提交 9b538998 编写于 作者: Z ZhangZifei

[WIP] add bpass & wakeup part

上级 f02ea73a
......@@ -4,7 +4,20 @@ import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import xiangshan._
import xiangshan.backend.exu.{Exu, ExuConfig}
import java.rmi.registry.Registry
import java.{util => ju}
class SrcBundle extends XSBundle {
val src = UInt(PhyRegIdxWidth.W)
val state = SrcState()
val srctype = SrcType()
def hit(uop: MicorOp) : Bool = {
(src === uop.pdest) && (state === SrcState.busy) &&
((srctype === SrcType.reg && uop.ctrl.rfWen) ||
(srctype === SrcType.fp && uop.ctrl.fpWen))
class ReservationStationNew
......@@ -52,64 +65,114 @@ class ReservationStationNew
io <> DontCare
// TODO: wanna put state machine into ReservationEntry, but difficult to use if we do that, how?
val entries = (0 until iqSize).map{val entry = Module(new ReservationEntry); entry.io}
val tailPtr = RegInit(0.U((iqIdxWidth+1).W))
val idxQueue = RegInit(VecInit((0 until qsize).map(_.U(idxWidth.W))))
val emptyQueueTmp = VecInit(entries.map(_.state.empty))
val emptyQueue = (0 until iqSize).map(emptyQueueTmp(idxQueue(i))) // TODO: may have long latency
// GOAL:
// 1. divide control part and data part
// 2. store control signal in sending RS and send out when after paticular cycles
// 3. one RS only have one paticular delay
// 4. remove the issue stage
// 5. support replay will cause one or two more latency for state machine change
// so would not support replay in current edition.
// here is three logial part:
// control part: psrc(5.W)*3 srcState(1.W)*3 fuOpType/Latency(3.W) roqIdx
// data part: data(64.W)*3
// other part: lsroqIdx and many other signal in uop. may set them to control part(close to dispatch)
// control part:
val validQueue = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(false.B)))
val srcQueue = RegInit(Vec(iqSize, Seq.fill(srcNum)(new SrcBundle)))
// data part:
val data = Reg(Vec(iqSize, Seq.fill(3/*srcNum*/)(UInt(XLEN.W))))
// other part:
val uop = Reg(Vec(iqSize, new MicroOp))
// rs queue part:
val tailPtr = RegInit(0.U(idxWidth+1).W)
val idxQueue = RegInit(VecInit((0 until iqSize).map(_.U(idxWidth.W))))
val readyQueue = srcState.map(_.andR).zip(validQueue).map(_&_)
// real deq
// TODO: can we apply multi-in multi-out style?
val (firstBubble, findBubble) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(emptyQueue)
val realDeqIdx = firstBubble
val realDeqValid = (firstBubble < tailPtr) && findBubble
// TODO:
val (firstBubble, findBubble) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(validQueue.map(!_))
val (firstReady, findReady) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(validQueue)
val deqIdx = Mux(findBubble, firstBubble, findReady)
val deqValid = ((firstBubble < tailPtr) && findBubble) || ((firstReady < tailPtr) && findReady)
val moveMask = {
(Fill(qsize, 1.U(1.W)) << realDeqIdx)(qsize-1, 0)
} & Fill(qsize, realDeqValid)
(Fill(iqSize, 1.U(1.W)) << deqIdx)(qsize-1, 0)
} & Fill(iqSize, deqValid)
for(i <- 0 until qsize-1){
idxQueue(i) := idxQueue(i+1)
idxQueue(i) := idxQueue(i+1)
srcQueue(i) := srcQueue(i+1)
validQueue(i) := validQueue(i+1)
idxQueue.last := idxQueue(realDeqIdx)
validQueue.last := false.B
// wakeup and bypass and flush
// data update and control update
// bypass update and wakeup update -> wakeup method and bypass method may not be ok
// for ld/st, still need send to control part, long latency
def wakeup(src: SrcState) : (Bool, UInt) = {
val hitVec = extraListenPorts.map(port => src.hit(port.bits.uop) && port.valid)
assert(PopCount(hitVec)===0.U || PopCount(hitVec)===1.U)
val hit = hitVec.orR
(Mux(hit, ParallelMux(hitVec zip extraListenPorts.map(_.data)))
def bypass(src: SrcState) : (Bool, Bool, UInt) = {
val hitVec = broadcastedUops.map(port => src.hit(port.bits) && port.valid)
assert(PopCount(hitVec)===0.U || PopCount(hitVec)===1.U)
val hit = hitVec.orR
(Mux(hit, RegNext(hit), ParallelMux(RegNext(hitVec) zip writeBackedData))
for (i <- 0 until iqSize) {
entries(i).bypassUops := io.boradcastedUops
entries(i).bypassData := io.writeBackedData
entries(i).wakeup := io.extraListenPorts
entries(i).redirect := io.redirect
for (j <- 0 until srcNum) {
val (wuHit, wuData) = wakeup(srcQueue(i)(j))
val (bpHit, bpHitReg, bpData) = bypass(srcQueue(i)(j))
assert(!(bpHit && wuHit))
assert(!(bpHitReg && wuHit))
when (wuHit || bpHit) { srcQueue(i)(j).srcState := SrcState.rdy }
when (wuHit) { data(idxQueue(i))(j) := wuData }
when (bpHitReg) { data(RegNext(idxQueue(i)))(j) := bpData }
// NOTE: can not use Mem/Sram to store data, for multi-read/multi-write
// select
val rdyQueue = entries.map(_.state.ready)
val selectedIdxRegOH = Wire(UInt(qsize.W))
val selectMask = WireInit(VecInit(
(0 until qsize).map(i =>
rdyQueue(i) && !(selectedIdxRegOH(i) && io.deq.fire()) // TODO: read it
readyQueue(i) && !(selectedIdxRegOH(i) && io.deq.fire()) // TODO: read it
val (selectedIdxWire, sel) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(selectMask)
val selReg = RegNext(sel)
val (selectedIdxWire, selected) = PriorityEncoderWithFlag(selectMask)
val selReg = RegNext(selected)
val selectedIdxReg = RegNext(selectedIdxWire - moveMask(selectedIdxWire))
selectedIdxRegOH := UIntToOH(selectedIdxReg)
// fake deq
// TODO: add fake deq later
// TODO: add deq: may have one more latency, but for replay later.
// TODO: may change to another way to deq and select, for there is no Vec, but Seq, change to multi-in multi-out
io.deq.valid := rdyQueue(selectedIdxReg) && selReg // TODO: read it and add assert for rdyQueue
io.deq.bits.uop := entries(0).io.out.uop
for (i <- 0 until iqSize) {
when (idxQueue(selectedIdxReg)===i.U) {
io.deq.bits.uop := entries(i).out.uop
io.deq.valid := readyQueue(selectedIdxReg) && selReg // TODO: read it and add assert for rdyQueue
io.deq.bits.uop := uop(idxQueue(selectedIdxReg))
io.deq.bits.uop.src1 := data(selectedIdxReg)(0)
if(srcNum > 1) { io.deq.bits.uop.src2 := data(selectedIdxReg)(1) }
if(srcNum > 2) { io.deq.bits.uop.src3 := data(selectedIdxReg)(2) } // TODO: beautify it
io.deq.bits.uop.src1State := srcQueue(selectedIdxReg)(0).state
if(srcNum > 1) { io.deq.bits.uop.src2State := srcQueue(selectedIdxReg)(1).state }
if(srcNum > 2) { io.deq.bits.uop.src3State := srcQueue(selectedIdxReg)(2).state }
// enq
val tailAfterRealDeq = tailPtr - moveMask(tailPtr.tail(1))
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