未验证 提交 e2695e90 编写于 作者: Z zhanglyGit 提交者: GitHub

Decode: optimize coding style (#2063)

上级 a7fe2f40
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class CtrlSignals(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val noSpecExec = Bool() // wait forward
val blockBackward = Bool() // block backward
val flushPipe = Bool() // This inst will flush all the pipe when commit, like exception but can commit
val uopDivType = UopDivType()
val uopSplitType = UopSplitType()
val selImm = SelImm()
val imm = UInt(ImmUnion.maxLen.W)
val commitType = CommitType()
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class CtrlSignals(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val replayInst = Bool()
private def allSignals = srcType.take(3) ++ Seq(fuType, fuOpType, rfWen, fpWen, vecWen,
isXSTrap, noSpecExec, blockBackward, flushPipe, uopDivType, selImm)
isXSTrap, noSpecExec, blockBackward, flushPipe, uopSplitType, selImm)
def decode(inst: UInt, table: Iterable[(BitPat, List[BitPat])]): CtrlSignals = {
val decoder = freechips.rocketchip.rocket.DecodeLogic(inst, XDecode.decodeDefault, table, EspressoMinimizer)
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class DecodeStage(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPerfEvents {
val robCommits = Input(new RobCommitIO)
val decoderComp = Module(new DecodeUnitComp(MaxUopSize))
val decoderComplex = Module(new DecodeUnitComplex(MaxUopSize))
val decoders = Seq.fill(DecodeWidth - 1)(Module(new DecodeUnit))
val debug_globalCounter = RegInit(0.U(XLEN.W))
val vconfigGen = Module(new VConfigGen)
......@@ -128,17 +128,17 @@ class DecodeStage(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPerfEvents {
val cfSimple = Wire(Vec(DecodeWidth - 1, new CfCtrl))
//Comp 1
decoderComp.io.enq.ctrl_flow := io.in(0).bits
decoderComp.io.csrCtrl := io.csrCtrl
decoderComp.io.vconfig := vconfigGen.io.vconfigPre
decoderComp.io.isComplex := isComplex
decoderComp.io.validFromIBuf.zip(io.in).map{ case (dst, src) => dst := src.valid}
decoderComp.io.readyFromRename.zip(io.out).map{ case (dst, src) => dst := src.ready}
cfComplex := decoderComp.io.deq.cf_ctrl
io.out.zip(decoderComp.io.deq.validToRename).map{ case (dst, src) => dst.valid := src}
io.in.zip(decoderComp.io.deq.readyToIBuf).map{ case (dst, src) => dst.ready := src}
isFirstVset := decoderComp.io.deq.isVset
complexNum := decoderComp.io.deq.complexNum
decoderComplex.io.enq.ctrl_flow := io.in(0).bits
decoderComplex.io.csrCtrl := io.csrCtrl
decoderComplex.io.vconfig := vconfigGen.io.vconfigPre
decoderComplex.io.isComplex := isComplex
decoderComplex.io.validFromIBuf.zip(io.in).map{ case (dst, src) => dst := src.valid}
decoderComplex.io.readyFromRename.zip(io.out).map{ case (dst, src) => dst := src.ready}
cfComplex := decoderComplex.io.deq.cf_ctrl
io.out.zip(decoderComplex.io.deq.validToRename).map{ case (dst, src) => dst.valid := src}
io.in.zip(decoderComplex.io.deq.readyToIBuf).map{ case (dst, src) => dst.ready := src}
isFirstVset := decoderComplex.io.deq.isVset
complexNum := decoderComplex.io.deq.complexNum
//Simple 5
decoders.zip(io.in.drop(1)).map { case (dst, src) => dst.io.enq.ctrl_flow := src.bits }
......@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ abstract trait DecodeConstants {
// | | | | | | | | | noSpecExec
// | | | | | | | | | | blockBackward
// | | | | | | | | | | | flushPipe
// | | | | | | | | | | | | uopDivType
// | | | | | | | | | | | | uopSplitType
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | selImm
List(SrcType.X, SrcType.X, SrcType.X, FuType.X, FuOpType.X, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, UopDivType.X, SelImm.INVALID_INSTR)
List(SrcType.X, SrcType.X, SrcType.X, FuType.X, FuOpType.X, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, UopSplitType.X, SelImm.INVALID_INSTR)
} // Use SelImm to indicate invalid instr
val decodeArray: Array[(BitPat, XSDecodeBase)]
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ abstract class XSDecodeBase {
case class XSDecode(
src1: BitPat, src2: BitPat, src3: BitPat,
fu: BitPat, fuOp: BitPat, selImm: BitPat,
uopDivType: BitPat = UopDivType.X,
uopSplitType: BitPat = UopSplitType.X,
xWen: Boolean = false,
fWen: Boolean = false,
vWen: Boolean = false,
......@@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ case class XSDecode(
flushPipe: Boolean = false,
) extends XSDecodeBase {
def generate() : List[BitPat] = {
List (src1, src2, src3, fu, fuOp, xWen.B, fWen.B, (vWen || mWen).B, xsTrap.B, noSpec.B, blockBack.B, flushPipe.B, uopDivType, selImm)
List (src1, src2, src3, fu, fuOp, xWen.B, fWen.B, (vWen || mWen).B, xsTrap.B, noSpec.B, blockBack.B, flushPipe.B, uopSplitType, selImm)
case class FDecode(
src1: BitPat, src2: BitPat, src3: BitPat,
fu: BitPat, fuOp: BitPat, selImm: BitPat = SelImm.X,
uopDivType: BitPat = UopDivType.X,
uopSplitType: BitPat = UopSplitType.X,
xWen: Boolean = false,
fWen: Boolean = false,
vWen: Boolean = false,
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ case class FDecode(
flushPipe: Boolean = false,
) extends XSDecodeBase {
def generate() : List[BitPat] = {
XSDecode(src1, src2, src3, fu, fuOp, selImm, uopDivType, xWen, fWen, vWen, mWen, xsTrap, noSpec, blockBack, flushPipe).generate()
XSDecode(src1, src2, src3, fu, fuOp, selImm, uopSplitType, xWen, fWen, vWen, mWen, xsTrap, noSpec, blockBack, flushPipe).generate()
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ object XDecode extends DecodeConstants {
AUIPC -> XSDecode(SrcType.pc , SrcType.imm, SrcType.X, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.auipc, SelImm.IMM_U , xWen = T),
JAL -> XSDecode(SrcType.pc , SrcType.imm, SrcType.X, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.jal , SelImm.IMM_UJ, xWen = T),
JALR -> XSDecode(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.X, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.jalr , SelImm.IMM_I , uopDivType = UopDivType.SCA_SIM, xWen = T),
JALR -> XSDecode(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.X, FuType.jmp, JumpOpType.jalr , SelImm.IMM_I , uopSplitType = UopSplitType.SCA_SIM, xWen = T),
BEQ -> XSDecode(SrcType.reg, SrcType.reg, SrcType.X, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.beq , SelImm.IMM_SB ),
BNE -> XSDecode(SrcType.reg, SrcType.reg, SrcType.X, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.bne , SelImm.IMM_SB ),
BGE -> XSDecode(SrcType.reg, SrcType.reg, SrcType.X, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.bge , SelImm.IMM_SB ),
......@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ class DecodeUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with DecodeUnitConstan
io.deq.cf_ctrl := cf_ctrl
io.deq.isVset := FuType.isIntExu(cs.fuType) && ALUOpType.isVset(cs.fuOpType)
io.deq.isComplex := UopDivType.needSplit(cs.uopDivType)
io.deq.isComplex := UopSplitType.needSplit(cs.uopSplitType)
// Debug Info
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ trait VectorConstants {
val VECTOR_TMP_REG_LMUL = 32 // 32~46 -> 15
class DecodeUnitCompIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
class DecodeUnitComplexIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val enq = new Bundle { val ctrl_flow = Input(new CtrlFlow) }
val vconfig = Input(new VConfig)
val isComplex = Input(Vec(DecodeWidth - 1, Bool()))
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class DecodeUnitCompIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val csrCtrl = Input(new CustomCSRCtrlIO)
class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModule with DecodeUnitConstants with VectorConstants {
val io = IO(new DecodeUnitCompIO)
class DecodeUnitComplex(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModule with DecodeUnitConstants with VectorConstants {
val io = IO(new DecodeUnitComplexIO)
//input bits
val ctrl_flow = Wire(new CtrlFlow)
ctrl_flow := io.enq.ctrl_flow
......@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
val complexNum = Wire(UInt(3.W))
//output of DecodeUnit
val cf_ctrl_u = Wire(new CfCtrl)
val isVset_u = Wire(Bool())
val cf_ctrl_simple = Wire(new CfCtrl)
val isVset_simple = Wire(Bool())
//pre decode
val simple = Module(new DecodeUnit)
simple.io.enq.ctrl_flow := ctrl_flow
simple.io.vconfig := io.vconfig
simple.io.csrCtrl := io.csrCtrl
cf_ctrl_u := simple.io.deq.cf_ctrl
isVset_u := simple.io.deq.isVset
cf_ctrl_simple := simple.io.deq.cf_ctrl
isVset_simple := simple.io.deq.isVset
//Type of uop Div
val typeOfDiv = cf_ctrl_u.ctrl.uopDivType
val typeOfSplit = cf_ctrl_simple.ctrl.uopSplitType
val lmul = MuxLookup(simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vlmul, 1.U(4.W), Array(
......@@ -95,43 +95,43 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
"b010".U -> 16.U,
"b011".U -> 64.U
val numOfUopVrgatherei16 = Mux((!simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vsew.orR()) && (simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vlmul =/= "b011".U),
Cat(numOfUopVrgather, 0.U(1.W)),
val numOfUopVrgatherei16 = Mux((!simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vsew.orR()) && (simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vlmul =/= "b011".U),
Cat(numOfUopVrgather, 0.U(1.W)),
//number of uop
val numOfUop = MuxLookup(typeOfDiv, 1.U(log2Up(maxNumOfUop+1).W), Array(
UopDivType.VEC_0XV -> 2.U,
UopDivType.DIR -> 2.U,
UopDivType.VEC_VVV -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_EXT2 -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_EXT4 -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_EXT8 -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_VVM -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_VXM -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_VXV -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_VVW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_WVW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_VXW -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_WXW -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_WVV -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_WXV -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopDivType.VEC_SLIDE1UP -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_FSLIDE1UP -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_SLIDE1DOWN -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)),
UopDivType.VEC_FSLIDE1DOWN -> (Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)) -1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_VRED -> lmul,
UopDivType.VEC_SLIDEUP -> (numOfUopVslide + 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_ISLIDEUP -> numOfUopVslide,
UopDivType.VEC_SLIDEDOWN -> (numOfUopVslide + 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_ISLIDEDOWN -> numOfUopVslide,
UopDivType.VEC_M0X -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_MVV -> (Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)) -1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_M0X_VFIRST -> 2.U,
UopDivType.VEC_VWW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)),
UopDivType.VEC_RGATHER -> numOfUopVrgather,
UopDivType.VEC_RGATHER_VX -> (numOfUopVrgather +& 1.U),
UopDivType.VEC_RGATHEREI16 -> numOfUopVrgatherei16,
val numOfUop = MuxLookup(typeOfSplit, 1.U(log2Up(maxNumOfUop+1).W), Array(
UopSplitType.VEC_0XV -> 2.U,
UopSplitType.DIR -> 2.U,
UopSplitType.VEC_VVV -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_EXT2 -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_EXT4 -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_EXT8 -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_VVM -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_VXM -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_VXV -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_VVW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_WVW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_VXW -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_WXW -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_WVV -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_WXV -> Cat(lmul, 1.U(1.W)), // lmul <= 4
UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDE1UP -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_FSLIDE1UP -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDE1DOWN -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)),
UopSplitType.VEC_FSLIDE1DOWN -> (Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)) -1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_VRED -> lmul,
UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDEUP -> (numOfUopVslide + 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_ISLIDEUP -> numOfUopVslide,
UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDEDOWN -> (numOfUopVslide + 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_ISLIDEDOWN -> numOfUopVslide,
UopSplitType.VEC_M0X -> (lmul +& 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_MVV -> (Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)) -1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_M0X_VFIRST -> 2.U,
UopSplitType.VEC_VWW -> Cat(lmul, 0.U(1.W)),
UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHER -> numOfUopVrgather,
UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHER_VX -> (numOfUopVrgather +& 1.U),
UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHEREI16 -> numOfUopVrgatherei16,
val src1 = Cat(0.U(1.W), ctrl_flow.instr(19, 15))
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
//uop div up to maxNumOfUop
val csBundle = Wire(Vec(maxNumOfUop, new CfCtrl))
csBundle.map { case dst =>
dst := cf_ctrl_u
dst := cf_ctrl_simple
dst.ctrl.firstUop := false.B
dst.ctrl.lastUop := false.B
......@@ -149,16 +149,16 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(0).ctrl.firstUop := true.B
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.lastUop := true.B
switch(typeOfDiv) {
is(UopDivType.DIR) {
when(isVset_u) {
csBundle(0).ctrl.flushPipe := ALUOpType.isVsetvli(cf_ctrl_u.ctrl.fuOpType) && cf_ctrl_u.ctrl.lsrc(0).orR || ALUOpType.isVsetvl(cf_ctrl_u.ctrl.fuOpType)
csBundle(0).ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.vsetExchange(cf_ctrl_u.ctrl.fuOpType)
switch(typeOfSplit) {
is(UopSplitType.DIR) {
when(isVset_simple) {
csBundle(0).ctrl.flushPipe := ALUOpType.isVsetvli(cf_ctrl_simple.ctrl.fuOpType) && cf_ctrl_simple.ctrl.lsrc(0).orR || ALUOpType.isVsetvl(cf_ctrl_simple.ctrl.fuOpType)
csBundle(0).ctrl.fuOpType := ALUOpType.vsetExchange(cf_ctrl_simple.ctrl.fuOpType)
csBundle(1).ctrl.ldest := INT_VCONFIG.U
csBundle(1).ctrl.flushPipe := false.B
is(UopDivType.VEC_VVV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VVV) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL) {
csBundle(i).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1 + i.U
csBundle(i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2 + i.U
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(i).ctrl.uopIdx := i.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_EXT2) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_EXT2) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL / 2) {
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2 + i.U
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(2) := dest + (2 * i).U
......@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_EXT4) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_EXT4) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL / 4) {
csBundle(4 * i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2 + i.U
csBundle(4 * i).ctrl.lsrc(2) := dest + (4 * i).U
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(4 * i + 3).ctrl.uopIdx := (4 * i + 3).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_EXT8) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_EXT8) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL) {
csBundle(i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2
csBundle(i).ctrl.lsrc(2) := dest + i.U
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(i).ctrl.uopIdx := i.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_0XV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_0XV) {
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(1).ctrl.fpWen := false.B
csBundle(1).ctrl.vecWen := true.B
is(UopDivType.VEC_VXV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VXV) {
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := i.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_VVW) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VVW) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL / 2) {
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1 + i.U
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2 + i.U
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_WVW) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_WVW) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL / 2) {
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1 + i.U
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(1) := src2 + (2 * i).U
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_VXW) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VXW) {
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 2).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_WXW) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_WXW) {
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 2).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_WVV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_WVV) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL / 2) {
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1 + i.U
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_WXV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_WXV) {
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(2 * i + 2).ctrl.uopIdx := (2 * i + 1).U
is(UopDivType.VEC_VVM) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VVM) {
csBundle(0).ctrl.lsrc(2) := dest
csBundle(0).ctrl.ldest := VECTOR_TMP_REG_LMUL.U
csBundle(0).ctrl.uopIdx := 0.U
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.ldest := dest
is(UopDivType.VEC_VXM) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VXM) {
......@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.ldest := dest
is(UopDivType.VEC_SLIDE1UP) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDE1UP) {
......@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(i + 1).ctrl.uopIdx := i.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_FSLIDE1UP) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_FSLIDE1UP) {
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(0) := SrcType.fp
csBundle(0).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1
......@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(i).ctrl.uopIdx := i.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_SLIDE1DOWN) { // lmul+lmul = 16
is(UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDE1DOWN) { // lmul+lmul = 16
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.lsrc(0) := FP_TMP_REG_MV.U
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.ldest := dest + lmul - 1.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_FSLIDE1DOWN) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_FSLIDE1DOWN) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL) {
csBundle(2 * i).ctrl.srcType(0) := SrcType.vp
......@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src1
csBundle(numOfUop - 1.U).ctrl.ldest := dest + lmul - 1.U
is(UopDivType.VEC_VRED) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VRED) {
when(simple.io.vconfig.vtype.vlmul === "b001".U){
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(2) := SrcType.DC
csBundle(0).ctrl.lsrc(0) := src2 + 1.U
......@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_SLIDEUP) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDEUP) {
// FMV.D.X
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(0) := SrcType.reg
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(1) := SrcType.imm
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_ISLIDEUP) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_ISLIDEUP) {
for(i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL)
for(j <- 0 to i){
......@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_SLIDEDOWN) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_SLIDEDOWN) {
// FMV.D.X
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(0) := SrcType.reg
csBundle(0).ctrl.srcType(1) := SrcType.imm
......@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopSplitType.VEC_ISLIDEDOWN) {
for(i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL)
for(j <- (0 to i).reverse){
......@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_M0X) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_M0X) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL) {
val srcType0 = if (i==0) SrcType.DC else SrcType.vp
......@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(lmul).ctrl.fpu.fcvt := false.B
is(UopDivType.VEC_MVV) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_MVV) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL) {
val srcType0 = if (i==0) SrcType.DC else SrcType.vp
......@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_M0X_VFIRST) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_M0X_VFIRST) {
csBundle(0).ctrl.rfWen := false.B
csBundle(0).ctrl.fpWen := true.B
......@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
csBundle(1).ctrl.fpu.fcvt := false.B
is(UopDivType.VEC_VWW) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_VWW) {
for (i <- 0 until MAX_VLMUL*2) {
when(i.U < lmul){
csBundle(i).ctrl.srcType(2) := SrcType.DC
......@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_RGATHER) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHER) {
def genCsBundle_VEC_RGATHER(len:Int): Unit ={
for (i <- 0 until len)
for (j <- 0 until len) {
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_RGATHER_VX) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHER_VX) {
def genCsBundle_RGATHER_VX(len:Int): Unit ={
for (i <- 0 until len)
for (j <- 0 until len) {
......@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
is(UopDivType.VEC_RGATHEREI16) {
is(UopSplitType.VEC_RGATHEREI16) {
def genCsBundle_VEC_RGATHEREI16_SEW8(len:Int): Unit ={
for (i <- 0 until len)
for (j <- 0 until len) {
......@@ -1018,32 +1018,35 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
//uops dispatch
val normal :: ext :: Nil = Enum(2)
val stateReg = RegInit(normal)
val s_normal :: s_ext :: Nil = Enum(2)
val state = RegInit(s_normal)
val state_next = WireDefault(state)
val uopRes = RegInit(0.U)
//readyFromRename Counter
val readyCounter = PriorityMuxDefault(io.readyFromRename.map(x => !x).zip((0 to (RenameWidth - 1)).map(_.U)), RenameWidth.U)
switch(stateReg) {
is(normal) {
stateReg := Mux(io.validFromIBuf(0) && (numOfUop > readyCounter) && (readyCounter =/= 0.U), ext, normal)
switch(state) {
is(s_normal) {
state_next := Mux(io.validFromIBuf(0) && (numOfUop > readyCounter) && (readyCounter =/= 0.U), s_ext, s_normal)
is(ext) {
stateReg := Mux(io.validFromIBuf(0) && (uopRes > readyCounter), ext, normal)
is(s_ext) {
state_next := Mux(io.validFromIBuf(0) && (uopRes > readyCounter), s_ext, s_normal)
val uopRes0 = Mux(stateReg === normal, numOfUop, uopRes)
val uopResJudge = Mux(stateReg === normal,
state := state_next
val uopRes0 = Mux(state === s_normal, numOfUop, uopRes)
val uopResJudge = Mux(state === s_normal,
io.validFromIBuf(0) && (readyCounter =/= 0.U) && (uopRes0 > readyCounter),
io.validFromIBuf(0) && (uopRes0 > readyCounter))
uopRes := Mux(uopResJudge, uopRes0 - readyCounter, 0.U)
for(i <- 0 until RenameWidth) {
cf_ctrl(i) := MuxCase(csBundle(i), Seq(
(stateReg === normal) -> csBundle(i),
(stateReg === ext) -> Mux((i.U + numOfUop -uopRes) < maxNumOfUop.U, csBundle(i.U + numOfUop - uopRes), csBundle(maxNumOfUop - 1))
(state === s_normal) -> csBundle(i),
(state === s_ext) -> Mux((i.U + numOfUop -uopRes) < maxNumOfUop.U, csBundle(i.U + numOfUop - uopRes), csBundle(maxNumOfUop - 1))
......@@ -1076,7 +1079,7 @@ class DecodeUnitComp(maxNumOfUop : Int)(implicit p : Parameters) extends XSModul
io.deq.cf_ctrl := cf_ctrl
io.deq.isVset := isVset_u
io.deq.isVset := isVset_simple
io.deq.complexNum := complexNum
io.deq.validToRename := validToRename
io.deq.readyToIBuf := readyToIBuf
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import utils._
import utility._
import yunsuan.vector.alu.{VAluOpcode, VIAlu}
import yunsuan.{VectorElementFormat, VipuType}
import xiangshan.{SelImm, SrcType, UopDivType, XSCoreParamsKey, XSModule,FuType}
import xiangshan.{SelImm, SrcType, UopSplitType, XSCoreParamsKey, XSModule,FuType}
import scala.collection.Seq
......@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ package object xiangshan {
def apply() = UInt(4.W)
object UopDivType {
object UopSplitType {
def SCA_SIM = "b000000".U //
def DIR = "b010001".U // dirty: vset
def VEC_VVV = "b010010".U // VEC_VVV
......@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ package object xiangshan {
def X = BitPat("b000000")
def apply() = UInt(6.W)
def needSplit(UopDivType: UInt) = UopDivType(4) || UopDivType(5)
def needSplit(UopSplitType: UInt) = UopSplitType(4) || UopSplitType(5)
object ExceptionNO {
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