提交 74ea8036 编写于 作者: J Jenius 提交者: Lingrui98

use upstream ( rochet-chip ) Replacement.scala

* reset state_vec register in replacement
上级 fd16c454
......@@ -26,22 +26,6 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.property.cover
import xiangshan.{XSCoreParameters}
abstract class ReplacementPolicy {
def nBits: Int
def perSet: Boolean
def way: UInt
def miss: Unit
def hit: Unit
def access(touch_way: UInt): Unit
def access(touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): Unit
def state_read: UInt
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_way: UInt): UInt
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): UInt = {
touch_ways.foldLeft(state)((prev, touch_way) => Mux(touch_way.valid, get_next_state(prev, touch_way.bits), prev))
def get_replace_way(state: UInt): UInt
object ReplacementPolicy {
//for fully associative mapping
def fromString(s: Option[String],n_ways: Int): ReplacementPolicy = fromString(s.getOrElse("none"),n_ways)
......@@ -61,295 +45,6 @@ object ReplacementPolicy {
class RandomReplacement(n_ways: Int) extends ReplacementPolicy {
private val replace = Wire(Bool())
replace := false.B
def nBits = 16
def perSet = false
private val lfsr = LFSR(nBits, replace)
def state_read = WireDefault(lfsr)
def way = Random(n_ways, lfsr)
def miss = replace := true.B
def hit = {}
def access(touch_way: UInt) = replace := true.B
def access(touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]) = replace := true.B
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_way: UInt) = 0.U //DontCare
def get_replace_way(state: UInt) = way
abstract class SeqReplacementPolicy {
def access(set: UInt): Unit
def update(valid: Bool, hit: Bool, set: UInt, way: UInt): Unit
def way: UInt
abstract class SetAssocReplacementPolicy {
def access(set: UInt, touch_way: UInt): Unit
def access(sets: Seq[UInt], touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): Unit
def way(set: UInt): UInt
class SeqRandom(n_ways: Int) extends SeqReplacementPolicy {
val logic = new RandomReplacement(n_ways)
def access(set: UInt) = { }
def update(valid: Bool, hit: Bool, set: UInt, way: UInt) = {
when (valid && !hit) { logic.miss }
def way = logic.way
class TrueLRU(n_ways: Int) extends ReplacementPolicy {
// True LRU replacement policy, using a triangular matrix to track which sets are more recently used than others.
// The matrix is packed into a single UInt (or Bits). Example 4-way (6-bits):
// [5] - 3 more recent than 2
// [4] - 3 more recent than 1
// [3] - 2 more recent than 1
// [2] - 3 more recent than 0
// [1] - 2 more recent than 0
// [0] - 1 more recent than 0
def nBits = (n_ways * (n_ways-1)) / 2
def perSet = true
private val state_reg = RegInit(0.U(nBits.W))
def state_read = WireDefault(state_reg)
private def extractMRUVec(state: UInt): Seq[UInt] = {
// Extract per-way information about which higher-indexed ways are more recently used
val moreRecentVec = Wire(Vec(n_ways-1, UInt(n_ways.W)))
var lsb = 0
for (i <- 0 until n_ways-1) {
moreRecentVec(i) := Cat(state(lsb+n_ways-i-2,lsb), 0.U((i+1).W))
lsb = lsb + (n_ways - i - 1)
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_way: UInt): UInt = {
val nextState = Wire(Vec(n_ways-1, UInt(n_ways.W)))
val moreRecentVec = extractMRUVec(state) // reconstruct lower triangular matrix
val wayDec = UIntToOH(touch_way, n_ways)
// Compute next value of triangular matrix
// set the touched way as more recent than every other way
nextState.zipWithIndex.map { case (e, i) =>
e := Mux(i.U === touch_way, 0.U(n_ways.W), moreRecentVec(i) | wayDec)
nextState.zipWithIndex.tail.foldLeft((nextState.head.apply(n_ways-1,1),0)) { case ((pe,pi),(ce,ci)) => (Cat(ce.apply(n_ways-1,ci+1), pe), ci) }._1
def access(touch_way: UInt): Unit = {
state_reg := get_next_state(state_reg, touch_way)
def access(touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): Unit = {
when (touch_ways.map(_.valid).orR) {
state_reg := get_next_state(state_reg, touch_ways)
for (i <- 1 until touch_ways.size) {
cover(PopCount(touch_ways.map(_.valid)) === i.U, s"LRU_UpdateCount$i", s"LRU Update $i simultaneous")
def get_replace_way(state: UInt): UInt = {
val moreRecentVec = extractMRUVec(state) // reconstruct lower triangular matrix
// For each way, determine if all other ways are more recent
val mruWayDec = (0 until n_ways).map { i =>
val upperMoreRecent = (if (i == n_ways-1) true.B else moreRecentVec(i).apply(n_ways-1,i+1).andR)
val lowerMoreRecent = (if (i == 0) true.B else moreRecentVec.map(e => !e(i)).reduce(_ && _))
upperMoreRecent && lowerMoreRecent
def way = get_replace_way(state_reg)
def miss = access(way)
def hit = {}
@deprecated("replace 'replace' with 'way' from abstract class ReplacementPolicy","Rocket Chip 2020.05")
def replace: UInt = way
class PseudoLRU(n_ways: Int) extends ReplacementPolicy {
// Pseudo-LRU tree algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-LRU#Tree-PLRU
// - bits storage example for 4-way PLRU binary tree:
// bit[2]: ways 3+2 older than ways 1+0
// / \
// bit[1]: way 3 older than way 2 bit[0]: way 1 older than way 0
// - bits storage example for 3-way PLRU binary tree:
// bit[1]: way 2 older than ways 1+0
// \
// bit[0]: way 1 older than way 0
// - bits storage example for 8-way PLRU binary tree:
// bit[6]: ways 7-4 older than ways 3-0
// / \
// bit[5]: ways 7+6 > 5+4 bit[2]: ways 3+2 > 1+0
// / \ / \
// bit[4]: way 7>6 bit[3]: way 5>4 bit[1]: way 3>2 bit[0]: way 1>0
def nBits = n_ways - 1
def perSet = true
private val state_reg = if (nBits == 0) Reg(UInt(0.W)) else RegInit(0.U(nBits.W))
def state_read = WireDefault(state_reg)
def access(touch_way: UInt): Unit = {
state_reg := get_next_state(state_reg, touch_way)
def access(touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): Unit = {
when (touch_ways.map(_.valid).orR) {
state_reg := get_next_state(state_reg, touch_ways)
for (i <- 1 until touch_ways.size) {
cover(PopCount(touch_ways.map(_.valid)) === i.U, s"PLRU_UpdateCount$i", s"PLRU Update $i simultaneous")
/** @param state state_reg bits for this sub-tree
* @param touch_way touched way encoded value bits for this sub-tree
* @param tree_nways number of ways in this sub-tree
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_way: UInt, tree_nways: Int): UInt = {
require(state.getWidth == (tree_nways-1), s"wrong state bits width ${state.getWidth} for $tree_nways ways")
require(touch_way.getWidth == (log2Ceil(tree_nways) max 1), s"wrong encoded way width ${touch_way.getWidth} for $tree_nways ways")
if (tree_nways > 2) {
// we are at a branching node in the tree, so recurse
val right_nways: Int = 1 << (log2Ceil(tree_nways) - 1) // number of ways in the right sub-tree
val left_nways: Int = tree_nways - right_nways // number of ways in the left sub-tree
val set_left_older = !touch_way(log2Ceil(tree_nways)-1)
val left_subtree_state = state.extract(tree_nways-3, right_nways-1)
val right_subtree_state = state(right_nways-2, 0)
if (left_nways > 1) {
// we are at a branching node in the tree with both left and right sub-trees, so recurse both sub-trees
left_subtree_state, // if setting left sub-tree as older, do NOT recurse into left sub-tree
get_next_state(left_subtree_state, touch_way.extract(log2Ceil(left_nways)-1,0), left_nways)), // recurse left if newer
get_next_state(right_subtree_state, touch_way(log2Ceil(right_nways)-1,0), right_nways), // recurse right if newer
right_subtree_state)) // if setting right sub-tree as older, do NOT recurse into right sub-tree
} else {
// we are at a branching node in the tree with only a right sub-tree, so recurse only right sub-tree
get_next_state(right_subtree_state, touch_way(log2Ceil(right_nways)-1,0), right_nways), // recurse right if newer
right_subtree_state)) // if setting right sub-tree as older, do NOT recurse into right sub-tree
} else if (tree_nways == 2) {
// we are at a leaf node at the end of the tree, so set the single state bit opposite of the lsb of the touched way encoded value
} else { // tree_nways <= 1
// we are at an empty node in an empty tree for 1 way, so return single zero bit for Chisel (no zero-width wires)
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_way: UInt): UInt = {
val touch_way_sized = if (touch_way.getWidth < log2Ceil(n_ways)) touch_way.padTo (log2Ceil(n_ways))
else touch_way.extract(log2Ceil(n_ways)-1,0)
get_next_state(state, touch_way_sized, n_ways)
/** @param state state_reg bits for this sub-tree
* @param tree_nways number of ways in this sub-tree
def get_replace_way(state: UInt, tree_nways: Int): UInt = {
require(state.getWidth == (tree_nways-1), s"wrong state bits width ${state.getWidth} for $tree_nways ways")
// this algorithm recursively descends the binary tree, filling in the way-to-replace encoded value from msb to lsb
if (tree_nways > 2) {
// we are at a branching node in the tree, so recurse
val right_nways: Int = 1 << (log2Ceil(tree_nways) - 1) // number of ways in the right sub-tree
val left_nways: Int = tree_nways - right_nways // number of ways in the left sub-tree
val left_subtree_older = state(tree_nways-2)
val left_subtree_state = state.extract(tree_nways-3, right_nways-1)
val right_subtree_state = state(right_nways-2, 0)
if (left_nways > 1) {
// we are at a branching node in the tree with both left and right sub-trees, so recurse both sub-trees
Cat(left_subtree_older, // return the top state bit (current tree node) as msb of the way-to-replace encoded value
Mux(left_subtree_older, // if left sub-tree is older, recurse left, else recurse right
get_replace_way(left_subtree_state, left_nways), // recurse left
get_replace_way(right_subtree_state, right_nways))) // recurse right
} else {
// we are at a branching node in the tree with only a right sub-tree, so recurse only right sub-tree
Cat(left_subtree_older, // return the top state bit (current tree node) as msb of the way-to-replace encoded value
Mux(left_subtree_older, // if left sub-tree is older, return and do not recurse right
get_replace_way(right_subtree_state, right_nways))) // recurse right
} else if (tree_nways == 2) {
// we are at a leaf node at the end of the tree, so just return the single state bit as lsb of the way-to-replace encoded value
} else { // tree_nways <= 1
// we are at an empty node in an unbalanced tree for non-power-of-2 ways, so return single zero bit as lsb of the way-to-replace encoded value
def get_replace_way(state: UInt): UInt = get_replace_way(state, n_ways)
def way = get_replace_way(state_reg)
def miss = access(way)
def hit = {}
class SeqPLRU(n_sets: Int, n_ways: Int) extends SeqReplacementPolicy {
val logic = new PseudoLRU(n_ways)
val state = SyncReadMem(n_sets, UInt(logic.nBits.W))
val current_state = Wire(UInt(logic.nBits.W))
val next_state = Wire(UInt(logic.nBits.W))
val plru_way = logic.get_replace_way(current_state)
def access(set: UInt) = {
current_state := state.read(set)
def update(valid: Bool, hit: Bool, set: UInt, way: UInt) = {
val update_way = Mux(hit, way, plru_way)
next_state := logic.get_next_state(current_state, update_way)
when (valid) { state.write(set, next_state) }
def way = plru_way
class SetAssocLRU(n_sets: Int, n_ways: Int, policy: String) extends SetAssocReplacementPolicy {
val logic = policy.toLowerCase match {
case "plru" => new PseudoLRU(n_ways)
case "lru" => new TrueLRU(n_ways)
case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"unknown Replacement Policy type $t")
val state_vec = Reg(Vec(n_sets, UInt(logic.nBits.W)))
def access(set: UInt, touch_way: UInt) = {
state_vec(set) := logic.get_next_state(state_vec(set), touch_way)
def access(sets: Seq[UInt], touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]) = {
require(sets.size == touch_ways.size, "internal consistency check: should be same number of simultaneous updates for sets and touch_ways")
for (set <- 0 until n_sets) {
val set_touch_ways = (sets zip touch_ways).map { case (touch_set, touch_way) =>
Pipe(touch_way.valid && (touch_set === set.U), touch_way.bits, 0)}
when (set_touch_ways.map(_.valid).orR) {
state_vec(set) := logic.get_next_state(state_vec(set), set_touch_ways)
def way(set: UInt) = logic.get_replace_way(state_vec(set))
class SetAssocRandom(n_sets : Int, n_ways: Int) extends SetAssocReplacementPolicy {
val random = new RandomReplacement(n_ways)
......@@ -359,60 +54,4 @@ class SetAssocRandom(n_sets : Int, n_ways: Int) extends SetAssocReplacementPolic
def access(set: UInt, touch_way: UInt) = random.access(touch_way)
def access(sets: Seq[UInt], touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]) = random.access(touch_ways)
class SbufferLRU(n_ways: Int) {
def nBits = n_ways * n_ways
private val state_reg = RegInit(0.U(nBits.W))
def state_read = WireDefault(state_reg)
// set the row touched with 1, column with 0
def get_next_state(state: UInt, touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]): UInt = {
val nextState = Wire(Vec(n_ways, UInt(n_ways.W)))
val moreRecentVec = state.asTypeOf(Vec(n_ways, UInt(n_ways.W)))
val wayDecs = touch_ways.map( w => Mux(w.valid, UIntToOH(w.bits, n_ways), 0.U) )
val wayDec = ParallelOR(wayDecs)
val wayUpd = (~wayDec).asUInt()
nextState.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (e, i) =>
e := Mux(wayDec(i), wayUpd, moreRecentVec(i) & wayUpd )
// update the stateRect
def access(touch_ways: Seq[Valid[UInt]]) {
when (ParallelOR(touch_ways.map(_.valid))) {
state_reg := get_next_state(state_reg, touch_ways)
// get the index of the smallest value from a set of numbers
def get_min_value(xs: Seq[(UInt,UInt)]): (UInt,UInt)= {
xs match {
case Seq(a) => a
case Seq(a, b) => (Mux(a._1<b._1,a._1,b._1),Mux(a._1<b._1,a._2,b._2))
case _ =>
get_min_value(Seq(get_min_value(xs take xs.size/2), get_min_value(xs drop xs.size/2)))
// get the way which is valid and has the least 1
def get_replace_way(state: UInt, sbufferState:Seq[Bool]): UInt = {
val moreRecentVec = state.asTypeOf(Vec(n_ways, UInt(n_ways.W)))
val count = Wire(Vec(n_ways, UInt(log2Up(n_ways+1).W)))
for(i <- 0 until n_ways){
count(i) := Mux(sbufferState(i), PopCount(moreRecentVec(i)), n_ways.U)
//XSDebug("count %d\n",count(i))(" ")
count.zip((0 until n_ways).map(_.U))
get_min_value(count.zip((0 until n_ways).map(_.U)))._2
def way(sbufferState:Seq[Bool]) = get_replace_way(state_reg, sbufferState)
def hit = {}
def flush() = { state_reg := 0.U(nBits.W) }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import xiangshan._
import utils._
import xiangshan.cache._
import difftest._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class SbufferFlushBundle extends Bundle {
val valid = Output(Bool())
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