未验证 提交 d4aca96c 编写于 作者: L lqre 提交者: GitHub

core: add basic debug mode features (#918)

Basic features of debug mode are implemented.

* Rewrite CSR for debug mode
* Peripheral work for implementing debug module
* Added single step support
* Use difftest with JTAG support
上级 59bcbb59
Subproject commit 526dfba2b15ea73ab65d8e7ce77255d62e440b50
Subproject commit 1878daec7a3a506fc75230b29c4bda4a37e6e75e
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Peng Cheng Laboratory
* XiangShan is licensed under Mulan PSL v2.
* You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2.
* You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at:
* http://license.coscl.org.cn/MulanPSL2
* See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details.
package device
import chisel3._
import xiangshan._
import chisel3.experimental.{IntParam, noPrefix}
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.util.HasBlackBoxResource
import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.apb._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomaticobjectmodel.logicaltree.LogicalModuleTree
import freechips.rocketchip.jtag._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.prci.{ClockSinkParameters, ClockSinkNode}
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{JtagDTMConfig, TLDebugModule, DebugCustomXbar, ResetCtrlIO, DebugIO, SystemJTAGIO, DebugTransportModuleJTAG, PSDIO}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomaticobjectmodel.logicaltree.GenericLogicalTreeNode
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._
// this file uses code from rocketchip Periphery.scala
// to simplify the code we remove options for apb, cjtag and dmi
// this module creates wrapped dm and dtm
class DebugModule(numCores: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val debug = LazyModule(new TLDebugModule(8)(p))
// debug.node := TLFragmenter() := peripheralXbar
val debugCustomXbarOpt = p(DebugModuleKey).map(params => LazyModule( new DebugCustomXbar(outputRequiresInput = false)))
debug.dmInner.dmInner.customNode := debugCustomXbarOpt.get.node
// debug.dmInner.dmInner.sb2tlOpt.foreach { sb2tl =>
// l2xbar := TLBuffer() := TLWidthWidget(1) := sb2tl.node
// }
val fakeTreeNode = new GenericLogicalTreeNode
LogicalModuleTree.add(fakeTreeNode, debug.logicalTreeNode)
lazy val module = new LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle{
val resetCtrl = new ResetCtrlIO(numCores)(p)
val debugIO = new DebugIO()(p)
val clock = Input(Bool())
val reset = Input(Bool())
debug.module.io.tl_reset := io.reset // this should be TL reset
debug.module.io.tl_clock := io.clock.asClock // this should be TL clock
debug.module.io.hartIsInReset := io.resetCtrl.hartIsInReset
io.resetCtrl.hartResetReq.foreach { rcio => debug.module.io.hartResetReq.foreach { rcdm => rcio := rcdm }}
io.debugIO.clockeddmi.foreach { dbg => debug.module.io.dmi.get <> dbg } // not connected in current case since we use dtm
debug.module.io.debug_reset := io.debugIO.reset
debug.module.io.debug_clock := io.debugIO.clock
io.debugIO.ndreset := debug.module.io.ctrl.ndreset
io.debugIO.dmactive := debug.module.io.ctrl.dmactive
debug.module.io.ctrl.dmactiveAck := io.debugIO.dmactiveAck
io.debugIO.extTrigger.foreach { x => debug.module.io.extTrigger.foreach {y => x <> y}}
debug.module.io.ctrl.debugUnavail.foreach { _ := false.B }
val dtm = io.debugIO.systemjtag.map(instantiateJtagDTM(_))
def instantiateJtagDTM(sj: SystemJTAGIO): DebugTransportModuleJTAG = {
val c = new JtagDTMKeyDefault
val dtm = Module(new DebugTransportModuleJTAG(p(DebugModuleKey).get.nDMIAddrSize, c))
dtm.io.jtag <> sj.jtag
io.debugIO.disableDebug.foreach { x => dtm.io.jtag.TMS := sj.jtag.TMS | x } // force TMS high when debug is disabled
dtm.io.jtag_clock := sj.jtag.TCK
dtm.io.jtag_reset := sj.reset
dtm.io.jtag_mfr_id := sj.mfr_id
dtm.io.jtag_part_number := sj.part_number
dtm.io.jtag_version := sj.version
dtm.rf_reset := sj.reset
debug.module.io.dmi.get.dmi <> dtm.io.dmi
debug.module.io.dmi.get.dmiClock := sj.jtag.TCK
debug.module.io.dmi.get.dmiReset := sj.reset
object XSDebugModuleParams {
def apply(xlen:Int /*TODO , val configStringAddr: Int*/): DebugModuleParams = {
new DebugModuleParams().copy(
nAbstractDataWords = (if (xlen == 32) 1 else if (xlen == 64) 2 else 4),
maxSupportedSBAccess = xlen,
hasBusMaster = true,
baseAddress = BigInt(0x38020000),
nScratch = 2
case object EnableJtag extends Field[Bool]
class SimJTAG(tickDelay: Int = 50)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends BlackBox(Map("TICK_DELAY" -> IntParam(tickDelay)))
with HasBlackBoxResource {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clock = Input(Clock())
val reset = Input(Bool())
val jtag = new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = true)
val enable = Input(Bool())
val init_done = Input(Bool())
val exit = Output(UInt(32.W))
def connect(dutio: JTAGIO, tbclock: Clock, tbreset: Bool, init_done: Bool, tbsuccess: Bool) = {
dutio.TCK := io.jtag.TCK
dutio.TMS := io.jtag.TMS
dutio.TDI := io.jtag.TDI
io.jtag.TDO := dutio.TDO
io.clock := tbclock
io.reset := tbreset
io.enable := p(EnableJtag)
io.init_done := init_done
// Success is determined by the gdbserver
// which is controlling this simulation.
tbsuccess := io.exit === 1.U
when (io.exit >= 2.U) {
printf("*** FAILED *** (exit code = %d)\n", io.exit >> 1.U)
......@@ -23,11 +23,14 @@ import utils._
import system._
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{BusErrorUnit, BusErrorUnitParams, XLen}
import sifive.blocks.inclusivecache.{CacheParameters, InclusiveCache, InclusiveCacheMicroParameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.MaxHartIdBits
import sifive.blocks.inclusivecache.{InclusiveCache, InclusiveCacheMicroParameters, CacheParameters}
import xiangshan.backend.dispatch.DispatchParameters
import xiangshan.backend.exu.ExuParameters
import xiangshan.cache.{DCacheParameters, ICacheParameters, L1plusCacheParameters}
import xiangshan.cache.prefetch.{BOPParameters, L1plusPrefetcherParameters, L2PrefetcherParameters, StreamPrefetchParameters}
import device.{XSDebugModuleParams, EnableJtag}
class DefaultConfig(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case XLen => 64
......@@ -35,6 +38,11 @@ class DefaultConfig(n: Int) extends Config((site, here, up) => {
case SoCParamsKey => SoCParameters(
cores = List.tabulate(n){ i => XSCoreParameters(HartId = i) }
case ExportDebug => DebugAttachParams(protocols = Set(JTAG))
case DebugModuleKey => Some(XSDebugModuleParams(site(XLen)))
case JtagDTMKey => JtagDTMKey
case MaxHartIdBits => 2
case EnableJtag => false.B
// Synthesizable minimal XiangShan
......@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import utils._
import system._
import device._
import chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config._
import device.{AXI4Plic, TLTimer}
import device.{AXI4Plic, TLTimer, DebugModule}
import firrtl.stage.RunFirrtlTransformAnnotation
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
......@@ -32,12 +33,15 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomaticobjectmodel.logicaltree.GenericLogicalTreeNode
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.stage.phases.GenerateArtefacts
import freechips.rocketchip.jtag.JTAGIO
import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{BusErrorUnit, BusErrorUnitParams, XLen}
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ElaborationArtefacts, HasRocketChipStageUtils}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{DebugIO, ResetCtrlIO}
import sifive.blocks.inclusivecache.{CacheParameters, InclusiveCache, InclusiveCacheMicroParameters}
import xiangshan.cache.prefetch.L2Prefetcher
class XSCoreWithL2()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
with HasXSParameter with HasSoCParameter {
private val core = LazyModule(new XSCore)
......@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ trait HaveAXI4MemPort {
trait HaveAXI4PeripheralPort { this: BaseXSSoc =>
// on-chip devices: 0x3800_000 - 0x3fff_ffff
// on-chip devices: 0x3800_0000 - 0x3fff_ffff 0x0000_0000 - 0x0000_0fff
val onChipPeripheralRange = AddressSet(0x38000000L, 0x07ffffffL)
val uartRange = AddressSet(0x40600000, 0xf)
val uartDevice = new SimpleDevice("serial", Seq("xilinx,uartlite"))
......@@ -356,6 +360,14 @@ class XSTopWithoutDMA()(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseXSSoc()
bankedNode :*= l3cache.node :*= TLBuffer() :*= l3_xbar
val debugModule = LazyModule(new DebugModule(NumCores)(p))
debugModule.debug.node := peripheralXbar
val debugIntSink = LazyModule(new IntSinkNodeToModule(NumCores))
debugIntSink.sinkNode := debugModule.debug.dmOuter.dmOuter.intnode
debugModule.debug.dmInner.dmInner.sb2tlOpt.foreach { sb2tl =>
l3_xbar := TLBuffer() := TLWidthWidget(1) := sb2tl.node
lazy val module = new LazyRawModuleImp(this) {
ElaborationArtefacts.add("dts", dts)
ElaborationArtefacts.add("graphml", graphML)
......@@ -368,13 +380,21 @@ class XSTopWithoutDMA()(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseXSSoc()
val extIntrs = Input(UInt(NrExtIntr.W))
// val meip = Input(Vec(NumCores, Bool()))
val ila = if(debugOpts.FPGAPlatform && EnableILA) Some(Output(new ILABundle)) else None
val systemjtag = new Bundle {
val jtag = Flipped(new JTAGIO(hasTRSTn = false))
val reset = Input(Bool()) // No reset allowed on top
val mfr_id = Input(UInt(11.W))
val part_number = Input(UInt(16.W))
val version = Input(UInt(4.W))
// val resetCtrl = new ResetCtrlIO(NumCores)(p)
childClock := io.clock.asClock()
withClockAndReset(childClock, io.reset) {
val resetGen = Module(new ResetGen(1, !debugOpts.FPGAPlatform))
childReset := resetGen.io.out
childReset := resetGen.io.out | debugModule.module.io.debugIO.ndreset
withClockAndReset(childClock, childReset) {
......@@ -388,6 +408,7 @@ class XSTopWithoutDMA()(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseXSSoc()
core_with_l2(i).module.io.externalInterrupt.msip := clintIntSinks(i).module.out(0)
core_with_l2(i).module.io.externalInterrupt.mtip := clintIntSinks(i).module.out(1)
core_with_l2(i).module.io.externalInterrupt.meip := plicIntSinks(i).module.out(0)
core_with_l2(i).module.io.externalInterrupt.debug := debugIntSink.module.out(i)
beu.module.io.errors.l1plus(i) := core_with_l2(i).module.io.l1plus_error
beu.module.io.errors.icache(i) := core_with_l2(i).module.io.icache_error
beu.module.io.errors.dcache(i) := core_with_l2(i).module.io.dcache_error
......@@ -404,6 +425,22 @@ class XSTopWithoutDMA()(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseXSSoc()
val tick = cnt === 0.U
cnt := Mux(tick, freq.U, cnt - 1.U)
clint.module.io.rtcTick := tick
debugModule.module.io.resetCtrl.hartIsInReset.foreach {x => x := childReset.asBool() }
debugModule.module.io.clock := io.clock
debugModule.module.io.reset := io.reset
debugModule.module.io.debugIO.reset := io.systemjtag.reset // TODO: use synchronizer?
debugModule.module.io.debugIO.clock := childClock
debugModule.module.io.debugIO.dmactiveAck := debugModule.module.io.debugIO.dmactive // TODO: delay 3 cycles?
// jtag connector
debugModule.module.io.debugIO.systemjtag.foreach { x =>
x.jtag <> io.systemjtag.jtag
x.reset := io.systemjtag.reset
x.mfr_id := io.systemjtag.mfr_id
x.part_number := io.systemjtag.part_number
x.version := io.systemjtag.version
......@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ class CtrlSignals(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val commitType = CommitType()
val fpu = new FPUCtrlSignals
val isMove = Bool()
val singleStep = Bool()
def decode(inst: UInt, table: Iterable[(BitPat, List[BitPat])]) = {
val decoder = freechips.rocketchip.rocket.DecodeLogic(inst, XDecode.decodeDefault, table)
......@@ -406,6 +407,7 @@ class ExternalInterruptIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val mtip = Input(Bool())
val msip = Input(Bool())
val meip = Input(Bool())
val debug = Input(Bool())
class CSRSpecialIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ object AddressSpace {
MemMap("h00_3112_0000", "h00_37FF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", "RW"),
MemMap("h00_3800_0000", "h00_3800_FFFF", "h0", "CLINT", "RW"),
MemMap("h00_3801_0000", "h00_3801_FFFF", "h0", "BEU", "RW"),
MemMap("h00_3802_0000", "h00_3BFF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", ""),
MemMap("h00_3802_0000", "h00_3802_0FFF", "h0", "DebugModule", "RWX"),
MemMap("h00_3802_1000", "h00_3BFF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", ""),
MemMap("h00_3C00_0000", "h00_3FFF_FFFF", "h0", "PLIC", "RW"),
MemMap("h00_4000_0000", "h00_7FFF_FFFF", "h0", "PCIe", "RW"),
MemMap("h00_8000_0000", "h1F_FFFF_FFFF", "h0", "DDR", "RWXIDSA"),
......@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ object AddressSpace {
def FullMemMapList = List(
// Base address Top address Width Description Mode (RWXIDSAC)
MemMap("h00_0000_0000", "h00_0FFF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", ""),
MemMap("h00_0000_0000", "h00_0000_0FFF", "h0", "DebugModule", "RWX"),
MemMap("h00_0000_1000", "h00_0FFF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", ""),
MemMap("h00_1000_0000", "h00_1FFF_FFFF", "h0", "QSPI_Flash", "RX"),
MemMap("h00_2000_0000", "h00_2FFF_FFFF", "h0", "Reserved", ""),
MemMap("h00_3000_0000", "h00_3000_FFFF", "h0", "DMA", "RW"),
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import xiangshan.backend.fu.fpu._
import xiangshan.backend.dispatch.DispatchParameters
import xiangshan.cache.{DCacheParameters, ICacheParameters, L1plusCacheParameters}
import xiangshan.cache.prefetch.{BOPParameters, L1plusPrefetcherParameters, L2PrefetcherParameters, StreamPrefetchParameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.AddressSet
case object XSCoreParamsKey extends Field[XSCoreParameters]
......@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ class CtrlBlock(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
dispatch.io.flush := flushReg
dispatch.io.enqRoq <> roq.io.enq
dispatch.io.enqLsq <> io.enqLsq
dispatch.io.singleStep := false.B
dispatch.io.allocPregs.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (preg, i) =>
intBusyTable.io.allocPregs(i).valid := preg.isInt
fpBusyTable.io.allocPregs(i).valid := preg.isFp
......@@ -166,9 +166,11 @@ object XDecode extends DecodeConstants {
CSRRCI -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.clri, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_Z),
SFENCE_VMA->List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.fence, FenceOpType.sfence, N, N, N, Y, Y, Y, N, SelImm.IMM_X),
EBREAK -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_I),
ECALL -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_I),
SRET -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_I),
MRET -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_I),
DRET -> List(SrcType.reg, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.csr, CSROpType.jmp, Y, N, N, Y, Y, N, N, SelImm.IMM_I),
WFI -> List(SrcType.pc, SrcType.imm, SrcType.DC, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.sll, Y, N, N, N, N, N, N, SelImm.IMM_X),
......@@ -495,6 +497,7 @@ class DecodeUnit(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with DecodeUnitConstan
// output
cf_ctrl.cf := ctrl_flow
val cs = Wire(new CtrlSignals()).decode(ctrl_flow.instr, decode_table)
cs.singleStep := false.B
val fpDecoder = Module(new FPDecoder)
fpDecoder.io.instr := ctrl_flow.instr
......@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ class Dispatch(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
val fpdqFull = Output(Bool())
val lsdqFull = Output(Bool())
// From CSR: to control single step execution
val singleStep = Input(Bool())
val dispatch1 = Module(new Dispatch1)
......@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ class Dispatch(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule {
dispatch1.io.storeIssue <> io.storeIssue
dispatch1.io.redirect <> io.redirect
dispatch1.io.flush <> io.flush
dispatch1.io.singleStep := io.singleStep
// dispatch queue: queue uops and dispatch them to different reservation stations or issue queues
// it may cancel the uops
......@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ class Dispatch1(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasExceptionNO {
val csrCtrl = Input(new CustomCSRCtrlIO)
// LFST state sync
val storeIssue = Vec(StorePipelineWidth, Flipped(Valid(new ExuInput)))
// singleStep
val singleStep = Input(Bool())
......@@ -104,8 +106,15 @@ class Dispatch1(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasExceptionNO {
* Part 2:
* Update commitType, psrc(0), psrc(1), psrc(2), old_pdest, roqIdx, lqIdx, sqIdx for the uops
* Update commitType, psrc(0), psrc(1), psrc(2), old_pdest, roqIdx, lqIdx, sqIdx and singlestep for the uops
val singleStepStatus = RegInit(false.B)
when (io.flush) {
singleStepStatus := false.B
}.elsewhen (io.singleStep && io.fromRename(0).fire()) {
singleStepStatus := true.B
val updatedUop = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, new MicroOp))
val updatedCommitType = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, CommitType()))
val updatedPsrc1 = Wire(Vec(RenameWidth, UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W)))
......@@ -182,6 +191,9 @@ class Dispatch1(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasExceptionNO {
io.lfst(i).bits.roqIdx := updatedUop(i).roqIdx
io.lfst(i).bits.sqIdx := updatedUop(i).sqIdx
io.lfst(i).bits.ssid := updatedUop(i).cf.ssid
// update singleStep
updatedUop(i).ctrl.singleStep := io.singleStep && (if (i == 0) singleStepStatus else true.B)
// store set perf count
......@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ trait HasExceptionNO {
def loadPageFault = 13
def storePageFault = 15
def singleStep = 14
val ExcPriority = Seq(
breakPoint, // TODO: different BP has different priority
......@@ -176,6 +179,9 @@ class CSRFileIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val externalInterrupt = new ExternalInterruptIO
// TLB
val tlb = Output(new TlbCsrBundle)
// Debug Mode
val singleStep = Output(Bool())
val debugMode = Output(Bool())
// Custom microarchiture ctrl signal
val customCtrl = Output(new CustomCSRCtrlIO)
// to Fence to disable sfence
......@@ -209,6 +215,23 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
val csrNotImplemented = RegInit(UInt(XLEN.W), 0.U)
class DcsrStruct extends Bundle {
val xdebugver = Output(UInt(2.W))
val zero4 = Output(UInt(2.W))
val zero3 = Output(UInt(12.W))
val ebreakm = Output(Bool())
val ebreakh = Output(Bool())
val ebreaks = Output(Bool())
val ebreaku = Output(Bool())
val zero2 = Output(Bool())
val stopcycle = Output(Bool())
val stoptime = Output(Bool())
val cause = Output(UInt(3.W))
val zero1 = Output(UInt(3.W))
val step = Output(Bool())
val prv = Output(UInt(2.W))
class MstatusStruct extends Bundle {
val sd = Output(UInt(1.W))
......@@ -240,11 +263,52 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
class Interrupt extends Bundle {
// val d = Output(Bool()) // Debug
val e = new Priv
val t = new Priv
val s = new Priv
// Debug CSRs
val dcsr = RegInit(UInt(32.W), 0x4000b010.U)
val dpc = Reg(UInt(64.W))
val dscratch = Reg(UInt(64.W))
val dscratch1 = Reg(UInt(64.W))
val debugMode = RegInit(false.B)
val debugIntrEnable = RegInit(true.B)
csrio.debugMode := debugMode
val dpcPrev = RegNext(dpc)
XSDebug(dpcPrev =/= dpc, "Debug Mode: dpc is altered! Current is %x, previous is %x.", dpc, dpcPrev)
// dcsr value table
// | debugver | 0100
// | zero | 10 bits of 0
// | ebreakvs | 0
// | ebreakvu | 0
// | ebreakm | 1 if ebreak enters debug
// | zero | 0
// | ebreaks |
// | ebreaku |
// | stepie | 0 disable interrupts in singlestep
// | stopcount| stop counter, 0
// | stoptime | stop time, 0
// | cause | 3 bits read only
// | v | 0
// | mprven | 1
// | nmip | read only
// | step |
// | prv | 2 bits
val dcsrData = Wire(new DcsrStruct)
dcsrData := dcsr.asTypeOf(new DcsrStruct)
val dcsrMask = GenMask(15) | GenMask(13, 11) | GenMask(2, 0)// Dcsr write mask
def dcsrUpdateSideEffect(dcsr: UInt): UInt = {
val dcsrOld = WireInit(dcsr.asTypeOf(new DcsrStruct))
val dcsrNew = dcsr | (dcsrOld.prv(0) | dcsrOld.prv(1)).asUInt // turn 10 priv into 11
csrio.singleStep := dcsrData.step
// Machine-Level CSRs
val mtvec = RegInit(UInt(XLEN.W), 0.U)
......@@ -560,6 +624,12 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
MaskedRegMap(Mcause, mcause),
MaskedRegMap(Mtval, mtval),
MaskedRegMap(Mip, mip.asUInt, 0.U, MaskedRegMap.Unwritable),
//--- Debug Mode ---
MaskedRegMap(Dcsr, dcsr, dcsrMask, dcsrUpdateSideEffect),
MaskedRegMap(Dpc, dpc),
MaskedRegMap(Dscratch, dscratch),
MaskedRegMap(Dscratch1, dscratch1)
// PMP is unimplemented yet
......@@ -675,6 +745,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
val isMret = addr === privMret && func === CSROpType.jmp
val isSret = addr === privSret && func === CSROpType.jmp
val isUret = addr === privUret && func === CSROpType.jmp
val isDret = addr === privDret && func === CSROpType.jmp
XSDebug(wen, "csr write: pc %x addr %x rdata %x wdata %x func %x\n", cfIn.pc, addr, rdata, wdata, func)
XSDebug(wen, "pc %x mstatus %x mideleg %x medeleg %x mode %x\n", cfIn.pc, mstatus, mideleg , medeleg, priviledgeMode)
......@@ -724,6 +795,21 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
retTarget := DontCare
// val illegalEret = TODO
when (valid && isDret) {
val mstatusOld = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
val mstatusNew = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
val dcsrNew = WireInit(dcsr.asTypeOf(new DcsrStruct))
val debugModeNew = WireInit(debugMode)
when (dcsr.asTypeOf(new DcsrStruct).prv =/= ModeM) {mstatusNew.mprv := 0.U} //If the new privilege mode is less privileged than M-mode, MPRV in mstatus is cleared.
mstatus := mstatusNew.asUInt
priviledgeMode := dcsrNew.prv
retTarget := dpc(VAddrBits-1, 0)
debugModeNew := false.B
debugIntrEnable := true.B
debugMode := debugModeNew
XSDebug("Debug Mode: Dret executed, returning to %x.", retTarget)
when (valid && isMret) {
val mstatusOld = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
val mstatusNew = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
......@@ -764,8 +850,10 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
io.in.ready := true.B
io.out.valid := valid
val ebreakCauseException = (priviledgeMode === ModeM && dcsrData.ebreakm) || (priviledgeMode === ModeS && dcsrData.ebreaks) || (priviledgeMode === ModeU && dcsrData.ebreaku)
val csrExceptionVec = WireInit(cfIn.exceptionVec)
csrExceptionVec(breakPoint) := io.in.valid && isEbreak
csrExceptionVec(breakPoint) := io.in.valid && isEbreak && ebreakCauseException
csrExceptionVec(ecallM) := priviledgeMode === ModeM && io.in.valid && isEcall
csrExceptionVec(ecallS) := priviledgeMode === ModeS && io.in.valid && isEcall
csrExceptionVec(ecallU) := priviledgeMode === ModeU && io.in.valid && isEcall
......@@ -782,10 +870,12 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
def priviledgedEnableDetect(x: Bool): Bool = Mux(x, ((priviledgeMode === ModeS) && mstatusStruct.ie.s) || (priviledgeMode < ModeS),
((priviledgeMode === ModeM) && mstatusStruct.ie.m) || (priviledgeMode < ModeM))
val debugIntr = csrio.externalInterrupt.debug & debugIntrEnable
XSDebug(debugIntr, "Debug Mode: debug interrupt is asserted and valid!")
// send interrupt information to ROQ
val intrVecEnable = Wire(Vec(12, Bool()))
intrVecEnable.zip(ideleg.asBools).map{case(x,y) => x := priviledgedEnableDetect(y)}
val intrVec = mie(11,0) & mip.asUInt & intrVecEnable.asUInt
val intrVec = Cat(debugIntr, (mie(11,0) & mip.asUInt & intrVecEnable.asUInt))
val intrBitSet = intrVec.orR()
csrio.interrupt := intrBitSet
mipWire.t.m := csrio.externalInterrupt.mtip
......@@ -797,6 +887,7 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
val intrNO = IntPriority.foldRight(0.U)((i: Int, sum: UInt) => Mux(intrVec(i), i.U, sum))
val raiseIntr = csrio.exception.valid && csrio.exception.bits.isInterrupt
XSDebug(raiseIntr, "interrupt: pc=0x%x, %d\n", csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, intrNO)
val raiseDebugIntr = intrNO === IRQ_DEBUG.U && raiseIntr
// exceptions
val raiseException = csrio.exception.valid && !csrio.exception.bits.isInterrupt
......@@ -808,12 +899,18 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
val hasInstrAccessFault = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec(instrAccessFault) && raiseException
val hasLoadAccessFault = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec(loadAccessFault) && raiseException
val hasStoreAccessFault = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec(storeAccessFault) && raiseException
val hasbreakPoint = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec(breakPoint) && raiseException
val hasSingleStep = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec(singleStep) && raiseException
val raiseExceptionVec = csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec
val exceptionNO = ExcPriority.foldRight(0.U)((i: Int, sum: UInt) => Mux(raiseExceptionVec(i), i.U, sum))
val causeNO = (raiseIntr << (XLEN-1)).asUInt() | Mux(raiseIntr, intrNO, exceptionNO)
val raiseExceptionIntr = csrio.exception.valid
val raiseDebugExceptionIntr = !debugMode && hasbreakPoint || raiseDebugIntr || hasSingleStep
val ebreakEnterParkLoop = debugMode && raiseExceptionIntr // exception in debug mode (except ebrk) changes cmderr. how ???
XSDebug(raiseExceptionIntr, "int/exc: pc %x int (%d):%x exc: (%d):%x\n",
csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, intrNO, intrVec, exceptionNO, raiseExceptionVec.asUInt
......@@ -849,11 +946,12 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
mtval := memExceptionAddr
val debugTrapTarget = Mux(!isEbreak && debugMode, 0x38020808.U, 0x38020800.U) // 0x808 is when an exception occurs in debug mode prog buf exec
val deleg = Mux(raiseIntr, mideleg , medeleg)
// val delegS = ((deleg & (1 << (causeNO & 0xf))) != 0) && (priviledgeMode < ModeM);
val delegS = deleg(causeNO(3,0)) && (priviledgeMode < ModeM)
val tvalWen = !(hasInstrPageFault || hasLoadPageFault || hasStorePageFault || hasLoadAddrMisaligned || hasStoreAddrMisaligned) || raiseIntr // TODO: need check
val isXRet = io.in.valid && func === CSROpType.jmp && !isEcall
val isXRet = io.in.valid && func === CSROpType.jmp && !isEcall && !isEbreak
// ctrl block will use theses later for flush
val isXRetFlag = RegInit(false.B)
......@@ -867,14 +965,37 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
csrio.isXRet := isXRetFlag
csrio.trapTarget := Mux(isXRetFlag,
Mux(delegS, stvec, mtvec)(VAddrBits-1, 0)
Mux(raiseDebugExceptionIntr || ebreakEnterParkLoop, debugTrapTarget,
Mux(delegS, stvec, mtvec))(VAddrBits-1, 0)
when (raiseExceptionIntr) {
val mstatusOld = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
val mstatusNew = WireInit(mstatus.asTypeOf(new MstatusStruct))
when (delegS) {
val dcsrNew = WireInit(dcsr.asTypeOf(new DcsrStruct))
val debugModeNew = WireInit(debugMode)
when (raiseDebugExceptionIntr) {
when (raiseDebugIntr) {
debugModeNew := true.B
mstatusNew.mprv := false.B
dpc := SignExt(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, XLEN)
dcsrNew.cause := 1.U
dcsrNew.prv := priviledgeMode
priviledgeMode := ModeM
XSDebug(raiseDebugIntr, "Debug Mode: Trap to %x at pc %x\n", debugTrapTarget, dpc)
}.elsewhen ((hasbreakPoint || hasSingleStep) && !debugMode) {
// ebreak or ss in running hart
debugModeNew := true.B
dpc := SignExt(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, XLEN)
dcsrNew.cause := Mux(hasbreakPoint, 3.U, 0.U)
dcsrNew.prv := priviledgeMode // TODO
priviledgeMode := ModeM
mstatusNew.mprv := false.B
dcsr := dcsrNew.asUInt
debugIntrEnable := false.B
}.elsewhen (delegS) {
scause := causeNO
sepc := SignExt(csrio.exception.bits.uop.cf.pc, XLEN)
mstatusNew.spp := priviledgeMode
......@@ -891,8 +1012,8 @@ class CSR(implicit p: Parameters) extends FunctionUnit with HasCSRConst
priviledgeMode := ModeM
when (tvalWen) { mtval := 0.U }
mstatus := mstatusNew.asUInt
debugMode := debugModeNew
XSDebug(raiseExceptionIntr && delegS, "sepc is writen!!! pc:%x\n", cfIn.pc)
......@@ -173,13 +173,18 @@ trait HasCSRConst {
val Mhpmevent31 = 0x33F
// Debug/Trace Registers (shared with Debug Mode) (not implemented)
// Debug Mode Registers (not implemented)
// Debug Mode Registers
val Dcsr = 0x7B0
val Dpc = 0x7B1
val Dscratch = 0x7B2
val Dscratch1 = 0x7B3
def privEcall = 0x000.U
def privEbreak = 0x001.U
def privMret = 0x302.U
def privSret = 0x102.U
def privUret = 0x002.U
def privDret = 0x7b2.U
def ModeM = 0x3.U
def ModeH = 0x2.U
......@@ -198,7 +203,10 @@ trait HasCSRConst {
def IRQ_SSIP = 9
def IRQ_MSIP = 11
def IRQ_DEBUG = 12
val IntPriority = Seq(
......@@ -179,10 +179,11 @@ class RoqExceptionInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val roqIdx = new RoqPtr
val exceptionVec = ExceptionVec()
val flushPipe = Bool()
val singleStep = Bool()
def has_exception = exceptionVec.asUInt.orR || flushPipe
def has_exception = exceptionVec.asUInt.orR || flushPipe || singleStep
// only exceptions are allowed to writeback when enqueue
def can_writeback = exceptionVec.asUInt.orR
def can_writeback = exceptionVec.asUInt.orR || singleStep
class ExceptionGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ class ExceptionGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueu
}.elsewhen (current.bits.roqIdx === s1_out_bits.roqIdx) {
current.bits.exceptionVec := (s1_out_bits.exceptionVec.asUInt | current.bits.exceptionVec.asUInt).asTypeOf(ExceptionVec())
current.bits.flushPipe := s1_out_bits.flushPipe || current.bits.flushPipe
current.bits.singleStep := s1_out_bits.singleStep || current.bits.singleStep
}.elsewhen (s1_out_valid && !s1_flush) {
......@@ -426,6 +428,7 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
io.exception.bits.uop := RegEnable(debug_deqUop, exceptionHappen)
io.exception.bits.uop.ctrl.commitType := RegEnable(deqDispatchData.commitType, exceptionHappen)
io.exception.bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec := RegEnable(exceptionDataRead.bits.exceptionVec, exceptionHappen)
io.exception.bits.uop.ctrl.singleStep := RegEnable(exceptionDataRead.bits.singleStep, exceptionHappen)
io.exception.bits.uop.cf.crossPageIPFFix := RegEnable(deqDispatchData.crossPageIPFFix, exceptionHappen)
io.exception.bits.isInterrupt := RegEnable(intrEnable, exceptionHappen)
......@@ -741,6 +744,7 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
exceptionGen.io.enq(i).bits.roqIdx := io.enq.req(i).bits.roqIdx
exceptionGen.io.enq(i).bits.exceptionVec := selectFrontend(io.enq.req(i).bits.cf.exceptionVec, false, true)
exceptionGen.io.enq(i).bits.flushPipe := io.enq.req(i).bits.ctrl.flushPipe
exceptionGen.io.enq(i).bits.singleStep := io.enq.req(i).bits.ctrl.singleStep
// TODO: don't hard code these idxes
......@@ -763,6 +767,7 @@ class Roq(numWbPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCirc
exceptionGen.io.wb(index).bits.exceptionVec := selectFunc(io.exeWbResults(wb_index).bits.uop.cf.exceptionVec, false, true)
exceptionGen.io.wb(index).bits.flushPipe := io.exeWbResults(wb_index).bits.uop.ctrl.flushPipe
exceptionGen.io.wb(index).bits.singleStep := false.B
// 4 fmac + 2 fmisc + 1 i2f
......@@ -19,10 +19,13 @@ package top
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config.{Config, Parameters}
import chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation
import chisel3._
import device.AXI4RAMWrapper
import device.{AXI4RAMWrapper, SimJTAG}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.{LazyModule, LazyModuleImp}
import utils.GTimer
import xiangshan.{DebugOptions, DebugOptionsKey}
import chipsalliance.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug._
import difftest._
class SimTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
......@@ -48,6 +51,13 @@ class SimTop(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
soc.io.reset := reset.asBool()
soc.io.extIntrs := simMMIO.io.interrupt.intrVec
val success = Wire(Bool())
val jtag = Module(new SimJTAG(tickDelay=3)(p)).connect(soc.io.systemjtag.jtag, clock, reset.asBool, ~reset.asBool, success)
soc.io.systemjtag.reset := reset
soc.io.systemjtag.mfr_id := 0.U(11.W)
soc.io.systemjtag.part_number := 0.U(16.W)
soc.io.systemjtag.version := 0.U(4.W)
val io = IO(new Bundle(){
val logCtrl = new LogCtrlIO
val perfInfo = new PerfInfoIO
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