提交 9435fd6f 编写于 作者: Z zoujr

BPU: Change the u in the TAGE from register to SRAM implementation

上级 c8967b56
......@@ -150,6 +150,38 @@ class SRAMTemplate[T <: Data](gen: T, set: Int, way: Int = 1,
class FoldedSRAMTemplate[T <: Data](gen: T, set: Int, width: Int = 4,
shouldReset: Boolean = false, holdRead: Boolean = false, singlePort: Boolean = false, bypassWrite: Boolean = false) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val r = Flipped(new SRAMReadBus(gen, set, 1))
val w = Flipped(new SRAMWriteBus(gen, set, 1))
require(width > 0 && isPow2(width))
require(set % width == 0)
val nRows = set / width
val array = Module(new SRAMTemplate(gen, set=nRows, way=width, shouldReset=shouldReset, holdRead=holdRead, singlePort=singlePort))
io.r.req.ready := array.io.r.req.ready
io.w.req.ready := array.io.w.req.ready
val raddr = io.r.req.bits.setIdx >> log2Ceil(width)
val ridx = RegNext(io.r.req.bits.setIdx(log2Ceil(width)-1, 0))
val ren = io.r.req.valid
array.io.r.req.valid := ren
array.io.r.req.bits.setIdx := raddr
io.r.resp.data(0) := array.io.r.resp.data(ridx)
val wen = io.w.req.valid
val wdata = VecInit(Seq.fill(width)(io.w.req.bits.data(0)))
val waddr = io.w.req.bits.setIdx >> log2Ceil(width)
val wmask = UIntToOH(io.w.req.bits.setIdx(log2Ceil(width)-1, 0))
array.io.w.apply(wen, wdata, waddr, wmask)
class SRAMTemplateWithArbiter[T <: Data](nRead: Int, gen: T, set: Int, way: Int = 1,
shouldReset: Boolean = false) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ trait TageParams extends HasBPUConst with HasXSParameter {
val TageBanks = numBr
val UBitPeriod = 256
val TageCtrBits = 3
val uFoldedWidth = 8
val TotalBits = BankTageTableInfos.map { info =>
......@@ -310,8 +311,8 @@ class TageTable
// val s1_pc = io.req.bits.pc
val req_unhashed_idx = getUnhashedIdx(io.req.bits.pc)
val hi_us = Module(new Folded1WDataModuleTemplate(Bool(), nRows, numRead=1, isSync=true, width=8))
val lo_us = Module(new Folded1WDataModuleTemplate(Bool(), nRows, numRead=1, isSync=true, width=8))
val hi_us = Module(new FoldedSRAMTemplate(Bool(), nRows, width=uFoldedWidth, shouldReset=true, holdRead=true))
val lo_us = Module(new FoldedSRAMTemplate(Bool(), nRows, width=uFoldedWidth, shouldReset=true, holdRead=true))
val table = Module(new SRAMTemplate(new TageEntry, set=nRows, way=1, shouldReset=true, holdRead=true, singlePort=false))
......@@ -320,14 +321,16 @@ class TageTable
table.io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid
table.io.r.req.bits.setIdx := s0_idx
hi_us.io.raddr(0) := s0_idx
lo_us.io.raddr(0) := s0_idx
hi_us.io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid
hi_us.io.r.req.bits.setIdx := s0_idx
lo_us.io.r.req.valid := io.req.valid
lo_us.io.r.req.bits.setIdx := s0_idx
val s1_idx = RegEnable(s0_idx, io.req.valid)
val s1_tag = RegEnable(s0_tag, io.req.valid)
val hi_us_r = hi_us.io.rdata(0) // s1
val lo_us_r = lo_us.io.rdata(0) // s1
val hi_us_r = hi_us.io.r.resp.data(0)
val lo_us_r = lo_us.io.r.resp.data(0)
val table_r = table.io.r.resp.data(0) // s1
......@@ -366,16 +369,24 @@ class TageTable
val update_lo_wdata = Wire(Bool())
val hi_wen = io.update.uMask || doing_clear_u_hi
hi_us.io.wen := hi_wen
hi_us.io.wdata := Mux(doing_clear_u_hi, false.B, update_hi_wdata)
hi_us.io.waddr := Mux(doing_clear_u_hi, clear_u_idx, update_idx)
val hi_us_wdata = Mux(doing_clear_u_hi, false.B, update_hi_wdata)
val hi_us_setIdx = Mux(doing_clear_u_hi, clear_u_idx, update_idx)
valid = hi_wen,
data = hi_us_wdata,
setIdx = hi_us_setIdx,
waymask = true.B
val lo_wen = io.update.uMask || doing_clear_u_lo
lo_us.io.wen := lo_wen
lo_us.io.wdata := Mux(doing_clear_u_lo, false.B, update_lo_wdata)
lo_us.io.waddr := Mux(doing_clear_u_lo, clear_u_idx, update_idx)
val lo_us_wdata = Mux(doing_clear_u_lo, false.B, update_lo_wdata)
val lo_us_setIdx = Mux(doing_clear_u_lo, clear_u_idx, update_idx)
valid = lo_wen,
data = lo_us_wdata,
setIdx = lo_us_setIdx,
waymask = true.B
class WrBypass extends XSModule {
......@@ -693,7 +704,7 @@ class Tage(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTage {
// update base table if used base table to predict
when (updateValid) {
when (updateValid) {
when(updateMeta.provider.valid) {
when(~up_altpredhit && updateMisPred && (updateMeta.predcnt === 3.U || updateMeta.predcnt === 4.U)) {
baseupdate(w) := true.B
......@@ -710,7 +721,7 @@ class Tage(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTage {
baseupdate(w) := false.B
updatebcnt(w) := updateMeta.basecnt
// if mispredicted and not the case that
// provider offered correct target but used altpred due to unconfident
when (updateValid && updateMisPred && ~((updateMeta.predcnt === 3.U && ~isUpdateTaken || updateMeta.predcnt === 4.U && isUpdateTaken) && updateMeta.provider.valid)) {
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