未验证 提交 bd278897 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu 提交者: GitHub

backend,exu: load balance between issue ports (#947)

This commit adds support for load balance between different issue ports
when the function unit is not pipelined and the reservation station has
more than one issue ports.

We use a ping pong bit to decide which port to issue the instruction. At
every clock cycle, the bit is flipped.
上级 b848eea5
......@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class ExuBlockImp(outer: ExuBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp
// Optimizations for wakeup and writeback timing
// Timing priority: RegNext(rs.fastUopOut) > fu.writeback > arbiter.out(--> io.rfWriteback --> rs.writeback)
// Filter condition: allWakeupFromRS > hasExclusiveWbPort > None
// The higher priority, the better timing.
......@@ -168,4 +169,24 @@ class ExuBlockImp(outer: ExuBlock)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModuleImp
// Optimizations for load balance between different issue ports
// When a reservation station has at least two issue ports and
// the corresponding function unit does not have fixed latency (not pipelined),
// we let the function units alternate between each two issue ports.
val multiIssueFuConfigs = fuConfigs.filter(_._2 >= 2).filter(_._1.needLoadBalance).map(_._1)
val multiIssuePortsIdx = flattenFuConfigs.zipWithIndex.filter(x => multiIssueFuConfigs.contains(x._1))
val multiIssue = multiIssueFuConfigs.map(cfg => multiIssuePortsIdx.filter(_._1 == cfg).map(_._2))
multiIssue.foreach(ports => {
val numPingPong = ports.length / 2
for (i <- 0 until numPingPong) {
val index = ports.drop(2 * i).take(2)
println(s"Enable issue load balance between ports $index")
val pingpong = RegInit(false.B)
pingpong := !pingpong
when (pingpong) {
scheduler.io.issue(index(0)) <> fuBlock.io.issue(index(1))
scheduler.io.issue(index(1)) <> fuBlock.io.issue(index(0))
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ case class ExuConfig
val allWakeupFromRS = !hasUncertainlatency && (wbIntPriority <= 1 || wbFpPriority <= 1)
val wakeupFromExu = !wakeupFromRS
val hasExclusiveWbPort = (wbIntPriority == 0 && writeIntRf) || (wbFpPriority == 0 && writeFpRf)
val needLoadBalance = hasUncertainlatency && !wakeupFromRS
def canAccept(fuType: UInt): Bool = {
Cat(fuConfigs.map(_.fuType === fuType)).orR()
......@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ package object xiangshan {
val stdCfg = FuConfig(
fuGen = stdGen, fuSel = _ => true.B, FuType.stu, 1, 1,
writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = false, UncertainLatency()
writeIntRf = false, writeFpRf = false, hasRedirect = false, latency = CertainLatency(1)
val mouCfg = FuConfig(
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