提交 6f2bcb99 编写于 作者: Y Yinan Xu

dispatch queue: support !isPower2(size)

上级 968988f0
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ case class XSCoreParameters
RoqSize: Int = 32,
dpParams: DispatchParameters = DispatchParameters(
DqEnqWidth = 4,
IntDqSize = 64,
FpDqSize = 64,
LsDqSize = 64,
IntDqSize = 12,
FpDqSize = 12,
LsDqSize = 12,
IntDqDeqWidth = 4,
FpDqDeqWidth = 4,
LsDqDeqWidth = 4,
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package xiangshan.backend.dispatch
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import utils.{XSDebug, XSError, XSInfo}
import utils._
import xiangshan.backend.decode.SrcType
import xiangshan.{MicroOp, Redirect, ReplayPregReq, RoqCommit, XSBundle, XSModule}
......@@ -21,57 +21,41 @@ class DispatchQueueIO(enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) extends XSBund
// dispatch queue: accepts at most enqnum uops from dispatch1 and dispatches deqnum uops at every clock cycle
class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) extends XSModule {
class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) extends XSModule with HasCircularQueuePtrHelper {
val io = IO(new DispatchQueueIO(enqnum, deqnum, replayWidth))
val indexWidth = log2Ceil(size)
val s_invalid :: s_valid :: s_dispatched :: Nil = Enum(3)
// queue data array
val uopEntries = Mem(size, new MicroOp)//Reg(Vec(size, new MicroOp))
val uopEntries = Mem(size, new MicroOp)
val stateEntries = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(size)(s_invalid)))
// head: first valid entry (dispatched entry)
val headPtr = RegInit(0.U((indexWidth + 1).W))
val headIndex = headPtr(indexWidth - 1, 0)
val headDirection = headPtr(indexWidth)
val headPtr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)))
// dispatch: first entry that has not been dispatched
val dispatchPtr = RegInit(0.U((indexWidth + 1).W))
val dispatchIndex = dispatchPtr(indexWidth - 1, 0)
val dispatchDirection = dispatchPtr(indexWidth)
val dispatchPtr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)))
// tail: first invalid entry (free entry)
val tailPtr = RegInit(0.U((indexWidth + 1).W))
val tailIndex = tailPtr(indexWidth - 1, 0)
val tailDirection = tailPtr(indexWidth)
val tailPtr = RegInit(0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)))
// TODO: make ptr a vector to reduce latency?
// commit: starting from head ptr
val commitPtr = (0 until CommitWidth).map(i => headPtr + i.U)
val commitIndex = commitPtr.map(ptr => ptr(indexWidth - 1, 0))
val commitIndex = (0 until CommitWidth).map(i => headPtr + i.U).map(_.value)
// deq: starting from dispatch ptr
val deqPtr = (0 until enqnum).map(i => dispatchPtr + i.U)
val deqIndex = deqPtr.map(ptr => ptr(indexWidth - 1, 0))
val deqIndex = (0 until deqnum).map(i => dispatchPtr + i.U).map(_.value)
// enq: starting from tail ptr
val enqPtr = (0 until enqnum).map(i => tailPtr + i.U)
val enqIndex = enqPtr.map(ptr => ptr(indexWidth - 1, 0))
val enqIndex = (0 until enqnum).map(i => tailPtr + i.U).map(_.value)
def distanceBetween(left: UInt, right: UInt) = {
Mux(left(indexWidth) === right(indexWidth),
left(indexWidth - 1, 0) - right(indexWidth - 1, 0),
size.U + left(indexWidth - 1, 0) - right(indexWidth - 1, 0))
val validEntries = distanceBetween(tailPtr, headPtr)
val dispatchEntries = distanceBetween(tailPtr, dispatchPtr)
val commitEntries = validEntries - dispatchEntries
val emptyEntries = size.U - validEntries
val isFull = tailDirection =/= headDirection && tailIndex === headIndex
val isFullDispatch = dispatchDirection =/= headDirection && dispatchIndex === headIndex
def rangeMask(start: UInt, end: UInt): UInt = {
val startMask = (1.U((size + 1).W) << start(indexWidth - 1, 0)).asUInt - 1.U
val endMask = (1.U((size + 1).W) << end(indexWidth - 1, 0)).asUInt - 1.U
def rangeMask(start: CircularQueuePtr, end: CircularQueuePtr): UInt = {
val startMask = (1.U((size + 1).W) << start.value).asUInt - 1.U
val endMask = (1.U((size + 1).W) << end.value).asUInt - 1.U
val xorMask = startMask(size - 1, 0) ^ endMask(size - 1, 0)
Mux(start(indexWidth) === end(indexWidth), xorMask, ~xorMask)
Mux(start.flag === end.flag, xorMask, ~xorMask)
val dispatchedMask = rangeMask(headPtr, dispatchPtr)
......@@ -185,25 +169,25 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
// if all bits are one, we need to keep the index unchanged
// 00000000, 11111111: unchanged
// otherwise: firstMaskPosition
val cancelPosition = Mux(!Cat(needCancel).orR || allCancel, tailIndex, getFirstMaskPosition(needCancel))
val replayPosition = Mux(!someReplay || allReplay, dispatchIndex, getFirstMaskPosition(maskedNeedReplay.asBools))
val cancelPosition = Mux(!Cat(needCancel).orR || allCancel, tailPtr.value, getFirstMaskPosition(needCancel))
val replayPosition = Mux(!someReplay || allReplay, dispatchPtr.value, getFirstMaskPosition(maskedNeedReplay.asBools))
XSDebug(replayValid, p"getFirstMaskPosition: ${getFirstMaskPosition(maskedNeedReplay.asBools)}\n")
assert(cancelPosition.getWidth == indexWidth)
assert(replayPosition.getWidth == indexWidth)
// If the highest bit is one, the direction flips.
// Otherwise, the direction keeps the same.
val tailCancelPtrDirection = Mux(needCancel(size - 1), ~tailDirection, tailDirection)
val tailCancelPtrIndex = Mux(needCancel(size - 1) && !allCancel, ~cancelPosition + 1.U, cancelPosition)
val tailCancelPtr = Cat(tailCancelPtrDirection, tailCancelPtrIndex)
val tailCancelPtr = Wire(new CircularQueuePtr(size))
tailCancelPtr.flag := Mux(needCancel(size - 1), ~tailPtr.flag, tailPtr.flag)
tailCancelPtr.value := Mux(needCancel(size - 1) && !allCancel, size.U - cancelPosition, cancelPosition)
// In case of branch mis-prediction:
// If mis-prediction happens after dispatchPtr, the pointer keeps the same as before.
// If dispatchPtr needs to be cancelled, reset dispatchPtr to tailPtr.
val dispatchCancelPtr = Mux(needCancel(dispatchIndex) || dispatchEntries === 0.U, tailCancelPtr, dispatchPtr)
val dispatchCancelPtr = Mux(needCancel(dispatchPtr.value) || dispatchEntries === 0.U, tailCancelPtr, dispatchPtr)
// In case of replay, we need to walk back and recover preg states in the busy table.
// We keep track of the number of entries needed to be walked instead of target position to reduce overhead
// for 11111111, replayPosition is unuseful. We naively set Cnt to size.U
val dispatchReplayCnt = Mux(allReplay, size.U, Mux(maskedNeedReplay(size - 1), dispatchIndex + replayPosition, dispatchIndex - replayPosition))
val dispatchReplayCntReg = RegInit(0.U((indexWidth + 1).W))
val dispatchReplayCnt = Mux(allReplay, size.U, Mux(maskedNeedReplay(size - 1), dispatchPtr.value + replayPosition, dispatchPtr.value - replayPosition))
val dispatchReplayCntReg = RegInit(0.U)
// actually, if deqIndex points to head uops and they are replayed, there's no need for extraWalk
// however, to simplify logic, we simply let it do extra walk now
val needExtraReplayWalk = Cat((0 until deqnum).map(i => needReplay(deqIndex(i)))).orR
......@@ -212,7 +196,7 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
val dispatchReplayStep = Mux(needExtraReplayWalkReg, 0.U, Mux(dispatchReplayCntReg > replayWidth.U, replayWidth.U, dispatchReplayCntReg))
when (exceptionValid) {
dispatchReplayCntReg := 0.U
}.elsewhen (inReplayWalk && mispredictionValid && needCancel(dispatchIndex - 1.U)) {
}.elsewhen (inReplayWalk && mispredictionValid && needCancel(dispatchPtr.value - 1.U)) {
val distance = distanceBetween(dispatchPtr, tailCancelPtr)
dispatchReplayCntReg := Mux(dispatchReplayCntReg > distance, dispatchReplayCntReg - distance, 0.U)
}.elsewhen (replayValid && someReplay) {
......@@ -222,7 +206,7 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
io.inReplayWalk := inReplayWalk
val replayIndex = (0 until replayWidth).map(i => (dispatchPtr - (i + 1).U)(indexWidth - 1, 0))
val replayIndex = (0 until replayWidth).map(i => (dispatchPtr - (i + 1).U).value)
for (i <- 0 until replayWidth) {
val index = Mux(needExtraReplayWalkReg, (if (i < deqnum) deqIndex(i) else 0.U), replayIndex(i))
val shouldResetDest = inReplayWalk && stateEntries(index) === s_valid
......@@ -247,7 +231,7 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
val numEnq = PriorityEncoder(io.enq.map(!_.fire()) :+ true.B)
XSError(numEnq =/= 0.U && (mispredictionValid || exceptionValid), "should not enqueue when redirect\n")
tailPtr := Mux(exceptionValid,
0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)),
tailPtr + numEnq)
......@@ -263,13 +247,13 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
} :+ true.B)
val numDeq = Mux(numDeqTry > numDeqFire, numDeqFire, numDeqTry)
dispatchPtr := Mux(exceptionValid,
Mux(mispredictionValid && (!inReplayWalk || needCancel(dispatchIndex - 1.U)),
0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)),
Mux(mispredictionValid && (!inReplayWalk || needCancel(dispatchPtr.value - 1.U)),
Mux(inReplayWalk, dispatchPtr - dispatchReplayStep, dispatchPtr + numDeq))
headPtr := Mux(exceptionValid, 0.U, headPtr + numCommit)
headPtr := Mux(exceptionValid, 0.U.asTypeOf(new CircularQueuePtr(size)), headPtr + numCommit)
* Part 4: set output and input
......@@ -287,14 +271,6 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
// debug: dump dispatch queue states
def greaterOrEqualThan(left: UInt, right: UInt) = {
left(indexWidth) === right(indexWidth),
left(indexWidth - 1, 0) >= right(indexWidth - 1, 0),
left(indexWidth - 1, 0) <= right(indexWidth - 1, 0)
XSDebug(p"head: $headPtr, tail: $tailPtr, dispatch: $dispatchPtr, " +
p"replayCnt: $dispatchReplayCntReg, needExtraReplayWalkReg: $needExtraReplayWalkReg\n")
XSDebug(p"state: ")
......@@ -306,14 +282,14 @@ class DispatchQueue(size: Int, enqnum: Int, deqnum: Int, replayWidth: Int) exten
XSDebug(false, true.B, "\n")
XSDebug(p"ptr: ")
(0 until size).reverse.foreach { i =>
val isPtr = i.U === headIndex || i.U === tailIndex || i.U === dispatchIndex
val isPtr = i.U === headPtr.value || i.U === tailPtr.value || i.U === dispatchPtr.value
XSDebug(false, isPtr, "^")
XSDebug(false, !isPtr, " ")
XSDebug(false, true.B, "\n")
XSError(!greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr, headPtr), p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr: $tailPtr, headPtr: $headPtr) failed\n")
XSError(!greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr, dispatchPtr) && !inReplayWalk, p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr: $tailPtr, dispatchPtr: $dispatchPtr) failed\n")
XSError(!greaterOrEqualThan(dispatchPtr, headPtr), p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(dispatchPtr: $dispatchPtr, headPtr: $headPtr) failed\n")
XSError(isAfter(headPtr, tailPtr), p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr: $tailPtr, headPtr: $headPtr) failed\n")
XSError(isAfter(dispatchPtr, tailPtr) && !inReplayWalk, p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(tailPtr: $tailPtr, dispatchPtr: $dispatchPtr) failed\n")
XSError(isAfter(headPtr, dispatchPtr), p"assert greaterOrEqualThan(dispatchPtr: $dispatchPtr, headPtr: $headPtr) failed\n")
XSError(validEntries < dispatchEntries && !inReplayWalk, "validEntries should be less than dispatchEntries\n")
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