未验证 提交 c7fabd05 编写于 作者: S Steve Gou 提交者: GitHub

parameters: reduce ghr length and make it calculated using a formula (#1442)

* parameters: reduce ghr length and make it calculated using a formula

* bpu: add error checking for ghist ptr, support hist lengths that are not power of 2
上级 79b191f7
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ case class XSCoreParameters
EnableJal: Boolean = false,
EnableUBTB: Boolean = true,
UbtbGHRLength: Int = 4,
HistoryLength: Int = 512,
// HistoryLength: Int = 512,
EnableGHistDiff: Boolean = true,
UbtbSize: Int = 256,
FtbSize: Int = 2048,
......@@ -241,6 +241,9 @@ case class XSCoreParameters
usePTWRepeater: Boolean = false,
softPTW: Boolean = false // dpi-c debug only
val allHistLens = SCHistLens ++ ITTageTableInfos.map(_._2) ++ TageTableInfos.map(_._2) :+ UbtbGHRLength
val HistoryLength = allHistLens.max + numBr * FtqSize + 9 // 256 for the predictor configs now
val loadExuConfigs = Seq.fill(exuParameters.LduCnt)(LdExeUnitCfg)
val storeExuConfigs = Seq.fill(exuParameters.StuCnt)(StaExeUnitCfg) ++ Seq.fill(exuParameters.StuCnt)(StdExeUnitCfg)
......@@ -347,6 +350,8 @@ trait HasXSParameter {
}.reduce(_++_) ++
Set[FoldedHistoryInfo]((UbtbGHRLength, log2Ceil(UbtbSize)))
val CacheLineSize = coreParams.CacheLineSize
val CacheLineHalfWord = CacheLineSize / 16
......@@ -237,16 +237,11 @@ class PredictorIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSBundle {
class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with HasPerfEvents {
class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with HasPerfEvents with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
val io = IO(new PredictorIO)
val predictors = Module(if (useBPD) new Composer else new FakePredictor)
val folded_hist_infos = predictors.getFoldedHistoryInfo.getOrElse(Set()).toList
for ((len, compLen) <- folded_hist_infos) {
println(f"folded hist info: len $len, compLen $compLen")
val s0_fire, s1_fire, s2_fire, s3_fire = Wire(Bool())
val s1_valid, s2_valid, s3_valid = RegInit(false.B)
val s1_ready, s2_ready, s3_ready = Wire(Bool())
......@@ -290,7 +285,8 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
val s0_ghist = WireInit(0.U.asTypeOf(UInt(HistoryLength.W)))
println(f"history buffer length ${HistoryLength}")
val ghv_write_datas = Wire(Vec(HistoryLength, Bool()))
val ghv_wens = Wire(Vec(HistoryLength, Bool()))
......@@ -413,13 +409,12 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
val s1_ghv_wens = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s1_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s1.shouldShiftVec(b) && s1_valid))
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s1_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s1.shouldShiftVec(b) && s1_valid))
val s1_ghv_wdatas = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (
(s1_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s1.shouldShiftVec(b),
(s1_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s1.shouldShiftVec(b),
resp.s1.brTaken && resp.s1.lastBrPosOH(b+1)
......@@ -471,11 +466,11 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
val s2_ghv_wens = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s2_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s2.shouldShiftVec(b) && s2_redirect))
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s2_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s2.shouldShiftVec(b) && s2_redirect))
val s2_ghv_wdatas = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (
(s2_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s2.shouldShiftVec(b),
(s2_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s2.shouldShiftVec(b),
......@@ -535,11 +530,11 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
val s3_ghv_wens = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s3_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s3.shouldShiftVec(b) && s3_redirect))
(0 until numBr).map(b => (s3_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s3.shouldShiftVec(b) && s3_redirect))
val s3_ghv_wdatas = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => (
(s3_ghist_ptr).value === n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U && resp.s3.shouldShiftVec(b),
(s3_ghist_ptr).value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && resp.s3.shouldShiftVec(b),
......@@ -611,10 +606,10 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
val thisAheadFhOb = Wire(new AllAheadFoldedHistoryOldestBits(foldedGHistInfos))
thisAheadFhOb.read(ghv, oldPtr)
val redirect_ghv_wens = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => oldPtr.value === (n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U) && shouldShiftVec(b) && do_redirect.valid))
(0 until numBr).map(b => oldPtr.value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && shouldShiftVec(b) && do_redirect.valid))
val redirect_ghv_wdatas = (0 until HistoryLength).map(n =>
(0 until numBr).map(b => oldPtr.value === (n.U(log2Ceil(HistoryLength).W) + b.U) && shouldShiftVec(b)),
(0 until numBr).map(b => oldPtr.value === (CGHPtr(false.B, n.U) + b.U).value && shouldShiftVec(b)),
......@@ -665,6 +660,10 @@ class Predictor(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBPUConst with H
XSError(isBefore(redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr, s3_ghist_ptr) && do_redirect.valid, p"s3_ghist_ptr ${s3_ghist_ptr} exceeds redirect histPtr ${redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr}\n")
XSError(isBefore(redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr, s2_ghist_ptr) && do_redirect.valid, p"s2_ghist_ptr ${s2_ghist_ptr} exceeds redirect histPtr ${redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr}\n")
XSError(isBefore(redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr, s1_ghist_ptr) && do_redirect.valid, p"s1_ghist_ptr ${s1_ghist_ptr} exceeds redirect histPtr ${redirect.cfiUpdate.histPtr}\n")
XSDebug(RegNext(reset.asBool) && !reset.asBool, "Reseting...\n")
XSDebug(io.ftq_to_bpu.update.valid, p"Update from ftq\n")
XSDebug(io.ftq_to_bpu.redirect.valid, p"Redirect from ftq\n")
......@@ -144,6 +144,19 @@ class CGHPtr(implicit p: Parameters) extends CircularQueuePtr[CGHPtr](
override def cloneType = (new CGHPtr).asInstanceOf[this.type]
object CGHPtr {
def apply(f: Bool, v: UInt)(implicit p: Parameters): CGHPtr = {
val ptr = Wire(new CGHPtr)
ptr.flag := f
ptr.value := v
def inverse(ptr: CGHPtr)(implicit p: Parameters): CGHPtr = {
apply(!ptr.flag, ptr.value)
class CircularGlobalHistory(implicit p: Parameters) extends GlobalHistory {
val buffer = Vec(HistoryLength, Bool())
type HistPtr = UInt
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