未验证 提交 e46a1488 编写于 作者: L ljw 提交者: GitHub

Sbuffer: remove old version sbuffer (#617)

上级 8a538cf0
......@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@ import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.cache._
trait HasSbufferCst extends HasXSParameter {
class SbufferFlushBundle extends Bundle {
val valid = Output(Bool())
val empty = Input(Bool())
trait HasSbufferConst extends HasXSParameter {
// use 1h to speedup selection
def s_invalid = (1<<0).U(4.W)
......@@ -32,7 +37,7 @@ trait HasSbufferCst extends HasXSParameter {
val TagWidth: Int = PAddrBits - OffsetWidth
class SbufferBundle extends XSBundle with HasSbufferCst
class SbufferBundle extends XSBundle with HasSbufferConst
class SbufferLine extends SbufferBundle {
val tag = UInt(TagWidth.W)
......@@ -109,16 +114,13 @@ class SbufferLru(nWay: Int) extends XSModule {
class NewSbuffer extends XSModule with HasSbufferCst {
class NewSbuffer extends XSModule with HasSbufferConst {
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val in = Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Flipped(Decoupled(new DCacheWordReq))) //Todo: store logic only support Width == 2 now
val dcache = new DCacheLineIO
val forward = Vec(LoadPipelineWidth, Flipped(new LoadForwardQueryIO))
val sqempty = Input(Bool())
val flush = new Bundle {
val valid = Input(Bool())
val empty = Output(Bool())
} // sbuffer flush
val flush = Flipped(new SbufferFlushBundle)
val difftestIO = IO(new Bundle() {
val sbufferResp = Output(Bool())
package xiangshan.mem
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.cache._
import utils.ParallelAND
import utils.TrueLRU
class SbufferUserBundle extends XSBundle {
val pc = UInt(VAddrBits.W) //for debug
trait HasSBufferConst extends HasXSParameter {
val sBufferIndexWidth: Int = log2Up(StoreBufferSize) // a.k.a. index of cache line
// paddr = tag + offset
val tagWidth: Int = PAddrBits - log2Up(CacheLineSize / 8)
val offsetWidth: Int = log2Up(CacheLineSize / 8)
val cacheMaskWidth: Int = CacheLineSize / 8
val instMaskWidth: Int = XLEN / 8
class SBufferCacheLine extends XSBundle with HasSBufferConst {
val valid = Bool()
val tag = UInt(tagWidth.W)
val data = Vec(cacheMaskWidth, UInt(8.W))// UInt(CacheLineSize.W)
val mask = Vec(cacheMaskWidth, Bool())
class UpdateInfo extends XSBundle with HasSBufferConst {
val idx: UInt = UInt(sBufferIndexWidth.W) // cache index effected by this store req
val newTag: UInt = UInt(tagWidth.W)
val newMask: Vec[Bool] = Vec(cacheMaskWidth, Bool())
val newData: Vec[UInt] = Vec(cacheMaskWidth, UInt(8.W))
val isForward: Bool = Bool() // this req has same tag as some former req
val isUpdated: Bool = Bool()
val isInserted: Bool = Bool()
val isIgnored: Bool = Bool()
class SbufferFlushBundle extends Bundle {
val valid = Output(Bool())
val empty = Input(Bool())
// Store buffer for XiangShan Out of Order LSU
class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
val io = IO(new Bundle() {
val in = Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Flipped(Decoupled(new DCacheWordReq)))
val dcache = new DCacheLineIO
val forward = Vec(LoadPipelineWidth, Flipped(new LoadForwardQueryIO))
val flush = new Bundle {
val valid = Input(Bool())
val empty = Output(Bool())
} // sbuffer flush
val cache: Vec[SBufferCacheLine] = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StoreBufferSize)(0.U.asTypeOf(new SBufferCacheLine))))
val updateInfo = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StorePipelineWidth)(0.U.asTypeOf(new UpdateInfo))))
updateInfo := DontCare
val lru = new TrueLRU(StoreBufferSize)
def getTag(pa: UInt): UInt =
pa(PAddrBits - 1, PAddrBits - tagWidth)
def getAddr(tag: UInt): UInt =
Cat(tag, 0.U((PAddrBits - tagWidth).W))
def getByteOffset(pa: UInt): UInt =
Cat(pa(offsetWidth - 1, log2Up(8)), Fill(3, 0.U))
// check if cacheIdx is modified by former request in this cycle
def busy(cacheIdx: UInt, max: Int): Bool = {
if (max == 0)
ParallelOR((0 until max).map(i => updateInfo(i).idx === cacheIdx && io.in(i).valid)).asBool()
val lru_accessed = WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(StorePipelineWidth)(false.B)))
// Get retired store from lsq
for (storeIdx <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
io.in(storeIdx).ready := false.B // when there is empty line or target address already in this buffer, assert true
// otherwise, assert false
// when d-cache write port is valid, write back the oldest line to d-cache
updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward := false.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated := false.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted := false.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).isIgnored := false.B
// 0. compare with former requests
for (formerIdx <- 0 until storeIdx) {
// i: former request
when ((getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) === updateInfo(formerIdx).newTag) &&
(updateInfo(formerIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(formerIdx).isInserted) && io.in(storeIdx).valid && io.in(formerIdx).valid) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward := true.B
updateInfo(formerIdx).isIgnored := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).idx := updateInfo(formerIdx).idx
XSDebug("req#%d writes same line with req#%d\n", storeIdx.U, formerIdx.U)
updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted := updateInfo(formerIdx).isInserted
updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated := updateInfo(formerIdx).isUpdated
updateInfo(storeIdx).newTag := updateInfo(formerIdx).newTag
// update mask and data
(0 until cacheMaskWidth).foreach(i => {
when (i.U < getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr).asUInt() ||
i.U > (getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) | 7.U)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := updateInfo(formerIdx).newMask(i)
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := updateInfo(formerIdx).newData(i)
} otherwise {
when (io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask.asBools()(i % 8)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := io.in(storeIdx).bits.data(8 * (i % 8 + 1) - 1, 8 * (i % 8))
} .otherwise {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := updateInfo(formerIdx).newMask(i)
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := updateInfo(formerIdx).newData(i)
// 1. search for existing lines
for (bufIdx <- 0 until StoreBufferSize) {
when (!updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward && (getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) === cache(bufIdx).tag) && cache(bufIdx).valid && io.in(storeIdx).valid) {
// mark this line as UPDATE
updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).idx := bufIdx.U
updateInfo(storeIdx).newTag := getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr)
// update mask and data
(0 until cacheMaskWidth).foreach(i => {
when (i.U < getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr).asUInt() ||
i.U > (getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) | 7.U)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := cache(bufIdx).mask(i)
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := cache(bufIdx).data(i)
} otherwise {
when (io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask.asBools()(i % 8)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := io.in(storeIdx).bits.data(8 * (i % 8 + 1) - 1, 8 * (i % 8))
} .otherwise {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := cache(bufIdx).mask(i)
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := cache(bufIdx).data(i)
// 2. not found target address in existing lines, try to insert a new line
val freeVec = WireInit(VecInit((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => cache(i).valid || busy(i.U, storeIdx))))
val hasFree = !ParallelAND(freeVec)
val nextFree = PriorityEncoder(freeVec.map(i => !i))
// XSInfo("hasFree: %d, nextFreeIdx: %d\n", hasFree, nextFree)
when (!updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward && !updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated && hasFree && io.in(storeIdx).valid) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).idx := nextFree
updateInfo(storeIdx).newTag := getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr)
// set mask and data
(0 until cacheMaskWidth).foreach(i => {
when (i.U < getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr).asUInt() ||
i.U > (getByteOffset(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) | 7.U)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := false.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := 0.U
} otherwise {
when (io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask.asBools()(i % 8)) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := io.in(storeIdx).bits.data(8 * (i % 8 + 1) - 1, 8 * (i % 8))
// XSInfo("[%d] write data %x\n", i.U, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data(8 * (i % 8 + 1) - 1, 8 * (i % 8)))
} .otherwise {
updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i) := false.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i) := 0.U
// 3. not enough space for this query
when (!updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward && !updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated && !updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).isIgnored := true.B
XSInfo(updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated && updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted, "Error: one line is both updated and inserted!\n")
if (storeIdx > 0)
io.in(storeIdx).ready := io.in(storeIdx - 1).ready && (updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted)
io.in(storeIdx).ready := updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted
when(updateInfo(storeIdx).isIgnored) {
XSInfo("Ignore req#%d with paddr %x, mask %x, data %x\n", storeIdx.U, io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr, io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data)
// Update
// ----------------------------------------
} .elsewhen(updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated) {
// clear lruCnt
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).lruCnt := 0.U
lru_accessed(storeIdx) := true.B
// update mask and data
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).data := updateInfo(storeIdx).newData
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).data.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (int, i) =>
int := updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i)
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).mask := updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).mask.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (int, i) =>
int := updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i)
XSInfo("Update line#%d with tag %x, mask %x, data %x\n", updateInfo(storeIdx).idx, cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).tag,
io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data)
// Insert
// ----------------------------------------
} .elsewhen(updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted) {
// clear lruCnt
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).lruCnt := 0.U
lru_accessed(storeIdx) := true.B
// set valid
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).valid := true.B
// set tag
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).tag := updateInfo(storeIdx).newTag
// update mask and data
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).data := updateInfo(storeIdx).newData
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).mask := updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).data.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (int, i) =>
int := updateInfo(storeIdx).newData(i)
cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).mask.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (int, i) =>
int := updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i)
XSInfo("Insert into line#%d with tag %x, mask: %x, data: %x, pa: %x\n", updateInfo(storeIdx).idx, getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr),
io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data, io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr)
} // ignore UNCHANGED & EVICTED state
// Write back to d-cache
val WriteBackPortCount = 2
val FlushPort = 0 // flush has higher priority
val EvictionPort = 1
val wb_arb = Module(new Arbiter(UInt(), WriteBackPortCount))
val wb_resp = WireInit(false.B)
val waitingCacheLine: SBufferCacheLine = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new SBufferCacheLine))
// LRU eviction
val validCnt: UInt = Wire(UInt((sBufferIndexWidth + 1).W))
validCnt := PopCount((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => cache(i).valid))
XSInfo("[ %d ] lines valid this cycle\n", validCnt)
val oldestLineIdx: UInt = Wire(UInt(sBufferIndexWidth.W))
oldestLineIdx := lru.way
XSInfo("Least recently used #[ %d ] line\n", oldestLineIdx)
// eviction state machine
val e_wb_req :: e_wb_resp :: Nil = Enum(2)
val eviction_state = RegInit(e_wb_req)
wb_arb.io.in(EvictionPort).valid := false.B
wb_arb.io.in(EvictionPort).bits := DontCare
when (eviction_state === e_wb_req) {
wb_arb.io.in(EvictionPort).valid := validCnt === StoreBufferSize.U && !waitingCacheLine.valid
wb_arb.io.in(EvictionPort).bits := oldestLineIdx
when (wb_arb.io.in(EvictionPort).fire()) {
eviction_state := e_wb_resp
val lru_miss = WireInit(false.B)
when (eviction_state === e_wb_resp) {
when (wb_resp) {
lru_miss := true.B
eviction_state := e_wb_req
// Sbuffer flush
// flush state machine
val f_idle :: f_req :: f_wait_resp :: Nil = Enum(3)
val f_state = RegInit(f_idle)
val flush = io.flush
// empty means there are no valid cache line in sbuffer
// but there may exist cache line being flushed to dcache and not finished
val empty = validCnt === 0.U
// sbuffer is flushed empty only when:
// 1. there no valid line in sbuffer and
// 2. cache line waiting to be flushed are flushed out
flush.empty := empty && !waitingCacheLine.valid
wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).valid := f_state === f_req
wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).bits := PriorityEncoder((0 until StoreBufferSize).map(i => cache(i).valid))
// we only expect flush signal in f_idle state
assert(!(flush.valid && f_state =/= f_idle))
switch (f_state) {
is (f_idle) {
when (flush.valid && !empty) { f_state := f_req }
is (f_req) {
assert(!empty, "when flush, should not be empty")
when (wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).fire()) { f_state := f_wait_resp }
is (f_wait_resp) { when (wb_resp) {
when (empty) { f_state := f_idle }
.otherwise { f_state := f_req } }
XSDebug(flush.valid, p"Reveive flush. f_state:${f_state}\n")
XSDebug(f_state =/= f_idle || flush.valid, p"f_state:${f_state} idx:${wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).bits} In(${wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).valid} ${wb_arb.io.in(FlushPort).ready}) wb_resp:${wb_resp}\n")
// write back unit
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
val s_invalid :: s_dcache_req :: s_dcache_resp :: Nil = Enum(3)
val state = RegInit(s_invalid)
val wb_idx = Reg(UInt())
val dcacheData = Wire(UInt(io.dcache.req.bits.data.getWidth.W))
val dcacheMask = Wire(UInt(io.dcache.req.bits.mask.getWidth.W))
dcacheData := DontCare
dcacheMask := DontCare
io.dcache.req.valid := false.B //needWriteToCache
io.dcache.req.bits.addr := DontCare
io.dcache.req.bits.data := dcacheData
io.dcache.req.bits.mask := dcacheMask
io.dcache.req.bits.cmd := MemoryOpConstants.M_XWR
io.dcache.req.bits.id := DontCare // NOT USED
io.dcache.resp.ready := false.B
wb_arb.io.out.ready := false.B
// wbu state machine
when (state === s_invalid) {
wb_arb.io.out.ready := true.B
when (wb_arb.io.out.fire()) {
wb_idx := wb_arb.io.out.bits
state := s_dcache_req
when (state === s_dcache_req) {
// assert valid and send data + mask + addr(ends with 000b) to d-cache
io.dcache.req.valid := true.B
io.dcache.req.bits.addr := getAddr(cache(wb_idx).tag)
// prepare write data and write mask
// first, we get data from cache
dcacheData := cache(wb_idx).data.asUInt()
dcacheMask := cache(wb_idx).mask.asUInt()
// then, we tried to merge any updates
for (i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
// get data from updateInfo
when (updateInfo(i).idx === wb_idx && updateInfo(i).isUpdated && io.in(i).valid) {
dcacheData := updateInfo(i).newData.asUInt()
dcacheMask := updateInfo(i).newMask.asUInt()
when(io.dcache.req.fire()) {
// save current req
waitingCacheLine := cache(wb_idx)
waitingCacheLine.data := dcacheData.asTypeOf(Vec(cacheMaskWidth, UInt(8.W)))
waitingCacheLine.mask := dcacheMask.asTypeOf(Vec(cacheMaskWidth, Bool()))
waitingCacheLine.valid := true.B
cache(wb_idx).valid := false.B
state := s_dcache_resp
assert(cache(wb_idx).valid, "sbuffer cache line not valid\n")
XSInfo("send req to dcache %x\n", wb_idx)
XSDebug("[New D-Cache Req] idx: %d, addr: %x, mask: %x, data: %x\n",
wb_idx, io.dcache.req.bits.addr, dcacheMask.asUInt(), dcacheData.asUInt())
when (state === s_dcache_resp) {
io.dcache.resp.ready := true.B
when(io.dcache.resp.fire()) {
waitingCacheLine.valid := false.B
wb_resp := true.B
state := s_invalid
XSInfo("recv resp from dcache. wb tag %x mask %x data %x\n", waitingCacheLine.tag, waitingCacheLine.mask.asUInt(), waitingCacheLine.data.asUInt())
// the inflight req
XSDebug("[Pending Write Back] tag: %x, mask: %x, data: %x\n",
waitingCacheLine.tag, waitingCacheLine.mask.asUInt(), waitingCacheLine.data.asUInt())
// loadForwardQuery
(0 until LoadPipelineWidth).map(loadIdx => {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask := VecInit(List.fill(instMaskWidth)(false.B))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData := DontCare
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === waitingCacheLine.tag && waitingCacheLine.valid) {
(0 until XLEN / 8).foreach(i => {
when (waitingCacheLine.mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr)) && io.forward(loadIdx).mask(i)) {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := waitingCacheLine.data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := true.B
// data in StoreBuffer should have higer priority than waitingCacheLine
for (sBufIdx <- 0 until StoreBufferSize) {
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === cache(sBufIdx).tag && cache(sBufIdx).valid) {
// send data with mask in this line
// this mask is not 'mask for cache line' and we need to check low bits of paddr
// to get certain part of one line
// P.S. data in io.in will be manipulated by lsq
(0 until XLEN / 8).foreach(i => {
when (cache(sBufIdx).mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr)) && io.forward(loadIdx).mask(i)) {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := cache(sBufIdx).data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := true.B
when (io.forward(loadIdx).valid) {
XSDebug("[ForwardReq] paddr: %x mask: %x pc: %x\n", io.forward(loadIdx).paddr, io.forward(loadIdx).mask, io.forward(loadIdx).pc)
XSDebug("[Forwarding] forward-data: %x forward-mask: %x\n", io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData.asUInt(),
// additional logs
XSInfo(io.in(0).fire(), "ensbuffer addr 0x%x wdata 0x%x\n", io.in(0).bits.addr, io.in(0).bits.data)
XSInfo(io.in(1).fire(), "ensbuffer addr 0x%x wdata 0x%x\n", io.in(1).bits.addr, io.in(1).bits.data)
XSInfo(io.dcache.req.fire(), "desbuffer addr 0x%x wdata 0x%x\n", io.dcache.req.bits.addr, io.dcache.req.bits.data)
// output cache line
cache.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (line, i) => {
XSDebug(line.valid, "[#%d line] Tag: %x, data: %x, mask: %x\n", i.U, line.tag, line.data.asUInt(), line.mask.asUInt())
XSPerf("waitResp", waitingCacheLine.valid)
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