提交 ccd497e4 编写于 作者: Z zhanglinjuan

add prefetcher into l2cache

上级 7beb900d
......@@ -406,15 +406,15 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheMod
Mux(hit || req.isWrite(), io.out.fire(), (state === s_wait_resp) && (io.out.fire() || alreadyOutFire))
io.in.ready := io.out.ready && (state === s_idle) && !miss && !probe
io.in.ready := io.out.ready && (state === s_idle && !hitReadBurst) && !miss && !probe
io.dataReadRespToL1 := hitReadBurst && (state === s_idle && io.out.ready || state === s_release && state2 === s2_dataOK)
assert(!(metaHitWriteBus.req.valid && metaRefillWriteBus.req.valid))
assert(!(dataHitWriteBus.req.valid && dataRefillWriteBus.req.valid))
assert(!(!ro.B && io.flush), "only allow to flush icache")
Debug(debug) {
printf("%d: [" + cacheName + " stage3]: in.ready = %d, in.valid = %d, out.valid = %d, out.ready = %d, state = %d, addr = %x, mem.req.valid = %d, mem.req.ready = %d\n\n",
GTimer(), io.in.ready, io.in.valid, io.out.valid, io.out.ready, state, req.addr, io.mem.req.valid, io.mem.req.ready)
printf("%d: [" + cacheName + " stage3]: in.ready = %d, in.valid = %d, out.valid = %d, out.ready = %d, state = %d, cmd = %x, addr = %x, mem.req.valid = %d, mem.req.ready = %d\n\n",
GTimer(), io.in.ready, io.in.valid, io.out.valid, io.out.ready, state, req.cmd, req.addr, io.mem.req.valid, io.mem.req.ready)
......@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ class Cache(implicit val cacheConfig: CacheConfig) extends CacheModule {
io.out.mem <> s3.io.mem
io.mmio <> s3.io.mmio
io.in.resp.valid := Mux(s3.io.out.bits.isPrefetch(), false.B, s3.io.out.valid || s3.io.dataReadRespToL1)
io.in.resp.valid := Mux(s3.io.out.valid && s3.io.out.bits.isPrefetch(), false.B, s3.io.out.valid || s3.io.dataReadRespToL1)
if (hasCoh) {
val cohReq = io.out.coh.req.bits
......@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ class NOOP(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule {
val imem = new SimpleBusC
val dmem = new SimpleBusC
val mmio = new SimpleBusUC
val prefetchReq = Decoupled(new SimpleBusReqBundle)
val ifu = Module(new IFU)
val idu1 = Module(new IDU1)
......@@ -91,7 +90,5 @@ class NOOP(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends NOOPModule {
io.imem <> Cache(ifu.io.imem, mmioXbar.io.in(0), Fill(2, ifu.io.flushVec(0) | ifu.io.bpFlush))(
CacheConfig(ro = true, name = "icache", userBits = AddrBits*2 + 4)) // userBits = AddrBits + BrIdxBits
io.dmem <> Cache(exu.io.dmem, mmioXbar.io.in(1), "b00".U, enable = HasDcache)(CacheConfig(ro = false, name = "dcache"))
io.prefetchReq.bits := exu.io.dmem.req.bits
io.prefetchReq.valid := exu.io.dmem.req.valid
io.mmio <> mmioXbar.io.out
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package system
import noop.{NOOP, NOOPConfig, HasNOOPParameter, Cache, CacheConfig}
import bus.axi4.{AXI4, AXI4Lite}
import bus.simplebus._
import utils._
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
......@@ -17,19 +18,30 @@ class Prefetcher extends Module with HasPrefetcherParameter {
val in = Flipped(Decoupled(new SimpleBusReqBundle))
val out = Decoupled(new SimpleBusReqBundle)
io.in.ready := !io.in.valid || io.out.fire()
val lastReq = RegEnable(io.in.bits, io.in.fire())
val lastAddr = lastReq.addr
io.out.bits := lastReq
io.out.bits.cmd := SimpleBusCmd.prefetch
io.out.bits.addr := lastAddr + Cat(Cat(0.U((TagBits + IndexBits - 1).W), 1.U(1.W)), 0.U(OffsetBits.W))
io.out.valid := io.in.valid
io.out.bits := io.in.bits
io.out.bits.cmd := SimpleBusCmd.prefetch
// io.out.bits.addr := io.in.bits.addr + Cat(Cat(0.U((TagBits + IndexBits - 1).W), 1.U(1.W)), 0.U(OffsetBits.W))
io.out.bits.addr := io.in.bits.addr + 64.U(32.W)
io.out.valid := io.in.valid
io.in.ready := !io.in.valid || io.out.fire()
val getNewReq = RegInit(false.B)
val prefetchReq = RegNext(io.in.bits)
prefetchReq.cmd := SimpleBusCmd.prefetch
prefetchReq.addr := io.in.bits.addr + XLEN.U
val lastReqAddr = (RegEnable(io.in.bits.addr, io.in.fire()))
val thisReqAddr = io.in.bits.addr
val lineMask = Cat(Fill(AddrBits - 6, 1.U(1.W)), 0.U(6.W))
val neqAddr = (thisReqAddr & lineMask) =/= (lastReqAddr & lineMask)
when (!getNewReq) {
io.out.bits <> io.in.bits
io.out.valid := io.in.valid
io.in.ready := !io.in.valid || io.out.fire()
getNewReq := io.in.fire() && io.in.bits.isBurst() && neqAddr
}.otherwise {
io.out.bits <> prefetchReq
io.out.valid := true.B
io.in.ready := false.B
getNewReq := !io.out.fire()
Debug() {
printf("%d: [Prefetcher]: in(%d,%d), out(%d,%d), in.bits.addr = %x\n",
GTimer(), io.in.valid, io.in.ready, io.out.valid, io.out.ready, io.in.bits.addr)
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import chisel3.util.experimental.BoringUtils
trait HasSoCParameter {
val EnableILA = false
val HasL2cache = true
val HasPrefetch = false
val HasPrefetch = true
class ILABundle extends Bundle {
......@@ -44,12 +44,9 @@ class NOOPSoC(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasSoCParameter {
val l2cacheOut = Wire(new SimpleBusC)
val l2cacheIn = if (HasPrefetch) {
val prefetcher = Module(new Prefetcher)
prefetcher.io.in <> noop.io.prefetchReq
val l2cacheIn = Wire(new SimpleBusUC)
val l2cacheInReqArb = Module(new Arbiter(chiselTypeOf(noop.io.prefetchReq.bits), 2))
l2cacheInReqArb.io.in(0) <> xbar.io.out.req
l2cacheInReqArb.io.in(1) <> prefetcher.io.out
l2cacheIn.req <> l2cacheInReqArb.io.out
prefetcher.io.in <> xbar.io.out.req
l2cacheIn.req <> prefetcher.io.out
xbar.io.out.resp <> l2cacheIn.resp
} else xbar.io.out
......@@ -62,11 +59,7 @@ class NOOPSoC(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasSoCParameter {
} else {
io.mem <> xbar.io.out.toAXI4()
if (!HasPrefetch) {
noop.io.prefetchReq.ready := true.B
noop.io.imem.coh.resp.ready := true.B
noop.io.imem.coh.req.valid := false.B
noop.io.imem.coh.req.bits := DontCare
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import noop.NOOPConfig
object Debug {
def apply(flag: Boolean = NOOPConfig().EnableDebug, cond: Bool = true.B)(body: => Unit): Any =
if (flag) { when (cond && GTimer() > 739200.U) { body } }
if (flag) { when (cond && GTimer() > 100.U) { body } }
object ShowType {
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