提交 cdb13f3d 编写于 作者: L Lingrui98

ftq, bpu: bug fixes

* fix a bug when establishing new ftb entry with a jalr
* use ftb hit signal instead of ubtb to assign entry_hit_status
* move always taken logic to ftb
上级 29a6467b
......@@ -225,6 +225,15 @@ class FTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BasePredictor with FTBParams with BPUU
io.out.resp.s2.ftb_entry.oversize := false.B
// always taken logic
when (s2_hit) {
for (i <- 0 until numBr) {
when (ftb_entry.always_taken(i)) {
io.out.resp.s2.preds.taken_mask(i) := true.B
// io.out.resp.s3 := RegEnable(io.out.resp.s2, io.s2_fire)
// Update logic
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ class FTBEntryGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBackendRedire
init_entry.always_taken(1) := false.B
init_entry.jmpOffset := pd.jmpOffset
init_entry.jmpValid := new_jmp_is_jal || new_jmp_is_jalr
init_entry.jmpTarget := Mux(!cfi_is_jal, pd.jalTarget, io.target)
init_entry.jmpTarget := Mux(cfi_is_jal, pd.jalTarget, io.target)
val jmpPft = getLower(io.start_addr) +& pd.jmpOffset +& Mux(pd.rvcMask(pd.jmpOffset), 1.U, 2.U)
init_entry.pftAddr := Mux(entry_has_jmp, jmpPft, getLower(io.start_addr) + ((FetchWidth*4)>>instOffsetBits).U + Mux(last_br_rvi, 1.U, 0.U))
init_entry.carry := Mux(entry_has_jmp, jmpPft(carryPos-instOffsetBits), io.start_addr(carryPos-1))
......@@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
when (bpu_in_fire) {
entry_fetch_status(bpu_in_resp_idx) := f_to_send
commitStateQueue(bpu_in_resp_idx) := VecInit(Seq.fill(PredictWidth)(c_invalid))
entry_hit_status(bpu_in_resp_idx) := Mux(bpu_in_resp.preds.hit, h_hit, h_not_hit) // pd may change it to h_false_hit
cfiIndex_vec(bpu_in_resp_idx) := bpu_in_resp.genCfiIndex
mispredict_vec(bpu_in_resp_idx) := WireInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(PredictWidth)(false.B)))
update_target(bpu_in_resp_idx) := bpu_in_resp.target
......@@ -509,6 +508,11 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
bpuPtr := bpuPtr + enq_fire
ifuPtr := ifuPtr + io.toIfu.req.fire
// only use ftb result to assign hit status
when (bpu_s2_resp.valid) {
entry_hit_status(bpu_s2_resp.ftq_idx.value) := Mux(bpu_s2_resp.preds.hit, h_hit, h_not_hit)
io.toIfu.flushFromBpu.s2.valid := bpu_s2_resp.valid && bpu_s2_resp.hasRedirect
......@@ -892,13 +896,15 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
val misPred = commit_mispredict(i)
val ghist = commit_spec_meta.ghist.predHist
val predCycle = commit_meta.meta(63, 0)
val target = commit_target
val brIdx = OHToUInt(Reverse(Cat(update_ftb_entry.brValids.zip(update_ftb_entry.brOffset).map{case(v, offset) => v && offset === i.U})))
val inFtbEntry = update_ftb_entry.brValids.zip(update_ftb_entry.brOffset).map{case(v, offset) => v && offset === i.U}.reduce(_||_)
val addIntoHist = ((commit_hit === h_hit) && inFtbEntry) || ((!(commit_hit === h_hit) && i.U === commit_cfi.bits && isBr && commit_cfi.valid))
XSDebug(v && do_commit && isCfi, p"cfi_update: isBr(${isBr}) pc(${Hexadecimal(pc)}) " +
p"taken(${isTaken}) mispred(${misPred}) cycle($predCycle) hist(${Hexadecimal(ghist)}) " +
p"startAddr(${Hexadecimal(commit_pc_bundle.startAddr)}) AddIntoHist(${addIntoHist}) brInEntry(${inFtbEntry}) brIdx(${brIdx})\n")
p"startAddr(${Hexadecimal(commit_pc_bundle.startAddr)}) AddIntoHist(${addIntoHist}) " +
p"brInEntry(${inFtbEntry}) brIdx(${brIdx}) target(${Hexadecimal(target)})\n")
val enq = io.fromBpu.resp
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ trait HasSC extends HasSCParameter { this: Tage =>
s2_disagree(w) := s2_tageTakens(w) =/= pred
// io.resp.takens(w) := pred
// fit to always-taken condition
io.out.resp.s2.preds.taken_mask(w) := pred || io.in.bits.resp_in(0).s2.ftb_entry.always_taken(w)
io.out.resp.s2.preds.taken_mask(w) := pred
......@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ class Tage(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTage {
for (i <- 0 until numBr) {
resp_s2.preds.taken_mask(i) := s2_tageTakens(i) || ftb_entry.always_taken(i)
resp_s2.preds.taken_mask(i) := s2_tageTakens(i)
// io.out.resp.s3 := RegEnable(resp_s2, io.s2_fire)
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