未验证 提交 a108d429 编写于 作者: J Jay 提交者: GitHub

IPrefetch: add prefetch address merge and counter (#1404)

* fix performance counter in ICacheMainpipe

* IPrefetch: add prefetch address merge and counter
上级 0bebd829
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class MinimalConfig(n: Int = 1) extends Config(
nMissEntries = 2,
nReleaseEntries = 2,
nProbeEntries = 2,
nPrefetchEntries = 4,
nPrefetchEntries = 2,
hasPrefetch = false
dcacheParametersOpt = Some(DCacheParameters(
......@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ case class XSCoreParameters
nMissEntries = 2,
nReleaseEntries = 2,
nProbeEntries = 2,
nPrefetchEntries = 4,
hasPrefetch = false,
nPrefetchEntries = 2,
hasPrefetch = true,
dcacheParametersOpt: Option[DCacheParameters] = Some(DCacheParameters(
tagECC = Some("secded"),
......@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ class NewIFU(implicit p: Parameters) extends XSModule
XSPerfAccumulate("hit_0_miss_1", f3_perf_info.hit_0_miss_1 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("miss_0_hit_1", f3_perf_info.miss_0_hit_1 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("miss_0_miss_1", f3_perf_info.miss_0_miss_1 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("hit_0_except_1", f3_perf_info.hit_0_except_1 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("miss_0_except_1", f3_perf_info.miss_0_except_1 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("except_0", f3_perf_info.except_0 && io.toIbuffer.fire() )
XSPerfAccumulate("cross_line_block", io.toIbuffer.fire() && f3_situation(0) )
XSPerfAccumulate("fall_through_is_cacheline_end", io.toIbuffer.fire() && f3_situation(1) )
......@@ -495,6 +495,10 @@ class ICacheImp(outer: ICache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) with HasICacheParame
mainPipe.io.pmp(0).resp <> io.pmp(0).resp
prefetchPipe.io.pmp.resp <> io.pmp(0).resp
prefetchPipe.io.prefetchEnable := mainPipe.io.prefetchEnable
prefetchPipe.io.prefetchDisable := mainPipe.io.prefetchDisable
io.pmp(1) <> mainPipe.io.pmp(1)
when(mainPipe.io.pmp(0).req.valid && prefetchPipe.io.pmp.req.valid)
......@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ class ICachePerfInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends ICacheBundle{
val hit_0_miss_1 = Bool()
val miss_0_hit_1 = Bool()
val miss_0_miss_1 = Bool()
val hit_0_except_1 = Bool()
val miss_0_except_1 = Bool()
val except_0 = Bool()
val bank_hit = Vec(2,Bool())
val hit = Bool()
......@@ -93,6 +96,8 @@ class ICacheMainPipeInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends ICacheBundle {
val respStall = Input(Bool())
val perfInfo = Output(new ICachePerfInfo)
val prefetchEnable = Output(Bool())
val prefetchDisable = Output(Bool())
val csr_parity_enable = Input(Bool())
......@@ -113,8 +118,10 @@ class ICacheMainPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ICacheModule
val s0_ready, s1_ready, s2_ready = WireInit(false.B)
val s0_fire, s1_fire , s2_fire = WireInit(false.B)
val missSwitchBit = RegInit(false.B)
val missSwitchBit = RegInit(false.B)
io.prefetchEnable := false.B
io.prefetchDisable := false.B
/** replacement status register */
val touch_sets = Seq.fill(2)(Wire(Vec(2, UInt(log2Ceil(nSets/2).W))))
val touch_ways = Seq.fill(2)(Wire(Vec(2, Valid(UInt(log2Ceil(nWays).W)))) )
......@@ -562,10 +569,13 @@ class ICacheMainPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ICacheModule
missSwitchBit := true.B
io.prefetchEnable := true.B
}.elsewhen(missSwitchBit && s2_fetch_finish){
missSwitchBit := false.B
io.prefetchDisable := true.B
val miss_all_fix = wait_state === wait_finish
s2_fetch_finish := ((s2_valid && s2_fixed_hit) || miss_all_fix || hit_0_except_1_latch || except_0_latch || s2_mmio)
......@@ -610,15 +620,18 @@ class ICacheMainPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ICacheModule
io.perfInfo.only_0_hit := only_0_miss_latch
io.perfInfo.only_0_hit := only_0_hit_latch
io.perfInfo.only_0_miss := only_0_miss_latch
io.perfInfo.hit_0_hit_1 := hit_0_hit_1_latch
io.perfInfo.hit_0_miss_1 := hit_0_miss_1_latch
io.perfInfo.miss_0_hit_1 := miss_0_hit_1_latch
io.perfInfo.miss_0_miss_1 := miss_0_miss_1_latch
io.perfInfo.hit_0_except_1 := hit_0_except_1_latch
io.perfInfo.miss_0_except_1 := miss_0_except_1_latch
io.perfInfo.except_0 := except_0_latch
io.perfInfo.bank_hit(0) := only_0_miss_latch || hit_0_hit_1_latch || hit_0_miss_1_latch || hit_0_except_1_latch
io.perfInfo.bank_hit(1) := miss_0_hit_1_latch || hit_0_hit_1_latch
io.perfInfo.hit := hit_0_hit_1_latch
io.perfInfo.hit := hit_0_hit_1_latch || only_0_hit_latch || hit_0_except_1_latch || except_0_latch
/** <PERF> fetch bubble generated by icache miss*/
......@@ -51,12 +51,34 @@ class IPredfetchIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchBundle {
val toIMeta = Decoupled(new ICacheReadBundle)
val fromIMeta = Input(new ICacheMetaRespBundle)
val toMissUnit = new IPrefetchToMissUnit
val prefetchEnable = Input(Bool())
val prefetchDisable = Input(Bool())
class IPrefetchPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchModule
val io = IO(new IPredfetchIO)
val enableBit = RegInit(false.B)
val maxPrefetchCoutner = RegInit(0.U(log2Ceil(nPrefetchEntries + 1).W))
val reachMaxSize = maxPrefetchCoutner === nPrefetchEntries.U
enableBit := true.B
}.elsewhen((enableBit && io.prefetchDisable) || (enableBit && reachMaxSize)){
enableBit := false.B
class PrefetchDir(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchBundle
val valid = Bool()
val paddr = UInt(PAddrBits.W)
val prefetch_dir = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(nPrefetchEntries)(0.U.asTypeOf(new PrefetchDir))))
val fromFtq = io.fromFtq
val (toITLB, fromITLB) = (io.iTLBInter.req, io.iTLBInter.resp)
val (toIMeta, fromIMeta) = (io.toIMeta, io.fromIMeta.metaData(0))
......@@ -70,7 +92,7 @@ class IPrefetchPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchModule
/** Prefetch Stage 0: req from Ftq */
val p0_valid = fromFtq.req.valid
val p0_vaddr = addrAlign(fromFtq.req.bits.target, blockBytes, PAddrBits)
p0_fire := p0_valid && p1_ready && toITLB.fire() && !fromITLB.bits.miss && toIMeta.ready
p0_fire := p0_valid && p1_ready && toITLB.fire() && !fromITLB.bits.miss && toIMeta.ready && enableBit
toIMeta.valid := p0_valid
toIMeta.bits.vSetIdx(0) := get_idx(p0_vaddr)
......@@ -90,7 +112,7 @@ class IPrefetchPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchModule
fromITLB.ready := true.B
fromFtq.req.ready := p1_ready && GTimer() > 500.U
fromFtq.req.ready := (!enableBit || (enableBit && p0_fire)) && GTimer() > 500.U
/** Prefetch Stage 1: cache probe filter */
val p1_valid = generatePipeControl(lastFire = p0_fire, thisFire = p1_fire || p1_discard, thisFlush = false.B, lastFlush = false.B)
......@@ -124,7 +146,7 @@ class IPrefetchPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchModule
val p1_req_accept = p1_valid && tlb_resp_valid && p1_miss
p1_ready := p1_fire || p1_req_cancle || !p1_valid
p1_fire := p1_valid && p1_req_accept && p2_ready
p1_fire := p1_valid && p1_req_accept && p2_ready && enableBit
p1_discard := p1_valid && p1_req_cancle
/** Prefetch Stage 2: filtered req PIQ enqueue */
......@@ -150,14 +172,29 @@ class IPrefetchPipe(implicit p: Parameters) extends IPrefetchModule
p2_discard := p2_valid && ((p2_exception && p2_pmp_fire) || !io.pmp.req.ready)
/** Prefetch Stage 2: filtered req PIQ enqueue */
val p3_valid = generatePipeControl(lastFire = p2_fire, thisFire = p3_fire, thisFlush = false.B, lastFlush = false.B)
val p3_valid = generatePipeControl(lastFire = p2_fire, thisFire = p3_fire || p3_discard, thisFlush = false.B, lastFlush = false.B)
val p3_paddr = RegEnable(next = p2_paddr, enable = p2_fire)
val p3_paddr = RegEnable(next = tlb_resp_paddr, enable = p2_fire)
val p3_hit_dir = VecInit((0 until nPrefetchEntries).map(i => prefetch_dir(i).valid && prefetch_dir(i).paddr === p3_paddr )).reduce(_||_)
toMissUnit.enqReq.valid := p3_valid
p3_discard := p3_hit_dir
toMissUnit.enqReq.valid := p3_valid && enableBit && !p3_discard
toMissUnit.enqReq.bits.paddr := p3_paddr
p3_ready := toMissUnit.enqReq.ready
maxPrefetchCoutner := 0.U
prefetch_dir.foreach(_.valid := false.B)
maxPrefetchCoutner := maxPrefetchCoutner + 1.U
prefetch_dir(maxPrefetchCoutner).valid := true.B
prefetch_dir(maxPrefetchCoutner).paddr := p3_paddr
p3_ready := toMissUnit.enqReq.ready || !enableBit
p3_fire := toMissUnit.enqReq.fire()
......@@ -220,13 +257,6 @@ class IPrefetchEntry(edge: TLEdgeOut, id: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends I
io.mem_hint.bits.user.lift(PreferCacheKey).foreach(_ := true.B)
"PrefetchEntryPenalty" + Integer.toString(id, 10),
start = io.req.fire(),
stop = io.mem_hint_ack.fire(),
startHighPriority = true)
XSPerfAccumulate("PrefetchEntryReq" + Integer.toString(id, 10), io.req.fire())
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