提交 e2e2e3f1 编写于 作者: Z Zihao Yu

noop,Cache: fix wrong wmask for MMIO by shifting it in Cache instead of LSU

上级 b891fb3a
......@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends C
val dataBlockIdx = Wire(UInt(WordIndexBits.W))
val dataRead = io.dataBlock(dataBlockIdx).data
val wordMask = Mux(req.isWrite(), MaskExpand(req.wmask), 0.U(DataBits.W))
val wordMask = Mux(req.isWrite(), MaskExpand(req.wmask << req.addr(2,0)), 0.U(DataBits.W))
val dataHitWriteBus = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(CacheDataArrayWriteBus()))
val metaHitWriteBus = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(CacheMetaArrayWriteBus()))
......@@ -42,14 +42,7 @@ class LSU extends NOOPModule {
def genWmask(addr: UInt, sizeEncode: UInt): UInt = {
LookupTree(sizeEncode, List(
"b00".U -> 0x1.U, //0001 << addr(2:0)
"b01".U -> 0x3.U, //0011
"b10".U -> 0xf.U, //1111
"b11".U -> 0xff.U //11111111
)) << addr(2, 0)
def genWmask(sizeEncode: UInt) = VecInit((0 to 3).map((i: Int) => Fill((1 << i), 1.U)))(sizeEncode)
def genWdata(data: UInt, sizeEncode: UInt): UInt = {
LookupTree(sizeEncode, List(
"b00".U -> Fill(8, data(7, 0)),
......@@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ class LSU extends NOOPModule {
dmem.req.valid := valid && (state === s_idle) && !mmio
dmem.req.bits.cmd := Mux(isStore, SimpleBusCmd.write, SimpleBusCmd.read)
dmem.req.bits.wdata := genWdata(io.wdata, func(1, 0))
dmem.req.bits.wmask := genWmask(addr, func(1, 0))
dmem.req.bits.wmask := genWmask(func(1, 0))
dmem.req.bits.user := 0.U
dmem.resp.ready := true.B
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