSR, isFMV, isMOU, isJUMP) zip
VecInit(resCSR, resFMV, resMOU, resJMP)
val res = pcDelaySlot
io.in.ready := io.out.ready
io.out.valid := valid // TODO: CSR/MOU/FMV may need change it
io.out.bits.uop <> io.in.bits.uop
io.out.bits.data := res
io.dmem <> DontCare
io.out.bits.debug <> DontCare
// NOTE: the debug info is for one-cycle exec, if FMV needs multi-cycle, may needs change it
XSDebug(io.in.valid, "In(%d %d) Out(%d %d) Redirect:(%d %d %d) brTag:%x\n",
io.in.valid, io.in.ready, io.out.valid, io.out.ready, io.redirect.valid, io.redirect.bits.isException, redirectHit, io.redirect.bits.brTag.value)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isCSR, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:CSR pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isFMV, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:FMV pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isMOU, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:MOU pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid && isJUMP, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:JUMP pc:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc)
XSDebug(io.in.valid, "Res:%x` CsrRes:%x FMV:%x Mou:%x Jmp:%x\n", res, resCSR, resFMV, resMOU, resJMP)
XSDebug(io.in.valid, "src1:%x offset:%x func:%b type:JUMP pc:%x res:%x\n", src1, offset, func, pc, res)
......@@ -5,38 +5,22 @@ import chisel3.util._
package object backend {
// jal csr move(x2f) mou
object BRUOpType {
// [2bit:Type]: 00:csr 01:move(x2f) mou(fence.i,etc) jump
// 0. csr
def jmp = "b00_000".U
def wrt = "b00_001".U
def set = "b00_010".U
def clr = "b00_011".U
def wrti = "b00_101".U
def seti = "b00_110".U
def clri = "b00_111".U
// 1. move(x2f)
// FIXME: temp decode, should be fixed when use it
def fmv_w_x = "b01_000".U
def fmv_d_x = "b01_001".U
// 2. mou
def fence = "b01_000".U
def fencei = "b01_001".U
def sfence_vma = "b01_010".U
// 3. jump
object CSROpType {
def jmp = "b000".U
def wrt = "b001".U
def set = "b010".U
def clr = "b011".U
def wrti = "b101".U
def seti = "b110".U
def clri = "b111".U
// jump
object JumpOpType {
def jal = "b11_000".U
def jalr = "b11_010".U
def call = "b11_011".U
def ret = "b11_100".U
def isCSR(func: UInt) = func(4,3)===0.U
def isFMV(func: UInt) = func(4,3)===1.U
def isMOU(func: UInt) = func(4,3)===2.U // TODO: change its name
def isJUMP(func: UInt) = func(4,3)===3.U
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ class Roq(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule {
val state = RegInit(s_idle)
// Dispatch
val csrEnRoq = io.dp1Req.map(i => i.bits.ctrl.fuType === FuType.csr)
val hasCsr = RegInit(false.B)
XSError(!(hasCsr && state === s_idle), "CSR block should only happen in s_idle")
when(ringBufferEmpty){ hasCsr:= false.B }
val validDispatch = VecInit((0 until RenameWidth).map(io.dp1Req(_).valid)).asUInt
XSDebug("(ready, valid): ")
for (i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
......@@ -54,8 +58,11 @@ class Roq(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule {
microOp(ringBufferHead+offset) := io.dp1Req(i).bits
valid(ringBufferHead+offset) := true.B
writebacked(ringBufferHead+offset) := false.B
when(csrEnRoq(i)){ hasCsr := true.B }
io.dp1Req(i).ready := ringBufferAllowin && !valid(ringBufferHead+offset) && state === s_idle
io.dp1Req(i).ready := (ringBufferAllowin && !valid(ringBufferHead+offset) && state === s_idle) &&
(!csrEnRoq(i) || ringBufferEmpty) &&
io.roqIdxs(i) := ringBufferHeadExtended+offset
XSDebug(false, true.B, "(%d, %d) ", io.dp1Req(i).ready, io.dp1Req(i).valid)
......@@ -248,16 +255,6 @@ class Roq(implicit val p: XSConfig) extends XSModule {
BoringUtils.addSource(RegNext(0.U), "difftestIntrNO")
//TODO: skip insts that commited in the same cycle ahead of exception
//csr debug signals
val ModeM = WireInit(0x3.U)
BoringUtils.addSource(ModeM, "difftestMode")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestMstatus")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestSstatus")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestMepc")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestSepc")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestMcause")
BoringUtils.addSource(emptyCsr, "difftestScause")
class Monitor extends BlackBox {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clk = Input(Clock())
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class Ibuffer extends XSModule {
io.out(i).bits.exceptionVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.intrVec := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.isBr := DontCare
io.out(i).bits.crossPageIPFFix := DontCare
//mask initial
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