提交 d78771d7 编写于 作者: L Lingrui98

ftq: mask cfiIndex.valid when the corresponding inst is not executed, code clean ups

上级 09371bb8
......@@ -676,31 +676,25 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
val ftqIdx = new FtqPtr
val ftqOffset = UInt(4.W)
val flushItSelf = Bool()
def apply(valid: Bool, idx: FtqPtr, offset: UInt, flushItSelf: Bool = false.B) = {
this.valid := valid
this.ftqIdx := idx
this.ftqOffset := offset
this.flushItSelf := flushItSelf
def apply(redirect: Valid[Redirect]) = {
this.valid := redirect.valid
this.ftqIdx := redirect.bits.ftqIdx
this.ftqOffset := redirect.bits.ftqOffset
this.flushItSelf := RedirectLevel.flushItself(redirect.bits.level)
val redirectVec = Wire(Vec(3, new RedirectInfo))
val roqRedirect = Wire(Valid(new Redirect))
roqRedirect := DontCare
roqRedirect.valid := roqFlush.valid
roqRedirect.bits.ftqIdx := roqFlush.bits.ftqIdx
roqRedirect.bits.ftqOffset := roqFlush.bits.ftqOffset
roqRedirect.bits.level := RedirectLevel.flushAfter
redirectVec.zip(Seq(roqRedirect, stage2Redirect, fromIfuRedirect)).map {
case (ve, r) => ve(r)
// when redirect, we should reset ptrs and status queues
when(redirectVec.map(r => r.valid).reduce(_||_)){
......@@ -717,9 +711,6 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
s := c_invalid
when(next.value =/= commPtr.value){ // if next.value === commPtr.value, ftq is full
commitStateQueue(next.value).foreach(_ := c_invalid)
......@@ -745,15 +736,7 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
s === c_invalid || s === c_commited
// need one cycle to read mem and srams
val do_commit = RegNext(canCommit, init=false.B)
val do_commit_ptr = RegNext(commPtr)
when (canCommit) { commPtr := commPtr + 1.U }
val commit_hit = entry_hit_status(do_commit_ptr.value)
val commit_entry_taken = cfiIndex_vec(do_commit_ptr.value).valid
val commit_valid = commit_hit === h_hit || commit_entry_taken // hit or taken
// commit reads
ftq_pc_mem.io.raddr.last := commPtr.value
val commit_pc_bundle = ftq_pc_mem.io.rdata.last
ftq_hist_mem.io.raddr.last := commPtr.value
......@@ -769,6 +752,24 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
ftb_entry_mem.io.raddr.last := commPtr.value
val commit_ftb_entry = ftb_entry_mem.io.rdata.last
// need one cycle to read mem and srams
val do_commit = RegNext(canCommit, init=false.B)
val do_commit_ptr = RegNext(commPtr)
when (canCommit) { commPtr := commPtr + 1.U }
val commit_state = RegNext(commitStateQueue(commPtr.value))
val commit_cfi = WireInit(RegNext(cfiIndex_vec(commPtr.value)))
when (commit_state(commit_cfi.bits) =/= c_commited) {
commit_cfi.valid := false.B
val commit_mispredict = VecInit((RegNext(mispredict_vec(commPtr.value)) zip commit_state).map {
case (mis, state) => mis && state === c_commited
val commit_hit = RegNext(entry_hit_status(commPtr.value))
val commit_target = RegNext(update_target(commPtr.value))
val commit_valid = commit_hit === h_hit || commit_cfi.valid // hit or taken
io.toBpu.update := DontCare
io.toBpu.update.valid := commit_valid && do_commit
val update = io.toBpu.update.bits
......@@ -788,29 +789,30 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
ftbEntryGen.start_addr := commit_pc_bundle.startAddr
ftbEntryGen.old_entry := commit_ftb_entry
ftbEntryGen.pd := commit_pd
ftbEntryGen.cfiIndex := cfiIndex_vec(do_commit_ptr.value)
ftbEntryGen.target := update_target(do_commit_ptr.value)
ftbEntryGen.cfiIndex := commit_cfi
ftbEntryGen.target := commit_target
ftbEntryGen.hit := commit_real_hit
ftbEntryGen.mispredict_vec := mispredict_vec(do_commit_ptr.value)
ftbEntryGen.mispredict_vec := commit_mispredict
update_ftb_entry := ftbEntryGen.new_entry
update.new_br_insert_pos := ftbEntryGen.new_br_insert_pos
update.mispred_mask := ftbEntryGen.mispred_mask
update.old_entry := ftbEntryGen.is_old_entry
// Cfi Info
if (!env.FPGAPlatform && env.EnablePerfDebug) {
for (i <- 0 until PredictWidth) {
val pc = commit_pc_bundle.startAddr + (i * instBytes).U
val v = commitStateQueue(do_commit_ptr.value)(i) === c_commited
val v = commit_state(i) === c_commited
val isBr = commit_pd.brMask(i)
val isJmp = commit_pd.jmpInfo.valid && commit_pd.jmpOffset === i.U
val isCfi = isBr || isJmp
val isTaken = cfiIndex_vec(do_commit_ptr.value).valid && cfiIndex_vec(do_commit_ptr.value).bits === i.U
val misPred = mispredict_vec(do_commit_ptr.value)(i)
val isTaken = commit_cfi.valid && commit_cfi.bits === i.U
val misPred = commit_mispredict(i)
val ghist = commit_ghist.predHist
val predCycle = commit_meta.meta(63, 0)
XSDebug(v && do_commit && isCfi, p"cfi_update: isBr(${!isJmp}) pc(${Hexadecimal(pc)}) taken(${isTaken}) mispred(${misPred}) cycle($predCycle) hist(${Hexadecimal(ghist)}) startAddr(${commit_pc_bundle.startAddr})\n")
XSDebug(v && do_commit && isCfi, p"cfi_update: isBr(${!isJmp}) pc(${Hexadecimal(pc)}) taken(${isTaken}) mispred(${misPred}) cycle($predCycle) hist(${Hexadecimal(ghist)}) startAddr(${Hexadecimal(commit_pc_bundle.startAddr)})\n")
......@@ -821,7 +823,7 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
preds.is_call := update_ftb_entry.jmpValid && update_ftb_entry.isCall
preds.is_ret := update_ftb_entry.jmpValid && update_ftb_entry.isRet
preds.call_is_rvc := update_ftb_entry.jmpValid && update_ftb_entry.isCall && update_ftb_entry.last_is_rvc
preds.target := update_target(do_commit_ptr.value)
preds.target := commit_target
preds.taken_mask := ftbEntryGen.taken_mask
......@@ -855,9 +857,14 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
).foldLeft(Map[String, UInt]())(_+_)
// commit perf counters
val commit_inst_mask = VecInit(commitStateQueue(do_commit_ptr.value).map(c => c === c_commited && do_commit)).asUInt
val commit_mispred_mask = mispredict_vec(do_commit_ptr.value).asUInt
val commit_inst_mask = VecInit(commit_state.map(c => c === c_commited && do_commit)).asUInt
val commit_mispred_mask = commit_mispredict.asUInt
val commit_not_mispred_mask = ~commit_mispred_mask
val commit_num_inst_recording_vec = (1 to PredictWidth).map(i => PopCount(commit_inst_mask) === i.U)
val commit_num_inst_map = (1 to PredictWidth).map(i =>
f"commit_num_inst_$i" -> (commit_num_inst_recording_vec(i-1) && do_commit)
).foldLeft(Map[String, UInt]())(_+_)
val commit_br_mask = commit_pd.brMask.asUInt
val commit_jmp_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.jmpInfo.valid.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
......@@ -949,7 +956,7 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
"ftb_jalr_target_modified" -> PopCount(ftb_modified_entry_jalr_target_modified),
"ftb_modified_entry_br_full" -> PopCount(ftb_modified_entry_br_full)
) ++ ftb_init_entry_len_map ++ ftb_modified_entry_len_map ++ enq_entry_len_map ++
to_ifu_entry_len_map ++ commit_num_inst_map
for((key, value) <- perfCountsMap) {
XSPerfAccumulate(key, value)
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