提交 aa38aa4d 编写于 作者: W William Wang

fix(cache): fix some problems in 64bit cache, dummy test passed

上级 a168ebad
......@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ $(EMU_MK): $(SIM_TOP_V) | $(EMU_DEPS)
verilator --cc --exe $(VERILATOR_FLAGS) \
-o $(abspath $(EMU)) -Mdir $(@D) $^ $(EMU_DEPS)
REF_SO := $(NEMU_HOME)/build/riscv32-nemu-so
REF_SO := $(NEMU_HOME)/build/riscv64-nemu-so
$(MAKE) -C $(NEMU_HOME) ISA=riscv32 SHARE=1
$(MAKE) -C $(NEMU_HOME) ISA=riscv64 SHARE=1
CPPFLAGS=-DREF_SO=\\\"$(REF_SO)\\\" $(MAKE) -C $(dir $(EMU_MK)) -f $(abspath $(EMU_MK))
# CPU调整到riscv64指令集 2019.9.3-
- 调整数据通路宽度到64
- 调整DCache读写宽度
- 调整外围内存, 总线配置
- 引入新指令
## 模块改动说明
### Cache
* Cache64: 64位数据缓存, 使用64位地址
* 目前所有的Cache对外数据宽度均为64
RV64指令集中, 地址非对齐的访存结果是实现相关的, 为了简化设计, 这里对非对齐的访存不做特殊处理
TODO: 32位乘法器/除法器 1
TODO: 64 bit AddressSpace 分配
TODO: cache直接使用参数改成64位的效果尚未测试
TODO: 特权寄存器变更
TODO: simple bus 调整和 AXI4 调整 1
## 新指令列表
--- |BitPat("b1098765_43210_98765_432_10987_6543210")|-
LWU |BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_110_?????_0000011")|1
LD |BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_011_?????_0000011")|1
SD |BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_011_?????_0100011")|1
SLLI |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_001_?????_0010011")|1
SRLI |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_101_?????_0010011")|1
SRAI |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0010011")|1
ADDIW |BitPat("b???????_?????_?????_000_?????_0011011")|1
SLLIW |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_001_?????_0011011")|1
SRLIW |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_101_?????_0011011")|1
SRAIW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0011011")|1
ADDW |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_000_?????_0111011")|1
SUBW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_000_?????_0111011")|1
SLLW |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_001_?????_0111011")|1
SRLW |BitPat("b0000000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
SRAW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
MULW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
DIVW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
DIVUW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
REMW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
REMUW |BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")|1
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ class DistributedMem(memByte: Int, dualPort: Boolean, delayCycles: Int = 0, data
val useTreadle = false
val wordNum = memByte / 4
val wordNum = memByte / 8
val memAddrBits = log2Up(wordNum)
def Index(addr: UInt): UInt = addr(memAddrBits + 2 - 1, 2)
val rwIdx = Index(io.rw.req.bits.addr)
val roIdx = Index(io.ro.req.bits.addr)
val wen = io.rw.isWrite()
val wdataVec = VecInit.tabulate(4) { i => io.rw.req.bits.wdata(8 * (i + 1) - 1, 8 * i) }
val wmask = VecInit.tabulate(4) { i => io.rw.req.bits.wmask(i).toBool }
val wdataVec = VecInit.tabulate(8) { i => io.rw.req.bits.wdata(8 * (i + 1) - 1, 8 * i) }
val wmask = VecInit.tabulate(8) { i => io.rw.req.bits.wmask(i).toBool }
val rwData = Wire(UInt(64.W))
val roData = Wire(UInt(64.W))
......@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ class DistributedMem(memByte: Int, dualPort: Boolean, delayCycles: Int = 0, data
val mem = Mem(memByte, UInt(8.W))
if (dataFile != "")
loadMemoryFromFile(mem, dataFile)
def read(idx: UInt) = Cat(mem(idx + 3.U), mem(idx + 2.U), mem(idx + 1.U), mem(idx + 0.U))
def read(idx: UInt) = Cat(mem(idx + 7.U), mem(idx + 6.U), mem(idx + 5.U), mem(idx + 4.U), mem(idx + 3.U), mem(idx + 2.U), mem(idx + 1.U), mem(idx + 0.U))
rwData := read(rwIdx << 2)
roData := read(roIdx << 2)
rwData := read(rwIdx << 3)
roData := read(roIdx << 3)
wmask.zipWithIndex.map { case(m, i) => {
when (m && wen) {
mem((rwIdx << 2) + i.U) := wdataVec(i)
mem((rwIdx << 3) + i.U) := wdataVec(i)
else {
val mem = Mem(wordNum, Vec(4, UInt(8.W)))
val mem = Mem(wordNum, Vec(8, UInt(8.W)))
if (dataFile != "")
loadMemoryFromFile(mem, dataFile)
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class SimpleBus2AXI4Converter[IT <: SimpleBusUL, OT <: AXI4Lite]
w.data := mem.req.bits.wdata
w.strb := mem.req.bits.wmask
def LineBeats = 8
def LineBeats = 4 //Note: LineBeats = 8 while using rv32 inst set
val wlast = WireInit(true.B)
val rlast = WireInit(true.B)
if (UHtoAXI4) {
......@@ -12,22 +12,22 @@ import utils._
class RAMHelper(memByte: Int) extends BlackBox {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val clk = Input(Clock())
val rIdx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val rdata = Output(UInt(32.W))
val wIdx = Input(UInt(32.W))
val wdata = Input(UInt(32.W))
val wmask = Input(UInt(32.W))
val rIdx = Input(UInt(64.W))
val rdata = Output(UInt(64.W))
val wIdx = Input(UInt(64.W))
val wdata = Input(UInt(64.W))
val wmask = Input(UInt(64.W))
val wen = Input(Bool())
class AXI4RAM[T <: AXI4Lite](_type: T = new AXI4, memByte: Int, beatBytes: Int = 4,
class AXI4RAM[T <: AXI4Lite](_type: T = new AXI4, memByte: Int, beatBytes: Int = 8,
useBlackBox: Boolean = false) extends AXI4SlaveModule(_type) {
val offsetBits = log2Up(memByte)
val offsetMask = (1 << offsetBits) - 1
def index(addr: UInt) = (addr & offsetMask.U) >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)
def inRange(idx: UInt) = idx < (memByte / 4).U
def inRange(idx: UInt) = idx < (memByte / 8).U
val wIdx = index(waddr) + writeBeatCnt
val rIdx = index(raddr) + readBeatCnt
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ sealed trait HasCacheConst {
val tag = UInt(TagBits.W)
val index = UInt(IndexBits.W)
val wordIndex = UInt(WordIndexBits.W)
val byteOffset = UInt(2.W)
val byteOffset = UInt(3.W)//rv32: byteOffset = UInt(2.W)
def CacheMetaArrayReadBus() = new SRAMReadBus(new MetaBundle, set = Sets, way = Ways)
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends M
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := Mux(state === s_memReadReq, SimpleBusCmd.cmdRead, SimpleBusCmd.cmdWrite)
// critical word first
val raddr = Cat(req.addr(63, 2), 0.U(2.W))
val raddr = Cat(req.addr(63, 3), 0.U(3.W))
// dirty block addr
val waddr = Cat(meta.tag, addr.index, 0.U(OffsetBits.W))
io.mem.req.bits.addr := Mux(state === s_memReadReq, raddr, waddr)
......@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends M
val readingFirst = !afterFirstRead && io.mem.resp.fire() && (state === s_memReadResp)
val inRdataRegDemand = RegEnable(io.mem.resp.bits.rdata, readingFirst)
when(io.mem.req.valid && io.mem.req.ready){
printf("[L1$] mem access addr: %x\n", io.mem.req.bits.addr)
switch (state) {
is (s_idle) {
......@@ -210,7 +213,9 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends M
alreadyOutFire := false.B
// actually this can use s2 to test
when (miss && !req.isUpdate() && !io.flush) { state := Mux(if (ro) false.B else meta.dirty, s_memWriteReq, s_memReadReq) }
when (miss && !req.isUpdate() && !io.flush) {
state := Mux(if (ro) false.B else meta.dirty, s_memWriteReq, s_memReadReq)
is (s_memReadReq) { when (io.mem.req.fire()) {
state := s_memReadResp
......@@ -229,6 +234,7 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends M
dataRefillWriteBus.req.bits.data.data := inRdata
dataRefillWriteBus.req.bits.wordIndex := readBeatCnt.value
printf("[L1$] mem access data : %x\n", dataRefillWriteBus.req.bits.data.data)
when (io.mem.resp.bits.rlast) { state := s_wait_resp }
......@@ -268,6 +274,10 @@ sealed class CacheStage3(ro: Boolean, name: String, userBits: Int = 0) extends M
io.out.bits.rlast := true.B
io.out.bits.user := io.in.bits.req.user
io.out.valid := io.in.valid && Mux(hit, !req.isUpdate(), Mux(req.isWrite(), state === s_wait_resp, afterFirstRead && !alreadyOutFire))
printf("[L1$] cache return: data:%x\n", io.out.bits.rdata)
// With critical-word first, the pipeline registers between
// s2 and s3 can not be overwritten before a missing request
// is totally handled. We use io.isFinish to indicate when the
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ trait HasResetVector {
val resetVector = 0x80100000L//TODO: set reset vec
class IFU extends Module with HasResetVector {
class IFU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module with HasResetVector {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val imem = new SimpleBusUH(userBits = 32)
val pc = Input(UInt(64.W))
......@@ -39,25 +39,36 @@ class IFU extends Module with HasResetVector {
//bp2.io.in.bits := io.out.bits
//bp2.io.in.valid := io.imem.resp.fire()
when (pcUpdate) { pc := npc }
when (pcUpdate) {
pc := npc
// printf("[IF1] pc=%x\n", pc)
io.flushVec := Mux(io.redirect.valid, "b1111".U, 0.U)
io.bpFlush := false.B
io.imem := DontCare
io.imem.req.valid := io.out.ready
io.imem.req.bits.addr := Cat(pc(63:3), Fill(3, "b0".U))//inst is 32 bit in length, the right inst will be picked out at stage 3
io.imem.req.bits.size := "b10".U
io.imem.req.bits.addr := Cat(pc(63,2),0.U(2.W))//cache will treat it as Cat(pc(63,3),0.U(3.W))
io.imem.req.bits.size := "b11".U
io.imem.req.bits.cmd := SimpleBusCmd.cmdRead
io.imem.req.bits.user := npc
io.imem.resp.ready := io.out.ready || io.flushVec(0)
io.out.bits := DontCare
io.out.bits.pc := io.pc
io.out.bits.instr := Mux(io.pc(2), io.imem.resp.bits.rdata(63,32), io.imem.resp.bits.rdata(31,0))//inst path only uses 32bit inst, get the right inst according to pc(2)
if (p.HasIcache) {
io.out.bits.instr := Mux(io.pc(2), io.imem.resp.bits.rdata(63,32), io.imem.resp.bits.rdata(31,0))//inst path only uses 32bit inst, get the right inst according to pc(2)
io.out.bits.instr := io.imem.resp.bits.rdata(31,0)
io.out.bits.pnpc := io.imem.resp.bits.user
io.out.valid := io.imem.resp.valid && !io.flushVec(0)
when (io.out.fire()) {
printf("[IF1] pc=%x inst=%x\n", io.out.bits.pc, io.out.bits.instr)
BoringUtils.addSource(BoolStopWatch(io.imem.req.valid, io.imem.resp.fire()), "perfCntCondMimemStall")
BoringUtils.addSource(io.flushVec.orR, "perfCntCondMifuFlush")
......@@ -92,5 +92,9 @@ class ISU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module {
if (!p.FPGAPlatform) {
BoringUtils.addSource(VecInit((0 to 31).map(i => rf.read(i.U))), "difftestRegs")
printf("[ISU] pc=%x, inst=%x rfwen=%b\n", io.out.bits.cf.pc, io.out.bits.cf.instr, io.out.bits.ctrl.rfWen)
......@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ class WBU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module {
io.redirect := io.in.bits.decode.cf.redirect
io.redirect.valid := io.in.bits.decode.cf.redirect.valid && io.in.valid
printf("[WBU] pc:%x reg: %d, data: %x\n", io.in.bits.decode.cf.pc, io.wb.rfDest, io.wb.rfData)
BoringUtils.addSource(io.in.valid, "perfCntCondMinstret")
if (!p.FPGAPlatform) {
BoringUtils.addSource(RegNext(io.in.valid), "difftestCommit")
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ object ALUInstr extends HasInstrType {
SRLW -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.srlw),
SRAW -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.sraw),
ADDW -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.addw),
SUBW -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.subw),
SUBW -> List(InstrR, FuType.alu, ALUOpType.subw)
......@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ class ALU extends Module {
val src132 = src1(31:0)
val src232 = src2(31:0)
val src132 = src1(31,0)
val src232 = src2(31,0)
val isAdderSub = (func =/= ALUOpType.add) && (func =/= ALUOpType.addw) && !BRUOpType.isJump(func)
val adderRes = (src1 +& (src2 ^ Fill(64, isAdderSub))) + isAdderSub
......@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@ class ALU extends Module {
ALUOpType.sllw -> Cat(Fill(32, (src132 << shamt)(31)), (src132 << shamt)(31, 0)),
ALUOpType.xor -> xorRes,
ALUOpType.srl -> (src1 >> shamt64),
ALUOpType.srlw -> Cat(Fill(32, (src132 >> shamt)(31)), (src132 >> shamt)(31:0)),
ALUOpType.srlw -> Cat(Fill(32, (src132 >> shamt)(31)), (src132 >> shamt)(31,0)),
ALUOpType.or -> (src1 | src2),
ALUOpType.and -> (src1 & src2),
ALUOpType.sra -> ((src1.asSInt >> shamt64).asUInt),
ALUOpType.sraw -> Cat(Fill(32, ((src132.asSInt >> shamt).asUInt)(31)), ((src132.asSInt >> shamt).asUInt)(31:0)),
ALUOpType.sraw -> Cat(Fill(32, (src132.asSInt >> shamt)(31)), ((src132.asSInt >> shamt).asUInt)),
ALUOpType.addw -> adderWRes
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ object LSUInstr extends HasInstrType {
LHU -> List(InstrI, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.lwu),
SB -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sb ),
SH -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sh ),
SW -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sw)
SW -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sw),
SD -> List(InstrS, FuType.lsu, LSUOpType.sd)
......@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ class LSU extends Module {
io.mmio.req.valid := valid && (state === s_idle) && mmio
io.mmio.resp.ready := true.B
printf("[LSU] addr:%x data:%x wen:%b\n",addr, dmem.req.bits.wdata, isStore)
io.out.valid := Mux(isStore && !mmio, state === s_partialLoad, Mux(partialLoad, state === s_partialLoad,
Mux(mmio, io.mmio.resp.fire(), dmem.resp.fire() && (state === s_wait_resp))))
io.in.ready := (state === s_idle)
......@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ class LSU extends Module {
"b000".U -> rdataLatch(63, 0),
"b001".U -> rdataLatch(63, 8),
"b010".U -> rdataLatch(63, 16),
"b011".U -> rdataLatch(63, 24)
"b011".U -> rdataLatch(63, 24),
"b100".U -> rdataLatch(63, 32),
"b101".U -> rdataLatch(63, 40),
"b110".U -> rdataLatch(63, 48),
......@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ class LSU extends Module {
LSUOpType.lh -> Cat(Fill(16+32, rdataSel(15)), rdataSel(15, 0)),
LSUOpType.lw -> Cat(Fill(32, rdataSel(31)), rdataSel(32, 0)),
LSUOpType.lbu -> Cat(0.U((24+32).W), rdataSel(7, 0)),
LSUOpType.lhu -> Cat(0.U((16+32).W), rdataSel(15, 0))
LSUOpType.lhu -> Cat(0.U((16+32).W), rdataSel(15, 0)),
LSUOpType.lwu -> Cat(0.U((32).W), rdataSel(32, 0))
......@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ object MDUInstr extends HasInstrType {
def DIVU = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_101_?????_0110011")
def REM = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_110_?????_0110011")
def REMU = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_111_?????_0110011")
def DIVW = BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")
def DIVUW = BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")
def REMW = BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")
def REMUW = BitPat("b0100000_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")
def MULW = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_000_?????_0111011")
def DIVW = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_100_?????_0111011")
def DIVUW = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_101_?????_0111011")
def REMW = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_110_?????_0111011")
def REMUW = BitPat("b0000001_?????_?????_111_?????_0111011")
val mulTable = Array(
MUL -> List(InstrR, FuType.mdu, MDUOpType.mul),
......@@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ class MDU(implicit val p: NOOPConfig) extends Module {
x.out.ready := io.out.ready
List(mul32.io, div32.io).map { case x =>
x.in.bits(0) := src1(31:0)
x.in.bits(1) := src2(31:0)
x.in.bits(0) := src1(31,0)
x.in.bits(1) := src2(31,0)
x.sign := MDUOpType.isSign(func)
x.out.ready := io.out.ready
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ uint32_t screen_size(void);
void set_abort(void);
static struct timeval boot = {};
static uint32_t vmem[0x400000 / sizeof(uint32_t)];
static uint64_t vmem[0x400000 / sizeof(uint64_t)];
void init_device(void) {
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ uint32_t uptime(void) {
extern "C" void device_helper(
uint8_t req_wen, uint32_t req_addr, uint32_t req_wdata, uint8_t req_wmask, uint32_t *resp_rdata) {
uint8_t req_wen, uint64_t req_addr, uint64_t req_wdata, uint8_t req_wmask, uint64_t *resp_rdata) {
switch (req_addr) {
// read uartlite stat register
case 0x40600008:
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ extern "C" void device_helper(
if (req_addr >= 0x40000000 && req_addr < 0x40400000 && req_wen) {
// write to vmem
vmem[(req_addr - 0x40000000) / sizeof(uint32_t)] = req_wdata;
vmem[(req_addr - 0x40000000) / sizeof(uint64_t)] = req_wdata;
else {
eprintf("bad address = 0x%08x, wen = %d\n", req_addr, req_wen);
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ void difftest_skip_dut() {
is_skip_dut = true;
void init_difftest(uint32_t *reg, const char *mainargs) {
void init_difftest(uint64_t *reg, const char *mainargs) {
void *handle;
handle = dlopen(REF_SO, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_DEEPBIND);
......@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ void init_difftest(uint32_t *reg, const char *mainargs) {
int difftest_step(uint32_t *reg_scala, uint32_t this_pc, int isMMIO) {
uint32_t ref_r[33];
static uint32_t nemu_pc = 0x80100000;
int difftest_step(uint64_t *reg_scala, uint64_t this_pc, int isMMIO) {
uint64_t ref_r[33];
static uint64_t nemu_pc = 0x80100000;
if (isMMIO) {
printf("diff pc: %x\n", this_pc);
// MMIO accessing should not be a branch or jump, just +4 to get the next pc
reg_scala[32] += 4;
nemu_pc += 4;
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int difftest_step(uint32_t *reg_scala, uint32_t this_pc, int isMMIO) {
uint32_t temp = ref_r[32];
uint64_t temp = ref_r[32];
ref_r[32] = nemu_pc;
nemu_pc = temp;
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef uint32_t rtlreg_t;
typedef uint64_t rtlreg_t;
typedef uint32_t paddr_t;
typedef uint32_t vaddr_t;
typedef uint64_t paddr_t;
typedef uint64_t vaddr_t;
typedef uint16_t ioaddr_t;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Emulator {
static const struct option long_options[];
static void print_help(const char *file);
void read_emu_regs(uint32_t *r) {
void read_emu_regs(uint64_t *r) {
#define macro(x) r[x] = dut_ptr->io_difftest_r_##x
macro(0); macro(1); macro(2); macro(3); macro(4); macro(5); macro(6); macro(7);
macro(8); macro(9); macro(10); macro(11); macro(12); macro(13); macro(14); macro(15);
......@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class Emulator {
// init core
extern void init_difftest(uint32_t *reg, const char *mainargs);
uint32_t reg[33];
extern void init_difftest(uint64_t *reg, const char *mainargs);
uint64_t reg[33];
reg[32] = 0x80100000;
init_difftest(reg, mainargs);
......@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ class Emulator {
// difftest
if (dut_ptr->io_difftest_commit) {
uint32_t reg[33];
uint64_t reg[33];
extern int difftest_step(uint32_t *reg_scala, uint32_t this_pc, int isMMIO);
extern int difftest_step(uint64_t *reg_scala, uint64_t this_pc, int isMMIO);
if (difftest_step(reg, dut_ptr->io_difftest_thisPC, dut_ptr->io_difftest_isMMIO)) {
......@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ enum {
static int g_trapCode = STATE_RUNNING;
static int g_trapPC = 0;
static uint64_t g_trapPC = 0;
static int g_cycleCnt = 0, g_instrCnt = 0;
bool is_finish() { return g_trapCode != STATE_RUNNING; }
extern "C" void monitor(int trapCode, int trapPC, int cycleCnt, int instrCnt) {
extern "C" void monitor(int trapCode, uint64_t trapPC, int cycleCnt, int instrCnt) {
g_trapCode = trapCode;
g_trapPC = trapPC;
g_cycleCnt = cycleCnt;
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
#define RAMSIZE (128 * 1024 * 1024)
static uint32_t ram[RAMSIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
static uint64_t ram[RAMSIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)];
static long img_size = 0;
void* get_img_start() { return &ram[0x100000 / sizeof(uint32_t)]; }
void* get_img_start() { return &ram[0x100000 / sizeof(uint64_t)]; }
long get_img_size() { return img_size; }
void init_ram(const char *img, const char *mainargs) {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ void init_ram(const char *img, const char *mainargs) {
extern "C" void ram_helper(
uint32_t rIdx, uint32_t *rdata, uint32_t wIdx, uint32_t wdata, uint32_t wmask, uint8_t wen) {
uint64_t rIdx, uint64_t *rdata, uint64_t wIdx, uint64_t wdata, uint64_t wmask, uint8_t wen) {
*rdata = ram[rIdx];
if (wen) { ram[wIdx] = (ram[wIdx] & ~wmask) | (wdata & wmask); }
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ class DeviceHelper extends BlackBox {
val reset = Input(Bool())
val reqValid = Input(Bool())
val reqWen = Input(Bool())
val reqAddr = Input(UInt(32.W))
val reqWdata = Input(UInt(32.W))
val reqWmask = Input(UInt(4.W))
val respRdata = Output(UInt(32.W))
val reqAddr = Input(UInt(64.W))
val reqWdata = Input(UInt(64.W))
val reqWmask = Input(UInt(8.W))
val respRdata = Output(UInt(64.W))
import "DPI-C" function void device_helper
input bit req_wen,
input int req_addr,
input int req_wdata,
input longint req_addr,
input longint req_wdata,
input byte req_wmask,
output int resp_rdata
output longint resp_rdata
module DeviceHelper(
......@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ module DeviceHelper(
input reset,
input reqValid,
input reqWen,
input [31:0] reqAddr,
input [31:0] reqWdata,
input [3:0] reqWmask,
output [31:0] respRdata
input [63:0] reqAddr,
input [63:0] reqWdata,
input [7:0] reqWmask,
output [63:0] respRdata
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reqValid && !reset) device_helper(reqWen, reqAddr, reqWdata, {4'b0, reqWmask}, respRdata);
if (reqValid && !reset) device_helper(reqWen, reqAddr, reqWdata, reqWmask, respRdata);
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import "DPI-C" function void monitor
input int trapCode,
input int trapPC,
input longint trapPC,
input int cycleCnt,
input int instrCnt
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Monitor(
input reset,
input isNoopTrap,
input [31:0] trapCode,
input [31:0] trapPC,
input [63:0] trapPC,
input [31:0] cycleCnt,
input [31:0] instrCnt
import "DPI-C" function void ram_helper
input int rIdx,
output int rdata,
input int wIdx,
input int wdata,
input int wmask,
input longint rIdx,
output longint rdata,
input longint wIdx,
input longint wdata,
input longint wmask,
input bit wen
module RAMHelper(
input clk,
input [31:0] rIdx,
output [31:0] rdata,
input [31:0] wIdx,
input [31:0] wdata,
input [31:0] wmask,
input [63:0] rIdx,
output [63:0] rdata,
input [63:0] wIdx,
input [63:0] wdata,
input [63:0] wmask,
input wen
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