提交 cb21c68d 编写于 作者: L Lingrui98

ftq: add perf counters

上级 5c97167d
......@@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ class Ftq_pd_Entry(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
val jmpInfo = ValidUndirectioned(Vec(3, Bool()))
val jmpOffset = UInt(4.W)
val rvcMask = Vec(16, Bool())
def hasJal = jmpInfo.valid && !jmpInfo.bits(0)
def hasJalr = jmpInfo.valid && jmpInfo.bits(0)
def hasCall = jmpInfo.valid && jmpInfo.bits(1)
def hasRet = jmpInfo.valid && jmpInfo.bits(2)
class Ftq_Redirect_SRAMEntry(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
......@@ -836,6 +840,70 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
XSPerfAccumulate("mispredictRedirect", perf_redirect.valid && RedirectLevel.flushAfter === perf_redirect.bits.level)
XSPerfAccumulate("replayRedirect", perf_redirect.valid && RedirectLevel.flushItself(perf_redirect.bits.level))
if (!env.FPGAPlatform && env.EnablePerfDebug) {
val commit_inst_mask = VecInit(commitStateQueue(commPtr.value).map(c => c === c_commited && do_commit)).asUInt
val commit_mispred_mask = mispredict_vec(commPtr.value).asUInt
val commit_not_mispred_mask = ~commit_mispred_mask
val commit_br_mask = commit_pd.brMask.asUInt
val commit_jmp_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.jmpInfo.valid.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
val commit_cfi_mask = (commit_br_mask | commit_jmp_mask)
val commit_jal_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.hasJal.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
val commit_jalr_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.hasJalr.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
val commit_call_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.hasCall.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
val commit_ret_mask = UIntToOH(commit_pd.jmpOffset) & Fill(PredictWidth, commit_pd.hasRet.asTypeOf(UInt(1.W)))
val mbpInstrs = commit_inst_mask & commit_cfi_mask
val mbpRights = commit_inst_mask & commit_not_mispred_mask
val mbpBRights = mbpRights & commit_br_mask
val mbpJRights = mbpRights & commit_jal_mask
val mbpIRights = mbpRights & commit_jalr_mask
val mbpCRights = mbpRights & commit_call_mask
val mbpRRights = mbpRights & commit_ret_mask
val mbpWrongs = commit_inst_mask & commit_mispred_mask
val mbpBWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_br_mask
val mbpJWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_jal_mask
val mbpIWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_jalr_mask
val mbpCWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_call_mask
val mbpRWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_ret_mask
val perfCountsMap = Map(
"BpInstr" -> PopCount(mbpInstrs),
"BpBInstr" -> PopCount(mbpBRights | mbpBWrongs),
"BpRight" -> PopCount(mbpRights),
"BpWrong" -> PopCount(mbpWrongs),
"BpBRight" -> PopCount(mbpBRights),
"BpBWrong" -> PopCount(mbpBWrongs),
"BpJRight" -> PopCount(mbpJRights),
"BpJWrong" -> PopCount(mbpJWrongs),
"BpIRight" -> PopCount(mbpIRights),
"BpIWrong" -> PopCount(mbpIWrongs),
"BpCRight" -> PopCount(mbpCRights),
"BpCWrong" -> PopCount(mbpCWrongs),
"BpRRight" -> PopCount(mbpRRights),
"BpRWrong" -> PopCount(mbpRWrongs),
// "ubtbRight" -> PopCount(ubtbRights),
// "ubtbWrong" -> PopCount(ubtbWrongs),
// "btbRight" -> PopCount(btbRights),
// "btbWrong" -> PopCount(btbWrongs),
// "tageRight" -> PopCount(tageRights),
// "tageWrong" -> PopCount(tageWrongs),
// "rasRight" -> PopCount(rasRights),
// "rasWrong" -> PopCount(rasWrongs),
// "loopRight" -> PopCount(loopRights),
// "loopWrong" -> PopCount(loopWrongs),
for((key, value) <- perfCountsMap) {
XSPerfAccumulate(key, value)
// val predRights = (0 until PredictWidth).map{i => !commitEntry.mispred(i) && !commitEntry.pd(i).notCFI && commitEntry.valids(i)}
// val predWrongs = (0 until PredictWidth).map{i => commitEntry.mispred(i) && !commitEntry.pd(i).notCFI && commitEntry.valids(i)}
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