未验证 提交 a483ee06 编写于 作者: G Guokai Chen 提交者: GitHub

Predecode: fix unintended width cast (#2150)

上级 19484ea4
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class PredChecker(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule with HasPdConst {
notCFITaken := VecInit(pds.zipWithIndex.map{case(pd, i) => fixedRange(i) && instrValid(i) && i.U === takenIdx && pd.notCFI && predTaken })
invalidTaken := VecInit(pds.zipWithIndex.map{case(pd, i) => fixedRange(i) && !instrValid(i) && i.U === takenIdx && predTaken })
val jumpTargets = VecInit(pds.zipWithIndex.map{case(pd,i) => pc(i) + jumpOffset(i)})
val jumpTargets = VecInit(pds.zipWithIndex.map{case(pd,i) => (pc(i) + jumpOffset(i)).asTypeOf(UInt(VAddrBits.W))})
val seqTargets = VecInit((0 until PredictWidth).map(i => pc(i) + Mux(pds(i).isRVC || !instrValid(i), 2.U, 4.U ) ))
//Stage 2: detect target fault
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