提交 9f956ac4 编写于 作者: L Lingrui98

ubtb: fix write waymask of fallThruPred

上级 b6c4f5c1
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class MicroBTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BasePredictor
(!doing_reset && doing_decay, decay_idx),
(!(doing_reset || doing_decay) && io.wen, io.widx >> log2Ceil(ftPredFoldWidth))
val waymask = UIntToOH(io.widx(log2Ceil(ftPredFoldWidth)-1, 0)) | Fill(ftPredFoldWidth, 1.U(1.W)).asUInt
val waymask = UIntToOH(io.widx(log2Ceil(ftPredFoldWidth)-1, 0)) | Fill(ftPredFoldWidth, (doing_reset || doing_decay).asTypeOf(UInt(1.W))).asUInt
val ram_wen = io.wen || doing_decay || doing_reset
ram.io.w.apply(ram_wen, wdata, widx, waymask)
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