提交 6aa15f4b 编写于 作者: Y YikeZhou

Sbuffer.scala:pass cputests

上级 9cbb5ba2
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ class Lsroq extends XSModule {
val lsroqViolationVec = VecInit((0 until LsroqSize).map(j => {
val addrMatch = allocated(j) &&
io.storeIn(i).bits.paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3) === data(j).paddr(PAddrBits - 1, 3)
val entryNeedCheck = toEnqPtrMask(j) && addrMatch && !store(j) && valid(j)
val entryNeedCheck = toEnqPtrMask(j) && addrMatch && !store(j) && (valid(j) || listening(j))
// TODO: update refilled data
val violationVec = (0 until 8).map(k => data(j).mask(k) && io.storeIn(i).bits.mask(k))
Cat(violationVec).orR() && entryNeedCheck
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class Memend extends XSModule {
// val mshq = Module(new MSHQ)
val dtlb = Module(new Dtlb)
val lsroq = Module(new Lsroq)
val sbuffer = Module(new FakeSbuffer)
val sbuffer = Module(new Sbuffer)
dtlb.io := DontCare
......@@ -90,11 +90,15 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
// 0. compare with former requests
for (formerIdx <- 0 until storeIdx) {
// i: former request
when (getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) === updateInfo(formerIdx).newTag &&
(updateInfo(formerIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(formerIdx).isInserted) && io.in(storeIdx).valid) {
when ((getTag(io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr) === updateInfo(formerIdx).newTag) &&
(updateInfo(formerIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(formerIdx).isInserted) && io.in(storeIdx).valid && io.in(formerIdx).valid) {
updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward := true.B
updateInfo(formerIdx).isIgnored := true.B
updateInfo(storeIdx).idx := updateInfo(formerIdx).idx
XSDebug("req#%d writes same line with req#%d\n", storeIdx.U, formerIdx.U)
updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted := updateInfo(formerIdx).isInserted
updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated := updateInfo(formerIdx).isUpdated
updateInfo(storeIdx).newTag := updateInfo(formerIdx).newTag
......@@ -188,18 +192,21 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
XSInfo(updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated && updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted, "Error: one line is both updated and inserted!\n")
io.in(storeIdx).ready := updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted || updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward
if (storeIdx > 0)
io.in(storeIdx).ready := io.in(storeIdx - 1).ready && (updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted)
io.in(storeIdx).ready := updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isInserted
when(updateInfo(storeIdx).isIgnored) {
XSInfo("Ignore line#%d\n", storeIdx.U)
XSInfo("Ignore req#%d with paddr %x, mask %x, data %x\n", storeIdx.U, io.in(storeIdx).bits.addr, io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data)
// Update or Forward
// Update
// ----------------------------------------
} .elsewhen(updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated || updateInfo(storeIdx).isForward) {
} .elsewhen(updateInfo(storeIdx).isUpdated) {
// clear lruCnt
// cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).lruCnt := 0.U
......@@ -213,7 +220,7 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
int := updateInfo(storeIdx).newMask(i)
XSInfo("Update line#%d with tag %x, mask: %x, data: %x\n", updateInfo(storeIdx).idx, cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).tag,
XSInfo("Update line#%d with tag %x, mask %x, data %x\n", updateInfo(storeIdx).idx, cache(updateInfo(storeIdx).idx).tag,
io.in(storeIdx).bits.mask, io.in(storeIdx).bits.data)
......@@ -273,6 +280,8 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
when (!busy(oldestLineIdx, StorePipelineWidth)) {
io.dcache.req.bits.data := cache(oldestLineIdx).data.asUInt()
io.dcache.req.bits.mask := cache(oldestLineIdx).mask.asUInt()
XSDebug("[WaitForWB] idx: %d, addr: %x, mask: %x, data: %x\n", oldestLineIdx, io.dcache.req.bits.addr, waitingCacheLine.mask.asUInt(), waitingCacheLine.data.asUInt())
for (i <- 0 until StorePipelineWidth) {
......@@ -296,7 +305,7 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
when(io.dcache.resp.fire()) {
waitingCacheLine.valid := false.B
XSInfo("recv resp from dcache. wb tag %x\n", waitingCacheLine.tag)
XSInfo("recv resp from dcache. wb tag %x mask %x data %x\n", waitingCacheLine.tag, waitingCacheLine.mask.asUInt(), waitingCacheLine.data.asUInt())
......@@ -306,26 +315,43 @@ class Sbuffer extends XSModule with HasSBufferConst {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask := VecInit(List.fill(instMaskWidth)(false.B))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData := DontCare
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === waitingCacheLine.tag) {
(0 until XLEN / 8).map(i => {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := waitingCacheLine.data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := waitingCacheLine.mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === waitingCacheLine.tag && waitingCacheLine.valid) {
(0 until XLEN / 8).foreach(i => {
when (waitingCacheLine.mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr)) && io.forward(loadIdx).mask(i)) {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := waitingCacheLine.data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := true.B
} .otherwise {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := 0.U
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := false.B
} .otherwise {
(0 until StoreBufferSize).foreach(sBufIdx => {
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === cache(sBufIdx).tag) {
when(getTag(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr) === cache(sBufIdx).tag && cache(sBufIdx).valid) {
// send data with mask in this line
// this mask is not 'mask for cache line' and we need to check low bits of paddr
// to get certain part of one line
// P.S. data in io.in will be manipulated by lsroq
(0 until XLEN / 8).map(i => {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := cache(sBufIdx).data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := cache(sBufIdx).mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
(0 until XLEN / 8).foreach(i => {
when (cache(sBufIdx).mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr)) && io.forward(loadIdx).mask(i)) {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := cache(sBufIdx).data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := true.B
} .otherwise {
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := 0.U
io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := false.B
// io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData(i) := cache(sBufIdx).data(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
// io.forward(loadIdx).forwardMask(i) := cache(sBufIdx).mask(i.U + getByteOffset(io.forward(loadIdx).paddr))
XSDebug("[Forwarding] tag: %x data: %x mask: %x\n", io.forward(loadIdx).paddr, io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData.asUInt(),
when (io.forward(loadIdx).valid) {
XSDebug("[ForwardReq] paddr: %x mask: %x pc: %x\n", io.forward(loadIdx).paddr, io.forward(loadIdx).mask, io.forward(loadIdx).pc)
XSDebug("[Forwarding] forward-data: %x forward-mask: %x\n", io.forward(loadIdx).forwardData.asUInt(),
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