提交 c2c48909 编写于 作者: L Lingrui98

ftq: add perf counters related to ftb

上级 a4d7ec6c
......@@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ class FTBEntryGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBackendRedire
val new_br_insert_pos = Output(Vec(numBr, Bool()))
val taken_mask = Output(Vec(numBr+1, Bool()))
val mispred_mask = Output(Vec(numBr+1, Bool()))
// for perf counters
val is_init_entry = Output(Bool())
val is_old_entry = Output(Bool())
val is_old_entry_modified = Output(Bool())
val is_br_full = Output(Bool())
// no mispredictions detected at predecode
......@@ -278,6 +284,12 @@ class FTBEntryGen(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasBackendRedire
io.mispred_mask(i) := io.new_entry.brValids(i) && io.mispredict_vec(io.new_entry.brOffset(i))
io.mispred_mask.last := io.new_entry.jmpValid && io.mispredict_vec(pd.jmpOffset)
// for perf counters
io.is_init_entry := !hit
io.is_old_entry := hit && !is_new_br
io.is_old_entry_modified := hit && is_new_br
io.is_br_full := hit && is_new_br && br_full
class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper with HasBackendRedirectInfo {
......@@ -892,6 +904,30 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
val mbpCWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_call_mask
val mbpRWrongs = mbpWrongs & commit_ret_mask
val update_valid = io.toBpu.update.valid
def u(cond: Bool) = update_valid && cond
val ftb_false_hit = u(update.false_hit)
val ftb_hit = u(commit_hit === h_hit)
val ftb_new_entry = u(ftbEntryGen.is_init_entry)
val ftb_new_entry_only_br = ftb_new_entry && !update.ftb_entry.jmpValid
val ftb_new_entry_only_jmp = ftb_new_entry && !update.ftb_entry.brValids(0)
val ftb_new_entry_has_br_and_jmp = ftb_new_entry && update.ftb_entry.brValids(0) && update.ftb_entry.jmpValid
val ftb_old_entry = u(ftbEntryGen.is_old_entry)
val ftb_modified_entry = u(ftbEntryGen.is_old_entry_modified)
val ftb_modified_entry_br_full = ftb_modified_entry && ftbEntryGen.is_br_full
val ftb_entry_len = (ftbEntryGen.new_entry.pftAddr - update.pc) >> instOffsetBits
val ftb_entry_len_recording_vec = (0 until PredictWidth).map(i => ftb_entry_len === i.U)
val ftb_init_entry_len_map = (0 until PredictWidth).map(i =>
f"ftb_init_entry_len_$i" -> (ftb_entry_len_recording_vec(i) && ftb_new_entry)
).foldLeft(Map[String, UInt]())(_+_)
val ftb_modified_entry_len_map = (0 until PredictWidth).map(i =>
f"ftb_modified_entry_len_$i" -> (ftb_entry_len_recording_vec(i) && ftb_modified_entry)
).foldLeft(Map[String, UInt]())(_+_)
val perfCountsMap = Map(
"BpInstr" -> PopCount(mbpInstrs),
"BpBInstr" -> PopCount(mbpBRights | mbpBWrongs),
......@@ -919,7 +955,16 @@ class Ftq(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelpe
// "rasWrong" -> PopCount(rasWrongs),
// "loopRight" -> PopCount(loopRights),
// "loopWrong" -> PopCount(loopWrongs),
"ftb_false_hit" -> PopCount(ftb_false_hit),
"ftb_hit" -> PopCount(ftb_hit),
"ftb_new_entry" -> PopCount(ftb_new_entry),
"ftb_new_entry_only_br" -> PopCount(ftb_new_entry_only_br),
"ftb_new_entry_only_jmp" -> PopCount(ftb_new_entry_only_jmp),
"ftb_new_entry_has_br_and_jmp" -> PopCount(ftb_new_entry_has_br_and_jmp),
"ftb_old_entry" -> PopCount(ftb_old_entry),
"ftb_modified_entry" -> PopCount(ftb_modified_entry),
"ftb_modified_entry_br_full" -> PopCount(ftb_modified_entry_br_full)
) ++ ftb_init_entry_len_map ++ ftb_modified_entry_len_map
for((key, value) <- perfCountsMap) {
XSPerfAccumulate(key, value)
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